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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1953)
• THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General I FOR SALE—Car», Trucks WILLYS 4 dr. sedan. Blue. Radio and heater, overdrive. 2300 miles. Locally owned. sixty feet. Rug 9x12. Fruit jars Easy to pay for. Ask tn five away. Phone 826. 29tlc us $585 Down MODERN white .enamel wood ' 1950 FORD 2-dr. Safer for the rwk stove. Excellent condition, youngsters. Light with reservoir, copper coils and green $365 Down •insulated wat r tank, $35. Frank i 1947 DODGE 4-dr. sedan. Fully Enjrart, Stoney Point road, phone equipped. Ready to go on 1595 29tl < Saturday $265 Down 1947 FORD 2-door. Good trans ALMOST new Easy SpinDry portation $205 Down washer. $50. See it at Dr. Spauld- 1940 CHEVROLET sedan deliv mg residence, 191 B St. 29t3 ery. Don’t pass this up if it suits your needs. New 175 TONS of good No. 1 oats and motor, new tires, new paiip. vetch hay. Also 85 tons of good Runs and looks like ¡Mirs*- hay. Mike Yunker, phone new $130 Down 1C1D4, Forest Grove. 3*t3c _________________________________ » ECONOMY BUYS GIRL’S bicycle for sale, price $30. 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. sedan M3 Weed Ave. 29t3 1940 DODGE 2-dr. sedan 1939 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. INSULATION AND WEATHER 1938 PONTIAC STRIPPING. ’Th ■ moi • comfort, VERNONIA AUTO CO. the .t-sw cost.” No money down, "A Safe Place to Trade” easy payments. E. L. Blake Con- Phone 342 Vernonia ^truciMtn Co., box 93, Clatskanie, 29tlc Oircun. Phunc 312. 28tfc 1942 FORD Tudor tu-tone con QUAKER oil stove. 55,000 BTU’s. vertible, yellow top, blue bot Thvrrao.slat controlled. Two 50 tom, radio and heater. Motor pUon drums, 2 valvs and all just overhauled. Full price $390. fitt ngi Complete $35. See Bill Marvin McGaughey, Treharne. Wilnon. Vernonia Auto or phone 27t3 1222. 27t3c | ------------------------------------------------ TWO- INCH aluminum irrigation pipe, portable. Four hundr.d 1953 Destination of Trip To Arkansas Reached Vacations Spent At Salt Lake I RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. ' Austin Rice and family of Stoney 1 Point spent their vacation near Salt Lake City, caring for their property. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kouva spent their vacation at Salt Lakï City, Evenston, Wyoming, Wend over, Nevada and returned home by way of Yakima and Rainier National Park. Mrs. M. A. Oakes visited her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Groom, in Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P ttifer and son of Portland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Oakes Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schalock spent the Fourth visiting his ! father, Frank Schalock, at Walk- on, Washington. They returned by way of Cashmere where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cor- baley. Roy Oakes and Raymond Hah- meyer spent Friday and Saturday at Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Annie Roberts of Trout dale is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. To.n Solotnon, and looking after her property here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callister, son Ronnie, and Mi’s. Clara Hill spent the week end of the Fourth at Taft visiting relatives. Evelyn Hopkins came home with them for a visit. ! FOR SALE—Insurance SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill I ------------------------------------------------ dirt. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele LEGAL NOTICE 26t52c phone 773. We have a reliable PROCLAMATI ON Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 To whom it may concern: ftHK Jersey cow, g ntle, good I, Lyman G. Hawken, the duly family cow. Heavy milker. months at low rates. Also fire qualified and acting IPr<f' to lead. One White Face insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson, j elected, 37tfc ' Mayor of the City of Vernonia, and Jersey bull 1 year old. Mrs. Columbia County, Oregon, do M A. Oakes, Riverview. 27t3 WANTED h reby proclaim that the proposi REMODELING, home improve- tion submitted to the legal voters MAN to clean up around home, w; *.s: house leveling, founda cut grass, etc. House 88 O-A hill [ of the City of Vernonia for their tion . additions. All work guaran- or phone 826. 29t2c | approval or rejection at a special S»it'. No money down, easy election held on the 10th day of 1 9 July, 1953, was approved by said •rm s. E. L. Blake Construc WANTED. Fir, C'dar. Hemlock, * tion Co., box 93, Clatskanie, Ore- | Cottonwood Logs, also piling. I voters at said election. There SJfrn Phone 312. 28tfc Niedermeyer-Martin Co., 715 Port- 1 were 143 votes cast, of which 115 land Trust Bldg., Portland 4, Ore- | were in favor of the proposition, APRON SItOF’, clothing repairs, gon. 29t7c 27 were opposed to th? same, and h’TDftitching. At Vernonia Clean FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT Alas- ] 1 ballot was marked invalid. er». June Willis, phone 1211. 23tfc ka, S. America, Africa, Arabia, Thereafter the canvassing board did canvass the vote and found Mexico, Europe, etc., and jobs IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT the results to be as certifi d by Od*-.- your Stout Irrigation Sys- in U.S. $3,000 to $14,000. Fare the election board, and I, there Write Job Communication fore, hereby declare that th? fol Sam today. Free engineering and paid S ivice, Box 398, Portland 7, cslnnates. Proper irrigation will lowing proposition referred to the 27t4c I people by the City Council of the Muoease your present product Oregon. MMnry times. City of Vernonia, Or.gon, has re ALDER LOGS WANTED SIMPSON'S HARDWARE ceived an affirmative majority • Uptown St. Helens of the total number of votes cast Will pay premium price for at said election and the action has 14tfc really good logs. been authorized by the people, AUCTION: Every Friday. We said proposition being as follows, JURGENS MILLS haw a good market for your live- to-wit: Beaver Springs Road—Rainier rtta k, furniture, tools, poultry. BE IT ENACTED BY THE Phone 6-8256 -*«• buy, sell, trade, every week PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF VER- d*y, paying cash for livestock, 25tfc NONIA That a new section desig furmture, machinery, tools. Alt- nated as 99-B be added to Chapter »an’i Auction Mart, Forest Grove. HIGHEST cash prices paid for 9 of the amended charter of the Fh. vt;i5 nights, 5SM Wall cream and eggs at your door— City of Vernonia, providing as Attman, Auctioneer, selling live- picked up once or twice weekly— follows, to-wit: stork or general farm sales any call or wrife Forest Grove Cream Section 99-B. The City Council where lltfc ery. Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone is hereby authorized and em 126. 14tfc powered to issue and sell gen ral ffliMli LAUNDRY—Phone 1107 obligation sewer bonds in an Mr.: York. Laundry, fluff dried, SEPTIC TANK . amount not exceeding $85.000 for 15« b Shirts, finished extra. 25c. PUMPING SERVICE the purpose of constructing, im Ftet finished, minimum $1.00. proving, and extending the city One day service on request on Crawford Auto Wreckers, fluff dried. Also curtain stretch 775 S. Highway, St. Helens. Ore. sewer system The City Council ing. Otic I Phone 650 15tfc is further empowered to provide a sewer use charge not to exceed ALL makes of sewing machines $1.50 per month per user and to CARD OF THANKS repaired. Electrification of any exact a reasonable fee for all new make machine Park’s New Home TO THOSE who t xpressed their connections to the s.wer system Nfure, 4816 N'. Lombard or in- sympathy in so many beautiful not to exceed $50 per connection quire’ Eagle office. 38tfc ways and for the floral offerings The revenue deriv'd from the DLAD STOCK P1CKEDUP during our recent bereavement connection fees and use charges Free of Charge we express our heartfelt thanks. is to be paid into a special sewer Mr. and Mrs. Walt Kent ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE fund and used for the payment Mr. and Mrs. K. R Twombly of the above mentioned sewer HORSES BOUGHT. Wallace Twombly 29tl bonds. The City Council shall Ftxme collect. Clatskanie 44R11 COLUMBIA RENDERING It vy each year an ad valorem tax CLASSIFIED RATES COMPANY on all taxable property within 5 life MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 the city, which, together with the words or less. Words over min sewer revenue, shall be sufficient FOR SALE—Real Estate imum. 2c each. Three inser to pay th«' interest upon and the maturing principal of the sew t tions for the price of two. HOMES bonds. VERY NEAT 5-room mod. in CARD of Thanks 8c Notices: 80c. Yes u e plus sleeping porch; 2 NO information on classifieds will 100 be given out until after paper 101 t»-drooma and dining room. L. G. Hawken. M ay or is mailed. Vt.ud for range. Price of $5500 ____________________________ 29tlc it'« hates sont • fumitUr?, elec- NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING tra* range, refrigerator, etc. AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT NOTICE is hereby given that a Good terms, FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. public hearing will be held at the GOOD 2-bedroom home. 2 lots THE EAGLE assumes no finan Room 720. State Offic? Bldg . Very neat. Price $3000. cial responsibility for errors GRFATLY reduced for quick sale Portland, at 10:00 A M.. July 20. that may appear in ads pub 1953, before W S. Weidel, ex 4 room house. 2 lots. $800 cash. lished in its columns, but in 4 ROOM house, bath and utility aminer, to consider changes m case whir» this paper is at porch; 2 lots. Price including marketing areas that can be made fault, will reprint that part of furniture $3000. to facilitât? administration of th< an adv. in which the typo Oregon Milk Marketing Act as FARMS graphical mistake occurs. II ACRES on paved highway. 7- amend’d by the Oreron Legisla- r<om house, double garage, POETRY accepted only as paid ture, 1953. and any other matter? matter. Rate. Sc per type line. woodshed and chick - house relating to the production and dis- and barn. Six-year lease on tribution of milk for fluid con- 3x0 a«rvs goes with place Price sumption. $' 00, good terms. DATED at Portland. Oregon, this BEN ’ S BARBER SHOP DON HAYLEY, BROKER 8th day of July. 1953. 41- Donald Hotel — Vernonia Expert Tonsorial Work W. S. Weidel, Administrator ____________________________ attic Milk Marketing Administra Vernonia, Oregon tion A b'dentate animal is one with State of Oregon 29tlc am . two teeth Week Being Spent at Home at Treharne Events of Week Told in News TREHARNE — Relatives here | received word from Mr. and Mrs. | Albert Reynolds and sons that NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Dee ‘ they have reached their destina- Vere Hershey and boys were in i tion, Combs, Arkansas. The trip Salem Sunday to see his brother I was made to visit his father. Ben and family, the Dalton Hersheys. j Reynolds, and other relatives. A nephew returned for a visit. I Mrs. Lula Chambers from Dal Mrs. Max Oblack and Larry ac las and other relatives from Eu companied Mrs. Reed Holding to reka, California spent Saturday Newberg last Friday to visit Mrs. afternoon with Mrs. Exie Weaver, I Holding's sister and family, the Mrs. Chambers’ mother. ! J. F. Reads. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Weaver are The Hank Wilsons were in Sea now at Galena, Kansas visiting a niece and family, Mrs. James side recently. John Small and his mother Armitage. were in Depoe Bay recently to see Mr. and Mrs. Dave Small. Virginia Mathews spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pringle called at the Reed Holding home Sunday I evening. TREHARNE — Nephews of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Jones of Mrs. Verl Barker. Raymond and Stockton, California came Friday Robert Bey of Rapid City, South to spend the week end with Mr. Dakota, visited h?r on furlough Jones’ sister and brother-in-law, from Seattle where their ship Mrs. W. R. Wolff and Mr. Wolff. docked on it’s way to Alaska. Coming Sunday to spend the day Bill Andrus of the air corps were: Mr. and Mrs. George Tur was a visitor with the Verl Bark, ner and daughter. Tawny, of Mon ers the 4th. mouth, Mrs. Helen Plotts and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Daniel and Mrs. L. L. Graven of Portland and Carolyn, Mrs. Jeraldine and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve of Barker and Mrs. Byron Kirk- Birkenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Jones bride were in Hillsboro Saturday. left Monday morning for Seattle Mrs. Wm. Falconer visited the to visit another brother before re C. L. Wieneckes of Springfield. turning to their home in Stock- Mr. and Mrs. R. Leslie of Leba ton. non, Mrs. Grimstcd of Tigard and Mr. and Mrs. Geqrge Hult of Sweet Home were week end Several Weeks Stay guests of their brother, Gus, and Intended at Home Here family. NATAL — Beverly Karr of Mr. and Mrs. Donley McKee and children of Glenoma. Wash Coos Bay is spending a few weeks ington spent the week end with at the Ernest Kyser home. the Larry Brady family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pringle wer? | Mrs. H:rb Bender and children in Jewell Tuesday to see the I spent the past week in Skamoka. Perry Smiths. wa, Washington, returning home Claude Kyser and daughters, July 14. Evelyn and Esther, called at th? Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Reynolds Ernest Kyser home Monday even and sons motored to Dallas Tues ing. day on business and to see Mrs. J Mrs. Bill Pringle was in Astoria Reynolds’ sister, Mrs. Stanley I and Seaside last Thursday. Jones. iI Friday night callers at the Pringle home Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap. I Nephews Here on Leave from Ship Brothers Meet At Home Here TREHARNE — Ann Marie Ri chardson of Cathlamet, Washing ton is spending this week with the Herb Benders. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder, Vel. ma, George and Bert and Chuck Harders went to Davis Tuesday evening for ice cream and straw berries. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Daven port of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire, Mr. and Mrs Turner Daniel and Carolyn and Mrs. Jeraldine Barker all en joyed a family picnic at Rogers park Sunday. Highway Workers Live at Park NATAL—Several families have located at Dass Park in their trailer houses while the men are employed near here on the high way. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser and girls motored to McMinnville Sun day to see their daughter, Ethel, and Ethel Waddell. Mr. »and Mrs. Sam Devine were in Scappoose Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peterson and small son of Seattle are visit ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson. Sunday callers at the Noble Dunlap home were Mr. and Mrs. Jewett Bush of Clatskani?. Mrs. Norman Peterson and son, Gre gory, called there Friday. Lois Stunkard of .Astoria spent from Friday evening until Monday at the home of her aunt and uncle, the Sam Devines, and also at the Clair Devine home. Thursday evening visitors at the C. L. Waddell home were Mr. and Mrs. E. Kyser and girls. I UK ATHLETE’S FOOT-JSE—A KERATOLYTIC BECAUSE — It SLOUGHS OFF the tainted outer skin to expose buried fung: and kills it on contact. Get this STRONG, keratolytic fungicid , T-4-L at anv drug store. If not pleased in ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Now at NANCE'S i TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. j Bill Miller and daughter. Ellen, of j Los Angeles are visitors at the i Joe Miller home. It is the first visit for the two brothers in four and a half years. Mrs. Jeraldin- Barker returned home Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Danvtnport of Ver nonia from visiting with her sisters and families at Yakima, Washington, Mrs. Flora Whitmire helped Pauline Tisdale butcher chickens Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murkling of Vernonia were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire. Thursday evening visitors at the Byron Kirkbride home were Mr. and Mrs Wayne Ak rs; Mrs. Rosa Weaver, Billy, Harry and Betty and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pierson of Vernonia. Miss Margaret Minor returned home fom her visit at Clarkston. Washington. Miss Donna Harding accompanied her to visit in Ver nonia for a while. Jo? Baker and Byron Kirk bride made a business trip to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Reynolds of Sw«*et Home and Mrs. Hugh May of Cornelius spent Sunday afternoon at the Linwood Rey nolds home. but 898 of them form a safe stairway to the top of the WASH INGTON MONUMENT ÎMWLY A dollar but many dollars, deposited regularly at this bank, can help you build security, and have the other good things you want. \ Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation yAJtcfc. I ! ’ H ERMITAGE BRAND Pint SQ65 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 45Q $4 id 1 ! 1 | , t | ! rjron s larftut-tt straight bourbon! AGED THU WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD • 96 PROOF • THE 0L0 HERMITAGE COMPANY. FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY