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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1953)
« THURSDAY, AUG. 27, 1953 ‘ THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS OUT OF THE WOODS Th* Paddle Wagons The settlement of the Pacific I Northwest was made by stem wheel—with some sidewheelers lnding variety to the scene, the well-nigh legendary Beaver lead- FOR SALE OR TRADE ing them all. GIRL’S BIKE to trade tor small The mining fields of the Bitter boy's bicycle. Wm. Pringle, Mist Root and Sawtooth ranges, the Rt. 33t3 FOR SALE—General HEMSTITCHING and buttonhole work; organdy and print aprons and painted organdy aprons. Tex tile painted tea towels and pot h< Iders. Other articles that are nice as gifts for any occasion. See Mrs. Reta Lamping, Sr., at 758 in comer of Weed and Bridge St. 35t3 FOR SALE—Real Estate HOMES WANTED WANTED: Odd Jobs, electric, plumbing. 1141 Rose Ave. 35t3 VERY GOOD 7-room modern WOMAN to care for my baby. 35t3c house. Full basement, wired for Days. Phone 11F3. rang?. One bedroom down, 3 BABY sitting. Children 3 to 6 up. Lots of built-ins. Over- years. By day or week. Mrs. QUART fruit jars. 1162 State St. Price Alv'e Moses, Stoney Point. looks swimming pool. 35t3 nr phone 1602. 35tlc $5850, easy terms. I J-PARK oil heater in good condi. VERY neat 5-rm. modern house I HIGHEST cash prices paid for plus sleeping porch. Wired for cream and eggs at your door— fion with two barrels, barrel range. Price $4500, good terms. picked up once or twice weekly— s,t:.ld and copp r oil line. Wilfred llolce. 299 B St. Phone 286 35tlc HAVE A home and income: very I call or write Forest Grove Cream neat duplex across street from ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone VERY REASONABLY PRICED: grade school; 2 bedrooms on 126. 14tfc H. C. Little automatic floor fur each side. Live in one, rent nace with thermostatic control. other; 75x100 lot, double gar SEPTIC TANK I^arg.** size. Also two oil barrels I age. A very good buy at $6000. I PUMPING SERVICE wRh control valves and pipe, some Good terms. copper tubing. Inquire 475 South Crawford Auto Wreckers, GOOD 6-room modern house, 1 First Ave. 35t3 bedroom down, 3 up. Wired for 775 S. Highway, Si. Helens. Ore. 15ifc range. Part basement. Price Phone 650 JX1VELY used piano, excellent $4250, very good terms. ti ne and condition. Terms. A bargain for someon-. Write Day EXCEPTIONALLY neat 4-room LEGAL NOTICE plastered horn.. Extra large NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Music Co., 808 S. E. Morrison St., garage, can be remodeled into that the undersigned has fil' d h r Portland 14. Or'gon. 33t7c apartment. One block from Final Account and Report in the INSULATION AND WEATHER grade school. A very good buy estate of CHARLES RATKIE. de stripping . "Tii mmeomfort, at $5250. Terms. ceased, in the County Court of the less cost.” No money down, GOOD 2-bedroom home, 2 lots. Columbia County, Oregon, and eiey payments. E. L. Blake Con Very neat. Price $3000. the Court has fixed Friday, th struction Co., box 93, Clatskanie, 18th day of September, 1953, at FARMS Oregon. Phone 312. 28tfc the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. in the SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill 6 ACRES, 8-room house, 40x70 County Court Room in the Coun chick house, 14-stanchion barn, ty Court House at St. Helens, dot. Cull 3811, A. G. Ostrander. N halem river borders on 2 Oregon, as the time and place for 26t52c sides. All kinds of fruit and ber th ■ hearing of objections thereto Fl“ MODELING, home improve ries. A very good buy at $8,- and settlement thereof. 4 ments: house leveling, founda 000. Very good terms. MINNIE S. RATKIE, tions, additions. All work guaran 25 ACRES, 17 cleared. Out 3 miles. Administratrix tied. No money down, easy Year round stream; 7-rm. house. PATTERSON, BUSH AND terms. E. L. Blake Construc- Prit ■ ■ i' M Good t n n BRADLEY, Attorneys for tn n Co., box 93, Clatskanie, Ore 18 ACRES on paved highway; 7- Administratrix 34t5c gon. Phone 312. 28tfc room house, double garage, NOTICE TO CREDITORS woodshed and chick house APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, Notice is hereby given that the and barn. Six-year lease on hi m.stih h ng. At Vernonia Clean- I 340 acres goes place. Price undersigned has been appointed its. Juno Willis, phone 1211. executors of the estate of Augus. $5800, good terms. 23tfc ta Pet. rson, deceased, by the DON BAYLEY. BROKER county court of the state of Ore MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT 3ltlc gon for Columbia county, and Order your Stout Irrigation Sys has qualified. All persons having tem today. Free engineering and 3-ROOM furnished home in River claims against said estate are estimates. Proper irrigation will increase your present product view. Call at 408 1st Ave. C. R. hereby notified to present the Fowler. 34t3 same to me at St. Helens, Oregon many times. with vouchers and duly verified SIMPSONS HARDWARE 7-ROOM modern house, 4 bed I within six months from the date Uptown St. Helens rooms. Tabletop elec, water heat r hereof. 14tfc and elec, stove go with place. Dated and first publication Aug Phone 615. 3413 AUCTION: Every Friday. We ust 20, 1953 have a good market for your live- FOR SALE BY OWNER: Four- Date of last publication Sep- •*i>ck, furniture, tools, poultry. room two-bedroom home with tember 17, 1953 We buy, sell, trade, every week bath and utility. Concrete foun- Theodore J. Petsrson day, paying cash for livestock, dation, hardwood floors, all in Edna V. Peterson, Executors furniture, machinery, tools. Alt- sulated with permanent shake sid John L. Foote, St. Helens, Ore riian's Auction Mart, Forest Grove. ing. Located two miles east of gon. Attorney 34t5c Phuiesj 7615 nights, 5320. Walt Hillsboro near new Brookwood Altman, Auctioneer, selling live- school. On lot 60' by 300’ with NOTICE stock or genet al farm sales any- lawn, flowers, garden and young lltfc fruit trees. Price $6250. Inquire WILL the party who stole the w hi re. lock at Safeway pleaje call for HOME LAUNDRY—Phone 1107. at 642 Third Street, Vernonia. the key.-,' 35t 1 3313 Mr. York. Laundry, fluff dried, 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra. 25c. FOR SALE Good two-bedroom NOT RESPONSIBLE for any Flat finished, minimum $1.00. house on cement, slate strip d.bts unless authorized by me. 35tlc One day servie? on request on shingle roof, attach'd garage, FRED MANGAT. fluff dried. Also curtain stretch- walking distance Long Bell Saw CLASSIFIED RATES 9tfc mill. Inquire 1074 Rose Ave. ing. 34t3 MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 FOR SALE Cars. Trucks I words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser 1953 WILLYS 4 dr. sedan, radio, FOR RENT tions for the price of two. heater, overdrive, 2600 ac FOR RENT My horn > to reliable CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. tual miles. New car quar party. In Riverview. Also cows antee. $598 down, $49.00 for sal . See Mrs. Chas. Ratkie. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper month. 35tl is mailed. JS51 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan, New soul covers, radio 8c heater, SMALL clean, unfurnished house NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED Si ■ Mis R D. Flo one owner $1445 fol two AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT 34tfc IS49 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan. New FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. pa'nt, new seat covers, ra POETRY accepted only as paid WANTED dio and heater $1095 matter Rate: 5c per type line. 1950 FORD 2 dr. sedan. The CONES WANTED for refer sta family will like this car. tion in Columbia county, Prices THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors Economical and easy to per bushel: that may appear in ads pub handle $385 down Douglas Fir $1.50 lished in its columns, but in 1947 DODGE 4 dr. sedan. A Hemlock $5.00 case where this paper is at luxury car. Clean inside and Cedar $2 50 fault, will reprint that part of out. Motor in excellent White Fir $1 50 an adv, in which the typo condition. Guaranteed $795 Columbia Tree Farm. P O Box graphical mistake occurs. THIS WEEK ONLY 247, Vernonia. Oregon 34t3c BLIND ads with answers to be 1940 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan $77 handled by the Eagle: Mini 1938 CHEV. coupe $77 HALF cubic yard fresh horse ma mum charge 80c. No informa- nure, delivered. See Mrs. Mabel 1939 PLYMOUTH 4 dr sedan $47 1940 DODGE 2 dr. $77 Solary at 706 First, Vernonia 33t3 VERNONIA AUTO CO. WANTED. Fir, Cedar, Hemlock. 27 Years in Business in Vernonia Cottonwood Logs, also piling. Phone 342 Vernonia Niedermeyer-Martin Co., 715 Port 35tlc land Trust Bldg.. Portland 4, Ore 29t7c '42 DESOTO, fluid drive, guaran gon. teed in 1st class condition. Good ALDER LOGS WANTED -rotor, body good inside and out. North, rn Idaho valleys and the Spokane prairies, the Palouse and Walla Walla wheat sections, the main irrigater valleys, the regions of the Pend Oreille and ths Coeur d’Alene—all were largely settled and supplied by the sternwheeler, queen of river craft, likewise lady of the lake. She dispersed supplies up the freighting trails to the cattle coun try of Central Oregon, her cargoes f d and clothed the towns of the Willamette Valley, and the little settlements between Portland and Astoria, and she conquered the savage rapids of the Upper Rive.-. Sternwheelers floated the North west's lumber, wheat, wool, ore and livestock to market. They towed the logs. Th y carried the holiday crowds. Their races were th? great sporting events. There are men among the living who flush and tr.mble to i ecall the race of the Telephone and Olym pian on the Ilwaco run. After the first phase of North western pioneering, people moved and lived by paddle wagon until the coming of the railroads. River Glory The sternwheeltr fleets made a There was a time royal life. when as many as 50 of the craft, alive to the eye with plum.s of wood smoke from tall stacks, steam boiling forth with hellish hisses and snorts, walking beams working like the arms of harnes sed giants, paddile wh els splash ing powerfully—a full fleet oi j 0 such, large and little, were a wonder to see in any Portland dawp. Most of them would head down th? Willamette for the Columbia. Many were simple towboats. Tow ing windjammers to and from As toria. Towing log rafts and lum. ber barges and sawdust scows. Two or three queens leading the fleet. On ? of these supreme. May be a thousand-ton passenger boat, 40 feet widand 200 long, a model-bottom craft with a 30- foot sternwheel. Flags on her bow, striped awnings ov.r her decks. Passengers in swallow tails playing cards and drinking wine, bourbon and beer in her men’s cabin, as the day grew older, while ladies in long, ruffly dr.sses paraded the decks in fine weather. It made a surely handsom? sight, this queen of the sternwheel steamboats, flying down the shin ing river on a sunny Sunday morning. Such sternwheelers were the crowning glory of a life of men that commonly went on in the plain ways of hard labor. There was wood to heave, There was heavy and bulky cargo to handle—as baled hay, sack d wheat and green lumber. River towing was no play for anybody, A log raft is’ no fun to handle today. Wood on Water The Columbia was the first home of one of the bravest ships of history. This was the Beaver. Her story is well told—or, rather, retold in Gordon R. Newell’s book, “Ships of the Inland Sea— the Story of Puget Sound Steam boats.” The Beaver was a side wheel steamer, 101 feet in length, launched on the Thames in 1835, and wr.cked for the last time on Puget Sound rocks in 1888. The ship was sailed to Fort Van couver, and in 1836 fitted for steam power. Wood was her fuel. As Newell’s account has it. the Beaver carried t.n woodbucks. She would cruise one day, then tie up for a day while the ay- men procured 40 cords of wood to stack on deck for another day’s run. Newell lists more than 450 craft that made records of some im portance in the history of Puget Sound transportation. Dozens of them have epic stories—the first Goliah. the Eliza Anderson, for two familiar examples. Practi cally all of them had vital rela tionship of some kind to the tim ber industries. They were wood en ships, all but a very few, like the inland craft of our own day. f Teaching Post Taken for Year RIVERVIEW — Mr and Mrs. Francis Raines and children spznt several days at their home here, doing some work on their house. They plan to leave Wednesday for Yoncalla where they will teach this year. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Vlcek and children vacationed for four days at Lincoln Beach recently. Pat Wallace and his father, M. A. Wallace, who is visiting here from the mid-west joined a fish ing party at Astoria Saturday. The party caught six salmon. Glenn Mitchell left Monday for a visit at the home of his niece and fami'y, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Engle, at Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wood at tended a picnic at M rvin par« at Ariel, Washington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eben John and daughter. Lea, of Portland spent Sunday at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilcoxen, Jr., and son of Seattle were re cent visitors at the home of his parents in Riverview. Mrs. G ne Hanon and daughter of Orick. California brought Ada Normand home after she had spent several Weeks visiting there. Mrs. Hanon visited here a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Normand, and took her son. Jack, who had visited here for some time, home with her. Ray Hamm of Hillsboro is visit ing his aunt and uncls, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schalock. W. L. Rose left Thursday forr his home at Marysville. California after spending three months at the home of his son and family', Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Derrel Rose and children of Springfield spent last week at th ■ home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rose. SEAWRIGHT'S VERNONIA CLEANERS 4-DAY DRY CLEANING AND LAUNDRY SERVIICE Pickun Tuesday, Back Friday Give S&H Green Stamps ^0« .¿«/tZ/C, QAjtqjfj H ermitage BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY FULLY AGED Oregon 's la rgest - sei 1 >ng straight bourboni 4’ mis WHISKEY 4 YEARS OLD • 86 PROOF • THE OLD HERMITAGE CO , FRANKFORT. KY. SHXHXHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXXHXMXHXMXHXHZMXMZMXNXMZHXHXHXtf Try it. $300. ■ t Ave FOR SALE Leon Kelly. 701 Utt Will pay premium price really good logt Insurance « FELL HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773, We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6. 9 months at low rates. Also fire e surance. Geo. Bell. H. Hudson 37tfc ’Lises was the world's most re ned lawgiver. for JURGENS MILLS Beaver Springs Road—Rainier Phone 8 825« 25tfc hUi,?r.M.t.l'r.K tor family of thre' Modern conveniences. $75, room and beard Dane Brady. 35tfc FIXE Groeerie» Meet«- -Ve»etahlev The wise shopper knows he’ll get more for his food dollar at SAM’S FOOD STORE. Top quality plus low prices makes SAM’S FOOD STORE your number one stop on the parade for values. If you can’t make it in pei son just phone your order in. SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Delivery Phone TCI H H H H H H H X KHXHXNXHXHZHZHXHXHZHZMXHZHZHZHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHZKZHXH?