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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1953)
Trip Started For New Car Group Celebrates 16th Wedding Anniversary BIRKENFELD — Nine mem bers of the Sewing club met with Mrs. Fred Busch Monday night. i Next meeting. Mrs. Cecil Elliott I is hostess. They will go to a show. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham, Mr and Mrs. G. W. Parman, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and Mr. I and Mrs. Don Jensen went to i Skyline for dancing last Saturday- night. The occasion was the Jensens 16th wedding anniver- sary. Also there from Birkenfeld were Mr. and Mrs. Don Jepson. Dawn Lousignont. Nancy Stauffer ' and Norma Norman of Jewell I Lawrence Johnston Bruce Larson^ George Bellingham and Johnny Hopkins. • Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson and ‘ Mrs. Wilfred Parman went golf ing Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parman and Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen Friday night. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Gordon Cline and Mrs. George Johns left Sunday for Flint, Michigan to drive a new car back for Jimmy Johns. The two little daughters of Mrs. Cline are staying at the Merle Cline home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Olin of Kelso spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin. Donnie Shepherd of Reedsport spent Friday night at the Ed Buckner home. The Shepherds lived here for several years. Mrs. Claude Gibson and daugh- ter, Claudine, visited at the home of Mrs. Clara Barnett at St. Hel ens Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler and son, Harold, visited another son, Delbert, at Rockaway Satur day, returning home by way of Seaside Mr. and Mrs. John Normand spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skach in Port land. Ervin Young was in the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland from Tuesday until Saturday for treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley spent the week end in Portland i ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCool, bringing Mike and Bobby Lou home with them for a few days. Mrs. Ethel stayed at the Bill Jacobs home at Clatskanie from Sunday until Friday evening car ing for the family while Mrs. Jacobs attend.d a Rebekah con vention in Portland. : I I I Partnership in TavemChanged RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Felln"th left Saturday for Medford to make their home. He has been in partnership with R. A. Peterson in the Riverview Tavern for the past 15 months. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor and baby of Kelso visited his parents. Mr and Mrs. E. W Tay lor, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hamilton and two small daughters moved into the Garrison house on Seventh street Saturday- from Vernonia. Mr and Mrs. Eben John and daughter Lea, of Portland spent Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs. C. I. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer and children and Mrs. Mabel Burn ham of Portland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Helm and baby visited her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fountain, at Medford over a recent week end. i THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, QI E. THURSDAY. MAY 2«. 1953 5 Two Are Victims of Chicken Pox at Natal Several Ill at Birkenield NATAL — Bobby Mathews and Larry Oblack have been the vic tims of chicken pox the last few days. Martin Mathews returned home from the hospital Saturday and is getting along fine from his re cent operation. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Wright and David and Virginia Mathews spent the week end here with their parents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap were in Portland one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Porter and family called on the Devines Tues, day. Mrs. Robert Mathews was a Portland visitor Monday. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Young called on her parents one even ing last week. They were en- I route to Seattle where they will | make their horn“. I Keasey Unit Studies Project from Leaders BIRKENFELD April Belling ham is just getting over a bout with m ask's. Others on the sick list are: Marlyn Busch and Einar Johnson, chicken pox; Nellie Jones, a bad cold last week end; Grandma Carl, not feeling too good. Norman Mills, a student at Ore gon State, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills. Gary and Cheryl Jensen are spending a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Guy Walker of Yamhill. Mrs. Rawnnson and Sir. Stover left Friday. They will visit for a while in California before going on to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Metzler and family of Forest Grove visited with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom Sunday. ROCK CREEK — The Keas y extension unit met a-, the home of Edith McFarland. Hilda Kea sey and Eda Parker were the project leaders on the sutjject. "Oven Prepared Meals-’. Besides these three th-'re were present Vivian Counts, May Krieger. Isola Morns. Necia DeWitt, Betty Brady. Mary Christensen, Blanch - DeWitt and two visitors, Bessie Tapp and Rena Brady. Betty Counts Hanson was th? recipient of many lovely gifts at a shower given by May Krieger at her home. Those attending were Mrs. Hanson, an aunt, of Beaverton, May Mellinger of Clatskanie. Mrs. Iaingston and Mrs. Keith of Vernonia, Vivian Counts Necia DeWitt and Blanche DeWitt. Among those sending gifts but not able to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner, Bar bara McDonald and Margaret Berndt. Pack up a PICNIC... with good foods from SAFEWAY SWIFT’S PREMIUM For Grade A Pasteurized TENDER GROWN Cut-up Fryers : Dairy Products $1 Pan-ready. Plump and extra flavor ful A terrific bu> | EACH Call or Write Round Steak Cholcl Pot Roast Choice Ground Beef Lean lb. Sliced Bacon Reg, lb. PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 16212 Vernonia, Oregon Ripe Olives lCnnla fXiU Min M1X Your Own Margarine Swedish Minis » Marshmallows Standard Timber Rt., Box 56 1 Richer-fasting because its FULLY AGED No. 1 can Refreshing Drinks Colored Cubes i > SPAGHI FRANCO-AMERICAN Spaghetti 25c Tomato Juice 27c Sugar Belle Peas 17c Pork & Beans 5u* 2’; 1 9c Jell-Well Desserts 215c Peanut Butter jgc Mayonnaise ,t ggc 1 lb. carton 1-lb. pkg. 1 lb. pkg. Cragmont 19c 25c 25c 25e 31c SUNSHINE 85c Rib Roast ?h0®ce 55c Salami 8°°^ piece lb. TT Half or whole fid ID Smoked lb. 39c Ast. 59c Lunch Meat Ib. • 69c 49c 69c 59c Variety SKINLESS WIENERS lb. 49c EDWARDS Soit Drinks Instant CoHee Plus Deposit Regular $1.05 QFc Glass Ot) Potato Chips Blue Bell Salad Dressing Nalley Miracle Whip or Duchess 7-ox. Qr7c 4-oi. pkg. ¿w'J _ ”» °« pkg. »5 fl TEA TIMER or RITZ Quart Jar 4 R’c 45 VAN CAMPS Cheez-its Crackers Pork & Beans fej 2PV;,. 29c Mustard French’s. 8 os. j.t 16c Tide Detergent 31c Detergent PA"Ji«E pkg. (J3C Oxydol Soap 7^. Detergent WI”<LW 63c Detergent CHE s?».. pkg. 75c Ä 36c No. 300 Fab Detergent 7^’ 75c Ivory Snow Large Sise 29c Dreft Detergent Large 31c Surf Detergent 3$ os 65c Tea Bags 19c Flour io .b. ggc JQg Cheese Food v$?n>Zpk». 89c Wiener Buns S'XS 21c Hamburger Buns Sj£T 21c Shortening JX? 3 u». 89c Coca-Cola 6 3Q c Pepsi Cola Stposu 6 ,or 39c SHOP EARLY AND SAVE! This Store will be Closed Saturday, May 30—Memorial Day KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD 8S PROOF • THE HILL & HILL CO. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY CALIFORNIA VALENCIA THE VERNONIA EAGLE Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Spacial Toter Bag Salal All-you-can-get in Totar Bag at Display Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter. August 4. 1922 at <ie post office in Vernonia, Oregon, • under the act of March 3, 1879. I Subscription pnce $3.00 yearly [ in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. NATIO NA I t D II O R I A I 1 I as T oc F atiqn Oranges 59c $1.81 Green ONIONS or RADISHES NEW WHITE POTATOES Pound 29c Bunch 5c 10-lb. 37c Lettuce Crisp Lemons Juicy lb. lb- nb84c2 ib $1.67 EDWARDS COFFEE RIPE TOMATOES Cabbage lb 8c Fresh Com 3 29c AIRWAY COFFEE 15c 15c NOB HILL COFFEE nt 86c? ib $1.67 PICNIC SUPPLIES While Plates. Bondware, 40", Pastel Plates. Bondware. 8 s. 2/ Divided Plates, Chi-net, 10's Zee White Napkins. 80s 2/ Zee Dinner Napkins. 40's 2/ Smooth Plates. Diamond, 10. ea Zee Wax Paper 125 roll Cold Drink Cups. Dixie, 25's Rite Forks 12 each, pkg Rite Spoons 12 each, pkg Hot Drink Cups. Dixie, pkg (61 Donald Duck Straws pkg 49c 29c 29c 27c 27c 25c 29c 15c 15c 1»>C 15c Prices Effective Through Friday, May 29 Li SAFEWAY I