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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1953)
3 THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1953 THE TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Brady and Mrs Brady’s mother, Mrs. Mil dred Black, visited with the Dane Brady family last week end. Mrs. Bob Brady and daughters of Sweet Home visited with Mrs. Brady’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliot recently. F. L. CLUB dance. I.O.O.F. hall June 13. Bill Durbin orchestra. 22t3c Mr. and Mrs. William Shafer went to Wheeler Friday night to attend the graduation ci their granddaughter, Margaret Shafer, at Wheeler high school. Homer Fuller went with th*m. Mar garet was valedictorian of her class. In an aptitude test cover ing 20 subjects given by the bureau of labor to the senior cla'S at Wheeler, Miss Shafer rat ?d in the upper 10 per cent of th; na tion with the grade she earned on the test. Mr. and Mrs W R Selfridge of Ketchikan, Alaska were here last week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Steers, Sr., at their J off Theatre THURS.. FRI. MAY 28 29 THE STOOGE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. home on Ston?y Point. The two families became friends while the latter were residents of Alas ka. Mr. and Mrs. Selfridge have been at Seattle, sailing there from Alaska in a 45-foot motor-sailer, on which both families made a trip to Alaska two years ago. RUMMAGE SALE June 20, bene fit Pigmies and Peewees. McGee Bldg.. Bridge and 2nd. Sponsored by F. L. Club. 22t4c Mr and Mrs. Larry Sutton were here last week end from Portland where he is stationed with the coast guard. Mrs. Sutton is the former Betty. Lou Frazee. Mrs. H. H. Frank. Mrs. Elgus Frank and Lois Frank left here yesterday for Parks Air Force Base, California where they will see Roy and Jim Frank. They will return here with Roy on his leave in June. Mrs. A. J. Hughes returned here Monday evening after spend ing a little over two months at Temple, Texas visiting relatives. She made the trip to and from Texas by plane. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Leath and Holly Holcomb were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham. F. L. CLUB dance. I.O.O.F. hall June 13. Bill Durbin orchestra. 22t3c Mrs. H. L. Russell attended a three-hour Hammond organ teachers workshoD conducted by Walter Rudd, well-known Minne apolis organist, music director and teacher. The workshop was held in Portland Saturday afternoon. Dean Martin - Jerry Lewis SATURDAY BEHAVE MAY 30 YOURSELF Farley Granger - Shelley Winters Week of School To Open Monday On Tuesday, May 19, the meet ing of the County Historical so ciety was held at Prescott. Walter Carl acted as president in the absence of George Nelson. Mrs. T. Berglund was in charge of the program on the history of Pres cott. In 1865 Francis Fowler filed upon the 640 acres of land as a donation land claim. The Fowler family built their home on the south point of the island About 1883 a small mill was built where the Graham dock is now. Houses were built for the mill workers and the town was known as Danby. In 1900 Robert Graham came to the place but the houses were then deserted and the mill closed down for years. The Gra- Afternoons Set For VBS Classes % Vacation Bible school will be held afternoons at the First Bap tist church instead of mornings this year. Hours are one-thirty to four. The school starts June 1 and closing exercises will be June 14. There will be classes for ages three through 16 years and all boys and girls are welcome. Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Spell and one of the teachers from the Bap. tist church attended the annual vacation Bible school clinic held at the Lincoln Street church last Friday to get helD on the VBS to be held in their church next week. Information on the best teaching methods is given at the clinic by trained workers. Vacation Bible school at the Evangelical U.B. church will begin Monday morning and continue for SEMINOLE on? week through June 5. The (Color) hours each day will be from 9:30 Rock Hudson - Barbara Hale to 11. Stories from the Bible on the ' TUES., WED. JUNE 2-3 screen and by flannelgraph, to gether with Bible memory work THE and the learning of songs will The Church of The Nazarsne RACKET comprise the program of the will begin two we.ks of Daily Robert Mitchum - Elizabeth Scott school. Vacation Bible school Monday, June 1 and continue through June Since 1878, U. S. population 12, from 9 to 11:45 a.m. has increased each year. Singing, Bible study, memory work, play and hand work will be the schedule of each day. Rev. H. L. Russell will bi in charge of the boys’ work shop. An il lustrated story will be the closing feature each day with the excep tion of Wednesday, June 3. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT That morning John Wise of Pigg’s P°ak, Swaziland, So. Af COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS rica, will speak to the children. Mr. Wise works in the Nazarene schools and the children will en joy meeting him. SUN.. MON. May 31—June 1 New Residence Almost Ready fcr Occupancy Prescott History Studied May 19 At Meeting of County Society Guests Meet at Home at Natal MIST — Norman Hansen’s new house will soon be ready to move in to. It is built near his parent’s NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. D. ham family built their home from home on the Hansen farm. Spofford of Vernonia were Sun several of the old deserted houses Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster were day dinner guests at the Ray on the tract they bought, and over Sunday from Clatskanie, Taylor home. ______ several other families soon settled I visiting her father. Henry Jepson. Wednesday ended the school near them . Fishing was the main Mr and Mrs. George Grace and term at Mist and all ths young industry. family from Portland were at the folks are glad to have a vacation. About this time, the outlaws, Robert Berg home Wednesday. Mrs. Sam Devine motored to Tracy and Merrill, came down The George Jones called on the Astoria Monday. She called on the Columbia in a boat and were Walt Batesons Sunday. the Lloyd Stunkard family. seen by local men. They went Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zillman and Mrs. Bud Goertzen is home from here over to Washington and baby were Sunday evening callers from the hospital with her new soon met their doom. This was daughter. Sheral Lee, but she will at the Ernest Kyser home. in the early 1900’s. The graduation exercises at the probably be in bed a couple of In 1906, the Beaver Lumber weeks as she isn’t at all well. Mist gym was much enjoyed and a company bought a mill site and She is being cared for by Mrs. large crowd attended. operation began in 1907, and at Austin Corll. 1 this time Danby was re-named RIVERVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Ashley and F Prescott. At this time a school i | W i and depot were built with Pres Bertie Lu were in Clatskanie Sat u urday. s ! I i cott becoming a stop on the Irving Knowles and Earl were Portland-Astoria run. Steamships O J ! i also made regular stops at this in Clatskanie Saturday. << I We are told that Mrs. Harry place and a price war came as SALES — SERVICE •o i O i the result of competition between Reynolds is in the hospital again I ADMIRAL LINE the railroad and steamboats. The at Longview. i The caretaker for the Mist i fare was 25 cents anywhere up cemetery has started his season’s and down the river. Guaranteed Repair i i When the highway was built, a work and it is in good shape i ON trestle was made to connect the I for Memorial day. RADIOS RECORDERS I i Roy Hughes and Bernard Dowl island with the highway, so Pres I RECORD PLAYERS cott then had its first road to the ing were in Portland one day the Full Line Raytheon Tubes i I mainland. In 1894 before the last of the week, then again Mon Phone 774 days of the roalroad, boats passed day on business. west of the island. The Beaver Lumber company operated the mill at Prescott for about 20 years, when they sold to the Clark, Wilson company of Portland in 1927. They operated until recently. Stories were told of ship wrecks SPECIAL: Gallon of Rainier Maid near Prescott, one being the George W. Elder, which was sal Ice Cream and Choice of two Toppings vaged and refloated about 1904. The other was the Feltre, and relics from this ship were shown. Indian relics were also on dis play. The June meeting of the society will be held at Chapman in the Grange hall. i RADIO OPEN ALL NIGHT COZY LUNCH 2-Week School To Open June 1 DANCE — To Good Music Clair Musser and His Powder River Ramblers ^ffifyshfoned refrigeralo^ GIRL'S SCHWINN SCHWINN x philco dairy bar L LIKE MONEY IN THE BANK! YES, when you have strong and adequate in surance on your home, you’re real 1 y s a v i n g money. If fire destroys your house and what’s in it, it will cost you many times the price of in surance to rebuild and refurnish. It pays to be adequately insured! THE BOY AND GIRL PICKING THE MOST STRAWBERRIES DURING THE COMING SEASON AT HARTWICK’S ROLLING HILLS FARM AT BANKS WILL EACH RECEIVE A SCHWINN BICYCLE. BIKES ON DISPLAY NOW AT— BUSH FURNITURE BUS ROUTES AND SCHEDULES Leave Pittsburg at 6:30 A.M. Leave Vernonia directly for farm at 7:00 A.M. Dan Cason bus leave Vernonia 7:00 A.M., travel Timber Route to Sunset Junction then directly to farm. REGISTER BY POSTCARD TO VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn, Agent I 90S Bridge Street Phone 231 Vernonia T1 h > sensation of the* low priced refrig erator field ... Philco with Dairy Bar, Butter Keeper and the biggest freezer ever offered in a 7 foot refrig erator. Adjustable Shelve«. "Key Largo" color. Philco 726. X K SUNDLAND’S M ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia ‘NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ H H H BANKS, OREGON YOU'LL LIKE DRIP OR REGULAR GRIND The only Mellow’d Coffee Try This Mellowed Coffee FIXE Grocerir» SAM’S FOOD STORE H Meat»- -Vegetable» l-hone "SI Z H '»HXHXHXHXHXHZHZHZHXHZHXHXHZHXHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHXH?