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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1953)
6 THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General PLANTS: Primroses, pansies, ger aniums, fuchsias, fibrous and tuberous begonias, azaleas and others. On highway midway be- twe n Vernonia and Buxton. Mrs. Schedwin. 17t3 SPINET PIANO, Priced for quick sale. Cash or terms. See it in Vernonia by writing to Whole sale Dept., Salem Music Co., 153 S. High, Salem. Oregon. 17t2c CROSLEY Shelvador refrigera tor. See Gerald Riley above Palace Cafe. 17tl USED B-udix automatic washer; used Westinghouse automatic washer; used Philco refrigerator; used wood range. Inquire Hahn Hardware. 17tlc REGISTERED Toy Boston bull terrier. D. F. Crawford, Keasey Rt. 15t3 PRIMROSES, painted daisies, delphiniums, gladioli bulbs and other plants. Mrs. John Krinick. 5th house on 10th St., Riverview. 15t3c IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Order your Stout Irrigation Sys tem today. Free engineering and estimates, Proper irrigation will increase your present product many times. I AUCTION Bring your livestock and misc. to Clatskanie Auction yard where we have many buyers and sellers. Livestock «old by the head or pound. SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 12:30 P.M. CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD Milt Butler, Auctioneer I Phone 1600 7tfc HOME LAUNDRY—Phone 1107. Mrs. York. Laundry, fluff dried. 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra. 25c. Flat finish-d, minimum $1.00. One day servic ■ on request on fluff dried. Also curtain stretch- iii fe ing. ALL makes of sewing machines repaired. Electrification of any make machine. Park’s New Home Store, 4816 N. Lombard or in quire Eagle office. 38tfc DEAD STOCK PICKED UP Free of Charge ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE HORSES BOUGHT. Phone collect, Clatskanie 44R11 COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY Sltfc FOR SALE—Insurance BELI.-HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773, We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell. H. Hudson. 37tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST: Billfold, about 2 blocks below Seventh Day Adventist church. Lois McMillan. Find.-r leave with Charles Long. 1092 2nd Ave. 16t2c NOTICE ATTENTION 1942 graduating < lass reunion I.O.OF hall, Ver Dinner nonia, May 16, 8 p.m served, Please notify if you will attend. Kathleen Hall, 956 Rose 1516c Ave. phone 1193 For results—Eagle Classifieds! >• i i ! for the doctor alone cannot pro By Dr. Frank/G. Spaulding There has long been a saying duce the desired results. The NATAL — Saturday night, the among doctors that a man is as doctor will have certain instruc I 25th, is party night at the Natal old as his arteries. There is tions to be followed in each case. hall and everyone is welcome. truth in this statement because The best thing one can do about Virginia Mathews spent the the condition of the arteries is abnormal blood pressure is to NEHALEM VALLEY FOR SALE—Real Estate week end at her home here. She related to condition of the I try to live so as to prevent the MOTOR FREIGHT is employed in Portland. heart. If the arteries show signs i diseases that cause it. After all HOMES at Ralph Wadds 11 is employed of growing old, the heart is put the blood pressure itself should 4 ROOMS and bath, single gar the Beaver ammunition depot at under strain, and the victim is i be no cause of concern. The first age. Price $1500, very easy Clatskanie. He began work on ageing regardless of the number aim should be to avoid those ab terms. Monday. of years he has lived. normal conditions that raise or CLOSE to schools and churches: WE ALWAYS Mrs. Maude Giger, Mrs. Claudia One of the best ways of know lower the pressure. I Neat 5-room modern home plus Benson of Port Townsend, Wash FEATURE ing the condition of the arteries What can one do to prevent utility room. Wired for range. ington and Mrs. Margaret Nor and the heart is to watch the these ailments? Here are some Large living room and 2 12x14 man of Rainier' called at the blood pressure. Normal arteries practical suggestions which, if fol bedrooms. Youngstown sink. Kyser home Friday. are elastic like rubber. With each lowed, will be of definite value Price $6000, easy terms. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Van spent heartbeat the arterrs stretch be in the prevention of such diseases: FARMS Sunday evening at the Pringle I cause blood is being pumped into 1. Eat moderately; balance I them. 7 ACRES, 7-room modern hous?. home. Between heartbeats the your meals. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith arteries spring back to smaller 20x40 barn, chick house and 2. Avoid highly seasoned foods. wood shed, 1 mile out on Ne and granddaughter of Corvallis size, The pressure in the arteries Condiments such as salt, pepper » NOTHING BUT THE halem river. Full price $5000. were Sunday afternoon callers during heartbeat is known as and vinegar should be used spar BEST IN Vet’s loan can be transfered. at the Robert Lindsay home. W. systolic pressure. The pressure ingly, if at all. This applies also 4 ACRES, 4-room house on year E. Lindsay of Portland also called in the arteries between heart- to alcohol, coffee and tea. < FRESH, DELICIOUS ¿ around stream: 5 miles out. there Sunday. , beats is known as diastolic pres- 3. Don’t try to keep up to the $3500, $500 down. Mr. and Mrs. E. Peterson and sure. If the doctor says, "Your Joneses. 120 ACRES, some timber, 3-rm. son, Joe. were Saturday evening blood pressure is 130 over 80, »8 ’ I 4. Don’t “burn the candle at house on Nehalem river. Price callers at the Lindsay home, he means that your systolic pres both ends.” $10,000, good terms. Marilou Fredrickson and Mrs. sure is 130 and your diastolic 5. Modern life goes at a hard, DON BAYLEY, BROKER Bill Pringle attended ths wed- pressure is 80. If he merely says fast pace. Slow down a little. MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia ding of Edna Fuller and Earl that your blood pressure is 130 6. Be moderate in all your SEE OUR DISPLAY 17tlc Wantland in Vernonia Sunday. he means, of course, the systolic living habit;; don’t go to extremes. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Dass motored pressure. OF 7. Try to keep your mind at FOR RENT to Skdmokawa Monday to visit Whether the pressure is above ease. As far as possible, avoid FURNISI?ED Apt: three rooms, Mrs. Dass’s mother, Mrs. Cook. or below normal must be left to mental and emotional strain, in But cluding worry. bath, electric range, r frigerator They also w.nt on to Grays the doctor to d: termine. Follow these suggestions and oil heat and laundry. Riverview River to visit a sister before re there are certain symptoms which may cause a person to suspect you will soon note marked health Apts. 16tfc turning home. that his pressure is high or low. improvement. LARGE sl oping room, two beds LEGAL NOTICE The usual symptoms of low with kitchen privilege if desired. Helium is believed to be the blood pressure are: lack of nor NOTICE TO CREDITORS i Riverview Cabins, Riverview, PLUS Notice is hereby givsn that mal energy, drowsin:ss and a I only substance which remains in a Oregon. lltfc liquid state at temperatures close tendency to tire easily. This con the undersigned has been ap pointed administratrix of the es dition may indicate some consti to absolute z:ro. WANTED tate of Paul A. Gordon, deceased, tutional disease, nervous exhaus by the county court of the state tion, or merely a nervous condi LAWN MOWER sharpening the Oregon’s Largest tion that could easily be corrected. Electrokene way. Will call and of Orrgon for Columbia county, Used Farm Machinery Constitutional diseases and ner deliver. Albert Schalock, River and has qualified. All persons vous exhaustion, however, are view, phone 1322. 16t3 having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present conditions that require more pro All go to show you that LOGGING SHOW not already the same to me at Vernonia, Ore longed treatment and are not so the Mill Market is the 65 Tractors plus plows, destroyed by cat or donkey. gon with vouchers and duly veri. readily overcome. place for you to trade. discs, balers, mowers, The usual symptoms of high forestry practices following a tied within six months from the blood pressure are: headache, state forester’s inspection and re date h reof. harrows, combines, etc. commendation. Planned and care, Dated and first publication dizziness, and head noises (ring SAT., MAY 2—10:00 ing in the ears). These symp ful thinning so remaining trees April 2, 1953. toms may be caused by dis:ase may mature to profitable size, or Date of last publication April LANE COUNTY of the heart, kidneys, or arteries complete utilization if clearcut 30, 1953. FAIRGROUNDS which leaves no messy firetrap. Mona M. Gordon, Administratrix or by nervous strain. All of these Eugene, Oregon Horse loggers. No business Sat John L. Foote, St. Helens, Oregon ailments, except possibly nervous Remember— I urday. Clint Seibert. 16t3c Attorney. 14t5c strain, are conditions that re DELIVERIES TWICE Sponsored by quire treatment. DAILY : 10 a.m - 3 p.m. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELEC Willlamette Valiev Abnormal blood pressure calls SEPTIC TANK TION IN THE RURAL SCHOOL for treatment of the disease that PHONE 1391 Ford Tractors Dealers PUMPING SERVICE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA produced it. Good results can Association Crawford Auto Wreckers, COUNTY. OREGON, UPON be obtained only if the patient 775 S. Highway, £-t. Helens, Ore. QUESTION OF INCREASING follows the doctor’s instructions, 15tfc TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION 11. HOW ABOUT ploughing that ARTICLE XI, STATE CONSTI garden for you? All work guaran TUTION. teed. Best of service. Call Ed Notice is her. by given that an Thornton, 253, leave orders to election will be held Monday, plough. 15tfc May 18, 1953; by the Rural School HIGHEST cash prices paid for District of Columbia County, .-ream and eggs at your door— State of Oregon, in all compon picked up once or twice weekly— ent school districts of said Rural call or write Forest Grove Cream School District. The election will begin at 8;00 P. ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc M. Standard time and will b" held in the schoolhouse in each of said I FGAI NOTICE component districts. The purpose of the election is to submit to the SEALED BIDS will be received legal voters of the rural school by the School Board of Union district the qu stion of increas WORLDS High School No. 1 Jt., of Colum ing the tax levy for the fiscal bia County, Or gon, until 8:IX) ^#G£ST SELL**0 27 lbs. „4 H.P. year beginning July 1, 1953, over o’clock P.M. on the 28th day of More Power the amount limited by Section 11, April, 1953 and immediately there Per Pound Article XI of the Constitution. 4 5 Qt. after will be publicly opened by Than Any Other Saw The reasons for increasing such the officers of said school district levy are: for the asphalt paving of the Insufficient funds within the I driveways and parking area at See it in action. Let us give you a free base. the n w Union High School build demonstration. Thia new saw .. . The amount of tax, in excess ing. as follows, to-wit: of the six per cent limitation pro built and backed by Homelite, mania» To furnish all the materials and posed to be levied by the rural facturers of more than 300,000 gaso labor to lay down asphalt paving line engine driven units ... is the best school district of Columbia Coun not less than 2 inches in thick i that you can buy. ty, Oregon, for the fiscal y°ar be ness over the driveways and ginning July 1. 1953. is $14,747.98. parking area south of the main Dated this 18th day of April, building, a total area of approxi 1953. mately four thousand square Attest: Riverview at 1st yards, the same to be performed Lois D. Kent, Secretary, Rural Vernonia, Oregon and completed between the 29th School Board day of May, 1953 and the last Sanden. Chairman. Rural TED KEASEY t H. G. day of September, 1953. More de School Board 4-23—5-7 tailed specifications may b? had I ZHZMZHZHZHZM by calling at the office of the high school building between 8:00 o’clock A M. and 5:00 o'clock P.M. on week days. The School District reserves the right to rej.ct any and all bids and bids should be delivered or mailed to the und°rsigned clerk of the District, Mona M Gordon. Vernonia. Oregon. By order of the School District Board. Nehalem Service is where the smart motorist Mona M Gordon. Clerk 16t2c goes. He knows he’ll receive prompt, efficient With the power and traction of 4-wheel drive and the maneuverability of the Universal ’Jeep’, you can travel CLASSIFIED RATES service and be on his way quick-like. No be- cross-country ... making your way through mud, sand BLIND id« with answer« to bo lieve?-—Drive in and See! or snow that would stop ordinary vehicles. handled by the Eagle Mini Now the Universal 'Jeep' is powered by the famous mum charge 80c No informa Hurricane F-Head Engine . . . has 20% greater horse tion given relative to tuch ads. CARD of Thanks It Notices: 80c power ... marked increase in operating economy w ith THE EAGLE assumes no finan outstanding performance. See the 'Jeep' today ... cial responsibility for errors Riverview that may appear in ads pub Phone 5711 lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at WILLYS SALES AND SERVICE fault, will reprint that part of Phone 1252 — Vernonia, Oregon an adv in which the typo- AUCTION SALE SIMPSON S HARDWARE Uptown St. Helens 14tfc PRUNING. LAWNS. LAND SCAPING, ROCKERIES. SHRUBS Fruit. Nut. Shade Trees F ».ales free. Call St Helei ns 1214-W 1. Thornton’s Nursery, box 23, Warren Ore. 5tfc Reminder Given , Blood Pressure—High and Low Of Party Night | } r VERY OLD violin, carefully re stored, beautiful tone- New cas-> iincr^iew°T>ow^Tost»4U^Fnced for quick sale $75. May be seen at Polly’s Variety Store. 17tlc AUCTION: Every Friday. We have a good mark t for your live stock, furniture, tools, poultry. We buy, sell, trade, every week day, paying cash for livestock, furniture, machinery, tools. Alt man’s Auction Mart, Forest Grove. Phones: 16215 nights, 5320. Walt Altman, Auctioneer, selling live- stock or general farm sales any- lltfc where. ORE. I MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS 1 >79^ TED’S SAW SHOP FOR THE BEST Service fOR 4 Jeep Nehalem Service COAST MOTOR CO. We Green Stamps i