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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1953)
ADVERTISING HTPHÍMEVT Vernonia Eagle BUSINESS REVIEW COLUMBIA ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. RALPH'S MACHINE SHOP & MOORAGE Oldsmobile—International Truck Sales & Service General Machine Work Boats and Motors For Rent — Outboard Motor Repairing Handling light and heavy duty International trucks as well as the new 1953 Oldsmobile cars. Columbia Electric Motors, Inc., whose presi dent is Arche R Duncan, is located in St Helens at 1421 Columbia Blvd. No adjusting or repair on an auto mobile is more delicate or requires more careful technical skill than adjustment to the electrical sys tem-starting, lighting and ignition, and the storage battery. This com pany was organized to handle in an expert manner just such delicate work. No automobile owner wants to take a chance on his starting, lighting and ignition system. Anyone can grease the car, fill it with gas and oil or even make minor adjustments, but the electrical system must be entrusted only to an expert. It is a policy of this shop that no piece ot work must leave the shop which does not give satisfaction to the user. This is an exacting demand for the establishment to make on itself, but its management believes that it pays in the long run. If you feel that your car is not exactly in adjustment, perhaps the fault is with the electric system. To find out whether it is or not, they invite you to bring your car around. One of the experts employed at the shop will look it over and tell you whether any part of the elec trical system needs adjustment, free of charge. No charge will be made for this service, and it does not ob ligate you in any way to have any repairs which may be needed, made at this shop. It is a tribute to this shop that manufacturers of many standard makes of automobiles have made this shop the official starting, light ing and ignition service station for their cars. A greater tribute to the shop, however is the way in which the work of this shop has increased since it was started. Time and again ad ditions to the corps of workmen have been necessary to take care of the work brought in. The service is yours for the asking The manager of this shop knows his business from A to Z. This up- to-date concern not only conducts their business for the service of the public, but is interested in every project for the people as a whole. —113 STANDARD DAIRY Being managed by Bob Tolles- liaug, Standard Dairy is located in St. Helens at 145 N. 19th. This dairy has the most promi nent plant in this part of the state. Its place is modern and up-to-date in every particular; clean and sani tary throughout. The business is conducted along progressive lines and we are glad to say that this company is a credit to the com munity. They have merited the reputation which they have established far and wide for producing the best in quality at all times. This is a local institution with ■ the interest of the home and coun try at heart and it should receive consideration of all who demand the best. Fair and straightforward in all their dealings, it is not strange that so many people are patrons of this dairy. A visit to the plant is very in teresting to the uninitiated. Their business has increased so rapidly that improvements have been made from time to time until today they have a model industry. Everything in the plant is kept scrupulously clean as it is the pol- produce milk and cream that will icy of the institution not only to pass inspection, but to turn out pro ducts that are as near to the acme of perfection as modern machinery and up to-date methods will per mit Many mothers of so-called bot tle-fed babies highly praise the en ergizing contents of this dairy's milk. This well known dairy has been closely allied with the business In terests of this section of the state fur some time, and has been instru mental in the upbuilding of this section of the country and the in stitution should receive the patron age of the entire people. 421 MID-COLUMBIA COOPERATIVE ASSN. Renting boats and motors as well as repairing Outboard Motors. Ralph's Machine Shop A Moorage is located In St Helens on N Water front This Is one of the moat modern machine shops in this part of the state and has a reputation for turn ing out work of class, for the rea sonableness of its charges and for getting it done when promised. Upon these lines they have built up the business to its present high standard The plant is a model institution in its line, being one of the most mod ern and up-to-date in this part of the country. The latest improved machinery is used In their work and the place is a model establishment. The repair department is equipped with modern heavy machinery and under the operation of experts of wide experience in this work. It has proved a valued addition to the business organization of this area, because such complete equip ment and experienced men are able to turn out the highest grade of work In fact, the business of this concern has grown to large propor tions and has merited the wide pop ularity attained. This shop is equipped to tum out all classes of machine work. No matter what may be your needs they are able to take care of them. They are machinists of ability and repute and are able in an instant to tell you exactly what is wrong, what the probable cost will be, and if you can get the article in question. If it will not pay to fix the particu lar part they will promptly tell you so One of the special features of the plant is getting out work on time and when promised. This is the most efficient and com plete machine shop in this section of the state and enjoys a patronage on account of the fact that they turn out work of class, get it done when promised and that their charges are tea&onable. There are no more public spirited citizens in the community than the management of this firm, and in making this review we wish to com pliment them and to direct attention to this establishment as one of the reliable business institutions of the community which has added to the development and progress of this part of the state. - W ANDERSON-PHILLIPS MOTOR CO. They are experts in body and Having a large stock of quality used cars for you to select from, I fender repairs and if you are un- Anderson-Phillips Motor Co.. Ford J fortunate enough to get in an ac Sales and Service, is located in St. cident, you will find that by their Helens at 1471 Columbia Blvd, tele I expert work they can remove all memories of the accident and turn phone 693 I your car out to you looking like See the new Ford for 1953 now on | new. display in their showroom They feature all phases of auto It is a well-known fact that there painting. Just drive in here and' is no institution in the community you will find they will soon paint that has met with greater favor the car according to your ideas i with the public than this well-known and turn it out in a very short establishment. By reason of the fact time if you need it. They are ex that the management has had wide cellent judges of colors and will experience In every feature of this be able to aid you in a selection business and because of their com that will be very attractive and prehensive knowledge of every lasting. branch of the trade, this establish They are men of wide experi ment has continued to witness an increase in the number of their pat ence in the automobile painting rons. business. This experience has taken them thru every feature of the authorities on auto painting and they have chosen only the most competent men in this shop You can rest assured that when they put their O. K. on your job. you have one that is satisfactory. In making this review of our on ward progress we are pleased to compliment the proprietor as a man of the present day, who has kept the establishment thoroughly abreast of the times and is meeting the needs of the problems of the day in a most thorough manner. We refer this firm to the peo ple of this section and ask them to call for specifications and es timates on contemplated work. You will find them courteous and accommodating and highly effi cient. —37 Feeds - Seeds - Poultry and Dairy Supplies Managed by W A. Ramage. Mid Columbia Cooperative Assn is lo cated in St. Helena at 124 N. High way. They hand]? feeds, seeds, farm machinery as well as gas and oil. To make two blades of grass grow where only one grew before is con sidered a great achievement and will always bring high commendation tn him who accomplishes this feat. Agriculture is of course the nation’s foundation, but there are many other things so closely allied with agricul ture that each is indispensable to the other. We refer particularly to the livestock. Until recent years man tilled his crops more or less assiduously ac cording to his individual ambitions, but allowed his live stock to get along as best it could with the feeds afforded by nature of those most easily raised by man. As a conse quence poultry and all kinds of stock were subjected to many dieas es and all of them showed the effects of undernourishment at their critical growing time. When the great scientists began experimenting in the East and North to find a way to raise better strains they opened up a field of vast pos sibilities. It was found that even the common breeds of fowls and animals could be greatly improved and econ omy affected by certain foods that varied with the seasons, climate and purposes for which the stock was raised. Laying chickens require cer tain food elements for market eggs, or perhaps another for hatching. Young chicks need some other stimulus that will tide them over the dangerous time they must all go through. Dairy herds should be given the proper feed to produce the greatest amount of butter fat if the herd is expected to make a profit, Just as horses and mules need a balanced diet to render the maximum service without injury to their constitution. To meet the requirements of the changing times great mills have sprung up over the oountry. As a home institution we should be proud of their achievements. Their success depends on their put ting out the most dependable pro ducts, and Ln doing this they are adding immeasurably to the value of the farms of our great state. It is our duty to aid every possible way all institutions that have to do with the improvement of our farm out put. —to Located in Rainier is Beck's Lum son with the work and as a conse quence their designs are distinguish ber Yard. One of the essential features of ed for their very appropriate ap any house, store or other structure is pearance that it will stand the wear of years. Every modern facility for the The same is true of the reputation proper care and preservation of the of any business firm, and that is flowers until they reach their des why this concern enjoys an ever in tination has been provided and they creasing volume of business and will remain fresh long after ar popularity. rival, as they provide them just as On account of their experience and they are coming into bloom. keen knowledge of the lumber mar In making this review of the on kets. they buy at the lowest possible ward progress of this section, we prices and offer the local public deem it proper that prominent outstanding values in lumber and mention be given these florists 155 ouilding supplies of every descrip tion. The people of this territory for many miles around are offered at ST. HELENS PULP & PAPER CO. Manufacturers St Helens Pulp * Paper Co., manufacturing paper products of paper towels, bags and wax paper, is located in St Helens In a review of the business in terests of the community there is no concern more werthy of extended mention than this one Here the public has at its dis- pmal the services of men who pos sess the know how and who obtain ed their manufacturing and busl ness education Ln the school of prac Ueal experience. From the inception of the enterprise quality has been maintained from the beginning The plant of the company is very extensive and is equipped with the latest scientific machinery for the p-oduetton of high grade products. Their name stands for quality, re liability and progress Ln thia in dustry and as the advances of the imer have marked improve menu in the trade they have kept thor oughly abreast of the times It is a local concern, under com petent direction of men interested in local development and its sub stantial and well merited progress is a matter of actual fact well known to the public The products manufactured by this company are recognized by the trade as made of best materials and of the very best workmanship They are sold all over the country and In Rainier on Columbia River Highway is Wittwer's Flowers oper ated by John Wittwer. The supreme lovely gift sentiment is flowers. They are always appro priate in symbolizing your devotion to those whom you wish to remember in an appropriate way, and express that sentiment of deeper meaning which it is impossible to express in words. Their offerings include many charming plants, and choice cut flowers and floral designs for all oc casions. They can supply appropri ate corsages or bouquets for any event, and their service is courteous and prompt. The work of the florist is also that of the artist, for it involves the ar tistic arrangement of colors and ‘ combinations of effect which re quires the artistic taste. The true florist performs his work as much from the love of it as for material reward. These florists have the abil ity to make up every wreath, bou quet, or basket of flowers so that they are the most impressive and ornamental the best advantage. They will glad ly give you the benefit of their years of experience in decorating the place most effectively. The home of this establishment is itself a paragon of beauty where the most charming flowers greet and cheer you. Consistent with the charm and beauty of flowers .the service is most courteous. The perfection of their service If you are giving a reception, or is reflected from the large patron having a wedding, or any other func age they receive from all classes of tion requiring flowers you will want j our people throughout this section, the decorations to be appropriate and from the growing list of their These florists are prepared not only ( patrons who depend upon them reg to furnish the best floral designs, ularly for floral offerings tastefully but to assist in arranging them to' and artistically designed. —104 BECK'S LUMBER YARD WELCH'S Owned by A. F Nelson, Welch's I tcsen of esteem and remembrance is located in St. Helens at 471 Co has placed it in the front rank for all social, mourning and joyful lumbia Blvd. In the complexity of modern so occasions. Its varied uses have ciety there is no one business that j made the modern florist a deep stu has come into more prominence in dent of social etiquette. Place your the past few years than the floral orders either in person, by phone or horse. In this community there is letter and they will see that your no florist who enjoys a wider repu card arrives at the right time tation as offering the public the As a designer of floral arrange most complete service than this well ments for funeral or social occas known florist. For centuries flowers have been ions, they have attained well mer symbolic of the more delicate phases ited fame as being artists of more of human nature and the recent ¿ban ordinary ability. Their heart and soul beat in uni development of the flower as a WITTWER'S FLOWERS very reasonable rates high-class lumber and building materials of every description and of the very best grade. Just about everything that there is in the lumber and building mater ial business Hie reputation that they established for stock of quality and for straighforward dealings is bringing thousands of dollars to town that would go to some otiier trade center were this establish ment not located here. We will not attempt to detail the very large stock that they carry Suffice to say that tills estab lishment compares favorably with the best and most up-to-date estab lishment of much larger cities in It may be truly said that this point of stock, quality of work and establishment is a valued asset to material and the general excellence the community and in this edition of everything in the field of the which calls to mind our onward lumber and supply business progress, we wish to direct your The contractors and builders, the especial attention to their commend farmers and the people generally able activity as one of the distinct have come to know that they can features of our business and indust —• depend on this well-known firm for rial efficiency. LORRAINE'S BEAUTY SHOP the users have always been well Lorraine's Beauty Shop operated satisfied and demand their products by Lorraine Cagle, is located in 8t when buying again Helens at 2155 Columbia Blvd Karen In making this review of the on Cooper, It was reported has been ward progress of this part of the an operator at the shop for the country we are glad to call to the past seven years They use the best preparations, attention of the people the advan specializing in the most advanced tages accruing to the public by the location of this industry here, the systems of beauty culture and merit high quality of its products and the the large custom with which they commanding position they occupy in are favored by a discriminating the manufacturing world excelling public. In a shop of this nature the de as they do in their special field of mands of each customer vary to an endeavor. almost unbelievable extent and be But what we particularly call to cause this shop caters to the wants our readers' attention is the fact and needs of its customers it enoys that this is your local company and ever increasing popularity. Lnl addi merits your support -234 tion to these characteristics it is reliable and their advice, the out growth of study and experience, can be relied upon. Permanent waving and hair styl ing are some of the specialties of this shop The woman who wishes advanced methods of beauty culture can get them at this establishment. Here the style of coiffure is eon sidered too important a part ot your appearance to be governed by some whim of the moment, and because of this the individual type is con sidered and their work emphasizes > youth in the younger woman and dignity and good grooming in the mature Healthy hair is a necessary qusdlty for a well appearing ootffure and at this shop unhealthy hair is treated by successful methods, the whole system being based on the use of tonics that stimulate and correct At this shop the operators are ex ceptionally well qualified as expert hairdressers They specialize in per sonolized hair cutting and styling, catering to the individual rather than fashion authorities Women cannot be too careful of their personal appearance and the most uncomely woman could be at tractive if she would try. At thia beauty salon the treatments and advice given are to make the must of your good points and the least of your bad ones - M