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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1953)
Library, U of 0 A '—X' 7i 10c COPY VOLUME 31. NUMBER 26 Federal Aid . Granted for Apiary Road THOSE WHO ARE IN IT VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON Voters Favor Budget, Fill Board Vacancy BM2 c Elmer Gwdman who is ' stationed at Norfolk. Virginia, is j spending a 30-day leave at the | home of his brother and family, i Mr. and Mrs. Gene Goodman. Exceeding of Six Project Asks Bids I --------- I BM3 c Roy Oakes who is sta- Per Cent Limitation For Rebuilding Mile l tion:d at San Francisco is spend- Approved Monday Section at Apiary i ing a 30-day leave "at the home The decision of voters who par. A $62.000 project to rebuild ' of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M A. ticipatcd in the annual election part of the Apiary road will start Oakes. of the union high school district in the near future with bids for Captain John R. Manley, who Monday afternoon and evening the work to be opened June 25. closed his dental office here a was handed down in favor of Word of the project was re short time ago after receiving a exceeding the six per cent limi leased in the St. Helens S ntinel- call to army service, is scheduled tation, a tabulation of the ballots Mist last week in a news story to leave Fort Sam Houston. Texas afterwards indicated. The vote on th? somewhat con wl>ich told details of the project. June 27 for Seattle where he ex County Judge John Whipple pects a 10-day leave before ship- j troversial budget brought 20 fa voring the tax in excess of the said the county court had signed ping out for Japan. Manley has ben attending limit and 16 against. The budget a contract with the stat? and the fecitral government for the job, to medical field service school lo called for a tax of $77,970.78 in be financed through federal aid. I cated at Brooke army medical excess of the six per cent. Voters also returned Antone The federal government will center at Fort Sam Houston for pay 60 per c:nt of the cost with a four-week orientation course in Smejkal, incumbent, to the school board for a term of five years. the state of Oregon and Columbia military medical service. The class is mad? up of officers His term expired at the end of the county paying 20 per cerft each. The road, from Highway 30 west recently called to duty in the present fiscal year. of the board of the of Rainier to Highway 47 at Oak medical corps, dental corps, ve Ranch junction, has been declar terinary corps and medical ser district met after the election for ed a federal aid secondary road, vice corps and stresses medical their final meeting of the current year to transact year-end busi service in war. the county court said. In a letter received here late ness. Included as part of the WORK BIDS ASKED last week, Manley said he might session was the matter of allow The project consists of grading be able to be in Vernonia for a ing bills that are to be paid out of the current budget and the and laying base material on a short time during the 10-day swearing in of the new director. leave he will have before leaving section of the road from the junc The board also elected Mrs. tion at Apiary north and east for overseas duty. Mona Gordon as clerk again and for 1.21 of a mile. The work Pvt. Raymond Sheppard has named the Commercial bank as would eliminate two sharp curves been assigned to Camp Roberts, depository for school funds. and reduce the steepness of the California to begin his military grade on Danielson hill. The stat'' highway department training, according to an informa call for bids for the work specifies tion release received here early that the development provide a this week I 20-foot oiled surface flanked by I thrie-foot shoulders on 15 inches Appointment to the position of of rock base to provide a roadway grand warder was received by of adequate strength to withstand Mrs. Mona Gordon last Thursday hiavy traffic usage. evening' at the formal installa Under terms of the contract, the county is responsible for ob While on their way to Vernonia tion of officers of the grand chap taining a 60-foot right-of-way and to spend the week end with rela ter of Oregon, Order of Eastern The installation took for adopting such traffic regula tives, little Tawny, three-year old Star. tions as to keep the road open to I : daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George place at the Masonic temple, I Turner of Monmouth, fell from Portland, where the four-day traffic. the car in which she was riding chapter meeting was held. FEDERAL AID RECEIVED Mrs. Florence Mrssing, worthy I with her parents when she acci matron, of Nehalem Chapter, dently opened the rear door. Trie project is the ninth in the She was thrown clear of the served as assistant grand warder county to be partly financed i th r ugh federal funds during the car onto the ground, receiving during grand chapter, this post severe bruises and several cuts being appointive also for the time last 15 years. The eight other projects includ on her head and arm. Nine of the grand chapter m?eting. Official delegates representing ed three on the Scappoose-Ver stitches were required to close the this chapter at grand chapter various wounds. She was brought nonia road; two on the Tr?harn°- Sunset road; one on the Bachelor immediately to the doctor’s of from Monday through Thursday I Flat road at St. Helens; one in I fice here where, upon examina were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing. West Rainier and on? on the tion, was found to have no broken bones. C atskanie-Mist road. Last reports are that she is Whipple said a recent survey revealed that Columbia county recuperating nicely at their home n .v maintains approximately 677 in Monmouth where her father is mues of roads including more attending Oregon College of Edu cation 'for the summer. than 400 bridges. The Columbia county chapter of the American National Red Cross will hold its annual meet ing Jun? 29. at 8:00 p.m. in the chapter house, Plaza Square in St. Helens. Purpose of this meet ing is the election of members People interested in garden club and officers to the board of direc Vrrnonia Garden club mem tors. Any person who has donated bers will carry out a project activities are invited to attend to the Red Cross is a member of started last year as well as a n?w the meeting today. the organization and is urged to uncertaking they decided at a attend and take part in the elec meeting which took place Thurs tion. day of last week at Sundland Directors will be elected for a Electric. term of three years from the The project which was first | following localities. Rainier 2 considrred is the planting of members; Vernonia 1; Clatskanie shrubs at the cemetery. This Donna Johnson, Clatskanie as 1; Warren 1; Scappoose 1; St. planting will be made on the Helens 4 The meeting is open hillside above and west of the pirant in the contest to select Miss to the public and all are urged Columbia County of 1953, was cemetery to provide an improve to attend. ment for that section of the judged the winner Saturday night at Clatskanie where the affair . grounds C ub members decided Thurs. was decided. She was one of j da* to do the work in the near five who competed for the title, j Miss Johnson is the daughter ! future in order to complete the of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson and | job. This year’s undertaking will be will represent this county at the The job of preparing the county the development of a park spot annual Miss Oregon contest at in the downtown area, selection Seaside July 17, 18 and 19- The budget for the fiscal year, 1953- of the place and work on this county contest was sponsored by ! 54, was undertaken Monday and pro’tct already having been the St. Helens Chamber of Com Tuesday of this week by the com mittee and the county court. The started. The place will be the merce. The five girls competing were: two-day job includ d hearing pro vacant space just east of the bu..ding in which Sundland Elec Barbara Howard. Vernonia; Bar posals from groups interested in bara Rundell, Rainier; Catherine obtaining county funds for vari tric is located. P.anned for the park is a lawn, Fleury. St. Helens; Arlene Wedsll, ous projects. Chairman of the committee was flowers and benches, club mem Scappoose, and Miss Johnson. In addition to the honor of Clarence Evenson of Clatskanie bers say. The club is scheduled to meet < representing the county in the and the other two appointive aga.n today. Thursday, at 1:30 Miss Oregon contest, the winner members were Robert Mathews, at Sundland’s to hear Jess Thorn also received a Miss America Mist, and Walter Erickson, St. ton, landscape gardener from trophy, a checkbook to cover the Helens. County court members Warren, who is in charge of the cost of a complete wardrobe and were Judge John W Whipple and landscaping work at the high a modeling course from Marie commissioners Clyde Henderson and Don Parcher. Easterly, Portland. school. Fall From Car Causes Injury Grand Office Post Received I County Chapter To Elect Board Garden Club Plans Lot, Cemetery Landscaping Clatskanie Girl Contest Winner County Budget Committee Acts I PHONE 191 THURSDAY. JUNE 25. 1*51 Public Asked to Hear Problem WHAT—Public Meeting WHEN—Monday, June 29, 8 p.m. ' I WHERE-IWA Union hall PURPOSE—To present explana tion of the proposed sewer system plan . , | Series Presents Data About Social Security (Editor’s Note: To bring readers cessary to qualify for benefits. up to date on the Social Security A social security representative law, Ev Cummins of the Portland may be contacted on the 2nd Social Security office, is passing floor of the Court House in St. on to us a series of short articles. Helens, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. any The first of the series appears Monday. below.) Federal old-age and survivors insurance is intended to be'insur ance for you and for your family. The benefits are based on your earnings as a wag" earner or as an owner of your business in The Oregon stat? game com work which is covered by the mission anounces the first public federal social security law. If you work in such employ hearing for the purpose of set ment, you will make social se ting the 1953 hunting regulations. curity tax contributions during The hearing will be held at the your active working years to pro game commission headquarters vide an income for yourself and at S.W. 17th avenue and Alder your family in case your earn street on July 10, 1953 at 10:00 ings are reduced or cut off by a.m., standard time. All parties with suggestions for old age and for your family in regulations regarding seasons, bag cases of your death. If you are a wage earner, your limits, or methods of taking the employer shares the tax with you. game birds, game animals, or If you are self-employed, the rate furbearers of the state are in of your tax is half again as much vited to attend. It is requested as that of an employee who earns that all important facts and in formation be submitted to the the same amount. Certain other members of your commissioners in writing. family may be entitled to pay Tentative regulations will be ments both during your retire set after the hearing and the ment and after your death. These commission will reconvene on payments are based upon your Friday, July 24, to set the final social security account and can be 1953 hunting regulations. made to your family provided they satisfy certain requirements as to age, dependency and other re lationship. The amount of your monthly old-age insurance pay ments depends on your earnings in covered work or self-employ ment. The men who will serve as of? The payments to other members fleers during the coming year for of your family, to your wife or to IWA Local 5-37 were named when children under 18 for example, the ballots were counted last are figured from the amount of Thursday evening at the regular your old-age benefits. There are meeting of the Local. Chosen three factors, therefore, that de as president of the group was termine the amount of family Henry V. Ade, Sr. benefits payable. 'They are: Others who will fill official Your earnings, the number of capacities are: L. E. Stiff, vice- your eligible dependents and age president; Jewell L. Lloyd, re of each eligible prrson in a family. cording secretary; James G. Cox, There are two methods for Jr., financial secretary and busi figuring the size of your monthly ness «gent; Carl Snyder, conductor payment. The first method is and James E. (Bud) Rose, war based on the amount of payment den. on your average monthly earnings Cleao G. Walrath was named after 1936. trustee for three years and Sher The second method, which can man S. Fisher for one year. Dis be used after you have had at trict council delegates will be Ade, least a year and a half of work Cox and E H. Dunlap of Camp covered by the law after 1950, Olson and the Alternates, Pat use» average monthly earnings Wallace and Mike Anderson. after 1950. A certain amount of work under social security is ne- Game Men to Set Hunting Rules Officers Named At IWA Election Surveyors Set Grade at School State highway surveyors were here Wednesday to survey grade I levels on Bridg? street where th? street fronts the high school prop erty in ord?r to make possible further improvement work in that section. The work of installing curbing, a sidewalk and storm sew r drainage in front of the school has awaited the establishment of grades so these new improvements can be properly placed. Highway officials will also de termine the cost of paving the roadway from curb to curb and inform the city whether this work will be done this summer. New Ambulance Answers 8 Calls Tile Vernonia community am bulance, which was first placed in use several weeks ago al though interior work was not fully completed, had answered eight calls for servlet" up to Mon day evening of this we"k. Re lease of the number of trips made by the vehicle was issued Tu sday evening by Jim Cox, IWA busi ness ag?nt. Additions to the ambulance equipment were made rec-ntly by the V F W Auxiliary with the do. nations of two pillows and cases and plastic covers. A minor amount of work remains to be done before the machine is fully completed Cox said. People residing within the city limits of Vernonia are asked to at tend a public meeting, the date for which has been set for the even ing of Monday, June 29. The ac tion setting the public meeting date was taken Monday evening at an adjourned city council meeu ing at which two other matters relating to the proposed sew.r system for Corey hill were con sidered by the council. The first of the two matters was the adoption of an ordinance which calls for an amendment to the city charter. This ordinance was prepared by City Attorney Carroll Bradley to clany tiie procedure for carrying out such an election as this which will de cide the question of issuing bonds for the sewer project. PROCEDURE FOLLOWED It sets up specifications that provide correct procedures to fol low in calling for such an elec tion and designates the wonting that must be followed in prep.ii ing the ballots. This ordinance sets th? pattern to follow to le gally conduct elections of this kind. The second matter was the adoption of a resolution calling for the specific bond issue now brim, considered in the amount of $8> 000. This issue will be general obligation bonds designated for the improvement and extension of the sewer system. The resolution further provid s that a $50 connection fee per horn.- be charged and that a $1.50 per month use charge be made plu# provision for a general tax should such be necessary to provide funds for repayment of the bonded in debtedness. ELECTION JUNE 10 The date of the election to d cide whether the project shall be carried out is set in the resolutioi. for July 10 and a legal notification setting forth full details of th» election appears on page 6 of the« issue of The Eagle. Previous to the date of the election, city councilmen have de sigruited the evening of June 29 for a public meeting at which an explanation of the proposed pro ject, its cost and the method of providing finances will be answer ed. This meeting will be attend d by the city attorney who wilt answer queries on the legal as pects of the work, a repreaenta tive of the city's engineering firm of N. W. Haner and associates, 3 representative of the state sani tary authority and probably the county sanitarian, B?n Rinehart The public meeting will be held at th? IWA hall at 8 p.m. BUDGET ADOPTED This Monday's council meeting was also the date set for thr budget hearing, but no objections to the next year's cost sheet were voic d by property owners and as a result the proposed listing of expenditures was adopted by a formal council motion Again this year, as for the past several years, the budget does not exceed the six per cent limitation. Other business matters Mon day included a council order au thorizing the purchase of 700 yards of crushed rock for th? coming year’s street work and ap proval of the license application of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Motheral If th? license is granted by the state liquor commision they wi'.l lease Dick's Tavern. The purchase of rock was turned over to Ben Smith, road super visor, who will plac? the order for the sizes needed for street work. — Picker» Work Farm One hundred fifty-three pickers from Vernonia went to the Roll ing Hill» Farm near Banks last Thursday, June 18, to pick I3u) flats of berries. Three buss*-» were required to haul the worker♦ from here to the farm. Examiner Set» Visit A drivers license examiner will be on duty in Vernonia Friday. July 3, at the city hall from 10 am. to 4 pm.