I 2 THURSDAY, AUG. 6, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, THREE PARTICIPATE IN PROFIT SHARING PROGRAM ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Camping this week at the Jen I Malmsten. Mr«. Helmie Raines and son. nings Lodge Summer Assembly grounds of the Evangelical UB I formerly of Vernonia, spent a church ar? Marjorie Reynolds, i short time here Sunday night en Carol Ann Brown, Lorene Stiff, I route to their home in Eugene. David Linn, and Stanley and Mrs. Raines is employed as a Counsellors school nurse in the Eugene dis Owen Enevoldsen. for the group are the Rev. and trict; Bob is on leave from the I navy and will embark from Seattle Mrs. Paul D. Sisler. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hanson (Betty for Japan later in the month. Mrs. Larry Brown (Helen Frank) Counts) are the parents of a boy, Craig Milton, weighing eight and baby daughter, of Sweet pounds, 11 ounces. He was born Home are visiting at the home of July 21 at the Emanuel hospital. Mrs. Brown’s parents, the Howard Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Franks. Mr. Brown was injured on a lumber carrier where he Bush are Mrs. Bush’s brother and was employtd in a mill at Sweet family, Dr Q Q Quay, of Lincoln, Nebraska They arrived Wednes Home and recently underwent day of last week and will remain surgery on the spine in Portland. two weeks The two families went Week end guests at the home of deep sea fishing off Warrenton Mr and Mrs. Harold McEntire were his sister and mother, Mrs Tuesday. C. F. Heib«-r spent several days Elmer Williams of Portland and Mrs. Ida McEntiie of Forest Grove recently visiting in Salem his and also Mrs. Al Johnson of Port- »on and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gor land don Hieber. Guests at the home of Mr. and The La Verne Adams of Sweet Mrs G. A Remnant during the past week end were Mr and Mrs. Home were week end visitors at William C. Christensen and I)r 1he home of Mrs. Pearle Adams. and Mrs Don Byrd of Hillsboro Mr«. Floss Holtham who has been Mr and Mrs. Chris Vike of Mt. with Mrs. Adams this summer left Vernon, Washington, were here recently to visit relatives who Tuesday afternoon to see his bro ther, Oscar, and family. live on the coast. Miss Mildred Drake, formerly a high school teacher her?, and now teaching in a missionary school in Kentucky, was a guest recently at the home of Mrs. Alice I Jo// Theatre THURS.. FRI. AUGUST 6-7 DANGEROUS WHEN WET (Color) Esther Williams-Fernando Lamas SATURDAY AUGUST 8 A SLIGHT CASE OF LARCENCY Mickey Rooney - Eddie Bracken Plus TROPICAL HEATWAVE Robert Hutton SUN., MON. AUGUST 9-10 CALL ME MADAM (Color) Ethel Merman - Donald O’Conner TUES. WED. AUGUST 11-12 THE AFFAIRS OF DOB1E GILLIS Debie Reynolds Plus THE SECRET SHARER Janies Mason . G ne Lockhart Relatives Seen Before Move East RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Milton Scheuerman and two daughters visited at the home of her father, Albert Schalock, Tuesday. The Scheuermans are moving from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hu ns and children and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mathis and daughter, Peggy, left Saturday for St. Louis where they will visit, then go on to Arkansas. The Huens.will visit there and the Mathis plan to make their home there. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hienan of Portland spent the week end at the home of her sist. r and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Viigil Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Seinko and children of Astoria visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Raines and children of Eugene sp nt the week end at their place here. Queen Christina never married. Sweden yo# ^j^fashtoned refrigera«^' PHILCO dabry bar OA/iY *259^ I The names of those who partici pated in last week’s profit sharing program at Brunsman Hardware and Electric were: James Mc Crory. first; E. W. French, second and L. F Cotton, third. The participants were chosen Saturday afternoon of last week and the same procedure will be followed again Saturday of this week. Aunt Seen At Scotland Home Alaskans Spend Time At Home ROCK CREEK — Mr and Mrs. Earl Spofford and children of Summit, Alaska are visiting her mother, May Krieger, for a ftw weeks. The Clarence Reeds have had several grandchildren, Kent and B e Macon, with them a couple of weeks now. May Krieger spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Reed at the home place in Portland. Then Mrs. Reed came here with May for the week end. Marvin Krieger is stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington, so is able to come home often, having taken his car there. TREHARNE — Mary Jo Fal- coner has arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland after visiting in Toronto, Canada with her uncle and family. She was accompanied to Toronto by her father, Wm. Falconer. Mary Jo is visiting relatives in Scotland including her aunt, Min nie Falconer, who spent several months here last year. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker called at the G. W. Thacker home MIST — Mr. H. Robinson from Sunday. Birkenfeld and Mr. and Mrs. N. Mildred Thack.r and Selwyn Graves, left Sunday for Seattle, Hansen went to the ball game in Washington where they will be Portland Friday night. married. The Oasis restaurant closed on Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Friday. It has been under the Whitmire over the w-?k end were I management of Mrs. Wayne Pugh I Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fletcher of for several months. Castle Rock, Washington, Mr. and The Phil Pophams from Forest Mrs. Harve Whitmire from Har Grove were down last week a risburg and Mr. and Mrs. Bob time or two to see Mrs. Johnson, Merkling of Vernonia. Mrs. Popham’s sister who has Dinner guests of Mrs. Exi? Wea been quite ill. She is being cared ver Friday evening were Mr. and for by her daughter, Mrs. Roy Mrs. Linwood Reynolds and sons, Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds Visitors at th? Chas. Hansen and son, Earl, Mrs. Rosa Weaver home Friday were Mrs. J. P. and children and Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and son, Jim, from San Harry Weavtr and children. Francisco, California, Mi". I and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds, Mrs. G. Salmi and George Ann son Earl, and Mrs. Linwood Rey from Marshland and Mr. and Mrs. nolds and sons made a trip to Will Erickson and son from Quin- Cdmp Stoneman, California to cy. meet their nephew, Cpl. Wm. D. Mrs. Wesley Monroe was a mo Weaver, who receiv-d his dis torist to The Dalles last week. charge Wednesday, July 29. All Her granddaughter, Adrian, re arrived home last Thursday even turned home with her. Sh'’ has ing. for most of her short years lived with her grandparents, the Mon roes, but recently jointed her PREPARATIONS UNDERWAY mother who is a nurse at the hos- FOR COMING COUNTY FAIR pital in The Dall s. MIST — Clark Fenton was over from Castle Rock, Washington TOOL STAND ADDED one evening last week on business. TO HARDWARE DISPLAY Many people are busy now g t- ting ready for the county fair A display rack for P & C tools bearing $1000 worth of tools was next week. The families of Lloyd Garlock installed last Thursday at Bruns and her mother and father, Mr. man Hardware and Electric. The I rack is said to be the only one and Mrs. Wagner, are away on a of it's kind in the state. The re vacation trip to California. volving stand bearing the tools Mrs. Austin Dowling and Ber simplifies selection of the items nard were in Clatskanie Saturday desired. afternoon. A note from Mrs. Harry Rey nolds tells us she is improving some. NEW OWNERS OF PLACE TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Murdock, new owners of the Cates place, returned horn? Sat urday from a two weeks vacation to Long Beach, California through San Francisco where they visited a son, a niece, a nephew and a daughter at Long Beach. Another daughter, Robina, returned home with them to visit in Oregon for a few weeks. While in Long Beach they drove to Palm Springs. Rosalie Kirkbride r.turned home Saturday evening from Wi-Ne-Ma Christian summer camp where she spent a week. Darrell Ray Chambers of Dal las spent Saturday night and Sun day with his grandmoth, r, Mrs. Exie Weaver. Mr. Chambers ex pressly made the trip up from Dallas to see and visit his cousin. Mist Restaurant Closes Doors way! no delay Our milk of tAe fear to'»do'. io**' This flashing, sleek beauty is also an astounding performer . . . rated by Motor Trend Magazine next to Cadillac as the out standing car oj the year ... as the sajest car of all 20 makes tested .. . and as the best car in handling. The low price means monthly payments will be excep tionally low. See it... drive it. COME IN . . . TRADE IN FOR A NEW CAR THAI HELPS PAY FOR ITSELF IN SAVINGS COAST MOTOR COMPANY WILLYS SALES AND SERVICE Vernonia, Oregon Phone 1252 in along the is speeded from dairy to farm to pasteur- Lightning bugs are a tvp? of beetle. BANKERS APPROVED RETRACTABLE PEN MAIL COUPON TODAY IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING IS YOUR HOME INSULATED DOES YOUR HOME NEED PAINTING DO YOU WISH TO MODERNIZE YOUR HOME IF SO There's William D. Weaver, who has just returned from Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Reynolds spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds of Mut Mrs. Linwood Reynolds will be hostess at a woolen party to be given at her home Monday even ing. August 10. Friends and neighbors are cordially invited. Articles to be displayed are pro ducts of the Pendleton Woolen Mills. Mrs. Betty Smith and boys call ad at the home of Wilbur Thacker Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale re turned home last Thursday from a weeks trip in California visit ing relatives. PRICE SENSATION The "heft” of an ax is the handle. Delivery On the Double RETURN AFTER VACATION WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES OF HOME IMPROVEMENTS . . . LIFE TIME GUARANTEED ROOFS AND Lifetime Baked Enamel ! Siding—Fireproof, Insulates, Saves Fuel and Never Needs Paiting—Also Insulating and Remodeling. NO MONEY DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY ixation plant to you—for that real freshness that means full ■st taste enjoyment! Have it delivered to your home TO DAY. FREE ESTIMATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION. BANKERSAP- PROVED PEN GIVEN FREE WITH EACH ESTIMATE. FOR ESTIMATE. FILL OUT AND MAIL COUPON. El). THOMPSON c/o THE VERNONIA EAGLE , Vernonia, Oregon | Name .z..... Address » Roofing ] Siding Í t I » t I I « » Grade A Pasteurized NEW The •enMtion of the low priced refrig erator field . . . Philco with Dairy Bar. Butter Keeper and tlu> biggtwt freezer ever offered in a 7 foot refrig erator. Adjustable Shelve«. "Key Largo" color. Philco 726. EASY payments SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE Vernonia Phone 581 786 Bridge •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER XHXMZHXHZHXHZHZHrHZHXZMXHZHXHXHXMZMZMXKXKXHXMXHZHZM H X H H H OUT YOUR GARDEN LIKE CKING VITAMIN-RICH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FROM OUR SUPER COLD CASE M M Drop in tcday and look over our Salesboy Supercold refrigeration cate. This method of keeping fruitt H and vegetables assures you of garden-freshness. Not only does the Salesboy keep your produce fresh and crisp locking, but it retains all the vitamins of the food. You'll be convinced when you see it at— H FIX F Groeerte» M m I* —V creta hie«* SAM’S FOOD STORE H X M