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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1953)
Program Series Due March 8-15 The Church of The Nazarene will sponsor a series of pre Easter services starting Sunday, March 8, through March 15. Speaker and soloist will be Rev. Wilbur Morgan, student at West ern Evangelical seminary. Rev. Morgan has pastored sev eral churches on the Washington Pacific District and is now doing Evangelistic work while attend ing seminary. He will preach and sing at the Sunday services and each night at 7:30. Nazarene Church Kost for Rally I I - GEMS OF THOUGHT | I ( i j 1 PERSISTENCE There is a strength of quiet en- durance as significant of courage as the most daring feats of prow- i ess. —Tuckerman Little strokes fell great oaks. —Benjamin Franklin Genius, that power which daz- zles mortal eyes. Is oft but per I t severance in disguise. —Henry Willard Austin Success in life depends upon I persistent effort, upon the im provement of moments more than upon any other one thing. —Mary Bak.r Eddy Do not turn back when you are j®st at the goal. A man must not swerve from his path because of the barking of dogs. — H. M. Stanley Order of Eastern Star Knights of Pvthias Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com munication first and third Wed. of each month at Masonic Tem ple. All visiting sisters and broth, ers welcome. Florence Messing, Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Sec’y. 1-53 Hardings Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon LITTLE Bobby Bergman of Eugene, blind and crippled by cere bral palsy, uses "saw horse crutches and skiis" to aid in learning to walk at Easter Seal agency's hospital school for crippled child ren in Eugene. Miss Lo s Phcnicie. physical therapy supervisor, instructs and enthuses with each hesitating step. Four-year-old Bobby is one of more than 40 children at the hospital school, which is open to children from all parts of Oregon. Sale cf Easier Seals aids in financing the school. Easter Seals from the Oregon Society for Crippled Children and Adults are in the mails and ap proximately 450.000 Oregon r ?si. dents will receive them during the sale which ends on Easter Sunday, April 5. An estimated 2,500 volunteer worker» have been working since early fall getting the Easter Seals ready for the mails. Church Observes Week of Prayer A bapstitry is being installed at the Baptist church and a bap tismal service will be held next Sunday evening. At this time there will also be an ordination of a deacon. This first week of March has been and is being observed as Week of Prayer for home mis sions by the Baptist church. It was started Sunday morning when the morning message was brought bv Roland Hood, field worker for the home missions board. Monday and Tuesday afternoons prayer meetings were held in homes by the women and a spec, ial observance of the week was held at the church at the regular Wednesday evening prayer meet ing hour. Men, womsn, young people, boys and girls took part in a service arranged by Mrs. Mavis Patterson, program director of the Woman’s Missionary union. Another home prayer meeting is scheduled for Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ella Olinger at 3:30. The climax of the week of pray- er will be Friday evening at 7:30 at the church when two mis- sionaries will sp?ak. One missionary is Fred Belvin. head of Indian work of the Bap tist church. He will bring a inspirational message about the the work among the Indians. Dr. Belvin himself is an Indian and he is a most interesting speaker. The other missionary is Inez Lung, an American Chinese. Born in Texas, Miss Lung was educated at Southwestern Thealogical Sem inary at Fort Worth. She went to China as a missionary and spent 20 years there. She will bring picture» about the work she has been engaged in. Everyone is cordially invited to see and hear these two outstand ing missionaries at the Baptist church Friday evening at 7:30. Regular meetings: Second and Fourth Fridays, at 8 P.M. Mike Anderson. Commander James Cox, Jr., Adjutant 4 52 VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Ma Vike’s Cafe Guy I. Thomas, President Geo. A. Remnant, Secretary 3-53 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 ^JCX^I.O.O.F. Meet» Every Tuesday 8 P.M. Charley Hickman. Noble Grand Truman Knight, Secretary 1-54 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Otto Cantwell. Chief Patriarch Wm D. Shafer. Scribe \ 1-53 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in the I.O.O.F. HalL Jane Pace. Noble Grand Evelyn Thompson. Vice Grand Verda Cook. Rec. Sec’y. Silvia Turner. Financial Sec’y. Edna Heenan. Treasurer 3 53 Meetings Legion Hall. Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month Edward E. Garner. Chancellor Commander Oscar G. Weed. Secretary Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month June Willis, M.E.C. Faye Davis. Secretary 2-52 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication first Thursday of each month, at 7: 30 p.m. Frank Floeter. W.M. Walter Linn. Sec’y. 1-54 VERNONIA GRANGE 305 Regular meeting held every SECOND SATURDAY 8 O'clock P.M. Social Night Fourth Saturday PUBLIC WELCOME Master. Ronald McDonald Secretary. Ruby McDonald 11-53 I | J I ■ ! . | I The sale of Easter Seals is the Society's principal source of op erating revenue. The Society as sists only those physically dis abled children and adults who cannot qualify for aid from any oth.r agency, public or private. Chairman and sale committees have been named in each of the state’s 36 counties and returns will be made to local treasurers. Michael Warden of Lebanon, 5-year-old cerebral palsy victim, has been named 1953 Easter Seal boy, typifying the many young sters from throughout th'1 state who are being aided through the purchase of Easter Seals. Big Ben, the London clock, has four dials. 858 1st Ave. ' Vernonia | I Meets Every Friday 8 P M. Trenton T. Garner, W.P. Rex Normand. Sec’y. 7-50 ! I | | A neighbor to neighbor visiting program will be started Saturday by the Sevnnth-day Adventist church in a move to extend its community welfare services. Main purpose of the visits will be to learn what needs exist, either in the homes visited or in other homes to which members may be directed. There are even hardship cases in the community that nevei come to the att.ntion of welfare groups because of individual pride or lack of knowledge of facilities that are available. The church is obligated to give physical h'>lp along with the spiritual wherever it is needed. Some 10,000 other Adventist j congr. gations are conducting sim- I ilar drives this week. Welfare work of the church in Vernonia amounts to $52.05, as reported by the home missionary secretary. There w:re 84 per sons aided. VERNONIA Meets First and Third Monday of each month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays 1-53 1 I I I VERNON'A BIBLE CHURCH Don Darling. Pastor 9:45 a.m. — Bible School. 11:00 a.m. — Morning service. 6 30 p.m. - Youth Group, Minor Pi ‘rophets. 6:30 — Adults. Isaiah. 7:30 p.m. Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Bible study and prayer meeting. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. W. A. McBride. Pastor 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. 11.00 a.m. — Morning worship. 7:30 p.m. — Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer meeting. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Preston Smith, Pastor Services on Saturday: 10:00 a.m. — Sabbath School. 11:00 a.m. — Preaching, mission ary programs or Bible study. CHRISTIAN CHURCH C. F. Swander, Pastor 9:45 — Bible school. 11:00 — Morning worship. 6.30 — Youth Groups. 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer meeting 2:00 p.m. 2nd and 4th Wed. — C.W.F. meets at the church. VERNONIA BRANCH LDS 10:00 a.m. — Sunday school con vents under supervision <•< Russell R. Snook 11:30-12 — Priesthood meeting. 7:30 p.m. — Sacrament meeting commences under direction of Earl P. G mzer. 7:30 Tuesday — MIA meetings alternately at Buxton and ViT- nonia. Tuesday evenings — Primary children group meets under supervision of M. Erbne Olson. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday — Branch Relief society meets. Rhixta J. Woods, president. Visitors cordially welcomed at all meet ings. MARY’S CATHOLIC Rev. J. H. Goodrich Rev. E. Kennedy Mass at 9:30 ST. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. Daniel M. Spell The Church with a Bible Message 9:45 — Sunday school. Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon a Protect Your Valuables... F Don’t let burglarly, fire, or misplacement rob you of your valuables. One of our safety deposit boxes is the safe place for your prized posses sions, important papers, and bonds. It is acces sible only to you and those authorized by you. Yearly rental fee at nominal cost. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Vernonia Branch Commercial Grnreripw Meat»- -VeceJablea of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The seven-day week originated in prehistoric times. • » _________________________________________________ j FINE ik Sunday Service» to End Youth Emphasis Messages featuring the needs of modern youth will be the pul pit fare at the Evangelical U.B. church Sunday at both the 11 o’clock and 7:30 o’clock services. The speaker will be the Rev. Kenneth Dooley of Roseburg. The services will conclude a week of Youth Emphasis in the church. "Memory Time” is the subject of Rev. Dooley’s morning mes sage. In the evening he will be speaking on the subject, “Op eration Exchange.” V 11:00 — Preaching. 6:30 p.m. — B.T.U. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer meeting FOOD ' COSTS American Legion POST 119 ORE. THURSDAY. MAR. 5, 1953 NAZARENE CHURCH H. L. Russell. Pastor Residence—1208 Bridge St. 9:45 a m. — Sunday » school. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service. 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) J. C. foster. Pastor Chas. E. Kelly, Co Pastor 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. 11-12 a m. Morning worship. 6:30 p.m —Young Peoples service 8 p.m. — Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Tu esday and Fridays — Prayer Meetings. Welcome to all to worship with us Visiting Program To Begin Sat. Vernonia F.O.E. (Fraternal Order of Eagles) VERNONIA, VERNONIA EVANGELICAL Paul D. Staler Minister 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Mrs. E. E Garner. Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p.m. Evening service. 7:30 p.m. W. d - Mid-week ser- vice. Yells and Wins LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES EAGLE, AT THE CHURCHES i Th? local congregation of the BY GEO. N. TAYLOR Nazarene church enjoyed a treat Portland. Oregon when 37 young people from the Tillamook church with their pas. The crowd pressed in to see Je tor, Rev. and Mrs. R. Pershall, sus as He passed by. High above besides Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd John all the noise, was the blind beg son of HLtnlock and Rev. and gar's cry to Jesus. “Now Mrs. W. Crist, of Astoria, with the crowd try to quiet the fel their young people, joined with low—“Shut up, you raggedy blina the Vernonia church for a zone man.” See Jesus rally. stop to call the Most of them visited Vernonia j blind man. Then for the first time. Rev. and Mrs. hearing his plea Russell held th:ir first pastorate for sight, Jesus 28 years ago at the Hemlock tells him — "Re church, while living in Tillamook. ceive your sight, They served that church for over faith has healed eight years. you.” From that instant, the man had his sight. Fellowship Meeting to Luke 18:35-43. Take Place Friday Forget the man’s The Christian Womens Fellow I rags, but see his ship will meet at the home of Christ gave him sight. Have you faith in God’s Word? Can you Blanche Millis, Mist route, Friday at 7:30 p.m. Cassie Linvmgstone see your name written in the will lead the study of "Africa” Book of Life? Can you believe? and Leila Harris will have charge I "For God so loved you that he of the worship service. A social i gave Christ, that if you believe hour will follow with refresh on Him, you shall not perish but have eternal life.” See John 3:16. ments served by the hostess. People of every tongue and tribe see their title to eternal glory by A. F. VanSlyke to Fill this utterance of God. So what ■ for you? Eternal life or Eternal Church Pulpit Sunday I hell? This Message sponsored by A. F. VanSlyke will preach at j a family of the county. Sunday morning. Mrs. Cassie Livingstone will speak at the Dti^^BARBER^HoF evening service. The high school class will have Expert Tonsorial Work charge of the opening exercises of the Bible school beginning at Vernonia. Oregon 9:45 a.m. Sunday. V. F. W. THE The easy way—the sure way to reduce your food bill is to buy all your food needs at one store — SAM’S FOOD STORE. Come in and select exact ly what you want and be sure that you will get full value on every item. SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Deliver, I’honv 741