Reports Heard At 1st Meeting THE Two Youngsters Given Remembrance Party EAGLE, VERNONIA, Mother Improves New Occupants A double birthday party was From Illness held for Fawnda and Skipper Goodman at the home of their NATAL. — Mr. and Mrs. Law Move to Homes grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex [ ton Waddell motor’d to Vancou The first meeting after vaca tion for Nehalem Chapter No. 153, O.E.S., occurred Wednesday even ing- Reports of Grand Chapter were -iven. Nehalem Chapter was well .eprtsented by Emil and Florence Messing. Patron and Matron, act- .ng as teller and assistant Grand Wardor and participating .in the Matron’s and Patron’s drill. Janet 3ndgers was a delegate. Alvilda Hearing and Lucille Tomlin as sisted at the doors and Mona Gor don was install :d as Grand Warder for the next year. Frances Hershey attended as a Grand committee member. A large croup of Nehalem members at tended installation ceremonies. Members of the Chapter having birthdays in July, August and September were honored. The group was asked to can an extra few jars of fruits or vege tables to be taken later to the Normand. Friday. They received Masonic home. Initiatory degree will be given many gifts. Refreshments of birth- at the next meeting. A rummage J day cake, jello, koolaid and sale by the Social club was an coffee were served. Children at nounced for September 25 and 26. tending were: Denny and Mike The refreshments committee Hunt, John, Dal.’, Paula and Don served birthday cake and coffee. na Goodman. Sue Beck, Robbie Their tables were decorated with Lee Dutton. Greg Laird. Les and beautiful gladiolas from the Lew Andrea Bell and Bonnie Normand Choate garden. and the two honor guests. Mothers attending were Mrs. Dewey Hunt. Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, Mrs. Goodman Guest of Mrs. Gene Goodman, Mrs. Bessie Honor at Shower Fulton, Mrs. Harold Boil, Mrs. Mrs. Bill Horn was hostess for John Normand. a baby shower August 28 honoring Mrs. Gene Goodman. Games were play -d and refreshments served to: Elsie Sherman. Grave? Bundy Ellen Frank, Mrs. Frank Lentz, Mrs. Orvel Edwards, Mrs. Rich FOR ATHLETES FOOT ard Burns. Mrs. Mary Skinner Use T-4-L for 3 to 5 days. It ac and the honored guest. tually peels off the outer skin, ex Unable to attend were: Mrs. poses buried fungi and KILLS ON George Robbins, Mrs. Loti Ro Members and friend.- of th? CONTACT. If not pleased with berts, Mrs. Pearle Adams, Mrs. ■.r.stant-drying T-4-L, your 40c Arnold Rufli and Mrs. Bessie Ful Nazarcne Sunday school met at •ack at any drug store. Today at ton. Many gifts were received the parsonage to help their Sun NANCES day school superintendent and for the new arrival. Donna Rae. his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM Lais, cel brate their 25th wed ding anniversary. It came as a real surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Lais since they have lived in Ver- nonia such a short tim they thought nobody knew about it. They werre presented with a silver offering and other nice gifts. Mrs. Lillian Helvie cut the anniversary cake. Miss Barbara Owens poured coffee and Mrs. Jim Lais s rved the punch. x With a short program and a game th? ■•vening proved to be i an interesting time. I Words of apreciation was given | by the pastor. Rev. H. L. Russel!, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lais for their fin spirit of cooperation 3nd usefulness th ’y hav? shown dur ing the summer. They are re turning to Nampa. Idaho this week MARKET AND GROCERY j to finish their senior year at For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 I North ast Nazarcn ■ col! ’ge. 25th Wedding Date Noted Featuring... Hudson House Peas NEHALEM The Frîrndlv More where Quality Costs No More Historical Group to Hear Rainier History Family Rejoices At Son's Release TREHARNE — There was gr”at rejoicing late Friday night at the Turner Daniel home wh’ n the announcement came over the ra dio that their son. Sgt. 1 /<■ Orville Daniel, was releas d with the group of prisoners Friday. Sgt. Daniel has been a prisoner of war since captured in December 1. 195a Mr. and Mrs. Dani 1 were notified bv the war dcpartm.'nt. They r-ceived a telegram Mondav morning from h:m. At last word he is <m the boat on his way home. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. W: r eke, Nancy. Alice and Patsy, of Eu- gene were we ’k end visitors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Port rfi Id called on grandma Rogers Satur- day aft -moon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepard an 1 granddaughter, Elaine Schmidln, and Mary Hartman of Buxb n. visited their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke, Saturda ev, ning. The Columbia County Historical Society will m -et on Tuesday, Sept .’mb r 22. in the Fern Hill i grange hail near Rainier. There ' Reception September 27 will be a pot-luck dinner at noon, followed by the l ’gular business To Mark Anniversary meeting and program. Early Mr. and Mrs J. H Stubbs ar" settlement of this area will oc told and an intere ting program celebrating their golden wedding ann versary September 27. A r.’- is promised. c ption will be held at the Q i- ti< n church from 2 Io 4 p m. and Th? Oberammergau Passion Play all friends and acquaintan s are is produced ev ry ten years. in\ ted to attend. Virgin Wool «port shirt field ... the soft, soft ... the all wool wool in the Not the flashy type, but Lodge Slates First Meeting for Fall The Knights of Pythias hxig ■ will meet Monday night at th Odd Fellows hall at 8:00 p.m. i the first meeting this fall. Creatne • chicken will be served alter th meeting.. Guest Caller Engaged By Nehalem Squares Leonard Williamson of Seasid will be guest caller for the Ne halem Valley Squares on Frida evening, September 11 Every one is invited to attend. ’Many women discover that it ,s just as hard to find a husban 1 after marriage as before." . ' j Long Distance Service Also Moves 1 Faster When You CALL BY NUMBER ! I ! i Truckers travel faster when they know the right highways. And your long distance calls go through faster when you call by number. This faster service is possible because most telephone companies can now use the inter-connected coast-to-coast dialing system. So for better service, call by number. t ■ I • niiwu: ( win You're “sitting pretty* behind the wheel You get greater getaway with the new Powerglide* Take this Bel Air model. First thing you'll notice is the qual ity of the interior. Rich-looking appointments. Roomy seats with foam rubber cushions. Turn the key to start the en gine and you're ready to go. A lot finer performance on a lot less gas. That's what you get with the new Powerglide automatic transmission. There's no more advanced automatic transmission at any price. You get more power on less gas You look out and down through a wide, curved, one- piece windshield. The pano ramic rear window and big side windows provide a clear view in all directions. I figure this demonstration saved me many hundreds of dollars! And it's the lowest-priced line* A demonstration will shovTyou that Chevrolet offers just about everything you could want. Yet it's the lowest-priced line tn the low-price field. ROAMER TREHARNE — Mr and Mr Marion Stevens anj Sylvia visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wraver ar family Sunday. Joe Miller drove to Mosier b way of Portland, where he stop ped at the Good Samaritan ho- pital to visit his brother-in-law Charles White, who has be t> there for several weeks. At Mo sier Mr Miller visited Mr. an • Mrs. Mick McClue, returnin. home Sunday bringing Mrs. Mille home with him. Mrs. Miller ha. been visiting h“r motner, Mr McClurre, for the past few we. k I You can see all arouna Pace setter in the THURSDAY. SEPT 10. 195 1 Relatives Seen in Portland Hospital ver. Washington last Friday after RIVERVIEW — Families mov noon where they visit’d Mrs. Waddell's mother. Mrs. Mfckev ing to Riverview the past week who is a patient in a nursing wer : Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dowell home. Mrs. Mickey is slowly im and four children coming from proving from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson re Portland and occupying the Sea- ceived word from their son, Ver mann hous’ on Third St.; Mr. and non. that ho arrived safely in Germany where he will be sta Mrs. W. E. DeFord and four children moving into the Davis tioned. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanen house on Fourth street from Wald of Seattle were week end guests port; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter at the Ike Dass home. Edna Brooks of Hillsboro was and four children moving into a week end visitor at the Devine | the Chas. Ratki ? house and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Balcom and four I horn ?. Mr. and Mrs. Lumm of Port children coming from Milwaukie land and Mrs. A. Childs of Ver and moving into th • Raines house nonia were Sunday callers at the on Seventh St. Hershey horn ■. Mrs. Jim Bond of W -ott, Cali Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack and children were Mondav dinner . fornia is visiting her many friends gu sts at the Reed Holdings. here for a few days. Guests over the L.abor Day week Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franklin, end at the W. P. Wolff home were Mr. and M rs. Max Glienke and two sons, and Mrs. I.. H. Sabin ■ children. Mr. and Mrs. Robert of Raymond. Washington sp nt Turner. Mr. an<j Mrs. Wm. K“im the long week end at the home of and son of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. All’ll. Marvin Turner and son of Pendle Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mills of ton; Mrs Lenora Frick and son. Bill, of Hood River and Mr. and Portland visited at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Stuve of Birkenfeld. Mrs. Alice Mills Sunday. All families had return d to th-ir [ homes by Monday evening. Great resources of ornamental j tones such as granitiec rocks and ' crystalline limestones are to be I found in the Belgian Congo. | j • Olives — String Beans — Com WS IVIEIN <IOHS — IC1TVIE4N rIOHS — ICI IV ICO.’ HOUS ORE. That’s because Chevrolet's two great valve-in-head engines are high-comprfsiion engines. In Powerglide* models, you get the most powerful engine in Chevrolet’s field — the new 115-h.p. "Blue name.” Gear- shift models offer the advanced 108-h p " I hrift-King" engine. I expected to pay that much more for a new car until I discovered t I was better off in every way with this new Chevrolet I only $11 .95 a great attraction for its “luted ombre plaid, the iNo wool in the world has Roamer that treasure-touch ation wherever it's worn. ness of Iridescent buttons high virgin wool of the Way inspires admir the Australian light a tailoring achieve farer. Its luxury is com ment that feature the new plemented • pread collar and 2-button muted styling . . . ombre- adjustable cuffs. Toast with quiet, Wool, but-not-sombre patterns, genuine Ocean Pearl but it come« in new autumn tones. Sites, small, med- tons ... all topped by a coUar that flatters you warm 100% All vm, large and extra large. open or dosed. In the sea sons *8.95 Sires, Let us demonstrate all the advantages of buying a Chevrolet now! soft smartest colors — small, medium, large and extra large. Biggest brakes for smoother, easier stops An easy nudge on the pedal brings smooth, positive response -right now! Chevrolet's im- brakes are the largest Ipw pnee field. ^CHEVROLET > MOtf PtOPU BUY CHIVBOttTS TNAN ANY OfWt CAI I bsttsr roadability V. You're in for~s pleasant sur prise at the smooth, steady, big-car ride of this new Chev rolet. One reason is that, model for model, Chevrolet will weigh up to 200 pounds more than the other low-priced cars. *Combimtitn of Fotrertltde mao- mttic tramuMH and UHy Blue-Flamt" engine optional an "Too-Ten" and Bei Ale modelt tt extra enl. VERNONIA AÜIß COMPANY Your Chevrolet and G.M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon Standard Oil Products Phone 342 “A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE”