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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1953)
C THU BSD A Y. MAR. 5, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate TWO three-room modern homes. One fully furnished, other partly. I 162 A St. Both rent d now. HOME LAUNDRY—Phone 1107. 1 Good income property. Call Mr York, Laundry, fluff dried, Ruby Smith, phons 912 for de 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra. 25c. tails. 10t3c Flat finish'd, minimum $1.00. HOMES Oa* day servic? on request on fluff dried. Also-curtain stretch- VERY good 2-bedroom house, »n£ 9tfc wired for range. Full cement basement, double garage. Close FOR SALE: P and G Rose bushes, in. Only $5500, very good t rms. wide variety to choose from. 59c 3 GOOD building lots corner • a<h. Riverview Greenhouse. Bridge and 2nd Ave. 20x30 9t3 building on one. Full price FOR SALE: ‘29 Ford engine and $600, terms. transmission. $10. Call 691, C. MODERN 2-bedroom home. Util >. Falconbury, Capitol Hill. 9t3c ity room, garage. Wired for range. Close in. Price $5750, MODEL RA Hotpoint range. Full, good terms. ■ize oven, thrift-cooker, 3 service rlrments. See at 1061 Wash. St. 3-BEDROOM modem house, 1 9t3c acre land. Wired for range. New double garage, barn and WIRE baled oats and vetch hay chick house. Only $5250, good $!>' Ora iiay $20. R*cleaned >jra f oats. B. F. Winslow, Bir- terms. FARMS krnfeld, Oregon. 8t3 APPROXIMATELY 8 acres, 6- HAY for sale. Can deliver. room house, barn and garage. I’ll! nr 862, Marvin Meyers, Tim- Riverview district. Price $4(8)0. twr Rt., Vernonia, Ore. 8t3 40 ACRES, 4 in cultivation. 4’a miles out on paved road. Good RED. heavy chickens, 30c pound 4-rm. modern house plus utility live weight. Louis Carmichael, porch and fruit room, wired for Stoney Point road. 8*3 range, excellent garage and FARRAND piano in good condi chicken house. Price $7950. In tion. Inquire Tom Magoff, be- cludes approximately 100 chick twi*n 4th and 5th on highway, ens, some lumber and furniture. ■ Kt 3 Good terms. 21 ACRES 2 miles out on paved FOR SALE: Grass hay, oat hay. road. Two-bedroom modern , Also wheat and oats straw. J. hous? wired for range. New I Grhmanek, Mist, Ore. 7t4c addition recently built on rear, I A U C T ll) N Good barn, 3 acres in cultiva- . tion. Price $8500, good terms, i Bring your livestock and mite. to Clatskanie Auction yard where 21 ACRES, 6 cleared, some tim- I ber. Good 24x32 barn, no other 1 vi have many buyers and sellers. buildings. Price $2400. j Livestock sold by the head or 2 ACRES, 5 mi. out on paved j road. Seven-room modern , SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT house. Electric heat plus fur- | 12:30 P.M. nac? in basement. Year-round , CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD stream. Pnqe $9000. Very good , Milt Butler, Auctioneer terms or can arrange vet loan. Phone 1600 DON BAYLEY, BROKER 7tfc MacDonald Hol.-l — Vernonia —----------- — ■' i wri ■ i i PRUNING. LAWNS. LAND lOtlc SCAPING, ROCKERIES, TWO LOTS, 2-bedroom house SHRUBS with bath. Close in town. Will Fruit. Nut. Shade Trees Estimates free. Call St. Helens t?ll for cash at reasonable price. 8t4 1214 W 1, Thornton's Nursery, Inquire 1070 Weed Ave. I m > s 23, Warren, Ore. 5tfc RED CLOVER seed, 35c lb. Al bert Schmidlin, Mist route. 10t3 WANTED RIDING HORSE, saddle and bridl '. W. C. Johnson. Mist, Ore gon. • 5tfc A1J_. makes of sewing machines repaired. Electrification of any nwke iniH-hm ■. Park's New Home Store, 4816 N. Lombard or in- qio Eagle ulll’e. 38tfc DEAD STOCK PICKED UP * Free of Charge ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE HORSES BOUGHT. rhone collect, Clatskanie 44RU COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY 51tfc FOR RENT____________ IN’USE for rent: Three-room rrw«l rn, furnished. Oil heat, «lectric range and tank. Inquire f<»> 3 St . ph. me 1107 71 f> FOUR ROOM 1 bedroom house. Wired for electric range. $35 rrwnth 513 Rose Ave. Write Jahn Brown. 6550 S. E. '62nd Ihirtiand. Ore. 9t3 PARTLY furnished house on 2 arris S"e Mrs. John Krinick, 5th house on 10th St., Riverview, 9t3c FOR SALE—Insurance FELL HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Co, writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H Hudson. 37tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE SWAP OR SELL following New .32 Win. special rifle, model 94, 72 Win. auto rifle with Weaver 330 scope and lee dot., 16 ga Hig- fw bolt shotgun, 25 Colts auto. P»M >1. .32 Walther auto, pistol, P 33 auto, pistol, Belgium 9mm pistol, S&W .357 magnum pistol, ma!) household type safe, cafe air» cash register. 37 Plymouth rad-ator, Chev. generators. IS HP Johnsen outboard. WANTED following: Good electric sewing machine, plywood any size, ’t" i Its ric drill, standard typewriter, 2'» to 5 HP outboard motor, shop too,-. C. Shaw, 4th St , River view. IOt3c LISTINGS wanted by the largest 1 farm selling organization in the I world. We sold 27 Columbia ' county farms last y;ar. Call or write Strout Realty Co., Box 706, Scappoose, Oregon. Tel 642. ____ ___________________■ 10t4 BABY sitter wanted. Weekdays. ' Margaret Davies, phone 254. lOtlc Residents of Trailer Home Move to Portland RIVERVIEW — Robert Perry I of Alaska visited his uncle and I family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hunt- • j ley, Saturday. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCool and children of Portland and Nate ' Huntley of McMinnville spent I the week end ht the home of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Louis Huntley. The Huntleys took the latter to his home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Powell I visited at the home of thtir son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin | Powell, of Portland Sunday. ■ LEGAL NOTICE_______ I NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT I Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of Effie Eggleston, de ceased, has filed his final ac- ' count in the county court of the | state of Oregon for Columbia i county, and that Monday, March i 9th, 1953 at the hour of 10:00 I o’clock in the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by saiy court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first publication Feb ruary 5th, 1953 Date of last publication March 5th, 1953 Howard Haverland, Administra tor John L. Foote, St. Helens, Ore gon, Attorney. 6t5c NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received by the School Board of Union High School No. 1 Jt. of Colum bia County, Oregon, until 8:00 o’clock P.M. on the 10th day or March, 1953 and immediately thereafter will be publicly open ed by the officers of said school district for the purchas? of the following described property of said school district, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 8; Lots 5 and 6 in Block 9. All in Eastside Addition to the Town of Ver nonia, within Columbia Coun ty, Oregon, together with all buildings lo cated thereon, RESERVING only the heating boiler in th? school building located on said Block 8. BIDS will b? received for all or any portion of said property and bids will also be received for the buildings only or for the land desired, also bids will be received for 19’ off of the West part of Lot 5 Block 9. also Lot 5 and 6 in Block 9 less 19’ off of the West part of Lot 5 Block 9. Each bid must be accompanied by cashier’s or certified check in the sum of 5'< of the amount bid. The School District reserves the right to reject any and all bids and bids should be mailed or delivered to the undersigned clerk of the District, Mona M. Gordon. Vernonia Oregon, By order of the School District Board. Mona M. Gordon, Clerk _____________________________ 8t3c WANTED: Baby sitting by hour. 50c hour and transportation. Estie Roth, Capitol Hill, next to chicken hatchery. 9t3 | NOTICE OF RESULT IF REF ERENDUM ON INCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY WITHIN THE CLATSKANIE SOIL CONSERVATION DIS BERRY WORKERS TRICT. Work to start, weather permitting To all persons interested, notice is hereby given: TRANSPORTATION- That the tabulation set out be. FURNISHED low gives a full, correct and true report of the result of a referen Register by Postcard to dum held on the 10th day of ROLLING HILLS FARM February, 1953, on the proposi tion of the inclusion of additional Banks. Oregon territory within the Clatskanie .ANYONE wishing accordian les- Soil Conservation District. sons please contact Mrs. Henry (a> Number voting in favor of Ade. 1008 First Ave. 8t3 inclusion of additional terri tory within said soil conser BOOKKEEPING and income tax vation district 68 reporting. $2.50 and up. Albert (bl Number voting against in Childs, registered public accoun clusion of additional terri tant. 225 North St. Open even- | tory within the said soil con ings. 3tfc servation district 15 83 HIGHEST cash prices paid for (c) Total votes cast ream and eggs at your door— (d) Since the State Soil Conser vation Districts Law speci picked up once or twice weekly — fies that two-thirds of the call write Forest Grove Cream ballots cast in the referen ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone dum must b? in favor of the 12«. 14tfc proposal and since the 68 CARD OF THANKS ballots for the addition were the two-thirds required, the THE FAMILY of Fred J. Tousley State Committee, at a meet wishes to express its sincere ap ing held at Corvallis, Ore preciation for the many tokens of gon. on- the 13th day of sympathy s?nt by friends and February, 1953. determined neighbors during the recent ill that the referendum had car ness and death of our husband ried and the operation of the and father. proposed addition within its Mrs. Fred J. Tausley defined boundaries is ad and The Family lOtl ministratively practicable and feasible. IN MEMORIUM STAtE SOIL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE OF OREGON IN LOVING memory of our | mother, Mary Peterson, who pas By Robert C. Baum. Executive sed away two years ago March 5, Secretary- 1951. Daughters. Nellie and Dated 20th day of February. 1953. Alice. lOtlc at Corvalli* Oregon. lOtlc WANTED Unit Member» Given Reminder of Meeting Box Scores VERNONIA 39 7 1 -13 9 7 Braun F Gill F MacDonald C Crowston G CLATSKANIE 56 ___ 10 Harrison F • Smith F —,----------------------- 15 3 Osborne G ....... 10 McCroskey G VERNONIA 54 Gill, F Crowston F Fulton, Bud C Braun G Nanson G Herrin Pow.ll WARRENTON 56 Maize F Brim F Graham C Stuller G Dunn G ifo ■ rri 1 4 5 10 1 7 12 15 _1 21 2 5 4 4 Spring 1 rack Schedule Drawn TREHARNE — The Timber Route extension unit will meet at the home of Florence Johnson Tuesday, March 10, at 10:00 a.m. The lesson on ready mixes will be presented by Florence Johnson and Louise Smejkal. Hostess ?s for the pot-luck lunch to be s?rved at noon are Peggy Cone and Alice Weed. The public is invited to this me:ting. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Winecke and daughters of Veneta were week end visitors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke. School Program Attracts Couple NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pringl? were among thase who attended the operetta at the high school Saturday evening. Callers Monday at the Devin? horn? were Mrs. Ira Peterson, Mrs. Max Oblack, Mrs. Ernest Kyser and daughters, Mrs. George Devine, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zill- man and Einar Danielson. Mr. and Mrs. Knut? Johnson are enjoying a visit from Knute’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Maja John son, of Chicago, who is spending a week here. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, who have been residing at Dass Park, moved to Wheeler recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay attended the celebration at Forest Grove Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zillman and daughter were Monday evening dinner guests at the Kyser home. Other visitors Monday evening wer? Mr. and Mrs. K nton Zill man and children. This spring’s Logger track schedule was announced the lat ter part of last week as it had been worked out up to that ttime. The date and ev.nts below may change, however, as the season nears. The schedule as it now stands is: April 16 — Clatskanie, Scappoose and Vernonia at Scappoose. April 15 — Clatskanie, Rainier and Vernonia at Clatskanie. April 20 — Vernonia, St. Helens and Scappoose at Vernonia. April 24 — League Meet, Unde cided. May 1 — County Meet at Scap- poos?. May 8 — District Meet at Bea- ' verton. May 15-16 — State Meet at Cor- ' NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson received word from vallis. --------- | their son, Vernon, that he is in California taking his basic train ing at Camp San Luis Obispo, California. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack have purchased a new car. Sunday I afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Oblack RIVERVIEW — Patty and motored to Seaside. They were Margaret Wells entertained the accompanied by Mrs. Reed Hold operetta cast after th? operetta ing. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hirtzel of Saturday evening. The tim? was spent playing records and in gen Rainier, were Sunday visitors at eral fun making. Besides the the Devine homes. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were cast of the op?retta, Miss Lilias j Peterson attend d the gathering. Clatskanie motorists Friday. They Refreshments of hot dogs, cake motored to Hillsboro Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. DeeVere Her and pop were served at a late hour. shey were in Portland Friday Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Schmick evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser and daughter, Karen, of Port land visited at the home of Mr. and family visited at the Dale and Mrs. Larry Brady Wednesday. Miller home near Rainier Sun Mrs. Schmick was formerly Em- day afternoon. molen? Billings of Riverview. Basic Training Being Taken Operetta Cast Entertained Sat. Home Economics Club Entertained Wednesday With less than 300 shopping days left until Christmas, Ore gon and Washington Christmas tree growers ar? figuring ways to "grade” their product for the 1953 Yule season. Growers from the two states will seek agreement in Portland, March 26 and 27, for grading Pacific Northwest trees in an at tempt to put better trees on the market and reduce wasteful cut ting of low-grade trees that clut ter picked-over sale lots at the close of the Christmas season. Paul Goodmonson, farm wood lot products marketing specialist at Oregon State college, says the Portland meeting will include a field trip to show growers types of trees to be grown and cut to meet th? proposed grades. Dis tance between branches bushi ness, svmetry and weight will be considered in grading trees. A panel of growers and fores try specialists will discuss where and how to plant varieties best suit'd to the area, making use of cut-over lands and profits in growing Christmas trees. District to Vote on Budget NATAL — The budget meet ing will be voted on at the Mist school house on March 5 at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack were in Portland early last week where they took Larry for eye exami nation. Sonny Dass was quite ill with the flu last week. Miss Virginia Mathews spent week end before last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ma thews. She is employed in Port land. Mrs. Lottie Pugh and Mrs. Myrtle Mathews attended the pink and blue shower given at the Ashley horn? for Mrs. Rose Kyser Friday evening, a week ago. STOCK SIGNS O o © • No Tresspassing For Rent Absolutely No Admittance No Minors Allowed No Peddlers Allowed VERNONIA EAGLE ¡PHONE 853Í ! NEHALEM VALLEY • ! MOTOR FREIGHT • Finger Injury Suffered Friday NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Ira | Peterson were Monday evening i RIVERVIEW — L. L. Wells in visitors at the Dunlap home. jured the fore finger of his left Mrs. Myrtle Mathews enter hand while working at the mill tained the Home Ec club Wed Friday. He struck the end of his nesday of this week. finger with a hammer, taking Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap off the nail and flesh down to th? visited with Mrs. Maude Barlow bone. at the Masonic home in Forest i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hopkins Grove last Sunday. and children of Cutler City spent Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell the week end at the Lloyd Cal- called on Mr. and Mrs. Phinney lister home and on Sunday Mr. at Scappoose last Sunday. and Mrs. Wallace Struchen and Mrs. Lloyd Stunkard and son children of Dund?? also enjoyed 1 of Astoria. called on her sister dinner at the Callister home. and family, the Devines, last Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brady and Tuesday. children spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hall, of Morton, Wash Two Bingo Parties ington. Mr. Hall has b:?n in the Attract Natal People hospital there for some time and NATAL — A birthday and is somewhat improved at this bingo party was given a week time. ago Friday afternoon for Mrs. Ray Taylor on her birthday. Mrs. Taylor received many lovely Residents of Alaska gifts and cards. A door prize j Visits Relatives Here was given to Mrs. Bertha Oblack. ; TREHARNE — Mrs. Byron Miss Ethel Kyser entertained i Kirkbrid? and Edwina Siedel- with a bingo party Friday even- j man visited Mr. and Mrs. Art ing, a week ago, honoring her • Odam Wednesday evening. father on his birthday. Several ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roger ' neighbors and friends enjoyed who lived in a trailer house park, I the evening. A door prize was ed at Sunnyside Service, left Tues |‘given to Mrs. Eva Pringle. day for Portland where they will be until Mr. Roger's^next assign ment. Neighbors will miss them. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride, Jo Ann, BLIND ads with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini Stephen and Walter, visited Mr. mum charge 80c. No informa and Mrs. Harry Weaver and child tion given relative to such ads. ren Tuesday evening. The ladies crocheted while Mr. Weaver and CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c THE EAGLE assumes no finan- [ the rest play'd dominos. j cial responsibility for errors j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder and that may appear in ads pub Bert motored to Lebanon and lished in its columns, but in visited ovtr the week end. case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of A sea drum is a fish which an adv. in which the typo- makes a drumming noise. ! CLASSIFIED RATES Growers to Seek Yule Tree Grades Take home your entire list of kitchen needs from Mill Market and ^Lockers. Regular groc ery shopping here re sults in you accomplish ing two things — you save money and eat well every meal. MILL MARKET: AND LOCKERS Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE I DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m PHONE 1391