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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1953)
I THURSDAY, SEIH' 3, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. FOR SALE OR RENT I Death Claims Fishhawk Man Brother Due Home on Furlough from Kansas Mrs. Ina Marshall and Miss NATAL — Lester Pugh left | 4-ROOM plastered house. Very Wednesday morning for Kansas ; Fairbanks called oa Mrs. R. S where he will meet his brother, j n?at. Excell; nt location near Lindsay Thursday. schools and churches. One block Gene, who is coming home on 1 Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack and BIRKENFELD — Carl Ander from grocery store. Larg? gar- furlough. family were in Longview Wed age building with utility room. I son passed away last Wednesday. nesday. Extra bedroom, lots of fruit cup- He had lived orl th9 Fishhawk Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Zillman FOR SALE — Cars, Trucks boards, large room for wood or FOR SALE—General road out of Birkenfeld with his and children called at the Kyser storage, With some furniture if Save 20 PER CENT discount! two brothers for 46 years. Born home Sunday. STEWING HENS for sale. 25c lb I desired. Very reasonable. Call Mrs. Eddi? Olstedi called at the ,ive weight. Weigh from 5 to 6 $630 on 1953 D< dge Diplomat. at 175 North St 36t3 in Sweden in 1876, he came to < unds. Charles Schmidlin, 6‘i Consider 1949 car in trade. Rose I the Uni'-d Stat s in 1902. Sur NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Max Pringle home Tuesday. 36t3 Miss Amy Kyser returned from les south of Vernonia on Port way Apt. 4, phone 1476. FOR RENT vivors include: three brothers, Oblack and family attended a McMinnville Friday after spend land highway. 36tl THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL THREE-BEDROOM house com- Gustaf and Axel of Birkenfeld reception at Marshland Sunday ing a week there. Her sister, Sedan. plet ly furnished. MALL drag saw and two-wheel I 1953 I WILLYS 4 Door Phone 5710. and Oscar of Coeur d'Alene, given for Mr. and Mrs Roy Pierce, Eth 1, accompanied her for the •.ailer. For rent: large garage. I 36tlc Idaho; two sisters, Anna Gustaf NOW ... at a price that week end. son of Wister, Wisconsin and newlyweds. all Don Helm at Pittsburg Guard means business . . . Wo have APARTMENT for rent. Three Elizabith P arson of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine mo station. - 36t3 been asking $1935 fcr this rooms and bath. Electric lange, Funeral services were Saturday tored to Knappa-Svtnson Sunday f -AY AND STRAW, grain and car with mih-ago so low the oil heat and Frigidaire. Riverview in the Birkenfeld gym with in and called on relatives. ft d grain. Fair prices as to Apartments. 36tfc terment in the Fishhawk ceme spare has never been used. Mr. and Mrs. D?eVere Her quality and Quantity. Will con- : THIS WEEK ONLY we will I SMALL, clean, unfurnished house tery. shey and family attended a fa ‘ ider beef or milk cattle in trade, : Aiken Johnson, daughter of I mily reunion in Portland Sunday. sell at $1870. Car has a for two. Se - Mrs. R. D. Eby r.imer Bi-rgerson, Timber Kt., Ver Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson, is : Mr. and Mrs. B. Davis were : 34tfc radio, heater. overdrive, ¡ nonia, Oregon. 36tfc being transferred to San Francis Monday evening dinner guests at 1 windshield washer and only i co. She will leave some time LOST AND FOUND I the Buck Garman home. • EED WHEAT $3.50 per hun- 2600 miles. around the first of September. Ella May Kvser left Monday d. Come and get it. K n West. LOST Pair of glasses in case. Re Mr. and Mrs. Brick Lambert of 1951 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. for Coos Bay where she will at- , : » 3611 ward for return. Leave at Eagle Cawker City sp nt th? week end I Light gre n. New seat co tend Marshfield high school this ♦ office. 36tl with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson. HEMSTITCHING and buttonhol ■ » vers, radio and air flow term. I They attendrd the square dance rk; organdy and print aprons è heater. It really looks like LOST: Deep red plastic rim glas- I Friday night. and paint d organdy aprons. Tex- new and can be purchased s s. Phone 847. i 36t 1 (Chuck) Lousig- Summer Work on Ranch Pvt. Leonard I trt- painted tea towels and pot for only $448 down nont spent the week end h?r; 1 Ide: .. Other articles that are •1949 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. NOTICE As Helper Completed visiting r Natives and friend... He ■ .<? a gifts for any occasion. See Campus cream paint that is RIVERVIEW — Patty Wells re is stationed at Ft. Lewis and is Mis. Rc-ta Lamping, Sr., at 758 new. Every accessory you PLEASE leave the keys wher• a cook. He said his brother, Sea turned home Sunday after spend the lock was. Will pick them up. This brand new home can buy. Locally i own d 36tl man Lloyd Lousienont who has ing three months working as a was completed yester $358 i down A Friend. and only been quite ill, was much un mother's help r at a ranch home I VERY REASONABLY PRICED: j 1950 FORD 6 2-dr. sedan, Very day . , . half destroyed WANTED » proved and had been moved to at Olex. clean. Light green. Full H. C. Little automatic floor fur- i today. Fire just doesn’t Mr. and Mrs. C. H. P arson and ' price S105C HOUSEKEEPER for family of Arizona. Lloyd can get around with thermostatic control. ' care where it strikes! on crutches now. son of Elma, Washington and Mr. Large size. Also two oil barrels 1947 DODGE 4-dr. sedan. Out- > thre?. Modern conveniences. S75, Mrs. Tom Hopkins is on the and Mrs. A. M. Mead of Manning standing transportation. room and board. Dane Brady. h control valves and pipe, some sick list Sh? was unable to en came to visit at the home of That’s one of the Full price $795 35tfc pper tubing. Inquire 475 South tertain Winenta Grange H.E.C. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley las: 1947 FORD 2-di. i sedan. Full many reasons why ade I rst Ave. 3 " Price $595 CONES WANTED for refor sta- Tuesday so they met with Mrs. week and, being unable to find quate protection should them home, sp nt the day visit L’ VELY used piano, excellent 1916 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. tion in Columbia county, Prices Fred Stmchfie'd. not be “put off until to- per bushel : ing Mrs. Sam Smith at Treharne. ti ne and condition. Terms. A Full price $565 moirow.” Let us help $1.50 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodman 1 ; gain for someon?. Write Day 1951 CHEVROLET L--ton pick- Douglas Fir and children of Prospect brought $5.00 you make sure that you Music Co., 808 S. E. Morrison St., $1295 I Hemlock up $2.50 Glenda Normand home Saturday Portland 14, Oregon. 33t7c 1948 CHEVROLET 'a-ton p'.ck- Cedar have the insurance you after she had spent several weeks $1.50 up with box $745 White Fir need to be safe TODAY. INSULATION AND WEATHER- I visiting them. Mr. Goodman re CHEAPIES — This Week Only Columbia Tree Farm, P. O. Box STRIPP1NG. "Th - mor? comfort, 34t3c turned home Sunday and Mrs. 1937 PLY. 4-dr. s dan $46 247, Vernonia. Oregon. the less cost.” No money down, TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Goodman and children will re VERNONIA AUTO CO. ALDER LOGS WANTED i; ;y payments. E. L. Blake Con Morris Falconbury of Riverview main for several weeks at th. 27 Years in Business in Vernonia struction Co., box 93, Clatskanie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirk- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phone 342 Vernonia Will pay premium pridfe for I egon > ’hong S12. 28t f<- brid > and family Saturday even R-x Normand. 36t 1c really good logs. ing. SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill ’42 DESOTO, fluid drive, guaran Mrs. Byron Kirkbride drove the d • Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. ROYAL JURGENS MILLS teed in 1st class condition. Good mail route for Lee Rogers Thurs 2flt52e The World's First Beaver Springs Road — Rainier Bill J. Horn, Agent I motor, body good inside and out. day. Mrs. Pauline Tisdale and TRULY MODERN Phone 6 8256 Walter Kirkbride helped her. I EMODELING, home improve Try it. $300. Leon Kelly, 701 I’oriable Typewriter 905 Bridge Street 34t3 25tfc Mr. and Mrs. Alton Watson of ments: house leveling, founda- Weed Ave. THE Phone 231 — Vernonia t > ■ . additions. All wink guaran- Gresham w;re Friday evening VERNONIA EAGLE niiuuie-agea nouse- FOR SALE — Real Estate tt d. No money down, easy guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome keeper for elderly invalid at Bir- t< ms. E. L. Blake Construc- HOUSE for sale. Completely mo Whitmire, A|Ua»> ^W.atson has a kenf.’ld. Oregon. Mrs. T. w job in VeriuutUl and he and Mrs. t n Co., box 93 Clatskanie, Ore- dern. I Stove, automatic washer, Ildstad, 1530 Initial Ave., Enum- Watson moved from Gresham to PIlOM 112 28lfe mangle, Can be bought on easy claw. Washington. 3613 Treharne" into the BergstrorrT APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, terms. S?e Louis Violette, 888 house recently vacated by Mrs. 38t3 HOUSE painting, interior decora.- htmstitching. At Vernonia Clean- Second St., Vernonia, Ore. Rosa Weaver, and family. ing, truck lettering. 15-Ycars <:• June Willis, phone 1211. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reynolds HOMES experience. Two years with Stan 23tfc VERY GOOD 7-room modern dard oil co. First class work only. and son of Sweet Home and Mr. i house. Full basement. wired for A. F. McBeth. 618 Rose Ave. 36t4c and Mrs. Chester Reynolds and IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT son of Portland were week end range. One bedroom down. 3 Order your Stout Irrigation Sys up Lots of built-ins. Over- WANTED: Odd Jobs, electric, visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Albert tem today. Free engineering and •*» 35t3 Reynolds and sons. Sunday visi Price plumbing. 1141 Bos? Ave. looks swimming pool. estimates. Proper irrigation will tors were Mr. and Mrs. Frank $5850. easy terms. increase your present product I VERY neat 5-rm. modern house BABY sitting. Children 3 to 6 Eden and daughters of Willa many limes. years. By day or week. Mrs. 'V plus sleeping porch. Wired for Alvie Moses, Stoney Point. SIMPSON S HARDWARE 35t3 mina. They all attended the am range. Price $4500, good terms. bulance fund picnic. Also at the Uptown St. Helens 14tfc HAVE A home and income: very HIGHEST cash prices paid for picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Eura neat duplex across street from cream and eggs at your door— Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Junior AUCTION Every Friday. We grade school; 2 bedrooms on picked up once or twice weekly— Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin haxe a good mark- t for your live each side. Live in one, rent call or write Forest Grove Cream Swanson of Warren, and William 5 stock, furniture, tools, poultry. other; , 75x100 lot, double gar ery. Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone Reynolds and son of Fayetteville. I ■ •" We buy, sell, trade, every week 126. 14tfc Arkansas. age. A very good buy at $6000. day, paying cash for livestock, A Good terms. SEPTIC TANK furrriture, machinery, tools. Alt- GOOD li-rnorn modern hous", 1 PUMPING SERVICE ANYONE INTERESTED IN LEAGUE n ;,n's Auction Mart. Forest Grove. Fish Caught During bedroom down, 3 up. Wired for Crawford Auto Wreckers. Phones: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt Stay in Birkenfeld range. ~ Part basem nt. Price BOWLING PLEASE ATTEND 775 S. Highway, St. Helens. Ore Altman, Auctioneer, selling livc- I $4250, very good terms. BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. 15tfc stock or general farm s^les any- EXCEPTIONALLY neat 4-room Phone 650 Frank Weatherford and friends where. 11 tie plastered home. Extra large of Astoria; Clev? Brown, Nor- LEGAL NOTICE garage, can be remodeled into HOME LAUNDRY Phone 1107. quist and son of Portland were *HZHXHXHXHZHZHXHXHZHXKXHZ apartment. One block from NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Mrs. York. Laundry, fluff dried. visitors at the James Cahills Sun- £ that the undersigned has filed h.r grade school. A very good buy 15c lb. . Shirts, finished extra. 25c. day. They-came to do some fish- H H Firtal Account and Report in the at $5250. Terms. Flat finished, minimum $1.00. ing and caught a very nice catch Z estate of CHARLES RATKIE. de One day service on request on GOOD 2-bedroom home. 2 lots. of fish. ’ H H ceased. in the County Court of Very neat. Price $3000. fluff dried Also curtain stretch- Mrs. A. D Lollev and Mrs. Columbia County, Oregon, and FARMS ing. 9t fc £ Cloice Hall called on Mrs. Ted 6 ACRES, 8-room house, 40x70 the Court has fixed Friday, the Bellingham Monday. H 18th day of September. 1953, at chick house. 14-stanchion barn, FOR SALE—Insurance Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills sp nt Nehalem river borders on 2 the hour of 10 o'clock a m. in the Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H H BELL HUDSON Insurance, tele sides. All kinds of fruit and ber County Court Room in the Coun Cecil Elliott. phone 773. We have a reliable ries. A very good buy at $8.- ty Court House at St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 H H Oregon, as the time and place for 000 Very good terms. and children spent Sunday at months at low rates. Also fire 25 ACRES. 17 cleared. Out 3 mil s th? hearing of objections thereto Z the beach at Seaside. -uranev. Geo Bell, H. Hudson. Y’ear round stream; 7-rm. house. and settlement thereof. i H H 37tfc MINNIE S. RATKIE. Puce $3.100 Good terms. CLASSIFIEDS Family Gathers For Reunion Open House' Work Obtained, Move Made Here VERNONIA INSURANCE Thursday, September 3 - - - 8 P.M. Tuesday, September 8 - - - - 8 P.M. CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks St Notices: 80c. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEKS PAPER THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa tion given relative to such ads. Administratrix PATTERSON. BUSH AND BRADLEY. Attorneys for Administratrix 34t5c 18 ACRES on paved highway; 7 room house, double garage, woodshed and I chick house and barn. Six-year lease on 340 acres goes with place. Price $5800. good terms. DON BAYLEY. BROKER MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia 34tlc 3-ROOM furnished home in River view Call at 408 1st Ave. C R Fowler. 3413 7-ROOM modern house, 4 bed rooms Tabletop elec, water heat /r and elec stove go with place Phone 815. 34t3 FOR SALE - Good two-bedroom house on cement, slate strip shingle roof, attach-d garage, walking distance Long Bell Saw mill. Inquire 1074 Ros - Ave. 3413 Robert Owen organized the first model factory system. I LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hcrebv given that a public hearing will be held be fore W. S. Wcidel. ■'xaminrr, for NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Milk Marketing Administra Notice is hereby given that th ? tion. State of Oregon. at State undersigned has been appointed Office Building in the city of executors of the estate of Augus. Portland. Oregon at the hour of ta Pet rson, deceased, by the 10:00. September 9. 1953. to re county court of the stat? of Ore ceive testimony and evidence re- gon for Columbia county, and lating to the costs of production has qualified. All persons having and distribution of fuid milk, re claims against said estate are sale prices, pooling, regulations, hereby notified to present the allocations of auotas. unfair trade same to me at St Helens, Oregon practices and all other pertinent with vouchers and duly verified matters relating to marketing within six months from the date fluid milk in Zone No. 2. compris hereof I ing Multnomah. Washington. Dated and first publication Aug- I Yamhill. Clackamas, Hood River, ust 20. :ss.i I Columbia and Wasco counties. Date of last publication Sep- DATED at Portland. Oregon, I this tember 17. 1953 day of August, 1953. i W 24th Theodore J. Pet.rson S. WEIDEL, Administrator Edna V Peterson. Executors M'lk Mark-ting Administration John L Foote. St. Helens. Ore 36tlc gon, Attorney 34t5c i H HIGH QUALITY MODERATE PRICES EFFICIENT SERVICE H Every homemaker is looking for these things in a H grocery store. KING’S measures up very well H with these standards. Ask the woman who shops there, she’ll advise you to buy there, too. H H Z H H X H H H H KING’S Grocery - Market Phone 91 Riverview H H H H H H H "Where Your Money Buys More" At the Mile Rridce * M ^XHIHZHIHIHXHZHIHZHXHXHIr