« THURSDAY, AUG. 20, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General ALL WOOL scatter rug never been liked, standard size, wine color Bargain at $5. 1205 State 34tl St, phone 1044. '49 FRAZER for sale for $650 cash nr will take equity on older model «-ar. Mrs. Otto Knower, 10th St., Riverview. 34tl CHEV. cabov?r truck stretched fcr 16. TWo-speed axle. Eight «unt quart , r rubber on rear See at Clair Devine’s below Mist. 34tlc £LEC. washing machine used very little since being complet-ly over, tvauled Also sewing machine and ear radio. Phone 615. 34t 1 LOVELY used piano, excellent tone and condition. Terms. A targa." for someon* Write Day M usk Co., 608 S. E Morrison St., fhnrtland 14. Ot—gon. 33t7c imUGHT Estey piano, good con- ditm- Mahogany finish. $85. R. J. Cameron Call 614 or inquire at Eagle office 33t3 GAS RANGE. 30 gal gas w ater bratrr 150-gal gas bottle Phone tr* 32t.V BERRIES — Raspberries, Logan bernes, King Sector. Cascades. A Btaeberrie- Albert Schalock. 3rd St Riverview 32t3 WIZARD 6 HP outboard motor Ha-B t been used 25 hours 1483 Bridge St 32t3 INSULATION AND WEATHER STRIPPING. "The more comfort, tbr less cost." No money down, I easy payments. E. L. Blake Con struction Co., box 93, Clatskanie, Oregon. Phone 312. 28tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill : M 11, A O. Osti ander 26t52c REMODELING, home improve ments: house leveling, founda tion:. additions. All work guaran ty <1 No money down, easy tern, E. L. Blake Construc tion ’o., box 93, Clatskanie, Ore gon Phone 312. 28tfc APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, hine.titching. At Vernonia Clean m June Willis, phone 1211. 23tfc IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Oteirr your Stout Irrigation Sys tem Today. Froe engineering and raliTT.ates. Proper irrigation will increase your present product many times. < 1MPSONS HARDWARE Uptown St. Helens 14tfc FOR SALE—Real Estate FOR SALE—Insurance BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. 37tfc WANTED HOMES VERY GOOD 7-room modern CONES WANTED for reforista- tion in Columbia county. Prices house. Full basement, wired for per bushel: rang?. One bedroom down, 3 Douglas Fir $1.25 - $1.50 up. Lots of built-ins. Over- Hemlock $5.00 -•-J- Price Cedar looks swimming pool. $2 50 $5850 4 easv $1.50 * terms. White Fir VERY neat 5-rm. modem house Write or phone for complete pick plus sleeping porch. Wired for ing instructions: Columbia Tree range. Price $4500, good terms. Farm, P. O. Box 247, Vernonia, HAVE A home and income: very Oregon, phone 15F3. 34t3c neat duplex across street from grade school; 2 bedrooms on HALF cubic yard fresh horse ma each side. Live in one, rent nure. delivered. See Mrs. Mabel other; 75x100 lot, double gar Solary at 706 First. Vernonia. 33t3 age. A very good buy at $6000. i HOUSEKEEPER for small family. Good terms. Modem conveniences. $75 per GOOD 6-room modern house, 1 month and room and board. Phone bedroom down, 3 up. Wired for 1627. 33t3c range. Part basement. Price i $4250, very good terms. I WANTED. Fir, Cedar. Hemlock. i EXCEPTIONALLY neat 4-room Cottonwood Logs, also piling. plastered home. Extra large Niedermeyer-Martin Co., 715 Port garage, can be remodeled into land Trust Bldg., Portland 4, Ore 29t7c apartment. One block , from gon. grade school. A very good buy ALDER LOGS WANTED at $5250. Terms. GOOD 2-bedroom home, 2 lots. Will pay premium price for Very neat. Price $3000. really good logs. FARMS 6 ACRES. 8-room house, 40x70 JURGENS MILLS chick house, 14-stanchion barn, Beaver Springs Road—Rainier Nehalem river borders on 2 Phone 6-8256 sides. All kinds of fruit and ber 25tfc ries. A very good buy at $8,- 000. Very good terms. 25 ACRES. 17 cleared. Out 3 mills. HIGHEST cash prices paid for Year round stream; 7-rm. house. cream and eggs at your door— Price $3500. Good terms. picked up once or twice weekly— 18 ACRES on paved highway; 7- call or write Forest Grove Cream room house, double garage, ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone woodshed and chick house 126. 14tfc and barn. Six-year lease on 340 acres goes with place. Price SEPTIC TANK $5800, good terms. PUMPING SERVICE DON BAYLEY. BROKER Crawford Auto Wreckers. MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia 34tlc 775 S. Highway, St. Helen», Ore. Phone 650 15tfc 3-ROOM furnished home in River view. Call at 408 1st Ave. C. R. CARD OF THANKS Fowler. 34t3 MY Sincere appreciation to all 7-ROOM modern house, 4 bed those who were so thoughtful dur rooms. Tabletop elec, wat r heater ing the illness and loss of my wife. and elec, stove go with place. M. GRÜNDEN 34tlc Phone 615. 3,,3 WF, WISH to thank our fri nds FOR SALE Cars. Trucks for the beautiful flowers and ex pressions of sympathy shown ’42 DESOTO, fluid drive, guaran when our husband and brother teed in 1st clajs condition. Good passed away. motor, body good inside and out. Mrs. Clarence Sundquist Try it. $300. Leon Kelly, 701 Mr. and Mrs. John Sundquist Weed Ave. 34t3 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis 34tlc Mrs. Gust Sundquist 1953 WILLYS 4 dr. sedan, radio, heater, overdrive. 2600 ac LEGAL NOTICE tual miles. New car guar antee. $598 down. $49.00 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN month. that the undersigned has filed her 1950 WILLYS Station Wagon. 4- Final Account and Report in the ( wheel drive, new tires. 20.- estate of CHARLES RATKIE, de 000 miles. Locally owned. ceased. in th' County Court of Used for family Columbia County, Oregon, and car $385 down the Court has fixed Friday, th ’ AUCTION Every Friday. We 1350 FORD 2 dr. uedan. The 18th day of September, 1953, at havi a good market for your live- family will like this car the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. in the atix I furniture, tools, poultry. Economical and easy to County Court Room in the Coun We t uy, sell, trade, every week handle $385 down ty Court House at St. Helens, day, paying cash for livestock, One Oregon, as the time and place for (uritnure, machinery, tools. Alt 1349 CHEV. 2 dr sedan. owner. Lots of accessories. the hearing of objections thereto man Aui lion Mart. Forest Grove. Only S1095 and settlement thereof. Phi a i s : 7615 nights, 5320. Walt I MINNIE S RATKIE. Altman. Auctione: r, selling live- 1947 DODGE 4-dr. sedan. A luxury car. Clean inside and Administratrix »Us I; or general farm sales any- out. Motor in excellent PATTERSON. BUSH AND whin e. lltfc condition. Guaranteed S795 BRADLEY. Attorneys for HOME LAUNDRY Phone 1107. 1941 CHEV. club coupe, lots of Administratrix 34t5c Mr Yark. Laundry, fluff dried. accessories $265 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 15c it Shirts, finished extra. 25c. THIS WEEK ONLY Notice is hereby given that the Flut finislti-d. minimum $1.00. i 1939 PLYMOUTH 4 dr sedan $47 Or» day service on request on 1940 DODGE 2 dr. $77 undersigned has- been appointed executors of the estate of Augus. fhif dried. Also curtain stretch VERNONIA AUTO CO. !»tfc 27 Years in Business in Vernonia ta Pet rson, deceased, by the mr Phone 342 Vernonia county court of the stat? of Ore FOR SALE- Real Estate 34tlc gon for Columbia county, and has qualified. All persons having SM/L L, modern hous ■ for sale claims against said estate are LOST AND FOUND p. Contact June Willis at hereby notified to present the V« it ■ ma Ul 'liners 33tfc FOUND Two pairs of glasses at same to me at St Helens, Oregon city park pool Both have plastic with vouchers and duly verified Mt'' F.RN attractive 3 room house frames One pair in leather case wrtt -ook and utility room. Elec- Owners claim at Eagle office by within six months from the dat ? hereof. 32t3c tr> ange, refrigerator, hot water patinc tor this a.lx Dated and first publication Aug hent r and electric heat, 50x100 FOR SALE OR TRADE ust 20. 1953 lot Neatly fenced Large garage, Date of last publication Sep- VIM» Inquire House No a o \ GIRL’S BIKE to trad' for small tember 17, 1953 hill 311-4 boy’s bicycle. Wm Pringle. Mist Th •odore J. Pet.rsvn 33t3 FOt K ROOM house, modern Very Rt. Edna V Peterson. Executors rra nably priced Inquire Vcrn John L. Foote, St. Helens. Ore- CASE pickup baler for cows or Syhr* Vernonia Auto Co 32tfc eon - - MtSc most anything of equal value Fred J Robitsch. Rt. 1, Box 97, Port FOR SALE BY OWNER Four land. Orc 3213 rw»' two bedroom home with CLASSIFIED RATES h»V and utility Concrt'V foun- FOR RENT MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 dat n, hardwood floors, all in FOR RENT My hem • to reliable words or les». Word» over min suL 1-d with permanent shake sid imum. 2c each. Three inser Law atixl two miles east ot party In Riverview . Also cows See Mrs Chas. Ratkie. tions for the price of two. Mil ir boro near new Brtiokwood for sal? tv*» 3411c CARD of Thank* 8t Notice«: 80c On lot 60’ by 300' with law (lowers, garden and soung NO informal ion on dMaified* will 3-ROOM house and bath, partly be given out until after paper fruit trees Pric • $6250 Inquire furnished. Inquire 334 B St. i* mailed. at tt2 Third Street, Vcrnoiua. 34tlc NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY 3313 —» - ■— ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED CARS, TRUCGS Eu4 r FOP, SALE G< mk 1 two bedroom AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT 49 OLDS 88 for sale. Inquire I hauti on cement, slate strip FOR NEXT WEEKS PAPER I .ester Shafer. Timber Rt. 34t I > roof. attach xi garage, POETRY accepted only a» paid waismg distance Long Bell Saw SMALL, clean, unfurnished house matter Rate; 5c per type line. m> Inquire 1074 Ros- Ave. for two. See Mrs R. D. Eby Lake Mead at Boulder Dam is 34t3 34tfc the world’s large, artificial lake I OUT OF THE WOODS . . . I LEGAL NOTICE CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia In th« matter of th« adoption of [ Who Is Boss? In his new book, "Forest Policy,” j W. B. Greeley declares: "The ne- | I Sandra Kay Mooers, a minor, by | Lloyd L. Eddings and Betty Mae | [ Eddings, husband and wife. Petitioners. TO John Nclzer Mooers: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are com manded to appear in the above entitled Court in the courthouse in the City of St. Helens, Colum- > bia County, Oregon, on the 4th day of September, 1953, at the hour of 10.00 o’clock A M. of said day to show cause, if any you have, why said minor child, Sandra Kay Mooers, should not be legally adopted by Lloyd L. Eddings in conjunction with his wife, Betty Mae Eddings, under a Decree of said Court, as prayed for in the petition of Lloyd L. Eddings and Betty Mae Eddings, and that the name of said child be changed to Sandra Kay Ed dings, and if you fail to appear, for want thereof, petitioners will apply to the Court for the adop tion of said child and for the change of name of said child tc Sandra Kay Eddings, all as prayed for in the petition, This citation is published for four weeks by order of said Court and the first date of such publication is Aug- ust 6, 1953. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court affixed this 3rd day of August, 1953. C. W. Wickman, COUNTY CLERK (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 32t5c The law imposes upon every one th' duty of ordinary care for himself cessary degree of public regula- tion of private forestry and the levels of authority by which it should be enforced remain fore- most problems of American policy . . . Th? criticism of American (forest) policy is ineffective as directed by public agencies par ticularly toward its results upon small woodlands . . . The wood lot, with its preponderant acreage is now viewed in official circles as the ‘hard core’ of the national probl.m and the most urgent field for public regulation.” These statements by the high est industrial forestry authority in harness are not only living facts of today but they visualize issues of the future. None is more im portant than this one, "Is the typical owner among America’s 4,000.900 proprietors of small woodlands to continue to b? his own boss in the timber on which he pays taxes?" For a common objective of all the organizations, groups and par ties that are after the scalps of Secretaries Benson and McKay, is socialization of the nation’s forest resources, right down to the last stump patch. Book for the Schools Col. Greel y’s new book is the (NOTE: This, another of a series latest in "The American Forestry or articles on social security, tells Series” of college textbooks. These who pays the money which is publications by the world-famed eventually passed out as benefits. firm of McGraw-Hill now number The article comes from the Port 22. Their subjects range from land social security office.) "Forest Pathology” to "Forestry F deral old-age and survivors and Its Career Opportunities” by insurance benefits are paid for by Hard Shirley. They are mainly a contribution (or tax) from the technical books. Greeley’s "For employee’s wages and the self- est Policy” is expository through employed individual’s earnings out. It projects and illuminates from his trade or business. If you the forest policies of all major are a wage earner, you and your timber countries with the hand employer share equally in the of a master. tax. If you are self-employed, "Forest Policy” was written for you pay three-fourths as much as college students, particularly for the total payment of employee those of such institutions as the and employer would be on the College of Forestry, University ot same amount of earnings. If you Washington, and the Oregon State are working for wages, your con Forestry School. But Bill Greeley tribution is deducted from your is an old ranger and a born narra pay each payday. tor, and the arts practiced by The employer sends your con campfire and on trail enliven tribution and his own to the direc "Forest Policy" even as they ani. tor of Internal revenu? with a tax mate the author’s best selling return showing your name, your "Forests and Men.” In short, social security number and the here is a textbook that is highly amount of your wages. This is readable for anybody who is at done quarterly. If you are self- all interested in reading about employed, you must report your trees and travel. A vital style earnings and pay your contribu bright, ns even the more technical tions each year when you file pages. your individual ineem' tax re Because of these qualities, "For turns. Schedule Ca of your in est Policy, is a book that may be come tax return Form 1040 is used effectively in high-school used for this purpose. social, economic, and history stu There is no age limitation on dies. Conservation teach, rs in this matter. Th? social security junior schools should find it use tax must be paid regardless of the ful too. agi of the individual. Your wages Sweden and Russia and self-employment income are One of the most interesting and posted to your individual record informative chapters is entitled by the social s curity administra "The Democratic Forist Policies tion from this social security tax of Scandinavia." In Sweden, it return. This record of your earn tells, the keystone of forest policy ings will be used to determine is in forest controls by county your eligibility for benefits and boards as established in a law of the amount you will receive. Social Security NOTICE OF BOND SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the City of Vernonia. Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the purchase of its General Obliga tion Sewer Bonds in the principal sum of $85,000 00 at 8:00 o’clock p.m. on August 24, 1953, at the City Hall in Vernonia, Oregon, Said bonds are to be numbered 1 to 85 inclusive, are to be in de nominations of $1,000.00 each, will be dated September 1, 1953, and will mature as follows: No. of Bond Date of Maturiti’ 1 to o »» September 1, 1955 4 to 6 September 1, 1956 7 to 9 September 1, 1957 10 to 12 September 1. 1958 13 ’ ■ 15 Sept: mber 1. 1959 September 1, I960 16 to 19 20 to 23 September 1, 1061 24 to 27 Septomber 1, 1962 28 to 31 September 1, 1063 32 to 35 Septemb r 1, 1964 36 to 40 September 1, 1965 41 to 45 September 1, 1066 46 to 50 September 1, 1967 51 to 55 September 1, 1968 56 to 61 September 1, 1969 62 to 67 September 1, 1970 68 1 ’ 73 September 1, 1971 74 to 79 September 1, 1972 80 to 85 September 1, 1973 All bonds of this issue numb tred 62 and above shall be callable on and after any interest paying date on and after September 1, 1954. and ail bonds of this issue num- b red 28 and above shall be call able on and after September 1, 1962. Notice of intention to take up and cancel any bonds on any optional payment date, is to be given in a nt wspaper printed and publish d in Vernonia, Oregon, at least thirty days prior to the date of said intended redemption, and interest shall c ase on any bonds so called from and after • the interest date next following such publication. The bids will be publicly opened I at said tim ' and the bonds shall be sold to the bidder offering to pur chase the same at not less than 93 per cent of par and accrued in terest thereon, and at the lowest net interest cost to the City. Each bid shall be in writing and, except any bids submitted bv the State of Oregon or any sinking fund of the City of Vernonia, must ba accompanied by a certified check on a bank doing business in the State of Oregon in an amount of 2 per c:nt of the par value of the amount bid. mad: payable to the City of Vernonia, as a guaranty of good faith. All net revenues derived from s w*er connection fees and sewer I use charges shall be paid into a special fund and used exclusively for the payment of said bonds and interest therion The City of Vernonia reserves the right to reject any or all bids in th- interest of the City. Legal approving opinion will be , furnished ths successful bidder. Sam Hearing Recorder of th? City f Ver- nonia. Carrell F. Bradley- City Attorney 32t3c 1903—a law that has worked well for 50 years. The Swedish county forest board is set up on a framework of governmental rules but it’s au. thority is in elected county offi cials and farm and forest owners within the county. The golden rule is "Education and Coopera tion”, with th? law a last resort. And wh?n the Jaw is called on to correct bad forest practices it is county deputies and not Federal policemen who are called in. “Co operation,” states Col. Greeley, "is the heart of Swedish fores try.” "The forest Policy of Russia" presents a picture that is in ex treme contrast to that of the forests and men of the Scandina vian countries. The author has gathered up an amazing amount of detailed information on timber development in the Sovi ?t Union. With it he gives the main ele ments of the Five Year Plan of 1950, which set up wood require ments four times as great as those of the pre-war years. Machines and power tools in the woods, with slave labor, are the combination for vastly increased timber pro duction in Malenkov’s country. I 11 ERM IT \( JE KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOIRBON WHISKEY I XY I I I I I $2“ Oregon's largest -selfing <5Qt si misfit bourbon ! THIS WHlSWr 4 YWS OLD ■ K PROOF . TH£ 0.0 MONIT« CO. OUWCIU. XT