Vi VOLUME 31. NUMBER 32 10c COPY Over Half of Population Visits Unit 'THOSE who ¡ARE IN IT Owners Change For Business Jim Frank. Airman 3rd class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgus Frank, lias been transferred from Parks Air Force Base in California to Chanute Field, Illinois where he 1 will be for four months for train ing in the electric branch of air craft accessories His family ex pects him home for Christmas. Pvt. Donald V. Bergerson, son i of Mr and Mrs. Elinor Bergerson of Timber Route, recently arrived in Korea for duty with the 25th infantry division, now the senior American division on the Korean Peninsula The 25th landed in July 1950. shortly after the Communists launched their attack against Ko rea. ■ Man Disappears From Rome Here Np clues were available earlier this week as to the location of Otto Knov er. 46 who disappeared from his home here after leaving a note indicating he intended sui cide The note gave directions for finding the family car in Oregon City on High street. ' He had been despondent over ill health and had written that he had been a burden on the family long enough Mr and Mrs. Knower and their son. Harry, have lived for several months in the W. D. Steele house on Tenth street in River view He worked for Jim Smith at Pittsburg up until the time he left Mrs Knower feels that her hus band is all right and hopes to hear from him soon dust fuel business which had been • operated by Mr and Mrs. J E Tapp for a number of years In maxing the change. Mr and Mrs Tapp have moved to their new borne located on an acreage just off the Sunset highway near North Pia:ns and Mr and Mrs. Stiff are o< spying the Tapp home on State street. The home formerly owned by Mr and Mrs Stiff has been pur chased by Mr and Mrs Alfred i Jones, who have been residing near their store located across the high- wt from the Washington school At Monday evening’s city coun cil meeting another step was com pleted towards realizing a sewer system for Corey hill when an ordinance was officially adopted authorizing the bond issue. The ordinance. No 330. provides for the “issuance, sale, maturity and retirement of general obliga tion sewer bonds authorized by a vote of the people at a special election in the amount of $85.(MX) for a sewer system and provides for a sewer use charge . .” The act. prepared by City At torney Carrell F Bradley, also provides for the calling for bids from bond buyers The bonds must be purchased before the city can authorize the completion of final engineering plans and call for bids for the work Bids for the bonds are to be opened at a council meet ing set for August 24 Monday's meeting was partially devoted also to the hearing of com plaints by C A McDonald and Clifford D. Fisher against the po lice department The former ob jected to the method of handling and the latter to an arrest of his son who was AWOL from the army Both were answered by police to the satisfaction of the council when points of law and additional information to that voiced in the complaints was brought out. The last official act of the eve ning was the issuing of an order that the engineering firm employ ed by the city, N. W Hancr and Associates, prepare a preliminary survey for replacement of the wood settleing tank with a unit of increased capacity at the city pumping plant The present wood tank has de teriorated to a point where re placement is necessary soon. 4-H Judging At Fair 1st Feature Something different in the way 1 of entertainment every afternoon I and night is in store for those at tending the 38th annual Columbia county fair August 13, 14 and 15 at the Columbia county fairgrounds at Deer Island Members of the fairboard an nounced the complete revised pro gram this week with the signing of the Multnomah county sheriff’s . motocycle stunt team to put on an ' evening show in front of the main 1 grandstand at 7 p m Friday. Au gust 14 The motorcycle stunt rid- ' ers replace the hardtop races on Friday night's program. A troop of 17 expert motorcycle ; riders will be in the sheriff's crew ' that will be featured in the hour and 40-minute show Precision mo torcycle drills will occupy only about 15 minutes of the show and the rest of the evening’s enter tainment will be made up of 50 [ stunts including precision riding. a board wall crash, riding through a hoop of water, broad jumps over 20 people and pyramiding of men on from one to three motorcycles Joie Chitwood and his auto dare devils with their fleet of new Fords will be in the spotlight on the opening night of the fair when they perform on the track in front of the main grandstand Precision driving, ramp to ramp leaps, wingovers. crash dives into parked cars and a head-on crash are only a few of the features of the Thursday show that has been revamped since it made its show ing at the fairgrounds last year Saturday evening, with time trials at 4 30 p.m. and races be ginning at 5:30, drivers of the Columbia County Racing Associa tion will take over the improved half mile dirt track at the fair grounds. The hardtop races will feature drivers of the Columbia . County association and will be their first appearance on the fair grounds track this year. They have been driving this summer at Mc Minnville. Thursday afternoon's entertain ment will be at the 4 H judging ring where 411 and FFA mem ' hers will participate in showman ship contests and parade their animals. Two rings are available so that two classes may be judged at the same time Friday afternoon a pair of new features aimed at providing par ticipation and entertainment for Judging contests will be fea tured as the first activities for 4-H club members when the Columbia county fair opens on Thursday, August 13. The livestock judging contest will b°gin at 9:30 and the home economics contest at 10:00. Each club is eligible to enter a t am Last rites took place Saturday, of three members in the contest August 1 at Oregon City for Ernest Funeral services were held Tues corresponding with their project Harris Steen who passed away day, August 4. at 2 p m at the Judging of 4-H dairy animals here last Thursday morning, Coleman Funeral chapel in St. will b gin as soon as the judging July 30 Death came at the age Helens for Mrs Lena Rainwater contest is done. Events in th° of 54 years. 10 months and 29 days Jones Steen was born at Mrs. Jones. 60. died at her home rabbit and poultry building for Ernest in St Helens 4-H club members in the after Grangeville, Idaho. September 1. Survivors include: her husband. noon include a rabbit judging 1898 He had been a resident of Harry Jones; Mrs. Helen Halsey judging contest at 3:00, a rabbit this state for the past 30 years and 20 of those years he had spent in and Harry E Jones, Jr., all of St Helens; a brother,- Martin Rain showmanship contest at 3:30, a this community where he was oc water. of Vernonia and five grand poultry judging cont st at 4:00, cupied as a logger Surviving are: his wife, Rose, and a poultry showmanship con children and daughter, Mary Rose, of Ver She is the aunt of Glenn Rain test at 4:30. water and Mrs. Thelma Bergerson The 4-H cooking demonstration nonia; four sisters, Mrs George Newton of Oregon City. Mrs. G E. of Vernonia contest is scheduled for Thursday Long of Portland, Mrs Carl John at 1 p.m. in the 4-H building. son. Camas, Washington and Mrs On Friday, August 14. the fol A E. Paulson, Eagle Creek and lowing 4-H contests are scheduled: one brother, Alvin Steen of Haines, cake baking cont st at 9:30; lower Alaska Commitment took place at Moun Columbia salad making contest tain View cemetery. Oregon City. at 11:00; bread baking contest Walrod spoke on new sprays which at 12 noon; clothing demonstra may be used to combat flea beetle tions at 1:00 and canning contest and other pests The moths which at 2:00. lay the eggs which develop into Four-H beef, sheep and hog the destructive tent caterpillars are now out, and are laying eggs classes will also be judged dur for next season’s worms. Spray ing th’ morning in the shijw ring. can be used to kill the eggs if One of the highlights of the fair The treasury of the Vernonia applied to the trees for club members and spectators Boy Scout troop will be enriched A class of three took the Fifth alike will be the 4-H showman Degree in the evening, after which ship contests on Friday afternoon. in the amount of $86 because of a the Lecturer’s program was en A trophy will be awarded to the decision made a few days ago by joyed by ail This consisted of members of the Vernonia Trap stunts, skits and music, and a talk | champion 4-H showman. club. The annual 4-H dress review by the Crange Historian Pearl The club sponsored a trap shoot Becker on county, state and grange will be presented on Saturday earlier this year for the purpose history Mrs. Becker showed the morning, August 15 at 11:15. Oregon state flag which has been A number of special contests of raising a fund which was to be so little known until this date are also scheduled for Saturday used to send a scout to the jam and spoke of the 1'iOth anniversary boree As no scout from Vernonia of Columbia county coming next morning. These include the crops attended the jamboree, the fund and weeds identification contest at year. i still remains with the trap club In discussing grange history. 9:30. forestry identification con test at 10:00 and vegetable judg ! Bill Horn announced Wednesday Fern Hill Grange was the topic This Grange was organized in 1920 ing contest at 11:30. morning that the fund was to be with 77 charter members, three of | disposed of by giving it to the them being present at this session local troop The accomplishments of the group I GARDENERS MEET FRIDAY Vernonia merchants donated through the years is the history The next meeting of the Ver prizes for the shoot to help make of the community development, be ing always for good roads, schools nonia Garden club will be held at the affair a success. the home of Mrs Herb Sturdevant and other improvements The trap club will sponsor an The next meeting of Pomona will Friday. August 7 at 2 pm The be in November with Wmema discussion slated for this meeting other shoot at the O-A ball park Sunday. August 23 is fall planning Grange at Birkenfeld Services Held Mr. and Mrs L E. Stiff recent- | For Relative ly took over the wood and saw Services Held At Oregon City McClure Discusses Farm Problems at 200th Meet The regular quarterly meeting of the Columbia County Pomona grange was held Saturday, August l. st Fem Hill Grange hall, this N ?g the .’•'h meeting of the group State Master Elmer Mc Clure was present and addressed the meeting in the afternoon McClure, in discussing farm prob- Ir-s. stated that the present food surplus in this country is much better than a food shortage as ex perienced in some other countries Alttough farm prices may go do» a on account of over supply of wheat, com. etc. it is less ex pensive than having to ship these foods into the country He also spoke of the things which develop when people are hungry, such as communism and other isms, along with famine and disease He also spoke of the de- ve rpment of Hell's Canyon, whe ther it was tn be the maximum as planned if the Government builds one large dam. or the mini m. in as may be provided if three small dams are built by Idaho Pow er Co. Water power is now our or,. natural resource and the most should be made of it for fu | ture development •runty Agricultural Agent Don I PHONE 191 THURSDAY. AUGUST 6. 19. City Issues Full Program, New Features Prepared by Bond Bid Call Fair Board for Annual County Show At Session ENGINEERS ASKED TO PREPARE ESTIMATE FOR SETTLING TANK NUMBER FALLS BELOW PERCENTAGE DESIRED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT More than 50 percent of the adult population of the Vernonia area xisited the mobile chest x-ray unit during its stay here, according to figures released from the office of Miss Grace Roumagoux of the county health department While this is short of the hoped for 70 percent of the population, it is a good showing and was achieved through the combined efforts of the volunteers. One thousand, one hundred seventeen persons were x-rayed The Mist-Birkenfeld area almost reached the 70 percent goal, as 100 people were x-rayed during the four-hour period that the unit was in Mist In addition to this num ber. it is known that a few people were x-rayed at Vernonia Since the estimated adult population of the two towns is 151. this will prob- abb be the highest coverage in the county Figures from Clatskanie are not yet complete, since there were two units there The portable unit was set up in the city hall for four da: - with the mobile unit moving in to complete the survey on Satur day. August 1. The approximate number filmed there was 1193, which is about 54 percent of the a h it population of the Clatskanie. Ma.-ger and Quincy areas. portable unit is now station ed in the offices of the Pacific & Light company in Raini- er a here it will operate until Au- gtw 8 Both units will operate in St Helens through August 22 and the survey, will be completed by th' portable unit in Scappoose where it will set August 12 through 15 Teturn cards are being received by the majority of the people, and letters are being sent out to those x-rays show ed a need for the larger film Miss Roumagoux states that so far no serious find ings have come to light, but that thc.-e receiving letters to return for the larger film usually show films will be taken in Vernonia on August 17. between the hours of 1 p.r. and 7 p.m VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON Scouts Given $86 From Club all county residents will be fea tured when the county fair Olym pics will be staged in front of the grandstand and the first annual county fair doubles horseshoe championship tournament will be held The county fair Olympics prom ises a fun-filled afternoon with cash prizes going V the winners of each of the events Various age groups among the children for both boys and girls w ill give fair goers of all ages an equal chance to win prizes and special novelty events for men and women are planned The program will include sprints, a fat man's race, a women's shoe kicking contest, rolling pin throw ing, softball throws, three legged races, backwards races and a variety of other novelty events Saturday afternoon from 2 p m. to 4 p m the free barbecue will be held Eight head of prime beef will be barbequed over open oak coals and served with bread and a special barbeque sauce free to all in attendance during those hours. The Sather Nusoin ranch at Clatskanie and the St. Helens Jun ior Chamber of Commerce each provided one animal for the bar beque Bread will be furnished by the Langendorf bakery through the cooperation of "Heinie” Heumanu. St Helens A surefire attraction throughout the fair will be the giant West Coast Shows and Carnival which will again set up on the midway Featured with the carnival this week will be the Four Barretti - in an aerial thrill act which sees them performing 125 feet in the air A number of new thrill ride» with special emphasis on new rides for the kiddies are include t in the Carnival's attractions this year A total of 10 shows and li rides will line the midway to pro vide entertainment for all. The county’s 4 Hers. FFA mem bers. granges and farmers will have on display the county’s best in handiwork and agricultural pro duce and animals throughout the fair TWO OF the eight prime animals to he barbequed over an ojien pit tor free distribution to all in attendance at the fair Saturday afternoon froi i 2 to I p.m. arc pictured above. Robert Muhr. left, president of the St. Helens Junior Chamber of Commerce is with the animal his organisa tion donated to the fairboard for the barbeque. In the center is Ja » Sather of the Sather Niisom farms in Clatskanie which donated C e Brahma bull held by Jewett A. Bush, Clatskanie, secretary-maaagT of the lairboard who received the animals from the two dorors. lire: f for the barbeque will be furnished by the Langendorf ba'.cry through the cooperation of Heinie lieumann, St. Helens. (Clatskanie Chief Photo.) PICTURED above is one of 50 thrill aits to be performed before U:c main grandstand at the Columbia county fair as the featured nig t attraction on Friday, August It. The famed Multnomah County Sher iff's motorcycle troop will stage the hour and tu minute thrill show. Expenditures Itemized JULY REPORT OF COUNTY WELFARE EXPENDITURES “Matched Programs, i.e. payments in the cost of which the Fed cral Government part.cipates. Cost Cases $15.981.0’) 310 Old Age Assistance $ 8,294.5) 55 Aid to Dependent Children $ 2.33500 35 Aid to Disabled $ 176.0 ) 2 Aid to Blind General Assistance, i.e. payments in the cost of which the Statu and County participat ■ 70/30. General Assistance $ 2,854.3) 60 (Family and Single cases) $ 590.05 18 Foster Home Care Medical Care $ 838 72 30 Gen'ral Assistance $ 4,653 65 92 Old Age Assistance $ 778.30 22 Aid to Dependent Children $ 867 39 11 Aid to Disabled .. I 5.40 1 Aid to Blind 935.370.41 565 TOTAL $ 6,49926 County Participation $ 2.446 95 Administration No County Participation