Page Rank Exemplified, Guests Entertained Harding Lodge No. 116, Knights of Pythias, entertained guests from St. Helens and Astoria April 27, at which time they exempli­ fied the Page rank. Guests are also expected at the next meet­ ing on Monday. May 11. Follow­ ing adjournment, special enter­ tainment is planned for those who attend. Post, Auxiliary Install Officers At joint installation ceremonies M'-ndav evening. April 27. both th«- Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Auxiliary placed new of­ ficers in the chairs for the com- fag The program took place at the I.O.O.F. hall. For the post. Winston Walker was the installing officer. The new officers are: commander, Ben Fowler; senior vice-commander, Ralph Hartman: iunior vice-com­ mander. Lcland Pugsley; judge advocate. John Young; chaplain. Earl Erckson. surgeon. Albert Blount; patriotic instructor, Ken­ neth G. Anderson; service offi­ cer, Bill Horn; legislative officer, Tom Bateman; publicity officer, Jim Cox; adjutant, Don Camp­ bell; quartermaster, Edwin Ade. Auxiliary officers were instal- tod by Virginia Walker, past dis. trict president. Tht officer last for the Auxili­ ary is: president. Louise Hamnett; senior vics-president, Nora Red­ mond; junior vice-president. June Fluke; secretary Dorothy Walker; treasurer. Myrtle Cox: chaplain, Marie Shafer; conductress, Ruth Ernest; guard. Darien: May; trustee. Jennie Lusby; color bearers. Mary Dübendorf, Rosalie Roediger. Betty Hawkin and Jo­ ann Savage; patriotic instructor. Pauline King; historian. Helm Spofford and musician, Ina Bate­ man. The Rainbow Girls cooked food sale will be postponed until Sat­ urday, May 16. FOR ATHLETE'S ’ FOOT-A~ KERATOLYTIC IS A MUST What is a keratolytic? An agent that deadens the infected skin. It then peels off. exposing more germs to its killing action. Get T-4-L, a keratolytic, at any drug store. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Today at NANCE'S Fair Catch of Clams Achieved I Hospital Stay Ended Friday i Chicken Pox in Area Reported Woman Has i Operation Thurs. At a double-ring ceremony which took place at the Evangeli­ cal U. B. church April 19. Miss Edna Fuller, daughter of Otis Fuller, became the bride of Earl Wantland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wantland. The c remony was performed by Rev. Paul D. Sisler at 2:30. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a two-piece blue gown with white accessori s and carried a Bible and white orchid. She was attended by Miss De­ Loris Thompson who wore a pink dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Th? marches were played by M iss Frances Kaspar and Mrs. Shirley Bass sang “Because” and “O Promise Me.” Best man was Donnie Wantland, brother of the groom. The candle lighters were Georg Marsh of Beaverton and Don Webb. Homer Fuller, Don Webb and George Marsh were ushers. At the r.ception. Miss Dori» Wantland was in charge of the , guest book. Miss Aileen Johnson and Miss Marilou Fredrickson served the cake, Miss Beverly Past Resident Buried Tuesday NATAL — Clyde Henderson at­ tended the funeral for his broth­ er-in-law, W. Ailsworth. which was held in Portland Tuesday. Mr. Ailsworth was a resident here several years ago and no doubt is remembered by several. Mr. and Mrs. W. Zillman and baby were Mcndav ev ning callers at the E. Kyser home. Sunday callers at the Ira Peter­ son home were Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carmichael and children. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hend:r- son and family of Portland were week end guests at the Clyde Hendersons. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Garman and family spent Saturday night in Salem. Ray Taylor and family spent the week end at Banks at the Gene Northrup home. SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHAI.EM — SHOP NEHALEM Peace Participation Topic of Chapter Program PRICES ? Chapter BS of the PEO Sister­ hood met at the home of Mrs. R. D. Eby Tuesday evening, April 28. For her program on Peace Participation, Mrs. B m Brickel read a paper ntitled “Looking Toward Peace." The next meeting will be Tues­ day evening, May 12, at the home of Mrs. Judd Gr^enman. Mrs. Eby will be in charge of the program. -r K M Z i~ o s t/j I n- Z o. c CE tZ. I Just ask the housewife who trades here. She'll tell you of the many buys on our shelves in gro­ ceries and also at our meat counter. Not only do you get the best in prices, but the quality of our foods is unexcelled. Be smart—Trade at— J b w •J z D. o c or. Fred Larson were guests of Mr and Mrs. Boone Johnston Friday night. Boone showed some pic­ tures. He has a new movie camera and projector. Mrs. Elsa Richardson and Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Beach spent the week end in Seaside visiting Mrs. Maude Rogers and Mrs. Ann Wal­ lace. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey, Jr., of Portland visited with Mi and Mrs Guy Bellingham Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larsor. and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nord­ strom visited with Mr and Mrs Durham in Portland Sunday. Tom Johnston is on the sick TRF.HARNE — Mrs Pauline Tisdale has postponed her birth­ list again. Boone Johnston took day party from May 7 to May 14 him to the doctor Monday. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Condit and because several of the small child­ ren in the neighborhood have children of Portland. Mr. and the chicken pox. Those ill at Mrs. Roy Stuve and Karen, Bruce this time are Susan and Mary , I .arson and Tom Johnston were Ruth Beck and Jimmy and Dar- Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boone Johnston. It was little r. 1 Odam. Mrs. Mae Wienecke entertained Allen Johnston’s first birthday. the Birthday club in her home Thursday, April 30 in honor of her birthday The club also held an auctioned bazaar and surprised Mrs. Florence Kirkbride with a pound shower. Guests present wire Mrs. Svb Falconer and Mrs. Laurel Thacker. Miss Mary Fal. % RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Arthur Closner, punch and Mrs. Barbara , coner and Miss Mildred Thacker Kouva underwent an operation I.anders, coffer. In charge of were dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Standford Cox of for goiter at the Physicians and the gifts were Mrs. Sam Cagle, Mrs. Cloice Hall and Miss Jody Ocean Lake visited his brother Surgeons hospital in Portland last and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thursday. Two large goiters were Webb. removed and another, being under The couple left for a honey­ Cox, Sunday. Mrs. Frank Birt call d on Mrs. the collar bone, could not be re­ moon along the coast and he re­ moved at this time. ported t<> Alam da, California for A. R. Stanton Monday. Visitors of the Byron Kirk­ Mr. and Mrs. John Solomon and duty April 30. Mrs. Wantland is staying with her father until bride family Sunday were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hicks of Ta­ she receives word from him where and Mrs. Ralph Applebee of For­ coma visited at the Tom Solomon est Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Everett Wood homes Sunday. he will be stationed. Hall and Timmy of Molalla. The John Solomon is a brother of Halls are former residents of Ver. Tom Solomon and Mrs. Hicks is I a niece. nonia. Temple Prepares for BIRKENFELD — Trent Garner returned home from another trip to the hospital Friday. He had an operation on his nose. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hansen of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham. Lloyd Beach, Lloyd Stuve and BIRKENFELD — Georgianna i Mills was home from Eugene this week end. She is a senior at I U of O. Mr. and Mrs. Mills took her to Portland Saturday night where she was the guest of honor I at a bridal shower. I Vic and Al Berg went clam­ i ming Saturday morning. They brough home a fair catch. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomp­ i son of Portland were at the L, H. Jepson home Fridas. They took Gary back to Portland with them. He has been visiting his grand­ parents for the last week. Mrs. Francis Larson received notice Monday that she had won a necklace in a slogan contest. Kathryn Elliott and her room­ mate Kathryn Erickson, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham and boys visited friends in Port­ land Sunday. M P. Mills and Georgianna called on Mr and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and Kathryn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leibentritt have moved from Jewell into Elsa Richardson’s house next to Guy Bellingham Mrs. Guy Bellingham and Mrs. Joe Leibentritt went to Astoria Monday. 5 X W •J THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, MAY 7. 1953 t Visit of Grand Chief Vernonia Temple No 61, Pythian Sisters, will entertain Grand Chief Nada Grmde n xt Wednesday. May 13. with a dinner at 6:30 p m., to be followed by the regu­ lar meeting. Both balloting and ladiss initiation will be exempli­ fied and entertainment numbers ar? being arranged. , Always So Enjoyable | aBeetU.q-HnqvaW.olb. Light Olympia Bee q fined European b - iH purity I I I 9 - - ajo — Ml who appreciate perte Guest Caller Slated For Friday Evening of flavor and sparkling >9 Jim Kendreth of Forest Grove will be guest caller for the N halem Valley Squares on Friday, May 8. Everyone is welcome. Announcement Made of Daughter’s Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson announce the engag'-ment of their daughter, DeLoris, to Donald Webb. COOKED FOOD SALE. Satur­ day. May 9. Sundland's. Sponsored by Pythian Sisters. 19tlc fesr . ■ OUMPiA “Its the Water ««(WING COMPANY OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, USA. •• o NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 KHTVH'JN dOHS — KaTVHHN dOIIS — K3TVH3N .IOHS It’s Here! HOMELITE’s New ALL-ANGLE Chain Saw . . . It brings you more new features, more fine-car advantages, more real quality for your money ... and it’s America’s lowest-priced full-size car! I I I We’ve got this rugged, quick-starting i h.p. HOMF.I.ITE with I I Farther ahead than ever in quality ... yet the lowest-priced full-size car . . . with sharply greater economy of operation! Imagine — the most beautiful car in its field, with new Fashion-First Bodies by Fisher that set the stand­ ard of styling, inside and out. The most powerful car in its field, with your choice of a new 115-h.p. “Blue- Flame" high-compression engine* or greatly improved 108-h.p. "Thrift-King” high-compression engine. Yet, with all these new and exclusive advantages, there is no increase in Chevrolet prices, and it remains the lowest-priced line in its field! Yes, indeed, only Chevrolet gives such excellence with such economy. Come in and prove it at your earliest convenience! •Combination ot Powerglide automatic transmission and IIS- bp "Bluetlame" engine optional on Bet Air and "Two-Ten" model t al extra cost. the *ru' simplified diaphragm carburetor that gives full-power performance at <««> **gle ot in <»<•> position. Standard equipment —— includes (at no extra coat) special handle for ail-position felling A J CHEVROLET — ■■■ and bucking . . . massive spiked bumper plate for big timber carting—EVERYTHING you need for cutting big trees! Don't wait—ask for a free demonstration TODAY! TED S SAW SHOP PHONE 775 RIVERVIEW AT FIRST VERNONIA, ORE. I I A public aarvica program ta prometa ••for driving. ’.A—' '"mm—J MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CARI VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY Your Chevrolet and G.M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon Standard Oil Product* Phone 342 “A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE”