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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1953)
F 4 THURSDAY, APRIL 23. 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. AROUND THE FARM Spittle bug eggs are hatching Adolph Anicker and Leonard Longen, Deer Island, found the first bugs in their strawberry fields two weeks ago. The Oregon state college ex periment station also reports that eggs have been hatching for some tune and control measures will need to be applied soon. Growers will want to start Checking their fields soon for presence of the insect. In the early stages the spittle bug stays down in the strawberry plant crown. It is yellow and will have a small amount of liquid or the characteristic spittle around 4. If more than one spittle bug per plant can be found, damage < an be expected. During the past few years the spittle bug has been increasing in some areas of Columbia county where formerly growers did not find it necessary to dust strawberry fields. If you have not been dusting for spittle bug it will be wise to check the field carefully. During the past few years a number of power dusters have been purchased by growers to dust fields for spittle bug con trol. Growers with smaller acreages are in some cases using hand dusters with satisfactory results. The use of 50 founds of a 5% methoxychlor per acre preferably with a hooded power duster is recommended for control of this pest. this weed. Robinson also reports that it is now time to get ready for spray ing tansy ragwort with 24-D. Be sure you have sufficient 24-D on hand and know the right proportions for mixing it. Check your spray rig for operation. Many of the small hand operated sprayers may need a new pump leather or gasket. Spend some time going over your farm spotting the tansy rag wort areas. Tansy ragwort plants are begin ning to grow rapidly now and spraying can begin anytime. Try to-get all your tansy rag wort sprayed before other work becomes pressing. Relative« Meet at Treharne Home Friday Health Council Names Officers TREHARNE — Mrs. Rosie Weaver was pleasantly surprised Friday night when relatives drop ped in on her to- help here cele brate her birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wea ver, Paul, Charlotte and Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Don Reynollds and Cathy and Glen. Forest Reynolds returned home Wednesday night from Alaska. He was mustered out of the army, subject to be called. Friends and neighbors were glad to see him. Paul Lin Weaver spent Satur day night with his cousin, Earl Reynolds, at Mist. Charlotte Weaver spent Sunday night with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds, at Mist. The Columbia County Health | Council met at the courthouse in • ! St. Helens Monday evening, April I | 13, to elect officers and to plan j for the release of information from the health survey, according to Mrs. Earl Chartrey, chairman. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Mrs. Grace Golden of Goble, Chairman; Ken neth Howell of St. Helens, chair man-elect; and Frances Gallatin of St. Helens, secretary. Th? council takes this oppor- I tunity to thank all volunteers ' I who helped with the health sur- I vey of Columbia county. Results I are now being tabulated by the • state board of health in Portland. | Deane Huxtable, reg.’.rar and I statistician of the board, ex- | I I plained how the tabulation is I being done and Dr. W. B. Back, agricultural economist, OSC, em phasized the fact that the results will give an accurate picture of The regular meeting of the health conditions in Columbia Mist-Nehalem home extension Homemaker’s Festival, com- county. unit was held at the home of memorationg the 24th year of The following committee was Mrs. Bill Wilson Friday, April home extension work in Colum appointed to handle publicity of 10. There were 22 members pres bia county, will b? held at the the survey results: W. G. Nibler, ent and one visitor. Rainier high school May 7, ac Dr. J. B. Steward, Mrs. Ernest Minnie Wilson, the 4-H chair cording to Frances Gallatin, home Harris and Mrs. Lois Kent. All man, announced again about the agent. Everyone is invited to , interested are invited to attend paper» drive for the 4-Her’s. As attend. j the next regular meeting of th? I is usual, there will be a candy The guest speaker will be I council to be held at the court sale at Homemaker’s Festival to Esther TasKerud, state agent, 4-H . house in St. Helens on Monday help th? 4-Her’s pay off the club work of OSC. Her subject, ; evening, May 11. dormitory d“bt. All members | Yesterday and Today, is also the j wire asked to help with candy. theme of the .festival. An old- Election of officers took place fashioned and modern cotton dress I and Virginia Hanson is still the revue and a skit. Old and New chairman, Berna Howry is vice- Methods of Cake Baking, given I Do you recognize tansy rag chairman and Della Wilson is by the Columbia city unit will wort when you e it? If not, still the secretary-treasurer. also carry out the theme. RIVERVIEW — Sunday visi The unit had a food sale in you will soon have a chance to Mabel Mack, assistant director, tors at the Alvin Wantland home see the plant at your local feed Birkenfeld and $21.65 was made; OSC Extension Service, will dis were: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wil store, grocer, banker, or other another sale is planned for April cuss home demonstration week i liams and daughter, Ardus, Mr. 22 at the Mist store. Funds were in Oregon; she will also install and Mrs. Frank Hopkins and community centers. Robert Robinson, Clatskanie needed for the child care program all unit officers for 1953-54 and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Elder of county weed supervisor is trans and for trips to train the project the new county committee mem Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Harry planting tansy ragwort plants in leaders. ber, Mrs. Lester P.tersen, with Hoskins of Hood River; Mr. and Mae Mills and Ellen Lonquist Miss Gallatin and the county Mrs. George Gre?nia of St.ven- 1 to cans. These will be placed all over the county in appropriate will give the next lesson on oven committee members assisting. son, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. places so everyone will have a meals at the former’s house on All 18 home extension unit ! Richard Wantland and Mrs. Em chance to become acquainted with May el. Everyone is welcome. will take part in the world citizen ery Stevenson of Washougal. ship exhibit, 4-H exhibit and Washington; William Taylor and candy sales, scrapbook display, Mrs. Lilliam K rr of Molalla; Mr. plant exchange and cotton work and Mrs. Arch Kimball and son shop style dress revue, to be Robert and Miss Joan Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell | narrated by Miss Gallatin. The luncheon will be served spent Thursday at Hillsboro on by Fern Rebekah Lodge No. 133 busin?««. They also visited at of Rainier. Anyone wishing a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neal luncheon ticket, please contact Lloyd while there. the nearest home extension unit, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evert and ' Your moil convenient shopping con be eotily done or Mrs. Paul Douglas, Route 1, two sons of Scappoose visited at . by telephone with the help of the doiiified page« of Box 750, St. Helens, not later the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert | your directoryl There ot your fingertip« ore all the than April 30. Elton Sunday. | ¡ Unit Re-elects Same Officers Festival to Mark 24th Anniversary Farm Irrigation Being Installed RIVERVIEW — Lester Blair is installing an irrigation system at his farm on 10th St. He is lay ing 2,100 feet of six-inch steel pipe from the Nehalem river to th? corner of his property. The pipeline will go through the Ralph Mahar property in order to reach the river. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCool and children of Portland and Nate Huntley and Tom Teel of McMinnville spent the week end at the Louis Huntley home. Mrs. Artie Buckner returned home Thursday after spending nearly two weeks visiting friends and relatives in Portland and Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson visited Mrs. Keith Laloli at Cedar Hills and Mrs. Clara Barnett at St. Helens Saturday. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olin and children of Portland and Herbert Olin of Kelso. NOTICE ! ! • NO MORE TAXI SERVICE AFTER SATUR- DAY. APRIL 25. TH ANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE. HARRIETT Riverview Home | Open to Guests HOW TO TAKE THE "HOPPING” OUT OF SHOPPING We are proud to announce the great new McCulloch 4-30 Chain Saw. Ideal for 1-man felling, bucking, limbing... in timber up to 5 feet thick! See us for full details and free demonstration. HAHN HARDWARE Phone 181 Vern°nia, Oregon buiineue«, tervice« and product« you need. In every State of the 48 ..• Ne«t time, «hop the douified way ond take the “hopping” out of your «hopping! TRUCK USERS UY MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS than any other make! ¿¿tetáoste juti'iiiiic loiii'in ^XMZWZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZK ZM ZW ZHZHZHZHZHZM ZM ZHXW XHXM ZHW XNZ H Ju J ■ -— FRESH FROM THE PRODUCER TO OUR STORE! FRESH — TASTEFUL HEALTH-GIVING H Stock up today from our store on these items so necessary to a healthy diet and at the same H time select all your grocery needs from KING’S. Z H Z H KING’S Grocery - Market Phone 91 "Wberv Your Maawy Huja Mor«" Riverview No matter the size or type of truck you need—what better proof could there be that a Chevrolet truck is your best buy! H You can be assured that our fruits and vegetables are H At the Mile Bride» J JExMXHXMZHZHZMZMZHZHZHZHz” \ I I I mou CHfvtoin riucKS in um THAN ANT OTHtl MAR 11 I I Recently published official registration figures for the last full year show that truck users in every single State bought more Chevrolets than any other make! It is difficult to imagine more convincing proof of Chevrolet’s superiority, for such clear-cut and overwhelming preference can lead to but one conclusion; Chevrolet trucks must be better, must enjoy solid advantages over other trucks. Such preference must rest on a firm foun dation of good, sound value. And. of course, it does—as owners of Chevrolet trucks can testify. So before you buy any truck, see how much more Chevrolet trucks offer you. Stop in and see us soon. Continuation of ftandard equipment and mm illustrated u depend- ent on avadabtUn ot material. VERNONIA AÜTO COMPANY Standard Oil Products Phone 342 “A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE” Your Chevrolet and G.M. Dealer V emonia, Oregon I i i i i i i i I < i t i I I i t