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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1953)
« THURSDAY, MAY 14. 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General SEED and eating potatoes for sale. John Siedelman, Pebble Creek road, Vernonia. 20t3 LARGE pansy plants 15c tach; large fuschias, $1.50; glad bulbs 65c; dahlia bulbs $2.00; tuber be gonias 50c each. Bedding plants of all sorts 25c and 40c dozen. Bouquets for Memorial Day $1 and up Order now, phon? 7719. We deliver. 20t3 FOR SALE: 1 Hereford bull; 1 Hereford cow with second calf, a heifer; 1 Milking Shorthorn to freshen in July with second calf; 2 y’arling heifers. Mrs. O. S. Poynter, Keasey Rt. 20t3 Oliver H-G-cle-trac, has blade and armored for logging; price $2550. Contract available on about 100,. 000 ft. of timber. Ed Tipton, 20t3 Vernonia, Oregon. GOOD WASHING machine, can be bought for $45. Inquire 209 A St. 20t 1 ROTOTILLING by the hour. Call Johnson’s garage or write Mar vin McGaughey, Vernonia. 20t3 '41 CHEV Cabover, long wheel base (ruck. See Clair Devine. 19t3 29 FT. Universal tandem trailer; 3 rooms, electric refrigerator and water heater, gas range and oil heater. Reasonably priced. Dane Brady, Keasey Rt. 18t3 TREHARNE — John Weaver of Quapaw, Oklahoma arrived on Thursday to visit his sons and daughters and families for the summer. Charles White, brother of Mrs. * Miller, who has been ill, was FOR SALE—Real Estate i Joe brought into Portland to the Good Samaritan hospital from The FOR SALE by owner: Modern Dalles Saturday. Mrs. White’s house including Spark oil heater, father, brother and other sister electric range, table top electric were called in because of the water heater. Close to church and seriousness of his illness. Mrs. Ed Siedelman and Edwina schools. 209 B St. Inquire Sam and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride, Jean Hearing, 891 3rd St. 20t3 and JoAnn, motored to Portland I Tuesday. HOMES Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and son, Earl, of Mist visited 4 ACRES, in city limits: 3-room friends and relatives at Treharne house, garage. Price including Tuesday evening. furnitur? $2600, good terms. 4-ROOM house wired for range. Extra large single garage. Price only $2750, good terms. 4-ROOM semi-modern house, 2 bedrooms. $1250 full price, I I very easy terms. I ROCK CREEK — Ron McDon CLOSE to schools and churches: Neat 5-room modern home plus ald lost a load of lumber on Clatskanie * Mountain and two utility room. Wired for range. wreckers wsre n?eded to bring Large living room and 2 12x14 the truck back on the road. The wild geese must have bedrooms. Youngstown sink. sensed the coming of warm days, Price $6000, easy terms. for several days before that the sky was filled time after time FARMS with bands of them, changing HAVE PARTY who wants to patterns and leaders, increasing trade 43-acre place in B:averton and decreasing in size. Ciar, nee Hammer of San Jose, district for farm in this vicinity. California spent part of his vaca Must have at least 300,000 ft. tion with his mother, Vivian Counts, and for Mother’s Day timber on it. they went to Portland to visit DON BAYLEY, BROKER Betty and husband, Don. MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia Dane Brady made a trip to 20tlc Yakima, Washington to see his father who is ill. Ted Keasey called a veteri- FOR SALE OR TRADE narian to treat a cow, ill with ’37 STUDEBAKER for sale or milk fever, and later learned she trade for gun. Price $50. See also had a broken front leg. I Andy Hicks two miles out Rock I creek. 18t3 Load of Lumber Lost on Mountain Two Service Men Here For Part of Week LEGAL NOTICE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Order your Stout Irrigation Sys tem today. Free engineering and estimates. Proper irrigation will increase yoiir present product many times. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE Uptown St. Heltnt 14tfc I AUCTION Every Friday. We have a good mark.t for your live stock, furniture, tools, poultry. We buy, sell, trad?, every weak day, paying cash for livestock, furniture, machinery, tools. Alt mans Auction Mart, Forest Grove. Phones: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt Altman, Auctioneer, selling live- stock or general farm sales any- where. lltfc AUCTION Bnng your livestock and mite, to Clatskanie Auction yard where we have many buyers and sellers. Livestock sold by the head or pound. SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 12:30 P.M. CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD Milt Butler, Auctioneer Phone 1600 7tfc HOME LAUNDRY—Phone 1107. Mis. York. Laundry, fluff dried, 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra, 25c. Flat finish'd, minimum $1.00. One day service on request on fluff dried. Also curtain stretch- ing. 9tfc PRUNING, LAWNS. LAND SCAPING. ROCKERIES, SHRUBS Fruit, Nut. Shade Trees Estimates free. Call St. Helens 1214-W I, Thornton’s Nursery, box 23, Warren Ore. 5tfc ALL makes ot sewing machines repaired. Electrification of any make machine. Park’s New Home Store, 4816 N. Lombard or in quirí Eagle office. 38tfc DEAD STOCK PICKED UP Free of Charge ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE HORSES BOUGHT. Phone collect, Clatskanie 44R11 COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY 51tfc FOR SALE—I nsurance BELL HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell. H. Hudson 37tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST: $35 in bank book near Riverview Mile Bridge Gradua tion money. Laurel Wyckoff. Re ward for return to home on 5th St.. Riverview or Eagle office. 20tlc Civil defense films can be bor- rt wed from the Visual Instruc tion Department at Oregon State College. Corvallis. • » Brother Taken to Hospital in Portland RIVERVIEW — Sgt. and Mrs. Wm. Benninghoff and Cpl. Pill Powers of Fort Lawton, Washing ton visited at ths Rex Normand home from Wednesday until Fri day. Mrs. Fr:d Sample and Mrs Lonnie Miller of Portland spent Monday at the Normand home. Mr. and Mrs. Gen? Hanon of Orick. California visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Normand, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. John Norma id, Rex Normand, Jr., and .Jerry Oakes spent the w ek end at Ellensburg, Washington visiting Albert Helland and other rela tives. Donald Wiseback returned with them for a few days’ visit. Sgt. and Mrs. Wm. Ben.Vng- hoff, Col. Bill Pow rs, Mr. and Mrs. John Normand. Rex, Jr, and Ada Normand visited at the Goodrich and Dunton home in Portland Thursday evninc. NOTICE is hereby given that the Oregon State Land Board will receive sealed bids at its office in the State Capitol at Salem, Ore gon, up to 10:00 o'clock a.m. on Tuesday, June 2, 1953, for, the leasing of tide and overflow land, mor? particularly describ' d here inafter, giving, however, to the owner or owners of any lands abutting or fronting thereon pre ference right to leas? said tide and overflow land at the highest price offered, for a period of 48 hours after opening of said bids, provided such offer is made in good faith, and provided the Land Board reserves right to reject any and all bids. Said land is situated in Colum bia County, Oregon and is des cribed as follows: All of the tide and overflow land lying between mean high anrf mean low water marks along the westerly shoreline of the Columbia River; beginning at the north west meander corner of Lot 1, Sec. 19, Twp. 6 North, Range 1 West, W.M., and ex tending northwesterly along said shoreline to the south east meander corner of Sec. 13. Twp. 6 North, Range 2 West. ^.M Bids must be accompanied by certified or cashier’s check or money order for full amount of first year's rental, and no bids will be considered for less than $100.00 per annum, leas? to be for a period of 15 years. In addition to amount bid. the successful bid der shall pay actual cost of ad vertising. All bids should be sealed and addressed to E. T. Pierce, Clerk, State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Bid to lease tide and overflow land.” Dated at Salem, Oregon, April 15, 1953. E. T. Pierce, Clerk, State Land Board Dates of Publication: April 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of CARL LEVI GOODBURN. De ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Carl L vi Goodburn, Deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersign’d at the office of David O. Bennett. St. Helens, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published: May 7. 1953. Date of final publication: May 28, 1953. Dawayne Marvin Goodburn Administrator David O Bennett, Attorney St. Helens, Oregon 19t4c Old Schoolhouse Meeting Place Used for Historical Society Meet Early days of the Columbia City community were relived at the monthly Columbia County Historical Society meeting in the little old schoolhouse, which was built in 1884 and is still being used for a meeting place after 68 years of service. When Joseph Caples took up his donation land claim in 1846, the surrounding area was inha- bited only by Indians, the tnbal leader being Chief Kusnihi. Many utensils such as ston? bowls, pestles, and weights for <i<'hor- ing their nets are still in exis tence, but are becoming rarer as time goes on. After the proper- ty was divided between Joseph Caples two sons and one daugh- ters in 1869, it was plotted and named by them. Columbia City. It is interesting to note that the first schoolhouse known as the Academy was built in 1872. This was built by a private venture by Dr. C. J. Caples and his sister, Mrs. J. L. Maxwell, since there was little prqvision for public schools in thos? early days. The little schoolhouse where the Society met was built and used after the Academy was discon tinued. Another interesting building remembered by early settlers was a large hotel with 52 rooms, which was built on the water front in 1883. This was later d:smantled and floated down the Columbia in sections to Kelso, Two Complete Eighth Grade WANTED HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon.. Phone 126. 14tfc STRAWBERRY pickers register with Ruth Steers or call 155 Banks or write to Alta Carsten, Banks, Oregon. Will notify when picking will start. 20tfc I WOULD lik? to plough that garden for you and have it ready for you to do your planting. All work guaranteed. Phone 253. 19tfc BIRKENFELD — Charks Ful- lock. son of Mrs. Pearl Pidcock, fell at school last Wednesday. H,e broke both bones in his arm. Mrs. Rawlinson took him to Clats kanie to the doctor and they took him by ambulance to a Longview hospital. Mrs. Francis Larson. Mrs. Gene Larson and Mrs. Hubert Rodgers of Jewell went to Astor a ’.ast Thursday. Vic Berg is planning another barn dance. Square dancers are invitsd. WANTED BERRY PICKERS BOTH HILL AND MOUNTAIN BERRIES Transportation furnished. Excel lent berries. Register by post card to— SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM (0 a o •u Featuring z ■r. I — < = u z Hudson House Olives — String Beans — Corn z 3 MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 X | C ■n 2! K > r" w I i i COAST MOTOR COMPANY WILLYS SALES AND SERVICE Phone 1252 Vernonia, Oregon SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE I MIR RENT FOR RENT 4-rm. modern house, newly remodeled and decorated, breakfast nook. bath, equipped for either electric or wood heat ing. Inquire 476 North St. 20tl o •u z M With the power and traction of 4-wheel drive and the maneuverability of the Universal ’Jeep’, you can travel cross-country ... making your way through mud, sand or snow that would stop ordinary vehicles. Now the Universal Jeep’ is powered by the famous Hurricane F-Head Engine . . . has 20% greater horse power ... marked increase in operating economy with outstanding performance. See the Jeep’ today ... 19t5c LARGE sleeping room, two beds with kitchen privilege if desired. Riverview Cabins, Riverview, Oregon, lltfc R 7/. i FURNISHED Apt: three rooms, bath, electric range, refrigerator oil heat and laundry. Riverview Apts. 16tfc r* W31VHHN dOHS — KdTVHaX’ dOHS — K3TIVH3N dOHS ROLLING HILLS FARM Star Rt., Banks, Oregon Crawford Auto Wreckers. 775 S. Highway, St. Helens. Ore. Phone 650 IStfc g Peas NEHALEM Broken Arm Results From Fall at School WORK baby sitting. Inquire at Vernonia Eagle office. 19t3 MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Wikstrom and two children from Vernonia were dinner guests on Washington. There it was re- Sunday of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom. built and named the Washington Shirley Wikstrom spent the hotel. week end in Clatskanie witn her In 1917 a shipyard was built sister, Margie. Pvt. Roy Kyser has been spend in the southern part of the town ing some time at his home nete and eight ships were built dur with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Kyser. ing the first world war. Other Mr. and Mrs Robert Lindsay businesses were lumber mills, were callers at the Austin Dowl ing home Friday. woodyards and other allied tim- George Jones went to Portland ber industries. Monday with Bernard Dowling read Documentary records were They went to the hospital to bring establishing these facts and Fred I Austin Dowling home. He’s feel C. Caples, son of Chas. Caples, ing much better. Mrs. Clara Libel was here visit told of many interesting early ing relatives over the week end days happenings. from Seaside. She and Mr. and Also present was Wm. Perry Mrs. George Jones and Jack of McMinnville, son of George Burnham were dinner gue’-ts Perry, a local pioneer. He spoke, Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Shelmon also, about early family history Libel. Harley Thomas suffered a brok and recounted an Indian story as en leg, received at the Wikstrom he heard it from Chief Bearclaws mill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hughes sp?i.t when that Indian visited the Perry home in early days. This last week end in Forest Grove. Mrs. Hughes remain 'd over Mon will be mad? part of the Society’s day as her mother, Minn e John records. son, wasn’t very well. The next meeting will be held Four women are honored with in Prescott on May 19, according memorial statues in Washington. to present plans. 3 BIRKENFELD — School will be ov.r Mav 21. Eighth grade graduation will be at Mist this year. Birkenfeld has two eighth graders: Janice Garner and Den nis Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach spent Sunday at Morton, Washington with Mrs. Beach’s aunt. Don Jensen and children spent Sunday at Yamhill with his mother, Mrs. Guy Walker, and his sister, Mrs. Lester Webb. Mr and Mrs. Guy Bellingham and Claire spent several days visiting in California last week. Carl Anderson, Fishhawk road, celebrated his 77th birthday Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gabriel- son and Jimmy spent the week end with Mrs. Adah Hoberg. Dave Banzer is driving a new pickup. A brother of Homer and B?rt Davis 'from California was in town Friday. The Davis’s lived her until a few years ago. Mrs. Don Jensen, Mrs. Art Bel lingham and Karen Jensen were in Portland Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Trent Garner and girls were in Portland Saturday. Trent had to hav? a check-up on his nose. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hitch man and Mr. and Mrs. Wooden of Pacific Grange met with the members of Winema Grange on Thursday night. Mr. Hitchman is master of Clatsop county Po mona and Mr. Wooden is their county deputy. Service Man Spends Time with Parents i KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY O»<nn» I'irg'tl - r/Lng Mraight bourbon' . Pint $2K FULLY AGED 3-ROOM nicely furnished house, 162 A St See Mrs. Grace Currie, 176 A St . phone 1104 20t3c HOUSE to rent: 3 rooms partly furnish“d Riverview, 1st St., Mrs. Frank Mills. 20t3c THIS WHISKEY 1$ 4 YEARS 010 • 86 PROOF • THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY