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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1953)
2 THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 THE TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mr». Adolph Nelson enjoyed Mother's Day in Beaver ton at the home of their daugn- ter, Mrs. Marble Cook. Th-.y also attended services at the Con. gregational church. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Borders are redecorating the house on the corner of Washington and B Streets preparatory to moving in. PUBLIC invited to chicken and noodle dinner 6:30-8:00 p.m. May 23. Vernonia Grange hall. Adults SI, children 50c. Free dance after dinner. 20t2c Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gardner were their daughter and son-in-law from Multnomah, Mr. and Mis. Beglui, and their son and daugn- tor-in-law, Lt. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Gardner, of Ft. Lewis, Washing ton. with their daughter, Linda. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawken tpent last week end with Mrs. Hawken's brother-in-law and THE GRADUATES’ EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. Dairy Association Adds New Member Pomona Honors 50-Year Members i Former Resident Taken by Death mother, Mrs. I. E. Knowles, and family. Mrs. Robert Mathews attended meeting in St. Helens last Thurs- day evening. sister at Albany. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Remnant J. P. McFarland, Vernonia, spent the week end at Hood River, joined the county dairy herd im- i where they attended the formal ’ provement association in April, opening of the Hood River Branch MIST — An old timer of the Warren Grange was host to the according to an announcement Commercial Bank of Oregon. Dinner was served to 120 guests, Columbia County Pomona Grange made by Don Walrod, county earlier days, Collie Baker, passed who were entertained by ‘.he at the McBride School Saturday, agent. Columbia county cows on away at his home in Pendleton Visitors were present standard dairy herd test produced Swiss Family Fraunfelder, well- May 2. over a half million pounds of milk last week. Funsral services were known on radio, stage and T.V. from Clatsop county. At 2 p.m. memorial services during April containing more than held there Tuesday. He was a The Fraunfelders are now resi were held for those who had 21,000 pounds of butterfat. brother to Mrs. Maude Rodgers, dents of the Hood River valley. Mothers day guests at the home passed away since last May. Im now of Seaside. Some over 40 of Mr. and Mrs. W. A Wolff at mediately following this cere years ago the Bakers lived on Natal were: Mr. and Mrs. L. L. mony. the 50-year members were the Burn. | honored by presentation of gifts Graven and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews Turner of Portland and Mr. and I by the Grange Historian, Pearl and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. Lloyd Stuve of Birkenfeld. I Becker. Those who were present for this Beach and Mrs. Maud Rodgers Mrs. Myrtle Buffmire is in the went over to Morton, Washington Portland General hosiptal where ceremony were: Chester Parcher and had dinner Sunday with the she recently underwent an opera who first joined in February, Approximately 12 million board 1903; Ray Tarbell and Eber Don Halls. They went to Che tion. feet of state forest timber valued halis and brought down their Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dial were Brown who jointed at Yankton on here for a short time last week May 2, 1903; E. F Messing and at over $300.000 in the Humbug aunt, Mrs. Susie Ramsey, for the from Kennewick, Washington to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parker who area in Clatsop county will be dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews visit his daughter and family, joined at Vernonia on August 1, sold at public bid May 27 by 1903 and Mrs. Alice Lindsay who are the owners of a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Earl King. I joined at Clatskanie in the same the state forestry department, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were Insure your family's good year. Most of these members William Phelps, resident forester callers at the Austin Dowling have been continuous members for the Northwest district at home last Thursday. health by seeing that they for this long space of time; others Forest Grove, announces. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuve from The were reinsfated after being drop Birk nfeld were village shoppeis take plenty of nutritious, de- public sale will be held at the ped for a while. Saturday. licious milk. For service io Miss Mary Miller of Deer Island Clatsop county court house, As Mrs. Robert Mathews and Mrs. reported on her trip to Corvallis toria, at 1 p.m.. May 27. George Jones were in Clatskan.e your door phone 471 at no to 4-H summer school last season afternoon. The sale will include seven mil Monday On May 1, when the two fifth when she was the recipient of the The Mathews folks went into extra cost. grade classes gave their special scholarship given by Pomona lion board feet of old growth fir Portland Thursday evening to see snags and windfalls, three and Martin who is in the assembly at Washington school, Grange. Seventeen candidates were ini a half million board feet of green Emanuel hospital. He is getting Mrs. Gertrude Schalock, president of the American Legion Auxiliary, tiated in the Pomona Degree in old growth fir, and one and a half along well from his recent op ‘ra. presented Unit 119’s awards to the evening. There were also tion. the winners in two contests spon two re-instatements. Among those million of spruce and hemlock. Mrs. Donna Coryell spent Sun being initiated were Mr. G. A. Minimum price for No. 2 sawlogs day in Portland. sored in the school. Grade A Pasteurized t. Poppy poster contest checks Hiekkala, Finish Consul, who and better will be 20 per cent of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Wills and j given to: first, Rosalie Badley; gave a most interesting talk on the average selling price for logs Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Nelson from | Seattle came down and spert j second, Ronald Anderegg; third, his recent trip to Finland. He Carol Ray and honorable mention stated that the Finns have a in the Columbia river. Minimum Mothers’ Day with the former’s for Carol McKinney. Special strong co-operative organization price for No. 3 sawmill and 1 award for 5th and 6th grade di among the farmers, which is sim. shingle grade cedar is $7 per ilar to the work of the Grange [ thousand board feet. vision went to Sally Biggs. Americanism essay winners in our country, doing much to Rights-of-way are provided by were first, Ronald Anderegg; se improve the living conditions in the forestry department. Success cond. Marjorie Reynolds and hon rural areas. orable m.ntion, Donna Buckley. ful bidder must construct 2.6 For the first time the Vernonia i miles of new road and recon unit gave a bronze medal to the struct approximately one mile of essay winner. The medal with its old road, in accordance with tricolor ribbon was on display at the school before being awarded specifications outlined by the • FOR FAST DEPENDABLE SERVICE and was the center of much in state forester. terest. • FOR CAREFUL HANDLING Phelps said that all bidders TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Claude Weaver and family lost must post a $10,000 bond. Suc • FOR CONVENIENT SCHEDULES TO all belongings by fire Friday cessful bidder must post $50,000 ALL MAJOR POINTS IN THE U. S. whil? the family was gone. The with the state forester as ad fire was started by wiring in i vance payment on stumpage with For information coll Ry. the bedroom wall. in 30 days of the big award. He Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and J. R. \ C. L. Johnson, Railroad Station THURS.. FRI. MAY 14-15 I hauled a load of stock to th" auc- j advised that the area has been i at Forest Grove for Vivian j marked and is open to inspection Genera! Offices: American oonk Building ABBOTT & COSTELLO • tion Counts of Rock Creek Friday. prior to the sale. Portland, Oregon GO TO MARS Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and 1 Copies of the bid prospectus Abbott and Costello P.uster were in Portland , may be obtained at the Cour: SATURDAY MAY 16 I Wednesday night. Mrs. Florence West visited Mrs. ! House at Astoria and from the SLAUGHTER TRAIL I Bert Tisdale and Mrs. Sam Beck state forestry headquarters at Andy Devine and girls Monday evening. Plus Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riggle called Forest Grove. TARZANS SAVAGE on Grandma Rogers Friday. Ship and Travel "The Northwest's Own Railway" Mr. and Mrs. Lest: r Teeling of ' There are 128 cubic feet in a FURY Portland, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. I cord of wood. Lex Barker Thacker and Mrs. Clarence New , SUN.. MON MAY 17-18 of Vernonia called at the Wilbur SOMEBODY LOVES ME Thacker home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dodge and I (Color) Ricky of Forest Grove visited at ■ Betty Hutton - Ralph Meeker TUES.. WED. MAY 19 20 j the Bert Tisdale home Sunday. Mrs. Sam Beck and girls, Mrs. JEOPARDY Flora Whitmire and Mrs. Pauline Barbara Stanwvck . B. Sullivan Tisdale motored to Forest Grove Plus Monday afternoon. THE j Mrs. Claude Weaver, Mary Lee Peggy called on Mrs. Byron PACE THAT THRILLS and Kirkbride, Jean and Rosalie Mon- , Bill Williams day evening. Floyd A. Snyder. SO 3. left Port- , land by plane Wednesday noon I for Hunters Point, California, . after a 5-day leave at home State Timber to Go at Bid Sale Milk for Health Poster, Essay Winners Awarded NEHAL DAIRY PRODUCTS (0. WATCH CHOICE! Fire Destroys Treharne Home Joy Theatre I * First in BEAUTY! * First in ACCURACY! * First in VALUE! A. L Kullander WATCHMAKER — JEWELER SPOKANE. PtlltTIAMI and SEATTLE RAILWAY COM PAX Y The Criendlv Store where Quality Costs Xo More DANCE — To Good Music WE ALWAYS FEATURE ADAM EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS SUMMER HATS FOR MEN Clair Musser and His Powder River Ramblers I I Men’s Van Heusen SPORT SHIRTS NOTHING BUT THE BEST IN ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ frf FRESH, DELICIOUS j POMPS AND IRRIGATION SUPPLIES I SEE OUR DISPLAY OF NEW AND USED Keep a cool head with Adam Straws DEALERS IN WADE RAIN IRRIGATION I PLUS U.S. KEDETTES For Women and Children We have the trained per»onnel to serve you and a carload of pipe to supply you. U.S. KEDS CALL US FOR FREE ENGINEERING SERVICE I BEN FABER ELECTRIC IMMEDIATE DELIVERY — WE INSTALL — WE SERVICE 227 S. 3rd Ave. • Hillsboro • Phone 2471 ZHZNZHZNZHZHZNZHZNZHZNZt I All go to show you that the Mill Market is the place for you to trade. For Men, Boys and Children MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Women’» and Children » Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY : 10 a.m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 $2.95 $3.65 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 $6.95 With Short Sleeves Nylon (no ironing) Rayon Crepe (no ironing) Broadcloth and Other fabrics. Some do not iron. RAND BOBS CASUAL SHOES Women’s Leather Sandals Red, White, Wheat, and Natural Leather and fabric cushion crepe casuals Cloth Tops a’3 Leather $*795 Tops........... •