Reception Welcome» Minister, Wife Sunday A reception was held last Sun­ day afternoon in the First Chris- tian church for the new minister and his wife. Dr. and Mrs. Ervin F. Leake. A number of talks were given welcoming them to Vernonia. Guy Harris, chairman of the board, spoke on behalf of the church; Faye Millis for the Young People; Rev H. L. Russell for the Ministerial association; Glen Hawkins for the schools and Art Gardner for the Lions club. Dr. and Mrs. Leake made appropriate responses to the talks. The Wo­ men’s class had charge of the refreshments. Mrs. Cassie Liv­ ingstone was general chairman of the reception and presided over the program. ¡PHONE 853^ i ♦ \ » I I \ I » I I NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Mothers Feted By Men Stars 1952 Matrons, Patrons Of Club Meet Saturday The Fifty-two-ter. club, a group composed of those who served as Mothers were entertained royal­ Matrons and Patrons of O.E.S, ly by a committee of male mem­ chapters of Portland and vicinity bers of the Order of Eastern Star during 1952, met for a comhined Wednesday evening. business and social evening at A program was presented, de­ the Masonic temple Saturday, licious refreshments served and May 23, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter pretty boutonniers were given to Linn as hosts. all of the ladies. The meeting was preceded by a Margarette Scott, W.M of Bea­ potluck dinner at 6:30. Dancing ver Chapter, her escort, Mr. Scott, occupied the balance of the oven- and a group of four conductresses | ing including several squares to were special guests. > the calling of Elizabeth Serafin. The Emil Messings. W.M. and • Members present besides the host W.P., also recognized the mothers, couple numbered 57 including the presenting them with prettily pot­ Junior Past Grand Matron, Alice ted pansy plants. Roberts, and Paul Robinson from The next regular meeting. June Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nichol­ 3 will be informal. Pot-luck din. son of Hood River were made ner will be at 6:30 and all mem­ honorary members during the bers and their families are invited. evening as was Mrs. Elsie Sher­ The birthday party for the 2nd man of Vernonia. quarter will be at this time also. I FOR ATHLETES FOOT A Girls Honor Mothers KERATOLYTIC IS A MUST. What is a keratolytic? An agent At Tea Friday Evening that deadens the infected skin. It The senior Christian Endeavor then peels off. exposing more germs to its killing action. Get girls of the First Christian churc.i T-4-L, a keratolytic, at any drug honored their mothers at a tea store. If not pleased IN ONE in the church social rooms Friday HOUR, your 40c back. Today at evening. They also invited go Is NANCES who will be senior Endeavors after graduation and their moth­ ers. • The table was decorated with lilacs and candies and paper doll girls in shades of lavender and mac. Grape punch and tea w th cookies ana mints were served. Mrs. Ervin F. Leake spoke to the girls and their mothers about "Chiistian Homes’’ and Patricia and Margie Wells sang a group of old tune songs. Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Circle Entertained at Steers Home May 21 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, Parents Receive POW Son's Letter Injury Results From Repair Job ORE. THURSDAY, MAY 28. 1953 3 Rosenburg, Benjamin Franklin did not pat­ ent any of his inventions. TREHARNE — Mr and Mrs. Turner Daniel received more news from their son, Orville, who was BIRKENFEI.D — Mr. and Mrs. alright when he wrote the letter M P. Mills. Norman and Carol, March 1, 1953 went to Portland Saturday to see Mrs. Jearldine Barker spent a Mrs. Mills father, who is in the week with her cousins. Alden hospital. Mrs. Keis was hit by a and Joyce Watson at Gresham. car recently, braking his hip and She returned Saturday. both ankles. They reported he Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker is getting along very well. calLd at the G. W. Thacker home Jones sustained a pain­ I ful Howard Sunday afternoon. injury to one of his fingers IN Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mil­ Friday while doing repairs on his dr 'd. Mary Falconer and Tamara silo. The finger was broken and THURSDAY I Galloway were Monday visitors of most of the flesh was torn off Grandma Rogers and the Wie- th.> end of it. BACK neckes. Mrs. Ethel Larson spent Friday Mrs. Minnie John and sons, with her daughter, Mrs. Herbert THURSDAY Alden of Portland and Cyril of Rodger, of Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve spent Pullman, Washington called on Bring o Grandma Rogers and Mrs. Lena last week end at Dallas. Stanton Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs Guy Bellingham ben BRICKEL’S Johnnie Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. spent the week end at Seaside Truman Davenport. Lester Lee. and Tillamixik visiting friends. BARBER SHOP M/Sgt. and Mrs. T A. Nord­ Allan Fletcher and Milburn Whit­ mire all wtnt surf fishing at Gari­ strom of Seattle spent th? week end with Mr. and Mrs. Francis baldi, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Tisdale from Nordstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nord- Fontana, California are vacation­ ing with Grandma Tisdale who strom ant. Herb Counts is home from Rose­ reports were given on the ham dinner, class reunion dinner, sale burg for a few days. Billy Krieger had to take it of poppies, hospital trip and the easy for a few days because of district meeting at Rainier. the measles. Now he is on Dorothy Walker and Louise crutches because of an injured Hamnett, who had been at the knee cap. Veterans hospital, had visited Her­ Cora Dusenberry is .. __ ____ home aft?r man Veal and told members that finishing another year of teach- he is improving. I in Eastern Oregon. A special meeting is scheduled June 4 at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Cox and will be letter writing night. The letters will protest the closure of veterans hospitals. Lunch was served by Mary Dübendorf and Rosalie Roediger. Family Meets for 30th Anniversary Service at Our Plant in Vernonia. We have completed our expansion program at our main plant and are equipped to give excel­ lent service with top quality cleaning. We are in Vernonia to serve and will use Vernonia help. ALSO, WE WILL PICK UP AND DELIVER EVERY WEDNESDAY. JUST CALL 1211 WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS SEA WRIGHT'S VERNONIA CLEANERS Biggest Value you can buy! Compare what you get for what you pay. Dincouer that Dodge price« start lielow many model« in the lowest-priced field. Size up the extra comfort, safety and style distinction Dodge offers. Step up to a aolid, dependable Dodge. Step out in the smartest bargain on the road—the Mobilgaa Economy Winner! Extra» like fheie at no extra cost I Only Dodge «!*•• ?•« « ii *it • Flashing 140-h p. Red Ram V-Eight • Gyro-Torque Drive with"SCAT”gear e Lem "deadweight’’ Only Dodge 0voe y «* « ii M* C aiferH • (’hair-high “Comfort-Contour” Seat« a Road leveling Onflow ride control • Added head, leg, elbow-room Only Dodge Viva« y«v all aMW Salary a Taken curves like a true «porta car • Over Safe Guard hvdrauli« brake« • Anti-diatortion < urv • Extra-rugged box-girder frame a I/.nger lasting baked enamel finish Solid, substantial Dodge construction Two-speed electric windshield wipers Two brake cylinders in front wheels Safety ___ Rim Wheels • Independent •MH., parking brake • Oil bath air cleaner • Oilite fuel filter • Weatherproof Igni­ tion System • Anti-rattle rotary door latches • Resistor «park plug« • Exhaust valve seat insert« ALWAYS DEPENDABLE DODGE V-EIGHT OR SIX HAWKEN MOTORS 868 Bridge Street