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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1953)
Officer Installation Scheduled for Sunday THE Chapter Selects Year's Officers Installation of Youth Fellow ship and Women’s Society of World Service officers will be Mrs. Evelyn Heath was hostess held at the 7:30 p.m. service at 1 to Chapter BS of the PEO Sister- the Evangelical U.B. church Sun j haad on Tuesday evening, March day. Youth Fellowship officers 1 10. New officers were elected are: Lorene Stiff, president; Paul as follows: President, Mrs. Ralph Weidman, vice-president; Julia Valpiani; vice-president, Mrs. Waite, secretary and Verna John Sam Hearing, Jr.; recording sec son, treasurer. Officers of the retary, Mrs. Robert Lindsay; cor W S.W.S. are Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, president; Mrs. Judd Greenman, responding secretary, Mrs. Dick secretary and Mrs. George Ro Fletcher; treasurer, Mrs. Glen Hawkins; chaplain, Mrs. Ralph land, treasurer. Hartman; guard, Mrs. Wm. Nel- | son; musician. Mrs. J. W. Nichols and historian, Mrs. Mona Gordon. Committees appointed by the president include: program, Mrs. Glen Hawkins, Mrs. Harry San- don. Mrs. William Nelson; philan The Women’s Society of World thropic, Mrs. R. D. Eby, Mrs. Service of the Evangelical U.B. Dick Fletcher, Mrs. Evelyn church will be in charge of the Heath; courtesy, Mrs. L. H. Ro 11 o’clock service Sunday morn berson; telephone, Mrs. J. W. ing as th? men of the church Nichols; press. Mrs. Robert Lind Brotherhood, accompanied by the say; auditing, Mrs. Mona Gordon, pastor, attend the denominational Mrs. L. H. Roberson, Mrs. J. W. Men’s Congress at Jennings Nichols; educational, Mrs. Wes Lodge. "The Three Crosses of ley Bolmeier, Mrs. Heath, Mrs. Ca vary” will be the subj?ct of Robert Lindsay; ways and means, the threefold message to be given Mrs. Ralph Hartman, Mrs. W. H. by Mrs. L. E. Stiff, Mrs. Judd Bndgcrs, Mrs. B n Brickel; home Greenman and Mrs. Paul Sisler. 1 fund, Mrs. Sam Hearing, Jr., Mrs, Harry Sandon, Mrs. Judd Green The Freedom Bell, hung in Ber man; peace and participation, lin by the Crusade for Freedom, Mrs. Ben Brickel. can be heard ten miles. The next meeting will be held Henry By Carl Anderson | ,* ! , I Society Prepares Sunday Service I on March 24 at the home of Mrs. Mona Gordon. Mrs. G1 n Hawk ins will hav? the program. * * . Str<llr ()r»’r4’”' //w/t yen nSAyi/ - - OLD H ermitwe BKAND ÿen /e/7 f/te i Auxiliary Names New Officers i 1 i I : i i i ! i ; I | I I I | j j THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD • 86 P«ÛÛF (HD HERHI1AGE COMPANY. FRANKFORT. IT | I I I BIRKENFEI.D — Mumps has ! claimed another victim from the Birk nfeld area, namely, Al Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott ar-’ visiting relatives in eastern Ore- gon. Claire Bellingham, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham and son, George, and relatives from Toledo, Ohio left Monday for a short trip to Vancouver, B.C. Gone Larson had the misfor tune to injure his knee Monday. It is not known yet if it is broken. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turner mad? a business trip to Roseburg and Camas Valley last week. They returned by way of the coast to spend the week end with their little granddaughter. The baby was given a new Easter outfit by the proud grandparents. On the way home other relatives were visited at Seal Rock. Arthur Bellingham took Ann Wallace to her horn? in Seaside Saturday. She had spent al most a month in the valley visit ing friends. The V. F. W. Auxiliary held a regular meeting at the Union hall on March 10. After opening ser- vices Shirley Huss was initiated into the Auxiliary. Election of officers was held with the fol- lowing officers chosen: President, Louise Hamnett; senior vice-president, Nora Red- mond; junior vice-president, June Fluke; treasurer, Gladys Strong; Conductress, Ruth Ernest; Chap- lain, Marie Shafer; guard, Dar- l:ne May; secretary, Dorothy Walker and trustee, three years, Dorothy Walker. Plans are being made for a progressive dinner to be held on March 27. It was also decided to | co-sponsor a girl to Girl's State at Salem. The Auxiliary is busy making tray favors for the Veter- an's hospital in Portland and will be given out to about 475 patients ROCK CREEK—Philip Keasey on May Day. and his family, who have been After the closing services had living in Washington, D.C., the been conclud d. refreshments past year, are visiting his par were served by Alice Ade and ents. the T-d Keascys, and giv Margaret Walrath to 17 members. ing them a chance to admire and spoil their new granddaughter. The Keasey home demonstra Square Dancers to tion unit met at the home of Isola Hear Guest Caller Morris. Hazel Smith and Alice The Do-Si-Do square dance Lindsay, project leaders from the club will hear the calling of Vernonia unit, used homemade Leonard Williamson of Seaside ready-mix in preparing biscuits, when they meet at the Natal cake, pie and other good things Grange hall Saturday night. All as part of the lunch. Those at- square dancers are welcome to tending besides these were: Marie Christensen, Edith McFarland. attend. Hilda Keasey, Eda Parker, Vi vian Counts, May Krieger, Necia DeWitt, Pearl Evers and Blanche DeWitt. Jack Peterson and his parents of Portland visited at the Ben Westerbergs and Jack renewed acquaintance with the places and friends h? mad? while on vaca tion here this last summer. SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ i j [ j ' I 1 j New Victim Added to List of Flu Cases NATAL — Mrs. Bill Pringle is among the flu victims this week. Ethel Kyser spent a few days in Rainier with relatives this week. Mrs. Perry Smith of Jewell was a Saturday caller at the Wm. Pringle home. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack and son were Forest Grove motorists Saturday. They were accompan ied by Mrs. Sam Devine. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and daugh ter of Oregon City spent several days with her brother, Lawton Waddell, and family. ORE. I j FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. March 18, 1948 Open house for all their friends is being planned for Saturday of this week. March 20, when Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thomas will be host and hostess at their variety store in marking their 20th year as owners and operators of the business. They have resided in Vernon ut 26 years. Three men had filed for the office of county commissioner at th" deadline March 12. To seek the post are: T. P. Johnston, Bir- kenfeld, John D. Winslow, Bir- kenfeld and Clyde Henderson, Mist. IWA Local 5-37 was represent- ed by Jewell Lloyd. John Elder and Milton Oak"s at a three-day CIO regional education confer ence in Portland. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. March 18. 1943 Miss Delores Bonsilaw was elected by the Vernonia library board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Zon- weiss Douglass. The new li brarian will begin work when Miss Douglass is called for train ing with th WAAC’s Bill Duncan, member of the 1941 graduating class of Vernonia high school and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duncan, has been ac cepted for naval pre-flight train ing at St. Mary’s academy, Cali- fornia. Harry Culbertson, Jr., left on Sunday for Boka Raton, Florida where he will begin training as an air cadet in meteorology. THURSDAY. MAR 19. 1953 3 Stop Made at Heme In Treharne Saturday TREHARNE — Clair and Er nie Sunnell and Arne Mattson visited" at the Bert Tisdale home , Saturday evening on their way | home from the game in Portland I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale Wert in Portland Friday. Mrs. Harry Weaver and child ren and Mrs. Lloyd W aver and girls motored to Forest Grov? and Hillsboro on business Mon- day Vernon Weaver made another visit to the doctor Saturday and is much better now. Those wh » had the flu are convalescing. A new victim of the flu is Mrs. Byron Kirkbride. Mr. and Mrs. John Shaver of Orretech, visited with his sister, Mrs. Carl Snyder, and family over the week end. Mrs. Carl Snyder visited at Grandma Skinners in Vernonia Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Reynolds, Cathy and Glen, visited rela tives at Lebanon and Sweet Home I over the week end. For the purpose of reorganizing the Cub Scouts here, who have been inactive for some time, a meeting has been called for Fri- day evening. L. L. Wells is to . be the new leader of the group and the Scouts are under the I sponsorship of IWA Local 5-37. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. March 18. 1938 Ed Condit, reporting before the chamber of commerce, said he believed it possible to obtain services of a playground super- visor for the city park and swim- ming pool. Grocery prices: Coffee, lb. 15c, 3 lbs. 43c. Potatoes, U. S. No. 2, 50-lb. bag, 35c. Beef roast, lb. 17*ic. Pork steak, lb. 23c. Tuna No. 3» can, 2 for 25c. Minced clams, 10-oz. can, 2 for 29c. ]XHXHZHXHXHXH | 27 lb»...4 H.P. , More Power | Per Pound I Than Any Othor Saw I | | See it in action. Let us give you a free I demonstration. This new saw ,. . built and backed by Homelite, mane . facturera of more than 300,000 gaso MIST—Lincoln Petersoti called I line engine driven units ... is the be»« Sunday to see Austin Dowling ■ that you can buy. who’s been on the sick list three I weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones were also callers. | There is talk of a highway I change taking Mr. Howry to an ' Riverview at 1st other locality. They will be Vernonia, Oregon greatly missed. About May 1st TED KEASEY will be the change, it is under The Pennsylvania Dutch people stood. originally came from Germany. XHZHZHZHXHXH Snow came Tuesday morning. SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEIIALEM Norman Hansen is passing out cigars and candy this past week, as are Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Han sen the proud grandparents. The stork flew over Emanuel hospital M in Portland and presented Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen with a daughter. Both are doing fine. W.M.S. met Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Robert CA Mathews with 13 ladies present. 3 The afternoon was spent enjoy ing an interesting bible study. Mrs. Duggan was the teacher. A delicious lunch was served at the close. The second Wednesday in April the missionary will meet with Mrs. Re d Holding. I Highway Change Expected May 1 D.C. Family Here To See Parents VERNONIA, YESTERDAYS I Mumps Claim Another Victim EAGLE. TED'S SAW SHOP Featuring... ’ Hudson House | ‘ ' I Olives — String Beans — Com ■ Peas Club Slates Shoot Sunday Morning Another trap shoot will take place Sunday, March 22 at the O-A ball park starting at 9:30. The shoot is being sponsored by the Vernonia Trap club. i b NEHALEM I MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 « a ¡Z W3TVH3N JOBS — W3 IVHHN .IOH8 — Kil l VIKIN <10118 B