THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY. JULY 16, 1953 dollar! 11 Starts Tomorrow-lor 10 Big Days al Safeways All Over Oregon and Souihwesi Washington ork & Beans Cream Corn Fancy Peas Spaghetti Tomato Sauce Cherub Can Milk I Van Camp’s 1 Reg. 15c Gardenside Brand 5 tor Reg. 16c Sugar Belle Peg. Franco- American Peg. 17c 15c 14 S1 8 " $1 12 !1 15 ■“ Peg. 8c Taste Tells Reg. 14c Famous Brands Reg. 5c •• Gelatines or Fuddingr Chili Con Carne Reg. Chopped Beef Reg. Gold Cove Salmon Lac Mix Dry Milk l lbReg Sweet Pickles "b^p.y v Reg. Cocktail Peanuts i.;oa"te^g. Fleet Mix ;o.OI. • ’ Reg. Toilet Tissue J;O1U R.g, Reg. 8c fors 36c 39c 43c 39c 40c 35c 45c 37c Buy 3 of a kind ... or mix ’em up 8 Dill PickleS Noi^i'3 •« 29c 32c / )✓ 32c 7,^ 32c ' V 25c For S1.00 Reg. 2-25c Reg. 650 count 2-25c Zee White 80 count 2-27c M Kind 9 No. 2 cans Reg. Reg. 10c Reg. 3-25c pkgs. 12 14 • ■■’cans Tree Ripened APRICOTS Now Is The Time to Can SUGAR 100-lbs. $10.49 Apricot Prices Elective Friday and Saturday Only PEPPERS Green Bell Perfect Spare R*s - • \ Ifc $1 »1 BOLOGNA RIBOS 11-0*« Ring» 3 ground Be«»- IL ID. ORANGES 00- »OC Calif. Valencias Grern Beans 2-lb. 29c Yellow On ons 3-lb. 10c Peaches 2-lb. 25c Lettuce lb. 14c Juicy Lemons Green Onion Potatoes Radishes 3 Corn lb. 19c J’roau« <• Prices Effective Thru Saturday, July 18 $1.00 lb. 39c I lbs. $1- 1 lb- 49c I lb. 55c lb. 25c lb. 65c It. 59c Tt Q choice Lunch Me»“ 2 pot Boast- u =>• lb. 43 Arm cut 55c Corned Bee Cro»» B‘b- lb L^o'V°l Boneless 55c Veal Stew Reef Stew- lb 69c Veal Chop» Boneless lb 19c Fresh Sole Bib Ro»*1 . July '8 lb. Thru Sa'uxday Short Rib» Effective Meat Pnces VISIT 1 OUR I 4 $1 10 I Reg. C&H CANE 4 lor $1 J 2 LaLani Pineapple 27c Buy 4 of a kind ... or mix ’em up Empress Jams — i luice Tissue Napkins Dog Food xt Ivory Soap^ you buy A 32c ' S1.00 For Kerr Reg. Lids. Pkg. of dozen • Rinso Soap Powder, 46-oz. pkg Sure Jell Pectin, 2*2-oz. pkg. j White King Soap, 46-oz. pkg. MCP Powdered Pectin. 3’,2-oz. 1 NuBora Soap, 46-oz. pkg. When Pineapple Kp’ . Reg. Grapefruit Juice Hi-C Orange Ade 4S.01.R,g. Hi C Grape Ade 46.O1. Reg. Pineapple Juice . Reg. Certo Liquid Pectin 80s. 8 Reg Ter Delicious Flavors at this Low Price 12-ox. glasses Crushed Pineapple - 23c 23c Apple Juice 27c I Tomato Juice 46.0s. «n 21c \ Del Monte Peas n ». 303 can---- - 23c I Vienna Sausage 4.ox. can 27c I Heinz Ketchup 14-01. boni» 23c 1 Ripe Olives Grandee Jumbo. No. . 1 I Dalewood Margarine : b i i ib. b. - 24c Parade Detergent i,.o.. P*«- ... 31c White Magic Soap 230.. p*«- - . 27c 25c Zee V/ax Paper ,.„. .0.. mix ’em UP O for 1 ZLtY A wide selection of favorite brands to choose from Grocery Prices in This Ad Effective Thru Saturday, July 25 $1 * 51 S1 “ 5