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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1953)
« THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estat ELECTRIC steel guitar and am plifier. Phone 1483 or inquire at 1008 First Av.?. 24t3c WELL established tire, automo tive accessory and appliance busi ng ss on Oregon coaSt. Nets above $12,000 per year. Will acquaint you with business: $10,000 plus inventory handles. Only to hon est, reliable party. Address all replies to Vernonia Eagle, Ver nonia, Oregon. 24t3 TWO 50 gal. oil drums, 25 ft. >«” tubing and valves, $10. Also 40- gal. rafige boiler, good shape. $10. Inquire 536 South First Aw., phone 332. 24t3 HEMSTITCHING and button hoi? work; hand painted and crocheted articles lovely for gifts for all occasions. Organdy and print aprons. You are welcome to come see them in my home, 758 Weed Ave. Mrs. M. J. Lamping, Sr. 24t3c HOMES GREATLY reduc d for quick sale, 4-room house, 2 lots. $800 cash. 4-ROOM house, bath and utility porch; 2 lots. Price including furniture $3000. VERY GOOD 5-room house in cluding den and utility room, Close to schools and churches, Wired for range, Youngstown sink. Price $6000. FARMS 47 ACRES, new unfinished 5-rm. house; 10 acres in cultivation. Nehalem river borders, also year-round creek. Price only $4500. DON BAYLEY, BROKER MacDonald Hot'.l — Vernonia 23 tic 30 GALLON hot water tank for wood cook stove. Used only one year. 101 B St. 24t3 ONE Jersey cow, heavy milker, Oni Whitface and Jersey bull 1 year old. Mrs. M. A. Oakes, 24tl Riverview. APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, h' met itching. At Vernonia Clean ers. June Willis, phone 1211. 23tfc SHAKE SPLITTING machine in new condition. Will split tapered <» Hollywoods. Also 1 H H P. elec, motor. On? 2-man sawmill com- plete with or without power, ch? ap. Inquire at Bear Cat Sta. 10 mi. S.E. of Seaside on Sunset highway. Frank Lyon, phone Sea side 761 Rl. 22t3c FOR SALE—Insurance BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. 37tfc WANTED AUCTION OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU: Lo cality nearby avail able for Rawleigh Dealer. Buy on credit pay as you sell. Full information furnished without obliga- tion to you. Write Rawleigh’s Dept 24, Oakland 20, Calif. 24t3c No Auction Sale Till June 13th Starting June 13th we will hold our sales on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month regard less of date. Remember — the 2nd and 4th Saturdays! CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD Milt Butler, Auctioneer Phone 1600 I JUNIOR or senior high school 22tfc student to work during summer. Apply at Vernonia Auto Co. RED Flyers for sale. L. Car- 24tlc michael, Stoney Point road. 22t3 ADDRESS and mail post cards. McGHEE'S Well Drilling — All Make over $50 we?k. Send $1 type of w 11 drilling: Domestic for instructions, LENDO, Wat ; and irrigation cur specialty. Free town. Mass. 22t3 < timates at no obligation. Com- price:;. Phone Longview HIGHEST cash prices paid for 534 or Kelso 8402R3 22t6 cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— GUERNSEY COW and calf for call or write Forest Grove Cream w N Wood, K mm ? lit ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 2213 14tfc "REPOSSESSED Spinet piano, like n w Big reduction, for sale to ksi nsible party. Terms. Phone nt write Day Music Co., 808 S.E. Mrnson St, Portland, Oregon. Fillmore 5389. 2It4c SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE Crawford Auto Wreckers, 775 S. Highway, £-t. Helens, Ore. Phone 650 IStfc NOTICE ’RRIGATION EQUIPMENT Order your Stout Irrigation Sys tem today. Free engineering and estimates. Proper irrigation will ' inert ate your present product many times. ATTENTION: 1940 graduating class reunion I.O.O.F. hall, Ver nonia June 20, 6:30 p.m. Dinner served. Please notify if you will attend. Mrs. D. L. Hershey, Mist Ht . \’< inoma, <hr 2It2c SIMPSON S HARDWARE Uptown St. Helens 14tfc NOTICE is hereby given resid nts of the City of Vernonia in accord ance with ordinance -No. 163, to cut ami remove and keep cut from their property and from the half of the street abutting the proper ty, all weeds, grass and noxious vegetation more than 10 inches in height during the months of Jun-, July, August and Septem ber. A. D. Iailley City Marshal 24t3c AUCTION Every Friday. We have a good mark t for your live stock. furniture, tools, poultry. We buy, sell, trade, every week day. paving cash for livestock, furniture, machinery, tools. Alt- n ;.n s Auction Mart, Forest Grove. Phones: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt Altman. Auctioneer, selling live- stock or general farm sales any- where'. 1 life HOME LAUNDRY—Phone 1107. Mrs York. Laundry, fluff dried, 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra. 25c, Flat finish’d, minimum $1.00. One day service on request on fluff di led Also curtain stretch- ing. 9tfc THE ANNUAL meeting of School District No. 52, Columbia County, Oregon, will be held on Monday. June 15th at 8 P.M. Myrtle Mathews, Clerk. 22t3c ALL makes of sewing machines repaired Electrification of any make machine. Park's New Home Store. 4816 N. Lombard or in quire Eagle office. 38tfc 4 ROOM partially furnished house for rent. Inquire 959 Rose Ave. Phone 1197. 24tl FOR RENT NICE, clean house for rent for two people. Inquire Mrs. R. D. Ebv. 23tfc DEAD STOCK PICKED UP Free of Charge ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE a HORSES BOUGHT. Ph< collect, Clatskanie 44RI1 COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY SItfc FOR RENT OR SALE: 3 rooms and bath. Large garage. 6 lots. 1446 Nehalem Ave. Inquire 1009 Columbia St. 22t.3 FURNISHED Apt: three rooms, bath, electric range, refrigerator oil heat and laundry. Riverview Apts. 16tfc CARD OF THANKS TO THOSE who « xpressed their sympathy in so many beautiful ways and for tht> floral offerings dur 4 our recent bereavement, we exprès.-; our heartfelt thanks Mr*. Nita Ryan V and Mrs Walter Workman a’d family M-. and Mrs Alvah Swanson 2411c LARGE si eping room, two beds with kitchen privilege if desired. Riverview Cabins. Riverview. Oregon. 11 tic 4 A thin coat of aluminum paint on window screens will give your home more privacy. The bngh- ness of the aluminum not only pretties up your windows but prevents the screens from rusting HOW TO OBTAIN RESTFUL SLEEP Annual Meeting Date in Error Trehame Home Occupied Again I I I TREHARNE — Mr and Mrs. Clyde Richardson and daughter, of Cathlamet, Washington visited Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bender and family on th? week end of May 30th and 31st and helped them move into the former C. E. Pier- son place. Fred Bender is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nielson, of Skamokawa, Washing- ton for two weeks. Mr and Mrs. Joe Miller visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and family Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Tisdale left for their home in California Mon. day after visiting with grandma Tisdal ? the past three days. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox of Boring visited Mr and Mrs. Wal ter Cox Sunday. Melvin Cox will leav? for San Diego Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brady and children of Riverview moved into the S. D. Stearns house during the week end j l ' j j I I Service Man Spends Week End at Riverview RIVERVIEW — Pfc. Robert Bowen of Fort Lewis visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Normand over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams and family of Portland spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jer- man. Mr. anrf Mrs. Norman Chapman and children of Jennings Lodge spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shaw. Leonard Wilhelm, son of Mrs. Albert Schalock, left Tuesday for Lincoln, Nebraska, his former home. FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks CHEV. 4-dr. sedan, green, ra dio and heaier. It looks like new $1495.00 49 DE SOTA 4-dr., radio, heater, overdrive. Radiant, roomy and reliable $1295.00 46 OLDS 4-dr„ radio and heater. I Quick starter, easy to handle. Custom tailoring inside $795.00 48 PLYMOUTH 4-dr.. R&H. This will be ready to go Saturday morning $795.00 49 CHEV. pickup 1 j ton. deluxe cab, heater and def. Looks like a 53 $895.00 51 CHEV. pickup 'j-ion. New car guarantee on this $1295.00 MANY OTHER VALUES TO CHOOSE FROM VERNONIA AUTO CO. "A Safe Place to Trade" Phone 342 Vernonia 24tlc 51 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION UPON QUESTION OF INCREAS ING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION 11. ARTICLE XI. STATE CONSTI TUTION. Notice is hereby given that an el ction will be held in School District No. UH 1 Jt. of Columbia and Washington County, State of Oregon, from 2:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. on Jun? 22, 1953, at Vernonia High School in said school district, for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of said district the question of increasing th? tax levy for the fiscal year 1953-1954 over the amount limited by ac tion 11, article XI. of the Constitu tion of Oregon. The reasons for increasing such levy are: Completing new school plant, grounds, furnishings and increased costs of operation. The amount of tax, in excess of the 6% limitation, proposed to be levied for said fiscal year is $77,970.78. Dated this 2nd dav of May, 1953. ATTEST Mona M. Gordon, District Clerk O G Weed. Chairman Board of Director- 5 28-6-11 NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Sec. 111-908, O.C.L.A., to the legal voters of School District No. UH 1 Jt.. of Columbia and Washington Coun- tv. State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at Ver nonia; to being at the hour of 2:00 to 8:00 o'clock p.m. on the fourth Monday of June, being the 22nd day of June, A D. 1953. This meeting is called for the purpose of electing one director for a five year term and the transaction of business usual at such me.ting In districts of the second and third classes the ballots shall not be counted until one hour after the time set for the m eting to begin. Until the count begins, any legal voters of the district shall be entitled to vot upon any business before the meeting. Dat d this 22nd dav of May. 1953 ATTEST Mona M Gordon. District • Clerk O G. Weed. Chairman Board of Directors 5 28—8-11 By Dr. Frank G. Spaulding Sleep is one of the most im- tant functions of life. Poets, with their keen appreciation of life, have known this and have penned many a line in praise of sleep. Shakespeare called sleep “great nature's bath” and "chief nourish- er of life’s feast.” The average man, however, has given little thought to sleep. He takes it for granted as a part of the scheme of life and lets it go at that. But anything that con- sum, s one hird of our time must be a matter worthy of thoughtful consideration and we do spend approximately one-third of our lives in sleep. Th-’ fact that man can go with out food much longer than he can go without sleep impr sses upon us the Importance that sleep plays in our lives. In these strenuous times of mo dern living workers realize per haps more than ever before the need for and value of the restora tive power of sleep. On nothing does production depend more than on sleep. Tired minds and bodies are inefficient minds and bodies. Restful, r:freshing sleep is essen tial for restoring them, in a night or in a day, to a state of high ef ficiency. If you do not regularly enjoy restful sleep, the following suggestions ar; for your guidance. First—avoid eating heavy or in digestible meals just before going to bed. A full stomach is not con ducive to sound sleep. A warm nonstimulating drink at bedtim?, however, is soothing and sleepin viting. Second -avoid taking a hot bath near bedtime. A hot bath, like a cold bath, is stimulating and tends to restlessness. But a warm bath of about body temperature relaxes the body and invites sleep. Third—If there is a tendency to constipation, try to overcome it, not by use of laxatives or ca thartics, which may give tempo rary relief, but usually make the condition wors:. A better way is to eat bulky foods such as whole grain cereals and green vegetables and drink liberal quan tities of fruit juices. Fourth — Keep your sleeping room well ventilated and not too warm. In very cold weather place a woolen blanket b:neath the sheet on which you Restless turning of the sleep, body is often caused by cold air coming from beneath. Fifth—a moderately hard mat tress is much more conducive to sound sleep than is a very soft one. If you have been used to sinking yourself in a luxurious mattress on a springy bed, just for experiment change to a hard bed and note how much more rested you will feel in the morning. Sixth—If you are very tired, breathe deeply and take a little mild exercise before going to bed. By so doing you will find your tense muscles will tend to relax and that you will be more recep. tive to sleep. Seventh—By all m ans try to dismiss from your mind all wor ries and problems when you go to bed. As nearly as possible, put your mind "in neutral”; that is, try to think of nothing at all. By following these suggestions, you should derive greater bene fits from the hours you spend in bed. And remember, there is no substitute for sleep. People who will have a voice in the affairs of school district 47 Jt. will have trie opportunity to ex- pr:ss their opinion Monday of next week, June 15 at the Wash ington school. The date of the meeting was listed incorrectly in a legal notice published last week and the week before which stated the date to be June 18. Monday, Jun? 15, is the correct date. The election at that time, be tween the hours of 8 and 9 p.m , will ask approval of a tax levy of $19,779.15, the amount the district proposes to levy in ex cess of the six per cent limita tion. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM 71 O SAVE "0 z w 3 MONEY — w EAT 71 I O "0 z Pl WELL Take home your entire list of kitchen needs from the Nehalem Market ar.d Grocery. Regular grocery shopping means that you accomplish two things—you save money and eat well every meal. r M I 71 3 O 3 NEHALEM z - MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 3 r* Pl S KS'lVHilN 4OHS — WTIVHSK .IOHS ~ K3 IV H:4N’ dOIIS America’s Outstanding Economy Car £ Change Made to Trehame Home RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brady moved to Tre harne Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowl“r and three sons attended a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Larson in Portland Sunday. Mr. arid Mrs. Walter Parker spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Christian son. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Taylor went to Renton, Washington and brought her daughter, Jacklyn Blake, home with th^m. Jacklyn attended school there and stayed to finish the eighth grade before joining her parents here. Mrs. Mike Stolen of Oakridge and daughter, Mrs. Velma Adams, and children of Seattle spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff. Consider the low down payments . the great gas mileage . . . the low maintenance costs . . . and you’ll agree that the Jero-Lark is the economy buy of the year. COÄST MOTOR COMPANY WILLYS SALES AND SERVICE Phone 1252 Vernonia, Oregon H i : rmh \< .i: BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Orrgon 't btrgrit - trilinq Hriighl bourbon.' M UH». FÜLLT AGED Pint 4 5 Qt THIS WHISKEY 1$ 4 YEARS OLD ■ 86 PROOF • THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY it)