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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1953)
| PAST CHIEFS SELECT NEW OFFICERS MONDAY NEW HALL USED FOR MEETING OF AUXILTARY Circle Assumes Caretaker Job ' Masterpieces Regular meeting of the V.F.W Viewed Sunday Auxiliary was held in the new Former Teachers Seen By Group ! NATAL — Going to Clatskanie Sunday evening to see the "Liv ing Masterpieces" were Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay, Mr. ■ and Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde [ Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith of Roseburg were Saturday visitors at the Pringle home. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Vere Hershey had as their house guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Hal Vicors of Portland. Saturday callers were Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hershey and family of Salem. There will be a party at the I Natal Grange hall Saturday even- I ing. Everyone is welcome. FORMER RESIDENTS OF COMMUNITY VISIT HOME I , PHONE 853Í Parish (hilaren ! For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products j Given Instruction | I I ' In 1900, all of the hard-surfaced roads in the United States would not have r. ached from New York to Boston. PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY 1 Vernonia, Oregon Timber Rt., Box 56 There are more automobiles than telephones on American farms, U. S. Census figures show. DR. HARRY H. LOY, Optometrist If your glasses are unbecoming to you, You should be coming to me. LENSES DUPLICATED GLASSES REPAIRED 168 N. Third Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon #eßuy^save^01/ Aero-Lark 2-Doo Tero-Lark helps pay for itself with extra low monthly payments . .. extra low maintenance ... exceptionally low gas costs. Ruggedly built with the luxury of an airliner, it’s styled to stay new .. .built to last. Come in for a demonstration ride. ’1499“ 2 Doer Seders Ln* Frica. FOI Teiere. OMo Fl« Federal Te-ee. S»w*e rd Local Tese» M •wvL Traw»aorte*OR. Dell very ersd Maridfesf CherfOA. E**» wea», I COAST MOTOR COMPANY WILLYS SALES AND SERVICE Phene 1252 — Vernonia, Ore. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Fred Rai ney and daughter. Mrs. Christine Lodi?, and son, Joe, of Spring- field visited friends in Riverview Monday. Mrs. Rainey and Chris tine formerly lived here. Mr. 5nd Mrs. S. E. Hamlton spent the week end at South Bend, Washington visiting his grand father. Elmer Sparks, of Buxton who is very ill in the hospital at South Bend. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Taylor and daughter, Jacklyn, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Doughty at Onalaska, Washington. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hillyer visited at th? home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Traywick in Port- land Thursday. Mrs. Clara Barnett of St. Helens spent last week at the Claure Gibson home. Mr. and Mrs. Gib son took her to her home on Sat urday and visit d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lampa while there. | I I ORE, THURSDAY, AUG 6, 1953 1 WEEK BEING SPENT AT CHIRSTIAN ADVENTCAMP RIVERVIE W— Mrs. S. J Par Rose and E. L. Lloyd homes Sun sons is spending a week at the ! day. Christian Advent camp meeting I Mrs. L. H. Sabine and Mrs near Troutdale Robert Franklin and two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Reed of Raymond, Washington are visit Hatch. New Mexico are staying ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs with friends in the Clarence Charles Allen. Fowler house while Mr. Reed Henry Parker of Coquille seeks work. visited Friday and Saturday at Mrs. Erlene Snell and Bud Penn the home of his uncle and aunt. of Portland visited at the J. E. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Solomon. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wershev and son of Portland visit; d at the Glenn Mitchell home Saturday Natal Residents Go To Pomona NATAL — Going to Pomona Grange at Fern Hill last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap, Clyde Henderson and Richard P terson. Mrs. Laura Carmicheal of Stoney Point also attended Mr. and Mrs. William Pringle were in Seaside Sunday to see her mother. Mrs. Nettie Titus. J W. Devine is at the home of his son, the Sam Devines. He is a lot better and able to be up and around. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and son called on Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Gift at Scappoose last Saturday. Mr. anj Mrs. Noble Dunlap w. re Portland motorists last Fri- day. SEAWRIGHT’S VERNONIA CLEANERS i 4-DAY DRY CLEANING AND LAUNDRY SERVIICE Pickun Tuesday, Back Friday ; We Give S&H Green Stamps , . SHOP NEHAl.EM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM S w X u z. a. O X » I S w < X a Featuring... Hudson House Olives — String Beans — Corn z. X o X VI Peas I s u - X BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon VERNONIA, - z. o X NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 V. waTVMMN «IOHS “ UIUIVIIHN .IOHS — IC1 1VHHN .IOILS 8HOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM The Past Chiefs club of the Pythian Sisters met at the home of Silvia Wolff at Natal Monday MIST — Mrs. -Harry Wilson, V.F.W hall July 28. Plans were evening with president Lesta Gar. made for a card party. ner presiding. Twelve members, Mrs. Chas. Roeser and Mrs. Joe Roeser left last week for Indepen Nora Redmond officiated in the including the hostess, were pre dance to pick beans. absence of the president. Louise sent. Mrs. Coree Moore, Lawrence Jepson from Birken- Hamnett. The regular order of business charter member from Longdon, feld called on his father H Jep was taken rare of with the elec North Dakota, was a guest. Re tion of new officers under new son, Saturday night. business. The MHC held a special meet freshments were served by Bes The following were elected for j ing Thursday for the purpose of sie Spofford and Jennie Lusby. the ensuing year: president, Rita buying a gasoline mower to take Lamping; vice-president, Faye Da care of the cemetery The circle vis and secretary-treasurer, Edith decided to buy one and members McFarland The new officers will do the work instead of hiring a be installed at the September caretaker as tfcey have been doing meeting which will be at the for quite a number of years. home of Rita Lamping. It will be Mrs. Norman Hansen and Mrs. RIVERVIEW — On their return a noon luncheon. Chas. Hansen spent Thursday trip from the Child for Christ visiting relatives in Marshland Crusade camp at Canby, Monday, - Mr. and Mrs. Vic Berg were Mrs. J. M Peachey, Joan Peters, REFEKAHS SLATE MEET in Clatskanie Saturday. Alice and B tty Jane Snook and AT PORTLAND HALL Noble Dunlap is doing som? Nadine Tunnell called on Miss Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge has work on the school house at Bir. Pauline Brislin and Mr. and Mrs. scheduled a meeting in the Odd ■ Kenneth Valentine at Barton. Mr. Fellows hall in Portland August kenfeld. 13. Mrs. Otto Cantwell is chair The L. P. Wikstrom family spent and Mrs. Valetine are the parents man of the transportation com Sunday with their son, Norvin, of a boy, Dennis Ray, who was mittee. born July 15. Both Miss Brislin and family in Vernonia. and Mrs. Valentine formerly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roeser Benjamin Franklin established taught at the Washington grade the first American newspaper and Bobby spent the week end school. from Astoria with her parents, the printed in a foreign language. Week end visitors at the Louis Chas. Hansens. Huntley home were: Nate Huntley and Mrs. Mary Teel of McMinn ville, Mr. and Mrs. Georg? Feil of Beaverton and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCool and children of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. T F. Hillver and NEHALEM VALLEY BIRKENFELD — Father O’Cala. son and family, Jack Combs, of han and two sisters of Rainier are ; Portland spejit Monday and Tues ; MOTOR FREIGHT conducting Catholic instruction day camping and fishing on the here this week. There will be Kilchis river. Mass eveiy day. Children from I I Clatskanie have joined the child FORMER BIRKENFELD MAN ren of this parish foi study. Father TAKEN BY DEATH MONDAY O ’ Calahan brings them to school I I each morning. The sisters are Homer Davis, a former resident staying in the Grandma* Nord of Birkenfeld. passed away Mon strom house. day. Homer and Veda Davis have ♦ j Rev. Dugan took one of the been living at Warrenton since they Jeremiah children to the doctor left here They had one daughter La Vern. Monday for x-ray. The 4-H Winema calf club held The Donald Jepsons attended a a picnic Sunday on the Nehalem family reunion in Vernonia Sun river at the M P Mills ranch Call or Write day. The 4-H Winema Calf Club join Delmar Jepson called his par ed several other 4-H clubs and ents Sunday night to tell them he went on a tour last week They expects to be home the first of visited several interesting places and all reported a very good time. next week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis St. Clair A fly which cannot find a f ed stopped in Birkenfeld Sunday to ing place will live only 3 or 4 visit his sister and family, Mr. days, while well-fed ones live as I and Mrs. Henry Turner, and long as 60 days. friends. Ellis is home on a short Telephone 16212 I furlough. He is stationed near i Los Angeles, California. THE EAGLE.