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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1953)
1 47 Go to Picnic Reunion Sunday Mildred Wolff Bride Of William Tupper « Auxiliary Seats New Officials I Friends Invited to Reception Friday THE St. Patrick’s Lutheran church NATAL — An invitation is ex in Portland was the scene Satur tended to fritnds of Marilou Forty-seven people celebrated a day, July 27, at 7 p.m. of the wed Fredrickson and Eddie Olst“dt to The American Legion and Aux family reunion picnic on the Ne ding of Miss Mildred Wolff, iliary held a joint meeting July attend a wedding reception in daughter of William Wolff, and their honor at the Wm. Pringle halem river Sunday, July 26. William K Tupper, son of the 20 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of home July 31 at 7:30. Their Those attending were all rela late Willard Tupper of Willsboro. installing the new officers for the wedding will be an event Friday year. tives of Mrs. Mary Anderson. Reverend W. Battermen read the in Vancouver. Washington. Mrs. Muriel Acton, district presi There were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed double-ringed ceremony in the Mr. and Mrs. DeeVere Hershey dent. was installing officer. , church where the brid? was bap win Lyons and children. Mr. and and boys motored to Florence on tised and confirmed. The new officers for the year Tuesday to visit Mrs. Hersheys Mrs. Edgar Lyons and Mr. and Given in marriage by her father, I are: president, Alice Ade; first sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Paul Patterson, all of Port the bride wore a gold-beige suit vice-president. Maude York; 2nd Bill Lumn. Mr. and Mrs. Albert land; Mr. and Mrs. Chet Ander with matching hat; accessories vice-president, Bessie Tapp; trea- Childs of Vernonia accompanied son and children and Ted Ander were brown. The corsage was a surer, Isabel Culbertson; secre- them. I son and daughter. LaV'>rna, ail purple orchid. tary, Leona Weidman; historian. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Northrup of f Tillamook; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miss Cora Dusenberry, the Marie Atkins; chaplain, Ruby Banks are enjoying a camping I Peppard and children of Hillsboro; bride’s attendant, wore a grey Biggs; sergeant-at-arms, Leona I trip at the Big Eddy. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Huber of cord coat dress with white acces Keith and musician. Bea Craw Cornelius; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey sories. Her corsage was a rubrum ford. Ridling and children, Mr. and lily. 'Die legion officers were in- Mrs. Bob King, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Best man was Norman Stunk- s tañed by the 40 and 8 team, Bergerson and son, Mr. and Mrs. ard. Ushers were Murvel Frank The following visitors intro- Martin Rainwater and daughter. and Oliver Drenin. duced were: Mrs. Muriel Acton, Bonita, Mr. and Mrs. Vester Chris- At the reception held in the district president; Mrs. Gayle William Anderson and Mr. church parlors. Miss Elsie Glienke Kr:ason, junior past department NATAL — A large crowd at- and Mrs. Ernie Christensen, all of was in charge of the guest book. president; Mrs. Gilland, deputy tended the Pomona picnic Sun- Vernonia. Some of the family Mrs. Max Glienke was at the public relations chairman; Mrs. day. wire unable to attend. punch bowl. Mrs. Paul Hoaz pre John Acton, mother of the district Mrs. Ernest Kyser and girls sided over th ? coffee urn and Mrs. commander; Mrs. Ida Thebolo, spent a week at Coos Bay visiting Unless brought to an untimely Armand Palvinng cut the cake. past district president; Mrs. Ro at the Karr home. end. the housefly can spread dis- Mrs. Silvia Turner was at the land Smith, district child welfare Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell ■ ase for 30 to 60 days. gift table. chairman and Mrs. Mae Dern of motored to McMinnville Sunday Following their honeymoon, Mr. Forest Grov?. evening, taking their daughter and Mrs. Tupper will be at horn Honor pins ware presented to and Ethel Kyser back after they in Riverview. Inez Powell, Jaunita Yeager and spent the week end here. Floy Hammack for continued Friday evening visitors at the membership in the Auxiliary for D vine home were Mr. and Mrs. Guest Caller Engaged 25 years. Walter Root and Buddy of Scap By Nehalem Squares Patsy King received her cer poose, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Devine Jim Kindr.d of Forest Grove tificate of membership transfer- and Victor and Mr. and Mrs. will be guest caller for the Ne ing her from a junior member to Dean Porter and children of Wald 4-DAY DRY halem Valley Squares Friday, a senior memb r. port and the Clair Devines. July 31. There will be no dance CLEANING AND The three girls attending girls Inez Mills and son, Jimmy, on August 14 because of the coun state were June Cunningham, LAUNDRY from Klamath Falls were callers ty fair. Marlyn Good and Pat Stiff. at the Pringle home last Saturday. SERVIICE Sunday dinner guests at the Fickun Tuesday, Back Ira Petersons were Mr and Mrs. Past Chiefs Notified Norman Peterson and baby who Friday Of Monday Meeting are visiting in Birkenfeld. Th? Past Chief’s club will meet Mrs. Max Oblack and Larry We Give S&H Green next Monday evening. August 3, were in Forest Grove Tuesday Stamps at 8:00 p.m. at the home of Silvia A family reunion, held in honor They accompanied Mrs. R. Hold- Wolff on Mist route. of Major and Mrs. Clarence (Bud) ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanen Lamping and daughter, Suzanne, i i who are visiting on leave from I and Gladys Dass of Seattle were Rapid City, S.D., was held at the at their parents home over the home of their parents, Mr. and week end. Mrs. M. J. Lamping, Sr. Sunday, If your glasses are unbecoming to you, July 26. Attending the picnic dinner and Parents Announce You should be coming to me. I wiener roast were: Mr. and Mrs. Daughter’s Engagement LENSES DUPLICATED M. J. Lamping, Jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lamping GLASSES REPAIRED announce the engagement of their and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNair and son. Also visiting daughter, Nancy Elizabeth, to 168 N. Thi^d Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon for th? occasion were Mr. and Mrs. William King Chalmers, son of A. A. Henges of Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. William R. Chalmers. Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Lumpkin of The young couple plan to be Portland, sisters of Mrs. Lamping, marri d in October and will liv • on Mist Rt. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webb of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger and daughter, Joan, ot Clatskanie, relatives of Mrs. Lamp ing, Sr., also attend the reunion. After dinner, slide pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Lumpkin's cross country trip to Boston and New York were shown, including pic tures of the family’s original an- cestnal home in New Jersey. Pomona Picnic Well Attended SEAWRIGHT'S VERNONIA CLEANERS EAGLE. VERNONIA, Club Schedules Dance For Saturday Evening Temple Plans Future Bazaar Vernonia Temple No. 61, thian Sisters, met July 22 with M E C. June Willis presiding. Plans were mad? for a bazaar and cooked food sale to be held December 12. Caroline Heath, accompanied by her mother, visited the Temple and gave a very interesting and complete report on 4-H summer school activities. Sister Mary Sawyer was es- corted to the station of the M.E.C. and presented with a gift which she was requested to deliver to her daughter. Nona Rae, who recently became Mrs. Donald Har grove. A letter of thanks was received from Sister Cleo McNair for the silver cup sent to her son. Expressions of sympathy were extended to Excellent Senior Eula Blount because of the* death of her mother. Following adjournment, deli cious refreshments were served by Alice Weed and members of her losing team to the winners in the traveling can contest. The hostess prize was won by Edna He°nan. The next meeting will be Sept, ember 9. Do-Si-Do Square Dance club members and their friends will dance at the Natal hall this Sat. urda.v evening with Glen Hawkins as caller. People who attend ar • asked to bring a sack lunch lor refreshments. Coffee will be fur nished by the club For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 16212 Vernonia, Oregon Timber Rt., Box 56 SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM SAVE MONEY EAT DR. HARRY H. LOY, Optometrist WELL Take home your entire list of kitchen needs from the Nehalem Market and Grocery. Regular grocery shopping means you accomplish two things—you save money and eat every meal. MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 Ka iVllíIN .IOHS — WMTVH3N .IOHS — W3 IVII3N .lOItS dairy bar Guests Gather At Natal Homes ONLY BOTUÍS Full Quart« NEW The sensation of the low priced refrig erator field ... Philco with Dairy Bar, Butter Keeper and the biggest freezer ever offered in a 7 foot refrig erator. Adjustable Shelves. "Key Largo” color. Philco 726. EASY PAYMENTS SUNDLAND’S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE Phone 581 786 Bridge Vernonia NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER NATAL—Mrs. Margar-t Parker and daughters of Astoria were Sunday visitors of the William Pringles. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack and family were in Molalla Sunday for a picnic dinner with relatives. Those from here who attended the wedding of Mildred Wolff and Kenneth Tupper were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devin?. Pat Hildebrand and children of Coos Bay were visitors of the Wm. Pringles last week. Callers Sunday at the Sam De vines were Car) and Einar Daniel son and Mrs. John Devine and Janell and Jackie Devine. They were accompanied by Mrs. Camp bell and Artie LaB:ck. Mrs. L. P. Mathews and her son and family have return»d home from their vacation trip From 0 to 60 miles an hour in 17.5 second« the Jero-Eagle floats you over short trips or long journeys in lounge-chair comfort . room inside ... big view outside see it today at COAST MOTOR PHONE 1252 COMPANY WILLYS SALES AND SERVICE VERNONIA, ORE. THE HOUSEWIFE'S FIRST CHOICE ALWAYS Order today from SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Delivery Phone 761 . A female housefly lays up to 500 eggs in a season, and tom • lay as many as 2000. Houseflies generally stay close tn where they hatch, but may fly as far as 13 miles in search of food. Family Reunites At Lamping Home 4 THURSDAY. JULY 30, 1953 Meats Produca Fina Groctrie* ■ I