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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1953)
■ THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, CLASSIFIEDS ORE. Word Received of Illness of Father MIST —Mrs. A. A. Ashley re ceived a message last week that her father was very ill in a Port land hospital. Mrs. C. Kyser and children FOR SALE—Real Estate visited with Mrs. N. Hansen at FOR SALE—General $50 discount on new TV sets. $25 LARGE 5-room house on one I I her home last Tuesday atternoon. • ash or trade. This off r expires | acre. About 8 miles from Ver- Mrs. Gar Raymond from Jewell August 15. H. T. Hudson. 31t3c | noma on Timber highway. In- spent Monday evening at the Austin Dowling home. | quire Rosa Weaver, Treharne. WASHING machine in good con Mrs. Jack Crawford calk'd on ! _____________________________30t3 dition, $15. O-A hill. No. 6. 31 tl Mrs. Norman Hansen Monday i EIGHT-ROOM hous? furnished, in evening. CASCADES and raspberries for rtale. Also shake blocks to trade 1 good shape. Price $5500. See for shotgun or calf. C. N. Run- ■ Louis Violette, 888 Second St., End Roofing Worries j Vernonia, Oregon. 31t3 dell, Riverview. 31t3 I THREE-ROOM house with bath FOREVER! GIRL'S BICYCLE. Inquire at i | and utility. Partially finished. See Adv. on Page 2 l*alace Cafe. 31t3 | Electric heat. $3900. 1011, Ne- 31t3 PRICES SLASHED on Montgor.. | halcm St. cry ^ard nationally famous home I NICE 6-room home, electric range I FOR SALE—Insurance freezers this week only. Save up and n-w tabletop water heater BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele tn $60. 14 cu. ft. regularly $359.. Phone and city water. New out phone 773. We have a reliable buildings, 2 7/8 acres clear land. 95, now $299.88; 18 cu. ft. regularly First whit? house on Stoney Point Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 $424.95, now $388 88; 24 cu. ft I months at low rates. Also fire regularly $539.95, now $498.88; 8 ! road *«» mile from city limits. Q. D. Davis, phone 1593. 31t3c insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. cu. ft. regularly $249.95, nov 37tfc HOMES $222.88; 12 cu. ft. upright regularly HAVE A home and income: very FOR RENT $339.95, now $299.88. $10 down, neat duplex across street from low monthly payments. Sample FOUR-ROOM unfurnished up grade school; 2 bedrooms on « mi display at my home. You are stairs apartment. Phone 776. each side. Live in one, rent welcome to come see them h re. 31t3 other; 75x100 lot, double gar Riverview Tavern. Come to green shingle house age. A very good buy at $6000. THREE-ROOM house for rent. across from grade school in Co Good terms. This spring’s excessiv? rainfall, lumbia C«ty any day this week in. I GOOD 6-room modern house, 1 One mile north on Rock Creek highest since 1916, may be the road. J. P. McFarland. 30t3 eluding Sunday. Telephone St 1 bedroom down, 3 up. Wired for indirect cause of forest fires later Helens I410J2 . Lyle Harrington. I range. Part basemint. Price in the year. WANTED vales reprosentativc Montgomery | $4250, very good terms. Sound weird? Here’s the way Ward, Portland, Oregon. 31 tic i EXCEPTIONALLY neat 4-room HOUSEKEEPER for family of it works, according to forest fire plastered horn?. Extra large four. Mother employed part time. suppression officials in Oregon 4HJVER H.G. cat, 51 model. Has garage, can be remodeled into Live in. $75.00 per month. R. A. and Washington. Heavy rainfall bind s and armored for logging. apartment. One block from Peterson, 3rd St., Riverview. all spring caus.d a lush growth Price $2250. Ed Tipton, '/i mile 3It3 I of grass, brush and fern, Now grade school. A very good buy Phone 776. 8. of Vernonia. 30t3 at $5250. Terms. that rains have stopped, the grass 22 FOOT boat power d by 25 VERY NEAT 5 room mod.rn , WANTED. Fir, C“dar, Hemlock, is already drying out, and soon Cottonwood Logs, also piling. HP Pa'mer engine. Ideal for house plus sleeping porch; 2 Niedermeyer-Martin Co., 715 Port the brush will be a potential torch salmon derby. Contact C. L. Fal- bedrooms and dining room land Trust Bldg., Portland 4, Ore and next spring dead fern will be conburx, Capitol hill, or phone Wired for range. Price of $5500 gon. 29t7c tind-'r dry. «91. 20t3c ' includes some furnitur?, elec With this extraordinary amount tric range, refrigerator, etc. I CARD OF THANKS of flash fu.l growing everywhere, RASPBERRIES for sale, you pick, Good terms, Keep Oregon and Washington 10c lb. Bring own containers. GOOD 2-bedroom home, 2 lots, * I WOULD like to take this op Green authorities warn that extra <>ti. Meier, Capitol Hill. 30t3 Very neat. Price $3000. i portunity to- personally thank the precautions must b-> taken to American Legion and Auxiliary, avoid widespread damage from MILK goats and kids. Good grade FARMS vtoi «.. F. K. Schray, Stoney Point 25 ACRES, 17 cleared. Out 3 mil s. | the Odd Fellows and all my fire. Year round stream; 7-rm. house, j friends of Vernonia for their kind- road. 30t3 Extra car? must be tak?n with ness and consideration they have debris fires, picnic and camping Price $3500. Good t ?rms. MODERN white enamel wood 18 ACRES on paved highway; 7- | shown during mv recent b >reave- fires, cigarette smoking and other «■ook ntove. Excellent condition, room house, double garage, ment. use of fire, these prevention ex with reservoir, copper coils and Mrs. York and Allen woodshed and chick hous? perts warn. •ntiulatnd wat r tank, $35. Frank Mrs. Ethel Hamlhk and fami. and barn. Six-year lease on This h:avy fuel condition ex ikiyart, Stoney Point road, phone ly. 31tlc ists throughout the two states, 340 acres goes with place. Price 158®. 29t3c $5800, good terms. MAY THIS express my most sin and is as critical in the eastern DON BAYLEY. BROKER AI At OST new Easy Spin Dry cere appr.ciation to friends for portions as through the rain belt MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia washer. $50. See it at Dr. Spauld their thoughtful kindness because 31 tic of the d'ath of my mother. ing residence. 191 B St. 29t3 Mrs. Albert Blount and family 175 TONS of good No. 1 oats and MODERN 5-room house, garage, 31tl I « vetch hay. Also 85 tons of good garden spot, fruit room. $2850. Phone 1432. 31t3 hui.*e tuiy Mike Yunker, phone WE ARE deeply grateful to our 16104. Forest Grove. 29t3c friends and neighbors for the as MIST — Several of the vil FOR SALE—Cars. Trucks sistane? and sympathy offered in lagers have been blackberrying, GIRL’S bicycle for sale, pric • $30. the recent bereavement of our hut they are not too plentiful, GUARANTEED USED CARS •«<•,•,1 \ve 2!lt4 I beloved wife and mother, Bertha Seems to be a blight on lots of — SPECIALS — INECLAT1ON AND WEATHER 1951 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook 4- Ennis. the vines. Mr. Fred F.nnis door. Owned by prominent STRIPPING. “The more comfort, Several mills are closed down, Mrs. Juanita Edwards local man. Best accessories, i tin ess cost." No money down, owing to the strik?. Mr. Floyd Ennis low mileage—Special 31t lc ••as. payments. E. L. Blake Con Mrs. N. Hansen called on Mrs. Buy $1595 00 struction Co., box 93, Clatskanie. Howard Jones one dav last week. Oregon. Phone 312. 28tfc 1951 DODGE Coronet 4-door. ! Mrs. Roy Hughes is caring for ALDER LOGS WANTED Gyromafc, Seat Covers. I her moth r. Mrs. Johnson, from SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill Heater, Defroster $1695 00 Will pay premium price for Forest Grove at Mrs, Hughes <i it Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 1946 CHEV 'j ton. overloads, really good logs. heme her* for the present. The 26t52c covered box $495.OC doctor was called last week for 1946 FORD 2 door sedan. New JURGENS MILLS Mrs. Johnson. REMODELING, home improve paint, new seat Beaver Springs Road—Rainier Mr. and Mrs. R. Schroed' r and ments; house leveling, founda- covers $595 00 Peter and Mr. and Mrs. C. Salmi tH>i> . additions. All work guaran- ' Phone 6 8256 1948 FORD 2 door sedan. Radio and girls from Marshland and Mr. fetd. No money down, easy 25tfc and ’ heater S7S7.00 and Mrs. Merle Tiderman from twins. E. L. Blake Construe- 1947 PONTIAC 6 4 door sedan. Jewell were Sunday evening In i Co., box 93, Clatskanie. Ore Radio and heater, new paint. HIGHEST cash prices paid for at the Chas. Hansen home. gon. Phone 312. 2l)tfc cream and eggs at your door- Motor overhauled $711,00 Among th? guests last week at APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, Several Chev. and Dodge Pickups picked up once or twic? weekly— the Austin Dowling home were call or write Forest Grove Cream at Special Prices hemstitching. At Vernonia Clean ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olson and son, BANK TERMS ers. June Willis, phone 1211. 126. 14tfc I Warren, of Tacoma, Washington. ______________ •_____________ 23tfc 1 HAWKEN MOTORS Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Johnston Dodge and Plymouth Dealer were business motorists to Clats IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANK Vernonia — Phone 501 kanie Saturday. Order your Stout Irrigation Sys- PUMPING SERVICE 31tlc Mrs. Carl Enneberg was a vil Ifm today. Free engineering and lage shopper last Wednesday. Crawford Auto Wreckers, estimates. Proper irrigation will | 1953 WILLYS 4 dr. sedan. Solid Mr. and Mrs. George Jones at blue. R&H. overdrive. 2654 775 S. Highway, St. Helens. Ore increase your present product tended the Grange picnic at Big Phone 650 , IStfc meny times. m'los. a gas saver, yes sir. Eddy park Sunday. every mile. 30 months to SIMPSONS HARDWARE Mrs. Chas. Hansen will leave pay $585 down CLASSIFIED RATES Uptown St. Helens Sunday morning for a trip to 1951 CHEV BelAir sport coupe. litfc MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 Minnesota with her daughter and Honeydew and black While words or less. Words over min son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted AUCTION Every Friday. We sidewalls. Wait’ll you feast imum, 2c each. Three inser Kuluju. have a good market for your live- I your eyes on this. See our tions for the price of two. stock, furniture, tools, poultry. I Mr and Mrs. George Jones salesman. Bill CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. Wc buv. sell, trade, every week were dinner guests Saturday Wilson $645 down NO information on classifieds will day. paying cash for livestock. 1950 FORD 2-dr. sedan. Light evening at the home of Mr. and be given out until after paper Airtotnre. machinery, tools. Alt Mrs. Lloyd Beach at Birkenfeld. green. Clean as a Dutch is mailed. man’s Auction Mart. Forest Grove. Chas. Hansens entertained his kitchen. One owner car. 24 NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Phor ts 7615 nights, 5320. Walt sister and husband. Mr and Mrs. months to pay $365 down ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED J. Wnkkola, from Roseburg, Altman. Auctioneer, selling live 1947 DODGE 4 dr. sedan. Fluid AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT Washington a few days last we.k. stock or general farm sales any drive and many extras. Be FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. where. lltfc Delor's Wilson and Be .-tie Lu money ahead and troubles , THE EAGLE assumes no finan Ashley w ere accompanied by Mrs. behind $265 down flOME LAUNDRY -Phone 1107 cial responsibility for errors Bill Wilson on the 4-H tour in Mo York. Laundry, fluff dried, 1947 FORD 2 dr. sedan. A real that may appear in ads pub home economics July 16 to Port value $205 down 15c ib Shirts, finished extra. 25c. lished in its columns, but in land. They visited the Swift and 1946 LINCOLN 6 pass. cpe. V-12. Flat finish-d, minimum $1.00. < case where this paper is at Company packing plant, Wash RSiH. overdrive. Electric Orw day servic? on request on fault, will reprint that part of ington Park zoo, Whit' Stag cloth windows $225 Full Price fluff dried Also curtain stretch- I an adv. in which the typo ing manufacturing company and 1940 CHEV sedan delivery ing ___________________ gtfc graphical mistake occurs. the Franz Bakery where each MANY OTHER VALUES AND POETRY accepted only as paid memb.r received a loaf of bread. ALL makes of sewing machines I PICKUPS IN STOCK matter. Rate: 5c per type line. i rep., red. Electrification of any VERNONIA AUTO CO. BLIND ads with answers to be ' I’.u k s It. w H.«me 27 Years in Business in Vernonia BEN’S BARBER SHOP handled by the Eagle: Mini stere. 4816 N. Lombard or in- I Phone 342 Vernonia mum charge 80c. No informa Expert Tontorial Work quir. Eagle office. 38tfc I ________________ 31tlc tion given relative to such ads. Vernonia. Oregon i TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Thacker and Mildred mo tored to Forest Grove Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fletcher and family of Castle Rock, Wash, ington sp'nt the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire. All of them enjoyed a picnic lunch Sunday at Colum bia Park. Mrs. Whitmire had a card from the Tisdales who are vacationing in California and visiting Mrs. Tisdale’s relatives. H. E. Bender and family were Longview visitors last Friday afternoon. Ann Marie Richardson returned to her home in Cathlamet after spending two weeks with the Benders. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder re ceived word from thgjr son, Lloyd that he has arrived in New Lon don. Conn, and started to school. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker called at the home of G. W. Their daughter and Thacker, son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. L?6ter Telling, from Portland spent the day with them. I Heavy Spring Rain May Be Cause Of Foresi Fires Later in Year Pickers Find Berries Scarce I Vacation Being Spent in Calif. west of the Cascades. Rainfall in th? Portland area through June 30 totaled 30.69 inch's, according to the U. S. Weather Bureau, Not since 1916 when 30.86 inches fell in the first six months has it been so wet. It was the tenth wettzst six months period since records have been kept in 1872. More rain fell up to July 1st this year than all last year, and by comparison only 18.72 inches fell in 1952 up to July 1st. Worst danger from flash grass fires, fire prevention people warn, is the _loss and destruction of young growing trees Which have germinated during th? favorable growing period. These flash fires burn very hot for a few minutes, but in those few minutes entire young growing forests can be de stroyed. So, it is easy to s?e why the unseasonal rain may be a poten. tial fire hazard. Long Vacation Trip Completed MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews and daughter, Marion, Mrs. L. P. Mathews and Mrs. Ida Condit arrived home from a five and one-half weeks vacation trip last week. Their trip took them through Yellowstone, the Black Hills and the badlands of South Dakota, then on to southern la., north to Battle Creek, Michi gan and the Great Lakes. They traveled nearly 7,000 miles and had a wonderful time seeing sights and visiting relatives. Mr. Emile Koski of Quincy spent a couple of days last week at the Chas. Hansen home. End Painting Worries FOREVER! See Adv. on Page 2 Always So Acceptable Olympia Draft Beer brings you a" *• Savored goodness just as .1 come from the Brewery, h's yours to en.oy o» the blue and red neon sign. •"Its the Water OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, U. TAKING A TRIP? Make sure your travel cash gees a long way... in safety! A vacation just can’t be any fun if you lose your travel funds! That’s why so many smart travelers put protection in their pockets by letting us convert their ravel cash into American Express Traselers Cheques. Vernonia Branch Commerciai Bank of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation