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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1953)
The point came up when he cited from a tabulation of Oregon From the towns similar in size to Vernonia the rates charged by them for water esrvice. Contrary to opin ions that have been expressed by many water cutomers, the local rate of charge is low. He emphasized the rata here should be raised. That is a point to which budget committeemen should give serious consideration when they meet to draw the 1953-54 city cost sheet. The By Marvin Kamholz present $3.25 minimum has been Up to Tuesday evening from the same for several years, yet Thursday morning of last week costs of operation and mainten a total of 800 Port Orford cedar ance of the water system have seedlings went out of The Eagle increased. office, mostly to people in or I There is just on? answer to nsar Vernonia, a most gratifying the problem of offsetting these in response to the announcement creases and that is a water rate by the Columbia Tree Farm on charge that will meet them. Thursday that the trees were available here.’ At ths same time the small trees were made available at the Tree Farm fice. Those 800 trees will help decorate home surroundings hedges or ornamental plantings as well as being used for forest tree seedlings. In fact, one of the persons who asked for 50 of the trees said definitely they would be used as a forest plant ing on her property. There are still a few of the trees available at this office for those who wish them and more will be obtained if the present supply is insufficient. Office Desk , S. A. Ross, city engineer, in laying the tentative sewer system plan before the city council Mon. day made one statement that should be in the nature of a pleasant surprise to people on Corey hill where most of the system will be installed, if ap- proved. The surprise statement came when he told councilmen the suggested amount to charge for the connection of a house to the sewer main. General opinion previous to Monday had been that the connection charge would be approximately $300. Ross proposed tentatively that the con nections b? made for an amount of $50 each. That is consider ably less than $300 and no doubt will prove quite a factor to home owners in deciding whether they will back the proposition when it is placed before them at an elec tion. Another point of interest to water department customers was also pointed out by the engineer. Foot Injury Require* U»e of Crutches IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Oregon Laundry ’ V S. CHOICE” Grain Fed Beef family's Insure your health by seeing that good i ROUND STEAKS Pr Full Round pn lb DdC Cuts ..... lb 0 JC your Jellies & Preserves ORIRV PRODUCTS (0. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream ROUND ROAST FRESH BOLOGNA rn UC Heel of Round...... lb. 3 By the Corned Beef Veal Roast Hder "ausage ■ . u>79c Cream Corn Pork Beans Luncheon Meal 4 35e Pet Food and Finest Quality — Empress Excellent Berry Flavor APPLE JELLY. 12-oz. No. 303 cans Van Camps in Tomato Sauce No. 2‘i can Oscar Mayer All Meat 12-oz. can Cat Food can Nip N’ Dog Tuck Food. cans GRAPE or PLUM PRESERVES. 20-oz. Canvas Gloves ASIWgUSj 2 lbs.25í Tender young spears from Sunny California Local Rhubarb Fresh Strawberries Green Cabbage New Poiaioes Green Onions New Spring Crop — Delicious From Calif. 3 Lbs. cup 29c Lb. 8’ 5 Lbs.33c Bunch 5C Florida Oranges Toler Bag Sale! Large Size, Juicy Sweet Oranges 3C per Pound All You Can c 95c 39c 25c 39c 13c 1-lb. pkgs. Gardenside Golden Bantam 471 at no NEHAL Choice Dalewood Colored Cubes they extra cost. SWEETHEART «1 « 'h iptiipo For service to door phone “U. S. CHOICE” 49c 59c FRESH GROUND 49c 'b. P '■•wift s Boneless BEEF----LB. 45c riLIllLb jooked 5-lb. can $3.59 take plenty of nutritious, de licious milk. Entered as seoond class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. Enjoy the best at a real Saving«! “U S CHOICE” Rib Roast or RED RADISHES Milk for Health Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon I*. RUMP ROAST Shafter White I Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher HAVE YOUR BABY’S SHOES MOUNTED ON AN ALL METAL PICTURE FRAME. IDEAL FOR MOTHER’S DAY GIFT! SAM DAVIS, Keasey Rt. or Inq. Schaumburg’s Cut from Gov’t. Graded ’’U. S. Choice’’ beef A lot of good eating meat for your money. Firm Fresh Heads ■L THE VERNONIA EAGLE TREHARNE — Mrs. Wm. Mac Donald is substitut teaching for Mrs. Sempert in her gym and Spanish classes while Mrs. Sem pert is ill with th? measles. Mrs. Robert Reynolds of Mist and Mrs. Joe Miller motored to Forest Grove and Hillsboro Mon day on business. Mrs. Lin Reynolds, Mrs. Joe Miller Mrs. Jun Smith and Mrs. Art Odam of Vernonia motored to Forest Grove Friday. » * 5 Swiss Steuks and Dry Cleaners ORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 23, 1953 CHECK THESE VALUES IN ÛUK MEAT StUTlUN 1 Bring To— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP VERNONIA, Substitute Teaching Job Taken at School TREHARNE — Mrs. Sophia Ostrander has been on crutches the past few weeks due to a foot NATAL—Mr. and Mrs. Palmer of near Rainier are new neigh- injury. They Grandma Rogers had a plea bors in this community, have moved here in a trailer sant surprise Friday when her house and are located above the granddaughter, Marjorie Brown, Hershey residence. and family called to see her. Ronda Edgerton was an over They were on their way to Cali night guest of Maxine Oblack fornia where Mr. Brown is sta Sunday. tioned. He has just returned Mr. and Mrs. DeeVere Her from Korea. shey had as their guests Satur A. J. Wienecke of Hillsboro day night Mr. and Mrs. Jack was a Sunday visitor of his Childs of Salem. On Sunday Mr. brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hershey and their and Mrs. Carl Wienecke. guests were Sunday dinner guests Mrs. Alice Malmsten and Mrs. at the Albert Childs horn? in Ver Ina Mashall called on grandma nonia. Rogers Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Noble Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds mo motored to Portland Sunday and tored to Forest Grove Saturday visited George Hallmen at the night. hospital. MIXED FRUIT, 20-oz. Laundry and Dry Cleaning EAGLE. THE New Residents At Natal Named Regular »guiar 35c A Save 40c ‘r for Blackberry O’Connell’s Wildcross! 12-oz. glass Fresh out Gresham A real taste thrill! $|00 « Kitchen Craft Flour Deal Save 25 i io 50C on ih® purchase price with coupon 1( with coupon worth 25c at store Camay soap Hegular bar Camay Soap, bath size -lb. M ^^^rfhT* sack at itore 8'2 c Choc. Cherries. Roxbury lb. 12 c Lac Mix Dry Milk 3-lb. pkg, Ivory Soap Personal bar ®<4/25c Jell-Well Desserts Lava Soap, Regular bar . Grapefruit Juice T. Hse. 16 oz 10c Ivory Soap med bar 3/ 25c Ivory Soap Large bar 2/ 27c Parade Detergent 19oz. 31c White Magic Soap 23 oz. 27c Rik Rak Cleaner 2 cons 23c Ajax Cleanser 2 cans 25c Babo Cleanser 2 cans 25c Spic and Span 16 oz. pkg. 27c O’Celo Sponges No. 3. ea. 63c Canvas Gloves No. 610, pr. 35c Windex Window Clnr. 20 oz 35c 79c Bruce Floor Cleaner qt. 59c Aerowax Wax ......... qt. 59c Glass Wax Gold Seal pt. 60c O'Cedar Polish .12-oz, 29c Spring Mop Stick ... <sa. 4 pkg3. Sunnybank Margarine lb. S • Shady Lane Butter lb. /49c 99c 29c 29c 30c 75c Nob Hill Coffee lb 8S<2 -lb $1.69 Airway Coffee 11 84 C '.lb. $1-65 Edwards Coffee It 91 < Mb. $L79 Canterbury Tea !4 lb. pkg. Nu Made Mayonnaise qt. Spread. Lunch Box ....... qt. Fancake Mix Suzanna 2 j lb. Mayday Salad Oil qt. Shortening, Royal Satin 3 ib. Mrs. Wright Bread 1 lb If. Slenderway Bread. 1 lb. If. Tea Timer Crackers 1 lb. Freah Eggs ’AA’ lge. doz. Cragmont Soft Drinks 2-at. (Bottle Deposit Extra) All prices effective through Saturday, April 25 ■-Z I? SAFEWAY 62c 69c 67c 33c 69< 89c 23c 22c 36c 73c 35c I I i I