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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1953)
Circle Member» Double-Ring Rite i Ruth Past Chiefs Fill Entertained April 16 The Ruth Circle of the E.U.B. Read April 18 Chairs at Meet church met on April 16 at the At a beautiful eight o’clock candlelight ceremony April 18 at the Evangelical U. B. church, Doris Feme Hahmeyer daughter of Mrs. Alfred Hahmeyer, be came the bride of Lawrence Jud son Garner, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner. Reverend Paul D. Sisler officiated at the double ring ceremony. home of Mrs. George Johnson. Nine members answered the roll call. Chairman Erma Johnson presided. Devotions were by Mrs. Harry Junken who brought an inspiring lesson on the sub ject of faith and the great prom ises of the Bible. By faith those great promises will come true for The bride, given in marriage each of us. Closing prayer was by her brother, William Hah by Mrs. Paul Sisler. meyer, wore a traditional wedding Final arrangements were made gown of net and lace with a i for helping at the church for the fingertip veil held in place by a two weddings to be solemnized Med pearl tiara and carried a there on April 18 and April 19. riiower bouquet of pink minia Meeting adjourned to delicious ture roses and bouvardia on a refreshments by the hostess. white Bible. Maid of honor was Kathleen Sauer, who wore an aqua bal- lerina frock, and bridesmaids were Marguerite Thomas and Laura Steers who wore similar di esses of yellow. All three car ried nosegays of daisies, carna Nehalem Circle No. 881, Neigh, tions and rosebuds. The brides bors of Woodcraft, met Thurs maids also lighted the candles day, April 16, for the purpose of before the ceremony. installing officers for the 19a3 Best man was Charless Tapp term. and ushers were Leo Roland, Installed into office were the Deraid Borders and Donald Mor following: Past guardian Neigh gan. bor, Pearl Erickson; Guardian The wedding music was played Neighbor, Catherine Lentz; Ma by Mrs. Lois Clark at the piano gician. Alice Lindsay; Banker, and Mrs. L. H„ Thomas at the Ina Marshall; Flag Bearer, Grant organ. Soloist was Chester Weed Thayer; Inner Sentinel, Robert of Myrtle Point, cousin of the Lindsay; Captain of Guards. groom. Leone Keith; Musician, Erma After the ceremony, a recep Johnson; Clerk, June Willis; tion was held in the church par Managers, Nona Lankston and lors at which Mrs. Wesley Bbi- Erma Johnson; Correspondent, meier and Mrs. William Nelson June Willis. served the cake. Miss Marcia Not present to be installed Garner poured coffee and Miss were: Advisor, George Johnson; Marylyn Good presided at the Outer Sentinel, John Lankston punch bowl. Carol Ann Brown and Attendant, Lois Thayer. had charge of the guest book Outgoing Past Guardian Neigh- a' d Barbara Weed presented the I bor Nona Lankston was presented guests with ‘ dream cake” clever a Past Guardian Neighbor Pin. ly encased in blue slippers and Ina Marshall was presented a tied with silver ribbons. Past Clerk’s Pin in appreciation After a short honeymoon trip | of the many years she served as to Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Garner | clerk of the Circle. are at home at the Cherry tree The meeting was closed in apartments. I form after which delicious re- I freshments were served by Neigh- • bors Leone Keith and Nona Lank- I ston. A large, beautifully deco- | rated birthday cake honored those | members whose birthdays fall in April. 1953 Officers of Circle Installed Laundry and Dry Cleaning I Circle Meeting Date Postponed Due Conflict IN THURSDAY The regular date for the next meeting of the Deborah Circle has been postponed to May 12, an announcement this week states. The meeting at that time will take place at 2 o’clock at the Dan Cason home. BACK THURSDAY Bring To— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners Club Engages Caller For Saturday Night Do-Si-Do square dance club members and their friends will dance to the calling of Dick Ford of Warrenton Saturday evening. May 2. The dance is scheduled to take place at the Legion hall. iZHZHZHZNXHZHZHZHZHXHZHXh VERNONIA DRUG CO Telephone 101 THE GIFTS "STORE THE I Ba m Dance Enjoyed A Berg Home Sunday Two squares of dancers gathered Sunday afternoon at the Vic Berg { home below Birkenfeld and Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py ' danced in their barn amid old thian Sisters, met April 22 for time barn dance surroundings. its regular meeting. Since this Several couples from Vernonia had been designated as Past were present for the affair. Chiefs Night. Past Chiefs filled all chairs during the opening and closing ceremonies as follows: Past Chief Edith McFarland; M.E.C., Edna Heenan; Ex. Senior, Grayce Bundy; Ex. Junior. Mary Sawyer; manager, Fem Kul- The initiation ceremony was lander; secretary. Faye Davis; treasurer, Zelda Lamping; Pro conducted by Mt. Heart Rebekah tector, Laureta Lamping; Guard, Lodge March 26 with Jane Pace, Mane Laschinger and musician. N.G., presiding. Candidates re ceiving the degree were Catherine Sylvia Wolff. Lentz. Myrtle Virginia Hogberg, During the business session it Addie Marie Raines, Myra Sor was voted to again give financial enson, Joyce Reynolds, Ruth Fal- assistance to the Senior banquet. conbury, Jerry Oakes and Tru A letter was read from Caro man Knight. line Heath thanking the Temple There were about 25 visitors for the 4-H scholarship awarded from Hillsboro, Forest Grove and her. i Beaverton lodges. The ladies Sylvia Wolff was escorted to Auxiliary of the Patriarchs Mill the altar and presented gifts of tant delegation presented the N. Heisey crystal from both the G., Jane Pace, with a gift in Temple and the Past Chiefs club. appreciation of their visit. About The Past Chiefs participated in 100 witnessed the initiatory de a clever acrostic addenda for gree. June Willis, Temple Most Excel During a short recess a cake lent Chief, and presented her walk under the direction of Noma with a gift. Callister was enjoyed. Proceeds Reports were given on the re from the sale were donated to cent convention held at Foiest the Rebekah Assembly President’s Grove. project. Plans were mad’ for entertain Delicious refreshments were ing Grand Chief Nada Grind’’ at served by the committee. the next meeting on May 13. At At the April 10 meeting, Jua that time a dinner will be held nita Edwards was elected D. D. at 6:30 and during the evening president for the coming year. meeting, ladies initiation will be Delegates elected to the Rebekah exemplified. Visitors are ex Assembly to be held in Portland pected from St. Helens and For were Juanita Edwards, Grace est Grove, also. Cantwell, Isabel Anderegg and Following adjournment, deli cious refreshments were served June Ray. The social club announced that by Jennie Stanley, Hettie Peter their next progressive dinner will sen and June Willis. be given Tuesday evening, April 28, beginning at the home of Susan Fowler. Eight Candidates Receive Degree Limit of Smelt Taken Wed. TREHARNE—Mrs. Byron Kirk bride and J.R. called on Mr. and Mrs. Art Odam in V°rnonia Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride Jean, J. R._ Stephen and Walter and G. C. Kirkbride of Vernonia motored to Troutdale Wednesday and dipped smelt. They returned home with their limit in 15 min I utes after arriving. I Harry Weaver, Don Reynolds and J. R., Stephen and Walter Kirkbride went smelt fishing at J Troutdale Wednesday night. Jean Kirkbride and Edwina Siedelman motored to Salem on Sunday to visit Jean's cousin, Anna Beth Carlson, and her roommate, Jean Clark. Mrs. Millie Wilson of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cox over the week end. Mrs. Walter Cox visited in Hillsboro the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Daniel visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire Sunday. Mrs. Truman Davenport of Ver nonia; Mrs. Jerome Whitmire and Mrs. Turner Daniel and Carolyn motored to Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murkling and grandson of Vernonia visited Mr. | and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire Sun- I day evening. • Check Obtained At Hospital Mon. TREHARNE — Mrs. Harry Weaver, Charlotte and Vernon, Mrs. Don Reynolds and Glen and Mrs. Albert Reynolds motored to Portland Monday. Mrs. Albert Reynolds, Charlotte and Vernon Weaver visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker while Mrs. Harry Weaver and Mrs, Don Reynolds and Glen went to the Doem- beckcr clinic for Glen’s check-up. He proved to be all right and will not have to return for any more treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds, Michael and David, motored to Mist Saturday evening and had Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Earl. They spent Sunday evening with the Albert Reynolds. Mr .and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Earl and Mr. and Mrs. Don Reynolds, Cathy and Glen, spent Saturday all day a the Lin Reynolds’ home. Harry Weaver was pleasantly surprised on his birthday Friday evening when relatives gathered at the Dude Weaver home for a surprise birthday dinner. Mrs. Walter Porterfield and Mrs. Sanks of Vernonia called on Grandma Rogers Tuesday after noon. Vernonia, Ore. GRADUATION SPECIAL WATCHES ORE. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1953 Word Received From POW Son WÄTCHES ^.* Billye Knoedler celebrated her birthday a few days ago with a party at her home on Rose Ave. TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs Turner Daniel have received two I Those present were: Darien* letters from their prisoner of war Bernardi, Judy Cantwell, Judy son. Sgt. Orville Daniel. Friends Featherstone, Carolyn Heath, and neighbors besides the family Carol McKenney, Mary Millis, have hoped and prayed that Sgt. Karen Nance, Loretta Norris, Ja Daniel would be one of the pris nice Pearson, Joyce Sullivan, Ma oners released in the exchange. ne Stager, Stella Woolsey, Cor i Jane Miller was a visitor Friday Jean and Opal Knoedler and little at the Art Odam home in Ver Caroline Harris. J nonia. Mrs. Harry Weaver and Mrs. In 1952, 2,090,000 American.) Joe Miller called on Mrs. Byron were injured in traffic accident Kirkbride Tuesday. Virginia Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Short Weaver is home ill with the measles. Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Weav er was taken home ill Monday noon. It is not known what his illness is. ! NEHALEM VALLEY Sunday, April 26th was a happy c»lebration of birthdays of Joe ! MOTOR FREIGHT Miller and his niece, Jerry Cog gin, when a gathering for a birth day dinner for them was held at the Joe Miller home. Out-of- town guests were: Frank White of Astoria. Frank White, Jr., of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Van Hyrung of Cedar Hills, Deanne Goggin and the honor guest, Miss Jerry Goggin, both of Cedar Hills. iPHONE 853 — FOR THE Flower Show to Be Viewed Today BIRKENFELD — The Nehalem Garden club will have its flower show April 30 instead of the 27th as previously stated. Aileen Johnson and her room mate spent the week end with Aileen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson. Johnny Hopkins spent the week end with Joe Enneberg. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nord strom and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boone Johnston. Mrs. Irene Jones, Mrs. E. Carl and Ethel Larson went to Beaver ton Sunday to attend a flower show. Mr. and Mrs. Vic .Berg enter tained at a barn dance Sunday afternoon. Lunch was served at 5 p.m, Glen Hawkins and Vic Berg did the calling for the square dances. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parman went dancing at Skyline Saturday night. They were celebrating Mrs. Parman’s birthday. Graduate! A. L. Kullander WATCHMAKER — JEWELER In 1952, 37,600 Americans were killed in traffic accidents. HAVE YOUR BABY’S SHOES MOUNTED ON AN ALL METAL PICTURE FRAME. IDEAL FOR MOTHER’S DAY GIFT! SAM DAVIS, Keasey Rt. or Inq. Schaumburg’s Why accept less ? Get all these Dodge Extras * Save Up To *201.80 Shockproof H .. . across-the-board price reductions mark big sales gain! Don’t Get Caught Like This! H Why struggle with the handling of the week’s Waterproof Anti-Magnetic Only $19.95 Tax Inc Special Order Limited Basi» Only Supply THZHXHZHZHZHXHZHXHXHXHXHT groceries when we will deliver to your door. H H If the wife is too busy to come down personally, just pick up the phone and give us your order. H H We’ll pick out your needs and deliver them to your door at no extra charge. Why not try this H H service today I H g H X Phone 91 H "Where Ywr Maney Baya More” KING’S Grocery - Market H Riverview At tke Mile Bride» TiXHXMXHXMXHXHXHXHXHZHXHX* T Friends Gather to Remember Birth Date Two-speed electric wipers Safety-Rim wheels Uniformly curved one-piece windshield Oil hath air cleanei Oilite fuel filter Anti-rattle rotary door latches Weatherproof ignition system Longer-lasting baked enamel finish Resistor spark plugs Exhaust valve seat inserts Oriflow shock absorbers SWISS MOVEMENT Purpose VERNONIA, at new low prîtes!* GUARANTEED 17-JEWEL EAGLE, V-IIGHT OR SIX Lome in! Compare! N/wci/icafsona and pijutf Pick, up the PHONE FOR. A’ROAD TEST” RIDE HAWKEN MOTORS 868 Bridge St. — Vernonia, Ore.