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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1953)
^2 VOLUME 31, NUMBER 31 10c COPY 38th Annual County Fair Scheduled August 13-15; New Events Arranged \ series of contests to be called the "County Fair Olympics” and a contest to determine the horse shoe pitching champion of Colum. bia county will be two events fea tured at the 38th annual Colum bia county fair. The fair, scheduled August 13, 14 and 15 at the fairgrounds near '>eer Island, will consist of three fuxl days of entertainment as well as exhibits, displays and judging. A free beef barbecue, hot rod races, the Joie Chitwood auto thrill show, and carnival attrac tions are among the events sched ul'd as highlights of the fair pro gram. NEW FEATURE ADDED The “County Fair Olympics" will be held Friday afternoon. August 14 in front of the grandstand. Presented for the first time this year, th? "Olympics”, will con sist of sprints for various age groups. softball tossing, three- legged and sack races and a num- bt r of surprise nov’lty events for men, women and children. The “Olympics” replace the vaudeville show of last year. .' ash prizes »will be awarded the winners with residents of the county urged to participate. The horseshoe pitching event, also slated for Friday afternoon, will be the first to be held at the fair. Winner’s names are to be engraved on a perpetual trophy. It will remain permanently in possession of the team that wins it three times, EARBECUE SATURDAY The beef barbecue will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday. Coun ty residents will be served huge barbecue sandwiches, taken from < ent beef cattle set aside for th? purpose and cooked over hot coals. Columbia county 4-H club and 108 Go to 4-H Forestry Camp Five counties were represented at the 4-H forestry district camp he.d at Camp Wilkerson July 20- 22 Total attendance was 108. Marion county led in registra tion with 32. Other counties send- • tng club m mbers were Polk, Washington, Clatsop and Colum bia. The camp program was under the direction of Paul Goodmonson, farm forestry marketing specialist arid Andy Lanforce, extension wildlife management specialist, both of Corvallis, They were as- ted by Mel Cummins, district gar-.e officer for the Oregon state game commission; Bob Lindsay, resident forester, Columbia Tree farm, Vernonia: and Don Camp- be.:, forester for Crown Zeller- b? h. Vernonia. Classes conducted during the camp were on timber cruising, an mal life, tree farming, aqua tic life, bird study, pacing, fish ing and compass. The club members took a trip t Vernonia on Tuesday afternoon f< r a tour of the Oregon American mill. Those attending from Columbia county were: Billy Hogan. Dallis Mtsdows, and Mark Zatterberg, a of Columbia City; Jerry Fini- gar Monty Nelson, Del Terry, Dirk Terry and Mrs. Marvin Nel- s - all of Deer Island; and Byron Hawkins. Larry Hickman, and Da- vid Linn, all of Vernonia. Vets Schedule Donkey Baseball An afternoon of entertainment, s -ranged by the V.F.W.. is sched ul'd for the afternoon of Sunday, August 2 when a donkey baseball gime will be played at the city park field. The game is timed to start at 2 pm. and will feature Al?x( the donkey that worked in pictures with Francis. Along with the bar'ball gaane. spectators will gee - : eating contekt and a greas <j p g chase as special attractions. Futur- Farmers of America mem. bers will have thsir day Thurs day. August 13. Livestock will be paraded and judged and members of the clubs will take part in judging contests. Saturday night, the Modified Racing association of Oregon will stage a series of hardtop races with drivers competing for points toward the association champion ship. Time trials are set for 4;30 p.m. and races at 5:30 p.m. best in the wav of agricultural and household goods. Displays will be arranged in 11 departments, including agricul ture, produce, culinary, floral, poultry, textile, livestock, school exhibits, forestry, vocational, agri, culture, 4-H field and livestock and 4-H home economics. Few Changes Of Game Rules Made July 24 Time ArlHe'l tn Season in Clatsop County; Synopsis Due I Th? 1953 hunting and trapping DEADLINES SET regulations were set by the Ore- Entries must be made and in 1 gon state gam" commission Fri place by midnight Wednesday, August 12, according to fair of day, July 24. following a public SHOW SCHEDULED AGAIN ficials. Livestock is excepted but hearing at the Portland head The Chitwood show will be pre animals must be in position by 8 quarters of the commission. A i complete printed synopsis of the sented Thursday night with mem a.m. Thursday. Fair regulations require that regulations will be available for bers of th? dai- devil auto troupe putting a number of 1935 model aw’ards be withheld from exhibits distribution by the 1st of Septem. cars through spins, skids, jumps not considered satisfactory, even ber. Few changes were mad? and breath-taking maneuvers. The •hough there is no competition. in the tentative rules published The fair will b “ presented under show was presented here earlie; the direction of the fair board following the initial public hear this year. ing on July 10. West Coast Shows carnival will with Luther Choate. Vernonia, president; Jewett A. Bush, Clats set up at the fairgrounds to op SEASON DATES SET erate throughout the three-day kanie, secretary and manager, and Th’ buck deer season will ex John F. B eker, St. Helens, trea affair. tend from October 3 to October surer. Columbia county residents were followed by a The fair advisory board consists 16 inclusive, expected to exhibit the county's of C. W. Sherman, Scappoose; hunter’s choice season from Oc Tom Colvin and Jess Lewis, Clats tober 17 through October 20. The kanie; Don Coin Walrod and Don bull elk season will extend front Driver, St. Hel.ns; Floyd Bush, October 31 to November 22 inclu Vernonia and Jess Skeans, Rai sive An antelope hunt for 420 fortunate permit holders will be nier. held from August 22 to August 27 The Columbia county chest x- inclusive, in two areas in south rav survey started off exc. ption- eastern Oregon. ally well in Vernonia last Satur License agents throughout the day when 475 people were xrayed. state have been provided with ap The unit was at the mill dock plications for antelope permits. Tuesday where 200 individuals Applications for permits must be were xrayed. Wedn sday 100 were The Columbia county court, act in the Portland office of the game xrayed as of noon. ing as the levying board, met commission by 10:00 a m. August This project has tak’n th? ef after the budget hearing last 11. Drawings will be held August forts of many community groups Thursday on the 1953-1954 budget 13 and tags will be mailed on the in this area. The unit will be open and approved a total levy of $340,- following day. here Thursday, today, from 12:00 000.00. This was $11,130.00 less noon to 8:00 p.m. It will be at than the total amount permissible ELK HUNTING EXTENDED Mist on Friday fiom 4 to 8 p.m. under the six p-r cent limitation. The controlled elk hunt in the Groups working together have Total appropriations were $13,- Lewis and Clark valley in Clat brought about this good response. 918.00 more than those for the sop county was extended to run previous year, including $5,134.00 from November 28 through De of salary increases for clerks, de cember 31. The areas in Douglas puties and officers. and Hood River counties to be Th’ allocations to cities and included in the either-s’x deer drainage districts were also $3,- season were reduced. Changes 279.00 larger than the estimate were made in the boundariss of for the previous year. Total esti the Mt. Emily and McDonald For Employees of the West Coast mated receipts were $15,204.00 est archery areas. Tel: phone company in the forest more than those for the prior State-wide upland game seasons Grove district from the exchanges year, so that the net increase in remain th’ sam? except for a of Vernonia, Beaverton, Clats the levy over that of 1952-1953 reduction in the length of the sea kanie. Forest Grove, Gresham, was $8,745.00. son in Klamath county and a re Hillsboro, McMinnville, Newberg It is anticipat 'd that increased duction in the sage grouse limit. and Tigard as well as from the valuation will more than offset Camas and Woodland, Washing the increased levy r: suiting in a ton exchanges, attend’d a confer reduced millage for county gen ence July 21, 22. and 23 at the eral fund and general road fund. Multnomah hotel in Portland. Thes? conferences were part of a series held for the purpose of promoting better understanding Before a crowd of 62 people of the company’s plans, objectives representing mill and logging con and problems. Astonishing growth cerns and members of the Colum of the company in th? past 25 bia county committee of Keep years was pointed out. Telephones Last rites for Mrs. M. Gründen, Oregon Green, Ed Schroeder and in service had increased 242',; who passed away Sunday, have Curt Nesheim, wardens for the plant investment. 279' <; pay roll, been arranged to tak ■ place today, Northwest Oregon fire district, 632',; operating exp nses, 836',. Thursday, at the Evangelical U.B. explained new fire control laws One staggering item mentioned church at 2 p.m. Death came for Friday evening. Th" meeting, ai- was the increase in federal taxa her at 12:05 p.m. at her home ranged by Glen Hawkins, took tion, 5164', over 1929. Gross re. on the O-A hill after a long ill place at the Masonic Temple fol venues with which to meet these ness. lowing a dinner served by the Ne great increases had increased only Olga Estelle Grund n was born halem Social club. 426', in the same period, the per November 19. 1890 at Waldren. The m’eting was the annual centage of the revenue dollar Arkansas and passed away July county fire control dinner ar eaten up by expenses having 26 at the age of 62 years, eight ranged for the past four years at jumped from 69.62', to 87', in months and 7 days. She was which plans for exercising care 1952. married to Maynard Gründen at ful practices with fire are dis E. S. 'Brownie" Germain, public Fort Bliss, Arkansas May 18, 1918 cussed. relations officer for th? company, and had been a resident of Ver Schroeder point d out that the discussed the fundamental facts nonia for the past 25 years with Northwest Oregon fire control about the company’s operations. the exception of three years spent district is much better equipped The West Coast Tel’phone Com in Longview. and manned now to handle fires pany. he pointed out, has a nst Surviving are: h?r husband; two than it was in the past and that plant investment of $22.473.811. broth’rs, Oscar Bohnsthen of Na plans for the future call for Its 1600 employees operate 74 ex tional City, California and Albert further improvements. changes in five separate districts Bohnsthen of Albany and a sister, Nesheim explained points con locat?d in Washington. Oregon Mrs. L. M. Tomlinson of Shreve cerning new laws that have been and California and serving a total port, Louisiana. She was a mem causing controversy and answered of 106,500 telephones. ber of the Longview Community questions from the floor. At a noon luncheon held at th? church. Attendance at the annual din Multnomah hotel Vice-Presid nt The services today will be at 2 I ners has grown since the first held G. E. Krieger presented certifi p.m. and commitm nt will be at in 1950. At that dinner 34 were cates for long service to 35 em the Vernonia Memorial. Rev. present. In 1951 attendanc’ was ployees. Awards for having com Paul D. Sisler will officiate. 31 and in 1952 the number in pleted 10 y’ars of service went to creased to 48 Ruby Smith and Edna Heenan of Firemen Make 2 Calla the Vernonia exchange. 775 XRAYED TO 12 WEDNESDAY Levying Board Approves Budget Employees Hear Company Plans Services Set to Be Held Today Second Place Won Bobby Rose won s?cond place in the junior division of the Ore gon Bow Hunters Broadhad tournament held at the R J. Marton ranch at Jacksonville Sunday. He scored 68'2 points. Firemen were called last Fri day about 1:15 to the Frank Steele home on Corey hill to extinguish a chimney fire and Sunday about 1.30 to the Cherry Tree apart ments when the wood furnace backfired, causing only smoke damage. Damage to the Steele home amounted to $100 New Fire Laws Discussed Friday Program Underway Scheduled for Saturday after noon at Brunsman Hardware is the first participation of customers and friends in the profit sharing program announced last week Anyone may partcipate in the at. fair by asking fur a Ita ticket at the store. NAME CHANGE DUE AUGUST 1 According to bulletins issued here early this week, effective on August 1 the Long-Bell Lumber company will succeed the Ore gon-American Lumber corporation in the operation of the Vernonia logging and lumbering plants. The legal dissolution of the Ore- gon -American will b e ac complished July 31 and all trans actions August 1 and subsequent to that date will be made in the name of The Long-Bell Lumber Company-Vernonia Division. Ed York Taken By Death Thurs. Ed York, a résident of Vernonia for the past eight years, was claimed suddenly by death Thurs day, July 23 at his home here. Final rites were conducted Satur day at the Bush Funeral home chapel and commitment was at the Vernonia Memorial. Edson Monroe York was born May 19, 1897 at Birnawood, Wis consin and was a veteran of World War I. He was married at Loga les, Arizona August 5, 1926. His age at time of death was 56 years, two months and four days. Surviving are: his wife, Maude, and son, Allen; a daughter, Ethel Hamllik, of GoMendale, Wash ington; a sister. Mrs. Valerie Shell of Alaska and three grandchild ren. He held membership in both the American Legion and I.O.O.F. lodge, members of both groups conducting ths graveside services. Rev. Paul D. Sisler officiated. PeeWees Split Last Two Gaines Grangers Go To Picnic at Big Eddy Park Annual Gathering of County People Held For Over 25 Years There was a good attendance at the annual Pomona Grange pic-nir Sunday, July 26, at Big Eddy park on the Nehalem river, with al. parts of the county being r; pr? sented. The State Grange Mastei Elmer McClure, and his wife al.-., were guests. Each spoke brilfly. Mrs. McClure telling something o.' her recent trip to Europe where she went as a representative of the National Grange home econo mics committee. Visitors ahu- were present from Clatsop county. SONGS FOLLOW LUNCH After the «picnic lunch whk'k' was served at noon, there wa» a short program furnished by the granges of the county. A piani was brought to the park by the Bush Furniture of Vernonia and singing was led by Jewett Bush who also sang several songs. A platform had been built by Noble Dunlap for the program since the original one had been destroyed when the timber was blown down several years ago A committee worked on the preced ing Sunday getting the grounds r condition for the picnic and de serve much credit for their hard work in clearing limbs, brush and grass to make the grounds attrac tive. The Columbia Tree Farm crew also helped with this work Two sections of the horseshoe tournament were played with th« result that the women's group award went to Fern Hill Cning< for the third time, giving thins the permanent possession of the I trophy. Warren Grange won the men’s trophy for the second time, taking the trophy home tempo rarily until some grange wins it for the third time. Th? Vernonia Peewees took a loss from the Irving Tigers, 17-2, PRIZES AWARDED at Jantzen Beach last Saturday. Prizes were given for the old >st A horn? run and a single by man and woman present, Mr. Jim Peters and a single by Dick Tuttle of Clatskanie winning ths CFBlien wer? not enough to man’s prize and Mrs Mary Winn slow the Tigers as they scored 17 ol Warren the woman’s prize runs on 12 hits against Vernonia’s The oldest bachelor present wa* two runs on three hits. Peter Banzer, who also was given Batteries for Tigers: Brede and a gift. Mrs. John Rauch of P rn Wallis; for Vernonia: Nanson, Hill was given an award for hav Savage and Akers. ing the most children present. The It was a different story Mon youngest granger present was day on the home diamond when Jacque Thomas of Beaver Vaiit e Vernonia won over the Rainier Juvenile Grange. Peewees 6 to 1, Vernonia scoring six runs on six hits and Rainier on? run on one hit. Nanson and Frye pitched, striking out five and Akers caught. Battery for Rainier was Norman and Murphy. The Vernonia Cubs and Pigmies ! Scheduled to open for business will play at Rainier tonight, Wednesday of next week is the Thursday, the Pigmies playing Pine Cone, confectionery store lo a preliminary for the regularly cated at Bridge and Washmgtni scheduled Cub game. street. Announc’ment of planr Boys should be in front of the for th? opening was made earlier Washington grade school by 5:15. this week by the owners, Mr. and Transportation will be needed to Mrs. Don Bayley. have two teams and all parents Construction work on the bui.'d or anyone who can take a car mg and the installation of equip, please call Mrs. Peters at the mint was near completion th s Union hall between 12 noon and week with only a small amoun*. 6 p.nt. of finishing work remaining. A day or so tim? will be devoted to getting the equipment in opera tion before the opening. An open house is planned next- Wedn sday from 2 to 4 p m. New Business to Open Doors Wed. THOSE WHO ARE IN IT * Vernon Peterson is home on a 10-day leave. He expects to be transferred overseas in the near future. Tickets Available Tickets are still available for Vernonia night with the Portland Beavers Juyl 31 and may be pur Mr and Mrs. R-x Normand re- | chased at the Commercial Bank of Oregon. Vernonia Drug or ceived word last week that their ■ Hahn Hardware The B avers will son, Pfc. Beryl (Teemy) R. Nor meet Seattls in a double hradar mand, who is stationed in Paris, and game time is 7 p.m. France, has been promoted to --------- <5 corporal. H • also mentioned that he enjoyed a visit with Mrs. Merle Pomona to Meet Clin?, who is there visiting her The regular meeting of the Co son and family. lumbia County Pomona grang • Mrs. Dewey Hunt received word will be held Saturday, August I, at the F rn Hill grange halt. Thr that her husband. Pfc. Dewey R Hunt, has been transferred from meeting will begin promptly at Ft. Clayton in Panama to Ft Da 11:00 a m. with initiations at 7 00 vis. Pfc. Hunt is a radar repair p.m. and the Lecturer’s program at 8:00 p.m. man