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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1953)
« THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Cars, Truck» WURLITZER spinet piano. C. A Toothaker, 2*4 miles out Keasey Kt 26t3 49 DAVENPORT and chair for sale. Hous ■ 54, O-A hill. 26t3 1 1200 lb. HORSE for sal". R. L. Hodgson, Capitol Hill, Vernonia. 26tl i ! BEL SAW EDGER $150.00 1 1 Never Used. JURGENS MILLS Rainier — Phone 6-8256 25t2c ONE Jersey cow, heavy milker. Or» Whitface and Jersey bull 1 year old. Mrs. M. A. Oakes, Riverview. 25t2 LEGAL NOTICE I i i DE SOTO 4dr„ automatic transmission, radio and $395 down heater 48 CHEV. 2 dr. Plan your va- $280 down cation in this Packed with 47 CHEV. 4 dr $250 down eye appeal 46 OLDS 4 door »«'dan. Prestige $245 down plus Ju»t about 51 CHEV. pickup. the be»i value you've ever $399 down seen 41 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. 40 DODGE 2 door. MANY OTHER VALUES VERNONIA AUTO CO. "A Safe Place to Trade" Vernonia Phone 342 26tlc FOR SALE—Real Estate HOMES K1JXTRIC steel guitar and am- * MODERN 2-bedroom home re plifier. Phone 1483 or inquire at cently redecorated. Wired for 100« First Ave. 24t3c range. Breakfast nook. Only TWO f>0 gal. oil drums, 25 ft. *4" $3200, good terms. tubing and valves, $5. Also 40- fiil. range boiler, good shape, $10. GOOD 2-bedroom home, 2 lots. Very neat. Price $3000. Inquire 536 South First Ave., phone 332. 24t3 GREATLY reduc d for quick sale, 4-room house, 2 lots, $800 cash. HEMSTITCHING and button hole w«k; hand painted and crocheted 4-ROOM house, bath and utility art» les lovely for gifts for all porch; 2 lots. Price including «casions. Organdy and print furniture $3000. aprons. You are welcome to come I VERY GOOD 5-room house in i < ■ec- them in my home, 758 Weed cluding den and utility room. I Ave. Mrs. M. J. Lamping, Sr. Close to schools and churches. 24t3c Wired for range, Youngstown sink. Price $6000. 30-GALLON hot water tank for FARMS wild cook stove. Used only one >...• 101 1! St. 24t3 47 ACRES, new unfinished 5-rm. house; 10 acres in cultivation. APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, Nehalem river borders, also titm.ciitch'ng. At Vernonia Clean- year-round creek. Price only • tt . June Willis, phone 1211. $4500. 23tfc DON BAYLEY, BROKER MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia AUCTION 26tlc Starting June 13th we will hold tna sales on the 2nd and 4th WELL established tire, automo Saturday of every month regard- I tive accessory and appliance busi teas cd date. Remember — the ness on Oregon coast. Nets above 2nd and 4th Saturdays! $12,000 per year. Will acquaint CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD you with business: $10,000 plus inventory handles. Only to hon Milt Butler, Auctioneer est, reliable party. Address all Phone 1600 22tfc replies to Vernonia Eagle, Ver nonia, Oregon. 24t3 MHJHEF.'S Well Drilling — All •yprs of will drilling: Domestic WANTED and irrigation our specialty. Free eaiimates at no obligation. Com- HOUSEKEEPER, family of three pctrtive prices. Phone Longview and assist with care of an invalid. 534 or Kelso 8402R3. 22t6 Live in. $75 per mrfnth. Mrs. R. A. Peterson. 3rd St., River view, phone 776. 26t3 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Order your Stout Irrigation Sys ALDER LOGS WANTED t«-ir today. Free engineering and •vJLnr.ites. Proper irrigation will Will pay premium price for nMTtase your present product really good logs. auary I iincs. JURGENS MILLS SIMPSONS HARDWARE Beaver Springs Road—Rainier Uptown Si. Helens Phone 6-8256 14tfc 25tfc > I . Flid.n We have a good mark’t for your live- OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU: Lo itiKi furniture, tools, poultry. cality nearby immédiat,ly avail Wr buy, sell, trade, every week able for Rawleigh Dealer. Buy day. paying cash for livestock, on credit — pay as you furniture, machinery, tools. Alt- sell. Full information mi '■ Auction Mart, Forest Grove. furnished without obliga I o <il > nnihts. 5320. Walt tion to you. Write Rawleigh’s AJtrnan, Auctioneer, selling live Di pt 24. Oakland 20, Calif 24t3c stock or general farm sales any- where. lltfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— HOME LAUNDRY Phone 1107. picked up once or twic ■ weekly— Mrs- York. Laundry, fluff dried. call or write Forest Grove Cream 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra. 25c. ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone Flat Imisli-d, minimum $1.00. 126. 14tfc One day service on request on fluff diit-d. Also curtain stretch SEPTIC TANK ing. 9tf<- PUMPING SERVICE ALL makes of sewing machines Crawford Auto Wreckers. r»-|<aiitxi Electrification of any make machine. Park's New Home 775 S. Highway, St. Helens. Ore. ___________ IStfc More. 4816 N. Lombard or in Phone 650 quire Eagle office. 38tfc NOTICE_______________ DEAD STOCK PICKED UP Free of Charge ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE HORSES BOUGHT. ITn >e collect, Clatskanie 44R11 COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY Sltfc FOR SALE—Insurance flF.LL HUDSON Insurance, tele- pIx'Tte 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3. 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. ■ Geo. Bell, H Hudson. 37tfc POLIO INSURANCE Household $10.000 per individual, <12 SS 2 years. $19 09 3 years; Household $7,5<X> per individual, $1083 2 years. $15.99 3 years; Individual $10,000 per individual, $6 70 2 years, $9 79 3 years; Individual $7,500 p r individual, $566 2 years. $8 25 3 years Virnuiu Insurance — Phone 231 25t4c NOTICE is hereby given residents of the City of Vernonia m accord ance with ordinance No. 163, to cut and remove and keep cut'from their property and from ihe half of the street abutting the proper ty, all weeds, grass and noxious vegetation more than 10 inches in height during the months of June, July, August and Septem ber. A D. Lolley City Marshal 24t3c LOST AND FOUND FOUND Three keys in small leather holder at corner Third and Maple. Owner claim at Eagle office and pay for this ad. 25t3c NOTICE NOTICE We will omit our rrgu. lar weekly auction on Friday. July 3. sale as usual on July 10. Altman’s Auction Mart. Forest Grove. 2«t2c LEGAL NOTICE_______ Dur Great America NOTICE OF SPECIAL NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ELECTION RESOLU TION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a special election will be A RESOLUTION SUBMITTING held in the City of Vernonia, Co- J TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF lumbia County, Oregon, on Fri THE CITY OF VERNONIA AN day, the 10th day of July, 1953, at AMENDMENT TO THE CITY which election there will be sub CHARTER, WHICH PROVIDES mitted for the approval or rejec FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GEN tion of the legal voters of said ERAL OBLIGATION SEWER city the question of whether or BONDS NOT TO EXCEED $85,- ' not the city charter should be ' 000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF j amended by adding thereto the | CONSTRUCTING. IMPROVING following charter amendment: AND EXTENDING THE SEWER BE IT ENACTED BY THE SYSTEM. THE EXACTION OF A PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF VER SEWER SYSTEM USE CHARGE. NONIA, OREGON, That a new I AND A CONNECTION FEE; section designated “Section 99-B" PROVIDING FOR THE PAY be added to Chapter 9 of the MENT OF SAID BONDS; PRO Amended Charter of the City of VIDING A BALLOT TITLE Vernonia, Providing as follows, UNDER WHICH THE PROPO SAL SHALL BE SUBMITTED: to-wit: AND PROVIDING Section 99-B. The City Council CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION AT is hereby authorized and em- j powered to issue and sell general WHICH SAID AMENDMENT IS obligation sewer bonds in an . TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE amount not exceeding $85,000 for VOTERS OF THE CITY OF the purpose of constructing, im VERNONIA. WHEREAS the Cory Hills sec proving and extending the city | tion of the City of Vernonia is sewer system. not now a part of the city sewer The City Council is further empowered to provide for a system; and WHEREAS this has result?d in sewer use charge not to exceed $1.50 per month per user, and to a very unsanitary and unhealthy NATAL—Mr. and Mrs. James exact a reasonable fee for all condition; and WHEREAS th? state sanitary Stout and family moved to Ore new connections to the sewer sys tem not to exceed $50 per con authority has ordered the City to gon City last week. Mr. and Mrs. add a chlorination facility to the Sam Devine mov;d to the farm nection. existing septic tanks belonging vacated by the Stouts. The revenue derived from the Melvin Reed of Scappoose called connection fees and use charges to the City; and WHEREAS the City desires to on the Lindsays Saturday. is to be paid into a special sewer fund and used for the payment submit to the voters of the City Mr. and Mrs. J. Zimmerman of the above mentioned sewer the question of th? issuance of motored to St. Helens Saturday. bonds. The City Council shall I bonds to finance the construction Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reynolds levy each year an ad valorem tax 1 of the above mentioned sewer Saturday evening visitors on all taxable property within system and sewage facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT at the Pringle home. Other callers the City, which, together with the during the week end were Mr. and I BY THE CITY sewer revenue, shall be sufficient RESOLVED Mrs. Richard Davey and family to pay the interest upon and the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF of Clatskanie. maturing principal of the sewer VERNONIA That a sp?cial elec Mrs. DeeVere Hershey attended tion be and hereby is called to be bonds. a pink and blue shower in Ver held in the City of Vernonia on That the above proposition has nonia Monday afternoon. been referred to the voters by Friday, the 10th day of July, 1953, The Waddell brothers attended at which time there is hereby resolution of the City Council and the races at Scappoose Sunday. submitted to the voters of the • the ballot title under which it Ethel Kys r spent the week shall appear on the ballot is as City of Vernonia a proposed I Mountaindale charter amendment, which pro- I end here from follows: "Charter Amendment submit- I posed amendment is to be a new i where she is employed in the berry field. ted to the voters by the Council" section proposed to be added to • Guests last Wednesday evening the charter and designated as I PURPOSE: To add to the City or 99-B; the text of said amendment ' at the W. R. Wolff home were Vernonia charter a new section to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve of Bir- Chapter 9 designated as Section to be submitted shall be as fol- | kenfeld, Mrs. Willard Hammack lows: ' 99-B, which grants to the City and daughter, Patricia, of Hines BE IT ENACTED BY THE , Council the power to issue general PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF VER- 1 and Mrs. Perry McFarland of Ver obligation bonds in an amount not NONIA, OREGON, That a new ! nonia. Father’s Day guests were: to exceed $85,000 for the purpose section designated "Section 99-B" Miss Mildred Wolff and Kenneth of constructing, improving, and be added to ChaptT 9 of the Tupper, Mr. and Mrs. George extending the city sewer system; Am?nded Charter of the City of Turner and daughters, Tawny to provide for a sewer use charge Vernonia, providing as follows, and Lori Anne and Mr. and Mrs. not to exceed $1.50 per month Lloyd Stuve of Birkenfeld. to-wit: per user and to exact a reasonable home were Mr. and Mrs. John Section 99-B. The City Council fee for sewer connections not to Titus of Portland. exceed $5<* per connection; au is hereby authorized and em Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman of powered to issue and sell general thorizing the City Council to Itvy Vernonia were recent callers at an ad valorem tax on all taxable obligation sewer bonds in an the Robert Lindsay home. property within the City, and to amount not exceeding $85,000 for pledge the sewer revenues to the purpose of constructing, im publication in THE VERNONIA raise funds with which to pay the proving and extending the city EAGLE shall be entitled principal and interest of said sewer system. "NOTICE OF SPECIAL Th? City Council is further em bonds. ELECTION’’ Shall the amendment be adopted? powered to provide for a sewer BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED use charge not to exceed $1.50 per BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Vote Yes or No. 100 Yes month per user, and to exact a THE CITY OF VERNONIA That 101 No reasonable f.e for all new connec the Recorder be and he hereby is NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN That tions to the sewer system not to instructed to prepare such ballots, there will be one polling place for exceed $50 per connection. poll books, and other records as The revenue derived from the 1 will be required to properly con said election, which shall be at ' the City Hall, 755 Third Street connection fees and use charges duct and hold such election and in the City of Vernonia, Oregon, is to be paid into a special sewer canvass the results thereof. and all voters shall vote at said fund and used for the payment BE IT FUR’RlER RESOLVED place. The polls shall be open of the above mentioned sewer That C. F. Hieber, Olivia Brickel from 8 o’clock a.m. to 8 o’clock bonds. The City Council shall and Isabel Culbertson be and they p.m. of said day except that the levy each year an ad valorem tax ar? appointed to act as Judges of polls may, at the discretion of the on all taxable property within said election and Louise Thomas judges of said election, be closed . the City, which. tog?ther with the and Lillian Davis are hereby ap for one hour from 12 o'clock noon j sewer revenue, shall be sufficient pointed to act as Clerks of said to 1 o'clock p.m. PST of said day. to pay the interest upon and the election and they shall qualify in Sam L. Hearing, Recorder | maturing principal of the sewer the manner provided by law. bonds. _______________________ 26tlc Introduced and pass d by the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED City Council this 22nd day of FOR RENT____________ UY THE CITY COUNCIL OF June, 1953. THE CITY OF VERNONIA That Lyman G. Hawken, Mayor 4-ROOM modem upstairs apart the ballot title under which the ment. unfurnished. Inquire River proposed amendment shall ap- I ATTEST: Sam L. Hearing. Recorder view Tavern, phone 776. 26t3 pear on the ballot shall be as fol 26tlc FURNISHED Apt: three rooms, lows: at said special election there shall “Charter Amendment submit be one polling place, to-wit, the bath, electric range, refrigerator oil heat and laundry. Riverview ted to the voters by the Council" City Hall. 755 Third Street in PURPOSE: To add to the City Apts. 26tfc the City of Vernonia, Columbia of Vernonia charter a new section County. Or°gon. at which polling NICELY furnished modern bed to Chapter 9 designated as Section place all qualified voters shall room with kitchen privileges if 99-B. which grants to the City vote, and which polling place shall desired Deluxe apartments, all Council the power to issue gen j modern, all electric. No child- eral obligation bonds in an amount be open from 8 o'clock a.m. to 8 j ren. References. Inquire Fuller not to exceed $85.000 for the o'clock p.m. PST. but the Judges at said election may at their dis ton /Xpartments or phone 837. purpose of constructing, improv cretion close th? polls for one 26t3c ing. and extending the city sewer hour between 12 o’clock noon and j system; to provide for a sewer 1 o’clock p.m. PST of said day. 2-BEDROOM home, bath and din. I use charge not to exceed $1.50 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ■ ng room, located at 1251 Second per month per user and to exact BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Ave. Inquire 1107 Ruth Ave., or a reasonable fee for sewer con THE CITY OF VERNONIA That phone 1477. 25t3c nections not to exceed $50 per the Recorder is hereby ordered connection; authorizing the City CLASSIFIED RATES and directed to publish this reso Council to levy an ad valor"m : lution in full at least on? time MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 tax on all taxable property with- ! in THE VERNONIA EAGLE, a word» or lest. Word» over min in the City; and to pledge the newspap?r of general circulation imum. 2c each. Three inaer- sewer revenues to raise funds within the City of Vernonia not | tion» for the price of two. with which to pay the principal less than ten days nor more than I CARD of Thank» 8t Notices: 80c and interest of said bonds. 20 days immediately preceding NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Shall the amendment be adopted' the date of said election and to | ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED Vote Yes or No. post a notice of said special elec AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT 100 Yes tion in two public and conspicuous FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER 101 N.. places within the City not less NO information on clas»ifi«d* wifi BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED than ten days immediately pre be given out until after paper BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ceding the election. That the i* mailed. THE CITY OF VERNONIA That Vacated Farm Home Occupied ft I California People See People in Riverview RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wing of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wing of California visited Mrs. Cora Biggs at the Clifford Fowler home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Snook, Mrs. Carl Tillotson and son of Napa, California are visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Young of Springfield visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley spent Friday night visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mc Cool of Portland. Past Residents Of Valley Seen MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Irving Knowles and Earl drove to Che halis, Washington Sunday and visited Mrs. Susie Ramsey and Lewis Bachman. They were early settlers in the valley. Their par ents kept a hotel, a house of 14 rooms that stood on the comer where the Ray Garlocks new house now stands. Father’s day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen were Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hansen from Mist, Mr, Stern Thompson from Coquille and Charleen Drake from Havre, Montana. The day and a fine dinner was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kulju stop ped Saturday evening to say hel lo to her father and mother, the Hansons, on her way from Port land to Vernonia to attend her class reunion of 1940. Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Wikstrom and two children from Vernonia were Sunday dinner guests of his folks, the L. P. Wikstroms. Groups Gather For Special Day RIVERVIEW — A father’s day gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckner. At tending were: Mr. and Mrs. Ever ett Rundell and Mrs. Emery George of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Rundell. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Anderson and children of Tilla mook, Mr. and Mrs. Ebin John and daughters of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roediger and children spent father's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Ander son. Father's day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olm and child ren of Portland and Mr. and Mrs Herbert Olin of Kelso. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Wilhite and two sons of Indiannapolis, Indiana visited Mrs. Artie Buckner Mon day. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn and son. Vernon, of Sauvies Island and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Case of Metzger. Mr. and Mrs Myron Vlcek spent the week end at Idlewyld Park visiting his parents. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Vlcek. Their son. Chuckie, stayed for a visit with his grand parents and Pat and Barbara came home after spending sever al weeks there. Gay Taylor also came home with th? Vlcek child, ren for a visit.