Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 13, 1953, Image 1

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Ambulance Dedication to
Take Place at Dass Park
August 30; Picnic Set
District Board
Forma! d dication of the Ver-
n ma community ambulance, now
completely equipped to answer
calls, has been schedul d at a
р. rnic which will take place the
e*d of this month at Dass park
F "st arrangements for the dedi-
с. -.tion were made last weik by a
c mmittee named by the group
which has been charged with
h. idling the business affairs of
the ambulance.
This committ e is planning to
•? ve away a $359.95 Philco console
TV set at the picnic and donation
tickets have been placed on sale
at business places in town and
among IWA members. The set
is on display at Sundland Elec­
The ambulance group point-
out that the donation ticket will
provide money for the fund which
will be used to offset expenses of
operating the machine on th:
numerous trips it is making. Pay-
meats received from the trips is
not sufficient to maintain paymint
of expenses without additional
Tentative plans for the picnic
include the serving of free coffee
to those who attend, but each
group is exp cted to bring it’s own
picnic lunch. Entertainment will
b’ arranged by the committee.
Jim Cox. Jr., IWA business
Work that was planned earlier
this year to take place during th” agent, said a few days ag<? that
summer vacation period on the the ambulance is now fully equip
higr school football field has been ped. Oxygen equipment has be»?n
Yi arly completed and growth of purchased from Buck Ambulance
the turf has reach’d a heighth of Portland, sh< it and pillow cases
several inches so that the field I have been donated by the Ameri.
will be ready for use this fall Eu- can Legion Auxiliary and a bed
ge.-.c Dove, high school superin- pan and splints have b.en fur­
nished by Bush Furniture. Ore­
tencent said Wednesday.
The work of relocating the field gon Physicians Service is respon­
cr wn was done to make possible sible for supplying free a year's
supply of first aid equipment.
greet.r efficiency from the field
The machine is station d now
lights. The work that remains
at the corn r of Third and Bridge
is completion of tile drainage that
will remove the possibility of streets to b«' available at all times
water scttleing betwe n the foot- for emergency calls, but an at­
tempt is being mad to obtain
bai; field and baseball diamond.
Th. t .tob will be completed within off-street parking suitable for
construction later of a garage to
th» -ext few days.
house the equipment. So far no
T change the contour of the definite word is available about
turf the west end of th»1 property such a location that will be satis­
has been established at a lower factory.
lev« by the hauling out of about
!»f'» cubic yards of earth, 430 of
whit.l were used for the reshap­
ing The remainder was placed in
front of the building to establish
the .awn contour.
Other work on the prop rtv
back of the building has included
Enlarg'd x-ray films will be
cutt ng all brush on the southeast taken of 29 people who have been
port.on of the field to allow for invited to come to the IWA hall
lev» :ng and laying out of two Monday of the coming week.
softball diamonds and a soccer Miss Grace Roumagoux, county
fic.c. One diamond will be avail­ health nurse, said Wednesday. The
able for girls’ and one for boys’ unit for taking the larger pictures
will b ■ ready to take care of the
2) *t moving equipment will be 29 anytime between 1 and 7 p.m.
placed on the job within the next she said.
wet» or so to level for th? dia-
For some unknown reason, x-
mo* ds and soccer fi Id and also rays of these people w-re not
to ; re pa re the track.
clear, necessitating th? taking
W rk on the athletic field has of regular size shots.
Miss Roumagoux pointed out
b?e-. supervised by Coach Bill
that anyone who missed the op­
Vice x.
portunity to be x-rayed while the
unit was here can go to Scappoose
Thursday or Friday between the
hours of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. for
the service. The unit will be on
duty there at the Legion hall. She
emphasized that all teachers and
T. o dates were pointed out as food handl -rs should be x-raved
irr.T’-tant to high school letter-
m«’ ■ who will return for the com.
inc grid season and both of those Future Beavers Invited
da*.“ come within the next week
An Oregon state college family
anc. a half.
program is scheduled at McBride
F ’st was the date of Saturday. school, St. Helens, at 8 p.m. Mon
Au;’, -t 22 when football uniforms day. August 17. Future Beavers
wt be issued to lettermen from and their parents arc invited to
last year’s squad who will turn attend. Officials to attend from
the college art: Dr. D. T. Order­
out for play this year.
Tc second is Monday, August man. registrar; R. S. Keene, ath­
hen the first practice will be letic director; Bert Fames, dad s
he1.-, at the high school under the club president and Ted Carlson,
assistant alumni director.
dirr-’tion of Coach Bill Vlcek.
Field Contour
Change Finished
29 Invited for
Larger X-rays
1st Grid Season
Practice Slated
Orders Auto
Parking Area
NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT ot Vernon»« Circle will view th«ir
renowned district circle drill team in action August 30 at an initiation
Thr. e days of entertainment and
exhibits will be provided for this
year's annual Columbia county
fair for which the gates will open
today at Deer Island This fair,
the 38th for the county, has been
arranged by the fair board to of­
fer n’w features that will in­
crease the entertainment over that
offered in previous years.
Along with the regular and ex­
tra f’atures, the West Coast shows
and carnival has again set up on
the grounds. Grange, individual.
4-H and FFA exhibits will oc­
cupy the exhibit buildings and
the stock barns and a forestry
exhibit will also again greet spec­
Members of 4-H clubs, th. ir
leaders and Others interested in
club activities are reminded that
judging of exhibits will take place
Both 4-H and FFA
m mbers will participle in show­
manship and nidging contests of
animals during the day. Two
rings for showing will speed up
the judging and showmanship.
Th’ aut»> daredevils brought to
the fair by Joie Chitwood are
scheduled to perform Thursday
The board of directors of school evening in front of the grand­
district 47 met at Washington stand to provide the extra en­
school Tuesday evening for their tertainment on opening day.
Entertainment on the afternoon
August session.
The heating plant was discussed of the second day will bring a
in view of installing the boiler new featur?, the county fair
from the old high school as an Olympics, Friday afternoon fea­
auxiliary unit to supplement the turing races and contests as well
cold as the doubles horseshoe cham­
weather. Estimates of the cost of pionship tournament. Cash prizes
the installation were considered will be awarded winners.
and because of high costs, it was I STUNT TEAM BILLED
For Friday evening another new
felt the project was inadvisable
featur? will be the Multnomah
at this time.
All positions on the teaching county sheriff’s motorcycle stunt
staff were filled when the board team featuring a troop of 17 ex­
elected the following new instruc­ p’rt motorcycle riders who will
tors who will fill vacancies: Lyle stage a 40-minute show. Included
Frazier, sixth grade; Marvin Wig­ will be precision drills, stunts,
gans, music; Daniel Lawler, sev­ board wall crash, broad jump and
enth and Miss Marilyn Sann-rud. pyramiding of men on from one
to three cycles. Square dancers
physical education.
can enjoy the county square dance
Approval was given a motion to
jamboree Friday also. It is sched­
join the State Association of
uled from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the
School Boards and to attendance
of Superintendent Darrold Pro 'hl
Again Saturday aft’rn»x>n a
to the state meeting of school
new attraction will be offered, It
superintendents at Coos Bav Aug­
is the free barbecue from 2 to 4
ust 20-21. The board also ap­
p.m. for which eight h«-ad of
proved the bus drivers who will
prime beef are being prepared,
serve for the coming year and
On the word of one of the fair
inspected parts of the summer
it _
is the
board members, ..
— -------
work during the evening.
tion of the board to provide gen-
A/lc Jack G. Gates. son ; Mr>.
Joyce C Gates, V’rnonia, Oregon,
has been assigned to Erne t Har­
mon AFB. N wfoundland as an
aircraft mechanic with the main­
tenance squadron.
Ernest Harmon, a key base in
the Northeast Air Command, is
located on the west coast of New
foundland. It is one of the first
overseas refueling stops for mili­
tary aircraft flying the North
Atlantic rout»' to Europe.
Airman Gates entered th»' ser­
vice in April, 1953. Prior to en­
tering the service h ’ attended Cor­
vallis high school and later was
employed by Columbia county
The Vernonia airman is mar­
ried to the former Joyce Webb,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
W bb of Timber route, Vernonia.
They have one child. Robin Gail.
Intercom System to
Be Placed in Use
By School Opening
The directors of the union high
school board, at their August
meeting Tuesday evening took
steps that will mak’ possible the
preparation of a car parking area
at th»’ west end of the property
to handle autos of sp ctators who
attend sports events of th school.
That was on ■ of several matters
of business transacted during the
The parking area will cov.r
nearly an acre of ground and ’he
work to prepare it includes re­
moval of a fence, grading and
graveling. The job is to start
within th? next few days so com.
pletion will be assured by the
op"ning of football season, accord­
ing to Eugene Dove, superinten­
At Tuesday’s meting, the su­
perintendent reported to the hoard
th ■ extent of work accomplished
on the grounds and in the build­
ing during th? summer.
One matter that has b’en in
controversy since th? opening of
school last fall has been disposed
of because th? school has been
able to obtain new locks for the
lockers. The new locks are now
on order and the board gav’ it's
approval for th ’ change which will
solve the locker problem.
About a w»-ek will be required
to install the console which will
complete the building intercom­
munication system. Up to date,
wiring and speakers have been
placed so that completion of the
system awaits the central control
panel installation
This console will include an
amplifier, phonogranh, radio and
control panel so that communica­
tion with any one or all rooms
together and the gym will be
Programs, either re­
corded or from the radio, may be
played over the system also.
Other work remaining before
the opening school date August 31
is' installation of the new front
curtain and back drape’s for the
auditorium stage. A work area
has been installed in th’ com­
mercial room and storage bin .
cupboards and cabinets supplied
for the physical education depart­
ment, boiler room, and music
room to complete work planned
earlier in the year.
The board was informed that,
through arrangements made by
Vernonia Insurance agency, r’-
pair of the canopy at the cast end
of the building had been com­
pleted at a cost of a little over
$1000. This exp nse was covered
by insurance carried by the pav-
ing concern which caus'd the
damage when paving was done at
the back of the building earlier
this summer.
New Features Added This Year, Plus
Regular Events to Greet Attendants
Board Abandons
Heating Change
League Call Issued
The start of a bowling league
later this year is intended, accord,
ing to an announcement issued
earlier this w ek by Desmond
Laird, who will open the bowling
alley in the near future. Persons
interested in organizing a league
are ask d to call 291.
Secretary Employed
Secretarial work at the high
school for the coming year will
be handled by Mrs. Imogene Bor-
gelt, who was employ’d recently
to fill the vacancy which arose at
the end of last school term.
scheduled for eight new members.
erous helpings of meat, so thi.«
should prove attractive to fair
The popular hardtop races fco-
turing drivers of the Golumb »
County Drivers association wi.
perform Saturday evening wilr
time trials at 4:30 and races al
5:30. The drivers have been nw
ing this summer at McMinnville
where' Cloiee Hall has pilotrd hi«
hardtop to the top point stamiinx
among association drivers. Pro
bablv at least 20 drivers will con
pet»> at the fair races.
To end th? thre»*-day event,
modern dance will be held in t> •
pavillion from 9 p.m. to I a.m.
A condensed program for thus,
who may wish it is
Thursday—4- H and FF A jud.
ing contests and showing of an
Thursday evening — The Jon
Chitwood show, an automobile
thrill show that includes precision
driving, ramp leaps, a head-on car
crash and crashes into parked
Friday afternoon—The couni«
fair Olympics, an amateur serie»
of races and contests open to all
county residents,
doubles horseshoe championship
Friday evening — Multnomah
county sheriff's motorcycle stun*,
team, a precision group with mo­
torcycle drill and stunts. County
square dance jamboree.
Saturday afternoon — Free bar
b“cue, 2 to 4 p.m., with beef mud
wiches for all present.
Saturday evening — Hardt.>j
races bv members of th Columbt -
Drivers’ association. Modem
Employees Picnic
The employees of the Safeway
Store here were at Vancouver
Washington Sunday where th»»
attended the annual district pic’tu­
tor people working for the con
School Books Audited
At present the internal account
books of the high school are in
Portland where they are beinj
audited, Thes • accounts inchid-
funds of the four classes, the vc
ganizations and the student body
Sanitarians Test County
Restaurants for Bacteria
A “swab rinse” test of 43 Co­
lumbia county restaurants and
cafes was conducted last week by
Bob Rinehart, county sanitarian,
and Tom Blair, Portland sanitarian
with the state board of health.
A mobile laboratory operated by
th? board was brought to St.
Helens Monday and Tuesday to
aid in the tests. It completed Its
work Tuesday afternoon, although
results of the survey will not be
available for a f w days.
Rinehart said the tests
Captain of the team is Km
made to check the standards of
dishwashing methods in various
food establishments of the cuen
ty. The county h alth deport
ment will aid cafes in improving
methods found deficient, Rinehart
Rinehart and Blair checked 19
restaurants in St. Helens, eight
in Clatskanie, six in V'rnonia, six
m Rainier and four in Scappoose,
each with the owner’s permission
Cotton swabs, moistened with
sterile salt water were rubbit
over the lips of cups and glasM-»
or over bowls’of spoons to collect
three bacteria sampl -s at each es­
tablishment visited.
The swabs were then rtturned
to test tubes of salt water and
were taken to the laboratory truck
sampl s in specially-prepared con­
tainers wh’re the bacteria colonies
were permitted to grow for 4«i
hours. Bacteria counts taken at
the end of th 48-hour period, dis
close the state of cl*anliness of
utensils tested.
Rinehart said the tests serv ■
two purposes: To help restaurant
owners ascertain whether their
dishwashing methods and manor r
of handling ut< nsils an- effective
To establish a mean* of measur
ing effective dish washing pro­
cedure and to help secure uniform
standards throughout the stair
A similar survey was made in the
county in 1950