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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1953)
TOPICS OF THE TOWN Laura Mae Saibert. daughter oi and Mrs. Clint Seibert, is now in nurse’s training at Paradise Sanitarium, San Diego, California. By leaving Walla Walla college she can thus cut out one year’s training time to attain her long standing goal to enter South America as a missionary nurse for the S.D.A. church. LANCE and drawing. Legion hall. September 2S. V.F.W. Auxiliary. 35t5c Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire ii'd Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bateman sr>ent the past Sunday on Mt. Hood picking huckleberries. Mrs. Mary Spiering of Hillsboro • rxnt from Friday night to Sun- ■■■" evening with her brother. J . VanderZanden, and faimly. Mrs. Frances Freeman, sister of >.s. VanderZanden, left for her h ' e in Schuyler, Nebraska last f day night. Sunday Mr. and Mrs Joe VanderZanden had as •r .-¡r guests two cousins of Mrs. ’anderZanden from Longview. V.-shington. Mr. and Mrs. Lester •or.g and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence lavpool and four children. F ,L, CLUB dance September 12. .0 O F. hall. Swingsters. 36t2c Miss Marguerite Thomas, who has been employed at the Com- •>f al Bank, left Saturday for i For Grade R Pasteurized ; Dairy Products » Call or Write i PEBBLE ; CREEK DAIRY 4 Telephone 16212 Vernonia, Oregon Timber Rt., Box 56 I New Officers Assume Duties El Segundo. California where she ■ will take employment. Twelve members of the Past RUMMAGE SALE by Nehalem Social club Friday and Saturday, Chiefs club enjoyed a delicious September 25 and 26 in building 1 noon luncheon at the home of across from Bush Furniture. 33t3c ‘ Laureta Lamping September 1. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hunter At th; close of the luncheon, and son. Griff, of Mansfield, secret pals were reveal« d and new Louisiana were here for a short time last week as guests at the ones drawn for th ’ coming year. Edna Heenon acted as installing Ernest East home. Mrs. Hunter is a niece of Mrs. East. Also at officer for the candle-light service the East home last week were which ushered into office presi Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cox of Hep dent, Laureta Lamping; vice- pner. Mrs. Cox is a rtiece of president. Fave Davis and secre j Mrs. East. tary-treasurer, McFarland. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coates of The business session was pre | Washington. D.C. were here Mon- j | day night and Tuesday morning j sided over by th.’ new president I to visit her aunt, Mrs. A. J. i and plans were discussed for the | Hughes. They stopped during a j new year. A prize was given to plane trip vacation tour. Mary Sawyer for turning in the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dickson large t amount from her ’ Rolling left here Saturday on a two- Dollar” project. week vacation trip down the Ore The next meeting will be the gon coast. They planned to go as evening of October 5 .¡t the home far as Gold Beach. of Grayce Bundy. COOKED FOOD SALE Salurday. j September 26 by American Legion Auxiliary. 36t4c Turner Family Members Mr. and Mrs Howard Peasnail [ Gather at Portland of Astoria were here Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Bll Wolff and I and Thursday at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuv? of Bukenf.ld motored to Portland Mrs. Melvin Schwab. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis left Sunday and spent the day at the I last week end for North Carolina Robert Turner home. Mr. and I to visit their son, Francis, and his Mrs. Marvin Turner and son of P. ndleton and Ml and Mrs. Geo. 1 family. Turner and daught r also were BARBECUE’ Sunday. September visitors, the relatives all coming 13. Dass park. By F. O. E. Adm. i i SI.25. all under 12 free. 36:2c to make the acquaintance of Mrs. Tressie Michener was in the grandson and nephew, Tom town Tuesday to attend the Past my, whom none had seen, th ■ family having just returned to Chief’s club luncheon. Oregon last week from Camp Lajeune, North Carolina, where ! Marvin was stationed at the | 53 People Gather at* Marine base the past year. He 1 Farewell Party Friday received his discharge on the 14th A farewsll party was held at and th y will live in Pendleton the Lewis Morgan home Friday where he has a teaching position I evening. The Morgans plan to in th'1 elementary schools under I move to Portland soon where Wallace McCrae, superintend nt I their daughter. Darlene, and son, of schools and former principal I Don, will attend Multnomah of Vernonia high school. All • School of th; Bible. families returned to their homes Also honored was Otto Barnell Sunday evening. who plans to leave soon. Th ’ evening was spent visiting, sing ing hymns, choruses and quot Legion, Auxiliary Plan ing Scriptures. Refreshments or Picnic September 13 cake, ice ertam. coffee and kool- After the presentation of the aid was served to 53 friends of American flag by tne American the honored gu ?sts. Legion Auxiliary to the Vernonia Bible church the American Legion and Auxiliary are planning a pic nic at Rogers Park for members and friends Sunday, Septembei 13. Hardtop Auto Racing... Final races at Deer Island Fair grounds 1er championship ol the Columbia County Drivers Assoc iation. FULL RACE PROGRAM featuring the county’s top drivers on the speed- packed dirt track plus, for the first time at Deer Island SIX-CAR DESTRUCTION DERBY Legalized mayhem until one car is running Crashes — Thrills Galore Open House Scheduled For Daughter, Family Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wells will hold open house Friday evening, September 11, beginning at 7 o’clock to honor their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Botkin and small daughter of Washington. D.C., who will be visiting here at that time. Altar Group Meet» At Home in Riverview The St. Mary’s Altar Society met at the home of Mrs. Dave Brunsman Thursday. Following the business meeting the hostess served a delicious lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Sauer. Club Entertained at Cline Home; Dances Set F. L. Club was h'dd at the home of Beryl Cline Tuesday night of last week Delegates were elected for the convention and dances planned for September 13 and October 31. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Children 25c VERNONIA. Party, Sale to Improve Room ORE. THURSDAY. SEPT 3, 195.1 Temple Plans First Meeting After Vacation j 1 Vernonia Temple No. 61, P_» 1 thian Sisters will resume meeting; ! 1 Mt. Heart Rebekah Social club next Wednesday evening, Sept I held the regular monthly meet ember 9, following it’s August j ing Tuesday evening at the home vacation. At this meeting plans will be made for fall activities • of Silvia Wolff on Mist route. Also, dollars earned for the K.P Activities plann d for Septem home fund are to be turninf in. ber are a bingo party at the home of Zoe Whitsell on South A continental breakfast consist, First Avenue the evening of Sept of rolls and coffee. ember 17 and a rummage sale some time during the month. j I Proceeds are to be used tn a joint project with the F. L. Girls j to make improvements to the room which the L«’dge sponsors at th • I.O O F. home in Portland SEPT. 3 4 The next meeting will b«’ Oc THURS.. FRI. 1 tober 6. the place to be announced THE KID FROM i later. -cm’ •foi/ Tlwatr? LEFTFIELD | 1 | 1 I * Dan Dailey - Anne Bancroft Rain Prevents Log Delivery SATURDAY SEPT. 5 TRADER HORN Harry Carey Edwina Baxith SUN., MON Laundry and I Dry Cleaning Guests Welcomed At Birkenfeld Oregon Laundry Dry Cleaners poh’f ^j-fashioned refriger^ ' PHILCO-r DAIRY_BAR J5 SEAWRIGHT'S VERNONIA CLEANERS 4-DAY DRY CLEANING AND LAUNDRY SERVIICE Pickun Tuesday, Back Friday We Give S&H Green Stamps NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 KaTvwas* dons — 1 SEPT. 6-7 MIST The L. P Wikstrcim THE mill didn’t run this wçek for a BIG SKY few days on account of being un Kirk Dougla. Elizabeth Threat’ able to get the logs due to the TUES., WED. SEPT. 8 9 rain. Mrs. Roy Hup.h.s is at Forest MAN Grove earing for her mother and ON A TIGHTROPE a sister who had an operation Fredric March Terry Moore last week. f Mis. A R Mills and Mrs. Winnifred Huit called on Mis. • Charles Sundland Thursday. j Th” bean pickeris, Mrs. Joe Roeser and Mrs. Henry Wilson returned home from Indepen dance last week. Roy Wilson has been in the hos pital. Vein Wagner is in the hospital, having had an operation for hernia. IN Mrs. Ella Woods and h r sister, I THURSDAY Carrie, from California, were call- | ing on old friends here in the BACK vicinity. THURSDAY Mr. an4 Mrs, Roy Stuv«’ were village shoppers Saturday from Bring To— Birkenfeld, stopping on their way Kathryn Elliott spent the week from Clatskanie. BEN BRICKEL’S George Jones was a Portland ) end with her parents, Mr. and BARBER SHOP visitor Wednesday going up with ■ Mrs. Cecil Elliott. She is work ing for Pacific Telephon ■ and Jackie Burnham when h” went to | Telegraph Co. in Portland in the get a Shetland pony. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Howry had j drafting department. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gable of their nephew, G.rry Walker, | and Vancouver, B. C., arc visiting from Tigard last week as a guest. | Garrv ’ s mother was also an over ~| Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham. Mrs. Gabi? an<j Mrs. Bellingham night guest. Ray Garlock was a Portland I are sisters. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robbins business visitor last week. had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham. Mrs. Rumbaugh, Mrs. Acton and Mrs. Mier of Jewell had a surprise birthday party on Mrs. Tom Hopkins last week. Attend ing from her.’ were Mrs. Guy Btll.ngham, Mrs. Francis Larson and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham and boys, Mrs. Elsa Richatdson and Claire Bellingham spent Sun day surf fishing near Seaside. Get it by planning your meals carefully. Study the canned and pack aged goods, and fresh fruits and vegetables displayed at Nehalem Market and Grocery. DEER ISLAND, OREGON Adult» $1.50 MIST — L. E McGee cam? home from his son Perrys over in Washington after having spent the summer th. re. Mr McGee will be the school janitor this year. The M.H.C. m ’tubers motored to Seaside last Thursday and Aiet at th? home of Mrs. Clara Libel, A delicious chicken dinner was served by the hostess with add ‘d pet luck. The next meeting will be with Mrs. George Jon s the fourth Thursday in this month. Sunday motorists to Long Beach, Washington were Mr. and Mrs A. R. Melis and Mrs. Irving Knowles and son Earl. They went over to visit an old friend and very early sittl r of the vici- nUy, Theodore Jacobson, who’s parents lived up through the for mer Jim Hill estate on what is known as the Jackson place. The house that hous.d many a family since the half century has past, has long been tumbled and all traces gone. We have visited people who have lived there and made many trips since picking blackberries and the apples and pears that grow in the little clearing. Even the road has long since grown up. It now seems miles front civilization, but in the earlier days it was just a part of the community. NEED EXTRA ENERGY? Columbia County Fairgrounds ADMISSION: School Janitor to Start Work Soon EAGLE. SHOP NEH U.E.M — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM Monday Sept. 7 1:30 P.M. 2:30 P. M. Two of the thre-’ numbers se lected Saturday at Brunsman Hardware remained uniii ntified with holders of tickets up to Wednesday of this week W. W. Garlock claimed the one number that was identified The first and third numbers rre 4260 and 3232. The Irish phrase, “Frin, go bragh,” m ans “Ireland, forever.’’ LABOR DAY Time Trial» R ace* THE 1 Two Numbers Unclaimed From Saturday Award m ivhsn hohs — hj ivh '<\’ johs I I I I The sensation of the low priced refrig erator field .. . Philco with Dairy Bar, Butter Keeper and the biggest freezer ever offered in a 7 foot refrig erator. Adjustable Shelves. "Key Largo" color. Philco 726. SUNDLAND’S I I ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’