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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1953)
Conference of Worker» Scheduled for Saturday Lashed, but Lived Cusie Livingstone, Supt, has urged that all teachers and offi cers of the First Christian church Bible school attend the Workers’ conference at the church Satur day, May 16, at 7:30 p m. Mrs. Ervin F. Leake will be at the conference and help plan for the daily vacation Bible school, which will be held at the church the week after the closing of the public schools. BY The male quartet from Western Baptist Theological Seminary will sing May 18 at the First Baptist church. Everyone who likes this type of music will enjoy these men very much and all are cordially invited to come hear them. A Baptist missionary will also bring an interesting message. The time is 7:30 p.m. Laundry and Dry Cleaning IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Bring T o ' i I I 1 1 GEO. N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon DR. ERVIN F. LEAKE and Mrs. Ltake will arrive in Vernonia sometime during this week and move into the Christian church parsonage at 430 North St. Dr. Leake begins his ministry at the First Christian church on May 17. He will have charge of both the morning worship at 11 a m. and the evening service at 7:30 p.m. All members and friends of the church are urged to at- tend and welcome him and his wife. Caesars whipping master in- tended that his lash should tear Christ’s body open and that death would follow. But his lash could not blot out our sins. So we see Christ gave Himself over to be nailed to the old rugged cross, where His blood blotted out our sins. Th?n went into hell to suf fer the penalty for us. He paid high — Isaiah 53:- 11-12. One — Christ took our sins and was named sin and died for us. Two — whtn we trust Christ as our own Lord and Saviour who died for us God writes eternal life and His own God-right?ousness on our page. Three — Christ takes up in our heart to give us new ways and days. Then kt the saved grow up. Let them take time for the Bibl? and let them look utterly to Christ hour by hour for strength Men only believe you have God-righteous ness when they se? it shine. Spread Gods offer of eternal life. This space paid for by a Seattle family. Film Showing Date Postponed Winema Grange Plans Farewell Quartet Scheduled at Church Next Monday AT THE CHURCHES BIRKENFELD — Winema "Design for Tomorrow,” th? [ film that Beverly Franklin play?d j Grange is having a far. well party ben BRICKEL’S in, will not be shown in Ver Thursday night at the M. P. Mills nonia Mav 16 as previously indi home for Mrs. Florence Rawlin BARBER SHOP cated. Word has been received son, the upper grade teacher, and here from Northwest :rn Schools h?r father, Frank Stover. ?.(r. in Minneapolis, which sponsored Stover and Mrs. Rawlinson nave the picture, that they have it spent two school y ars here, Their home is in Leadville, Colorada. booked up for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott spent A representative of th?irs will and bring the film to Portland and on Saturday afternoon visiting Mr. to California in June and it is and Mrs. Roy Hinkhouse of Scap probable h? will bring it on out poose. They visited Mr. and Mr». to Vernonia on that trip, they said. G. W. Parnian in the evenin.’ and Specific date will be announced went dancing with them at Sau- vi?s Island Saturday night. later. Little April Bellingham, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Belling ham, had a tonsilectomy- Friday morning. They brought her home Sunday and she is getting along fine. Mrs. Cloice Hall of Vi r- * nonia kept Monte while Mr. and Mrs. Bellingham were in Port land with April. Tom Johnston entered the hos pital Monday for observation. I I —I ■ I I I— ■■■ IMPTI-W Charles Fullock received 2nd on his Poppy poster. Janice Gar. ner and Karen Jensen received ! Phone: Rt. 2, Box 845 honorable mention. i The Nehalem Valley Carden ! Alcha 6-3265 Beaverton, Oregon club will meet with Mrs. Law- rence Jepson Wednesday, May 20. The subject for study will <:e planting and care of rhododen drons. Sewing club met with Margie Bellingham Monday night. There were eight members and one visi tor present. Mrs. J. C. Devine, Knights of Pythias Order of Eastern Star a new resident of this community, Hardings Lodge No. 116 Nehuiem Chapter 153, O. E. S. was the visitor. She lives in the Vernonia, Oregon Regular com- former George Holding house. Next meeting will be with Phyllis municaiion first Meetings Legion Busch. and third Wed. Hall. Second and Mrs. Francis Larson, Mrs. Fred of each month Stinchfield, Mrs. Francis Nord Fourth Mondays at Masonic Tem strom and Mrs. Darrell Baker Each Month ple. All visiting went to Clatskanie last Wednes day to surprise Mrs. Howard sisters and broth, Edward E. Garner, Chancellor son on her birthday, but she ers welcome. Commander wasn’t at hime. They returned Florence Messing. Worthy Matron Oscar G. Weed, Secretary to find her waiting at the Francis Mona Gordon, Sec'y. 1-53 Larson home so they had their I party there. Pythian Sisters i Vernonia Temple No. 61 V. F. W. Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall i Linseed oil is made from seeds Regular meetings: Second and Fourth Second and Fourth Wednesdays of the flax plant. of each month Fridays, at 8 P.M. June Willis, M.E.C. Legion hall. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Faye Davis, Secretary 2-52 Ben Fowler, Commander Expert Tonsorial Work Don Campbell, Adjutant Vernonia, Oregon A. F. & A. M. AUXILIARY—2nd and 4th Tues. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 President, Louise Hamnett A. F & A. M. meets at Sec'y., Dorothy Walker 4-53 Masonic Temple. Stated Communication first VERNONIA Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. I I j | i I t Dates Set for Daily Vacation Bible School i The Vernonia Bible church an ' nounces th? date of its Daily Va cation Bible School as June 1 through June 12, from 9 to 12 a.m. daily, Monday through Fri day. A competent staff of teachers and workers assures children of excellent care and teaching. Par ents will be welcome to visit the school at any time. Classroom Teachers of County Choose Officers The Columbia County Class room Teachers mt at th? Wash ington school for their final meet ing of the school year Monday evening. Mrs. Elva Klegor of Clatskanie ' was elected president for th? next I year; Mrs. Ethel Miller, Rainier, vice-president; Mrs. Delores Stubb. Scappoos”, secretary and M rs. Mathilds Bergerson, Ver- I nonia, treasurer. Miss Suzann Dimm from Clats kanie showed pictures which she took last summer while on a Europ an tour. They includ d pictures of the British Isles. Italy, Switzerland, Holland and France. Oregon Laundry J Dry Cleaners : VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH Don Darling. Pastor Pete Raney. S. S. Supt. 9:45 a m. — Bible School. 11:00 am. — Morning service. "The End of Those Things is Death.” 6:30 p.m. — Youth Group. The Book of Amos. 6:30 — Adults. Isaiah. 7:30 p.m. — Evening worship. Rev. Alex Sauerwein. 7:30 p.m. Tues. — Young People’s class in II Timothy. (Held at Floyd Shulke’s) Wed. Night — Bible study and prayer meeting. "The Doctrine of Christ." 7:30 p.m. Thurs. — Men's prayer meeting and women’s prayer meeting, held in various homes. E. G. Engsbretson I \ WATER WELLS DRILLED I LODGE ÄND CLUB NOTICES I I | I | . . . the letters start. Then from all over the free world come such comments as these from readers of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, an international daily newspaper: "The Monitor is must rend ing for straight-thinking people. . . “/ returned to school after a lapse of 18 years. I will get mv degree from the college, but my education comes from the Monitor. . , "The Monitor gives me ideas for my work. . , “I truly enjoy its com pany. . . MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Ma Vike's Cafe Guy I. Thomas, President Geo. A. Remnant. Secretary 3 54 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 ¿£ty0.0f. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P M. Charley Hickman, Noble Grand Truman Knight, Secretary 1-54 Columbia Encampment No. 89 Frank Floeter. W.M. Walter Linn. Sec'y. 1-54 VERNONIA GRANGE 305 Regular meeting held every SECOND SATURDAY 8 O’clock P.M. Social Night Fourth Saturday PUBLIC WELCOME Master, Ronald McDonald Secretary. Ruby McDonald 11-53 Meet» 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in the LOOT Hall. Jane Pace. Noble Grand Evelyn Thompson. Vice Grand Verda Cook. Rec. Sec y. Silvia Turner. Financial Sec y. Edna Heenan. Treasurer J 54 ORE. THURSDAY. MAY 14. 1953 Just thre? nights remain to hear Rev. Alex Sauerwein, out standing Bible teacher, at the Vernonia Bible church Friday, Saturday and Sunday night, May 15-17. Rev. Sauerwein has had years of practical experience as well as diligent Bible study. He re ceived his training at Wheaton College. Wheaton Illinois and Dallas Theological Seminary, Dal las, T xas. For a number of years he ministered in the East, princi pally in the city of New York, prior to coming to the West coast. Following the meetings here in Vernonia. Rev. Sauerw in will leave for a speaking tour through the Middle and Eastern states. The subject of his messages will be prophecy, which is of sp. cial interest to us in these times in which we are living. Attendance at these services is welcom'd bv the pastor and con gregation of the Vernonia Bible church. Services begin at 7:30 and no offerings are to be taken. A s.a day on shipboard begins at noon. RIVERVIEW — Mr and Mrs. E. W. Taylor moved into their house on 7th Street Monday, com ing from Pendleton. They pur chased the place some time ago from Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walk i Mrs. Glenn Mitchell entertain d the past president’s parley of the American Legion Auxiliary Wed nesdav afternoon. They enjoyed a pot-luck lunch which was followed by a business meeting. They mad" paper flowers for the annual wheel-chair parade at the Veterans hospital in Portland Eight members w.r? present. Skeeter Gill spent the week end visiting his mother, Mrs. Fritz Burkhard, at Manzanita. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olin and children of Portland and Robert Olin of Seattle spent the week end at the F. R. Olin home. Sunday visitors at the Louis Huntley home were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCool and children of Portland and his sister, Mrs. Dora Carver, and baby of Cali fomia and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Perry and children. The Saw ■to See for Here's the new Model 4-30 McCulloch chain saw — the modern saw for 1-man felling, bucking, limbing. POWER It’s a full 4 honest brake horsepower! LIGHT WEIGHT-Only 30 lb. with 14-inch blade and chain. BALANCE It’s center balanced for easy bucking, felling! ANGLE CUTTING-Cuts fuU power at all angles, without adjustment! Equipped with exclusive McCulloch hiph-speed Saber tooth chain; dozens of other exclusive feature». A hiph- production »aw at low price. More Power! More Speed! for Timber up to 5 Feet Thick! SEE A DEMONSTRATION Try this great new McCulloch saw yourself. Free demonstrations all day long HAHN HARDWARE Vern°nia, Oregon Phone 181 Pirate tend me an Introductory tuberrip« tion Io The Christian Scianca Monitor— issues. I anclote fJ. (name) Your Credit is Easy to Check foderati* PB II When you pay by check—on lime—you establish the beet possible credit wherever you deal. And that* an asset to anyone. It's easy to pay bills by check and maintain your balance, with the added advantage of our check-by-mail service. Drop in today—open your account—and be a credit to yourself. Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank « Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 858 1st Ave. Vernonia Meets Just drop into SAM’S today and Every Friday look over our tempting display of 8 P M. garden-fresh vegetables and fruits. Guy L. Hanson. W.P. Rex Normand. Sec'y. 7-50 American Legion _ • H play with price* that double H the in Why not do as the wise shopper does and POST 110 Meets First and 1 Third Monday of f each month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays 1-53 H You’ll never see a more inviting dis vitation to your pocketbook. VERNONIA shop here! FINK Groceries Meste- -Vegetable« 7 Time Remains to 17th Street Home Hear Speaker Occupied Monday Vernonia F.O.E. haM. MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE VERNONIA, Th* Christian Srienr« Monitor Uno. Norway St.. Boston IS. Ma»«., U. S A. Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION (Fraternal Order of Eagles) will meet the lit and 3rd Friday» of each month at the I.O.O.F. Otto Cantwell. Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer. Scribe 1-54 EAGLE, You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news. You will discover a con structive viewpoint in every news story. I'se the coupon below for a spe cial Introductory subscription — 3 months for only $3, LIONS CLUB THE SAM'S FOOD STORE Free Delivery I’hone 7*1 L» HXMXHXHXHXHXMXHXHXHX HXHXHXHX WXHXHXHXMXHXHXHXHZHXHJe