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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1953)
1 ì 6 THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—Real Estate FOR SALE—General HOME LAUNDRY—Phone 1107. Mrs. York. Laundry, fluff dried, 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra, 25c. Flat finished, minimum $1, lb. Or»? day service on request on fluff dried. Also curtain stretch- 9tfc ing. FOR SALE: P and G Rose bushes, wide variety to choose from. 59c each. Riverview Greenhouse. 9t3 FOR SALE: ‘29 Ford engine and transmission. $10 Call 691. C. I, Falconbury. Capitol Hill. 9t3c MODEL RA Hotpoint range. Full, size oven, thrift-cooker, 3 service elements. See at 1061 Wash. St. 9t3c WIRE baled oats and vetch hay $28. Grass hay $20. R*cleaned gray oats. B. F Winslow, Bir kenfeld, Oregon. 8t3 NOTICE: To our Consigner» of Livestock! We are pleased to an nounce that 980 additional square feet of cattle pens will be ready for our weekly sale February 20th, thus relieving the over-crowded condition due to the recently in creased volume of our cattle con signments. Another chute will be built to speed up the loading of livestock for our Buyers. Pease Note: Effective Friday. February 20th. our livestock sale will start at 12 30. ALTMAN S AUCTION MART. Forest Grove. Phone 16215. night 5320. 8t2c HAY for sale. Can deliver. Phone 882, Marvin Meyers, Tim ber Rt., Vernonia, Ore. 8t3 RF D, heavy chickens, 30c pound live weight. Louis, Stoney Point road. 8*3 i FARRAND piano in good condi tion. Inquire Tom Magoff, be tween 4th and 5th on highway, Riverview. 8t3 I I LARGE 5 room oil stove, like new. $65. Mrs. Sam Smith, Tim- I.. ill. 812 I ‘40 IMJICK special sedan. $75. C. Shaw, 4th St., Riverview. 8t3c FOR SALE. Grass hay, oat hay. Also wheat and oats straw. J. Ctchmunek, Mist, Ore. 7t4c 7-FT. Cedar posts, for sale. 25c each. See C. F. Leichtenberg, 1 mile up Keasey Rd. 8tl WOOD circulating heater for sale. Reasonably priced. Mrs. Art Kittle-.on, just off Stoney Pt. Rd. ‘ 7t3c AUCTION Bring your livestock and misc. to Clatskanie Auction yard where we hav<- many buyers and sellers. Livestock sold by the head or pound. SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 12:30 PM. CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD Milt Butler. Auctioneer Phone 1600 7tfc PRUNING. LAWNS. LAND SCAPING. ROCKERIES. SHRUBS Fruit, Nut, Shade Trees Estimates free. Call St. Helens Nursery, 1214 W-1, Thornton's box 23. Warren, Ore. 5tfc RIDING HORSE, saddle and i W. C Jotinson. Mist. ON gon. 5tfc ALL makes of sewing machines repaired. Electrification of any n ake ma< Inn ■ Park's New Home Store, 4816 N. Lombard or in quire Eagle office. 38tfc . I i I bl [ DEAD STOCK PICKED UP Frea of Charge ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE HORSES BOUGHT. Phene collect, Clatskanie 44RU COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY 51tfc FOR RENT HOUSE for rent: Three room modrn. furnished. Oil heat. electric range and tank. Inquire 108 A St, phone 1107. 7tfc FOUR ROOM 1 bedroom house for electric range, $35 U : t month. 513 Rose Ave John Brown, 6553 S. E 62nd 9t3 Portland. Ore. th REAL ESTATE nhol.ffcqrol HOMES MODERN 2-bedrooin home. Util ity room, garage. Wired for range. Close in. Price $5750, good terms. 3-BEDROOM modern house, 1 acre land. Wired for range, New double garage, barn and chick house, Only $5250, good terms. 3-ROOM house, good location, single garage. Only $1500, very easy terms. FARMS 40 ACRES, 4 in cultivation. 4'a i miles out on paved road. Good I 4-rm. modern house plus utility porch and fruit room, wired for range, excellent garage and chicken house. Price $7950. In cludes approximately 100 chick i ens, some lumber and furniture. i Good terms. HAVE party who wants to rent 30 or 40 acre farm, Pay cash rent or on shares. 21 ACRES 2 miles out on paved modern road. Two-bedroom New house wired for range, addition recently built on rear. Good barn, 3 acres in cultiva tion. Price $8500, good terms. 21 ACRES, 6 cleared, some tim ber. Good 24x32 barn, no other buildings. Price $2400. 2 ACRES, 5 mi. out on paved Seven-room modern road. house, Electric heat plus fur nace in basement. Year-round stream, Price $9000. Very good terrhs or can arrange vet loan. NEW, unfinished 2-bedrm home, one acre ground, good barn. House all insulated so far and enough insulation to finish. Price $3500. Will take good trailor house in deal. DON BAYLEY, BROKER MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia 9tlc Mr». Reynold» Entertain# At Birthday Party LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of Effie Eggleston, de ceased, has filed his final ac i count in the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county, and that Monday, March 9th, 1953 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first publication Feb ruary 5th, 1953 Date of last publication March * 5th, 1953 Howard Haverland, Administra i « tor John L. Foote, St. Helens, Ore gon, Attorney. 6t5c TREHARNE — Mrs. Don Rey nolds entertained Friday evening at a birthday supper in honor of Don’s birthday. Michael Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds was ill Tuesday with a bad case of indi gestion. Mrs. Harry Weaver and Mr». Don Reynolds motored to Hills boro Wednesday morning to so? the doctor. Apologies to persons concerned: Item last week should have read Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, Sr., and Edwina Siedelman motored to Portland Tuesday to see his mother at the Good Samaritan hospital. Frank Thomas is stay ing in Portland to be near his wife. Mrs. Frank Thomas is on the mend and may be able to come home soon is she continues to im. prove. Mrs. Robert Reynolds of Mist and Mrs. Joe Miller motored to Portland Monday on business. Teams Divide Target Series Proxy Stork Shower Held Vernonia gun club’s rifle team won its first match Friday night 1356 to 1354 and lost the make up match of December 12, 1952 by a score of 1407 to 1386. The local team shot against Gresham. Vernonia 286 Ralnh Aldrich 278 Ben George 274 Tod Bowerman 261 C. Schaumburg 257 J. W. Nichols 1356 TOTAL Gresham 285 Norman Bond ItLzl lilUll LJUilU 270 Hnward I 1U W Cl 4 LA ‘ Swanson -I ** Hl lavz 268 Morris Bliss 266 T.ponard Swanson * r 1 lui u O *» ui ' 265 Carl 1 * Foust Vul VUOI 1354 TOTAL The second match individual scores were: Vernonia 283 Ben George 283 Ralph Aldrich 282 Tod Bowerman 272 C. Schaumburg 266 J. W. Nichols 1386 TOTAL Gresham Norman Bond 288 Morris Bliss 283 Howard Swanson 283 Corval Faust 279 Pon Zeck 274 TOTAL 1407 Next match will be at Vernonia Friday night against Troutdale. TREHARNE — A stork shower by proxy in honor of Mrs. Jim Fields of Trinidad, California was held at the Marion Siedelman home Friday, February 20 with Mrs. Tom Lee and Mrs. Bill Braun hostesses. Games were played after which lovely refresh ments were served. The ladies exhibited their gifts after which they wrapped for delivery to Mrs. Fields. Mrs. Erie Knapp called on grandma Rogers Tuesday. Mrs. C. P. Tolke and daughter Norma, of Manning were Sunday visitors of her sister, Mrs. Carl Wienecke. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Newton and Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Thacker spent the day in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teeling also called on Mrs. Ot to Stowell of Buxton in St. Vin cent’s hospital who is recuperat ing after an operation. The Royce Newton family and Wilbur Thacker called at the home of the Ellis Woolridge fam ily of West Union, Sunday after noon. Jim Thomas of Bay City visited his uncle, Charles Thomas, Sr., and family for a few days leav ing for Portland Monday evening to enter the marines and will be stationed at San Diego base. I a a NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received by the School Board of Union i High School No. 1 Jt. of Colum bia County, Oregon, until 8:00 o’clock P.M. on the 10th day of March, 1953 and immediately thereafter will be publicly open Old Watches Gathered ed by the officers of said school For TB Patient Study district for the purchase of the B1RKENFELD — Th? Nehalem following described property of Valley Garden club met with Mrs. said school district, to-wit: F. A. Larson last Wednesday. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Winema HEC meets Tuesday, and 10 in Block 8; Lots 5 and 6 in Block 9. All in Eastside March 3 with Mrs. Art Belling ham. At the last meeting old Addition to the Town of Ver watches were collected and »ent nonia, within Columbia Coun to TB wards for patients who are ty, Oregon, I This together with all buildings lo studying watch repairing. meeting members are asked to cated thereon, RESERVING only the heating boiler in the school bring materials that can be used building located on said Block 8. for piecing quilts. They will be BIDS will be received for all sent to charitable institutions. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomp or any portion of said property and bids will also be received son moved their furniture from The annual tally of fishing and for the buildings only or for the th' L. H. Jepson home to their hunting license sales released by m w home in Portland Monday. land desired, also bids will be the game commission claims 42(X- received for 19’ off of the West Mrs. Laurence Jepson returned to 000 fishing and hunting fans in Portland with them. part of Lot 5 Block 9, also Lot Oregon for 1952, an incr ase of 5 and 6 in Block 9 less 19’ off of 32,000 over 1951. LEGAL NOTICE the West part of Lot 5 Block 9. This, says the commission re- Each bid must be accompanied NOTICE to Personal Property port, represents 37 per cent of by cashier's or certified check in Owners of Columbia County th? state’s adult population over the sum of 5'< of the amount bid. Chapter 342, Sec. 110 349 14 years of age or 28 per cent of The School District reserves the Provides that every person and the total population. TWO LOTS, 2-bedroom house right to reject any and all bids managing agent or officer of any The continued increase in li with bath. Close in town, Will and bids should be mailed or firm or corporation or association cense sales has reached a point cell for cash at reasonable price. delivered to th" undersigned owning or having possession of nr where the commission believes 8t4 clerk of the District, Mona M. control of taxable personal pro fishing and hunting has valid Inquire 107(1 Weed Ave. Gordon, Vernonia Oregon. perty, shall make a return there claim as the number one sport of By order of the School District of to the county assessor of th? WANTED Oregonians. Board. county in which such property is Breakdown for the sales is WANTED: Baby sitting by hour. Mona M. Gordon, Clerk located on January 1st., 1953. 50c hour and transportation. Estie 8t3c The final date for filing this re 80,000 combination licenses, 182,- Roth, Capitol Hill, next to chicken turn is March 2nd, 1953. in 1949 000 angling licenses, and 141,000 hatchery. 9t3 CLASSIFIED RATES this Law was Amended making hunting licenses. Special fishing and hunting licenses sold to pio- BLIND ads with answers to be it mandatory that the assessor neers, disabled veterans, indig- add the penalty of 5G to the tax handled by the Eagle: Mini ents, and the blind accounted for mum charge 80c. No informa on all returns that are filed after the other 17,000 licenses sold. th? said March 2nd. 1953. BERRY WORKERS tion given relative to such ads. In addition 24,000 angling and However, if you will co-oper NO information on classifieds will Work io start, weather permitting 1,500 hunting licenses were sold ate by filing your report now, be given out until after paper you will do your part in reduc to tourists. Sales of the vacation TRANSPORTATION is mailed. angler licenses to non-residents FURNISHED CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. ing the cost of making this as have increased 21 per cent in the sessment; also eliminate having THE EAGLE assumes no finan past two years. Register by Postcard to cial responsibility for errors the penalty added to your per An accurate measure of elk and sonal tax. that may appear in ads pub ROLLING HILLS FARM Blanks have been mailed to all deer hunting pressure is given lished in its columns, but in Banks. Oregon 1 case where this paper is at personal property owners shown in deer and elk tag license sales. Lp 1952 deer tags sold to hunters fault, will reprint that part of on the 1952 tax roll. However, ANYONE wishing accordian les numbered 186,000 and elk tags if you are a new owner or have an adv. in which the typo sons please contact Mrs. Henry not received a blank, call St. 24,000. graphical mistake occurs. Ade, 1008 First Ave. 8t3 The $2,011,074 derived from MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 Helens 12, or drop a card to th? the sale of 1952 game licenses was BOOKKEEPING and income tax words or less. Words over min Assessor's Office, St. Helens, Ore. set aside in the state game fund reporting. $2.50 and up. Albert imum. 2c each. Three inser gon, and you will receive the for wildlife protection and man necessary form. Childs, registered public accoun tions for the price of two. Failure to receive or secure the agement work. Th? game com tant, 225 North St. Open even form shall not relieve any such mission does not receive tax sup. ings. 3tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE person, managing agent, or offi port or appropriations. HIGHEST cash prices paid for COCKER spaniel puppies for sale cer from the obligation of making .ream and eggs at your door— reasonable or trade for what have any return herein required. picked up once or twice weekly— you? Essie Nance, 846 We.d Ave. Former Resident Visits O. A. RIDENOUR, ■all o.- write Forest Grove Cream Stic In Riverview Thursday County Assessor 8t2c Electric Mill Fishing, Hunting Plan for J-H Top State Sport WANTED ery. Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc NOTICE THE BUDGET No. 52. Mist, posted in the will be voted on March 5 at for School District Oregon, is now usual places and on by the people 8 p.m. 7t3c NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Every person owning or keep ing any dog over the age of eight (8) months within the state of Oregon shall, not later than March 1st of each year or within 30 days after he becomes owner or keeper of such dog, procure from the city marshal of the city in which he resides, a license fee of one dollar ($1 00) for a male or spayed bitch and three dol lars ($3.00) for a female dog. Any person who shall fail to procure said license within the time as herein provided shall be required, upon procuring such license, to pay an additional sum of one dollar ($1.00) for each dog after March 1st. A D. Lolley, CUy Marshal 8t2c FOR SALE—Insurance BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3. 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson 37tfc RIVERVIEW—Fred Cummings of Hillsboro, who formerly lived in Riverview, visited among the older residents here on Thursday. G. E. Fraser of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyckoff. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt and family have moved into the Kono house on 7th St., from 10th St. NOTICE OF RURAL DIST. SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Section 110-1207 OCLA as amended by Chapter 393 Oregon Law 1943 and Chapter 345 Oregon Law 1945 as amended by Chapter 591 Oregon Laws 1947, as amended by Chapter 543 Oregon Law 1949. to the legal voters of the Rural School District of Columbia County. Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the Court House in St. Helens, Oregon, on the 7th day of March. 1953, at 9:00 o’clock A.M for the purpose of discussing the budget of the Rural School Board for the fiscal year beginning July 1. 1953 and ending June 30. 1954. hereinafter set forth. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made TOTAL MIST — Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom motored to the beach Sunday on business. Bernard Dowling is th? owner of a new DeSoto car. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hughes were down from Forest Grove for a few days looking after business inter ests. J and H are planning on build ing a new all-electric mill before starting up this spring. Cal Atchinson from Seattle and his daughter, Mrs. Dick Wilson, from Los Angeles, California were visitors Sunday at the Austin Dowling home. Mrs. Austin Dowling and son, Bernard, motored down to Bay Ocean Sunday taking in the beaches along the route there. Walt Bateson has sold his place and will buy and occupy a new trailer house we understand. The Bat. sons will live at Dass Park, The new purchasers will take possession about April 1. They are relatives of the new store keeper here, Mr. Monroe. Mrs. George Jones visited Mrs. Walt Bateson Friday afternoon. Treharne People Visit In Dallas TREHARNE — Mr. ar.d Mrs. Robert Reynolds. Earl. Mrs. Exie Weaver and Paul W’eaver mo- tored to Dallas, Oregon on Sat- urdav evening and visited their sisters and daughters and fami nes. Charlotte Weaver spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver and Mr. and Mrs Short Weaver motored to Port- land Saturday evening to attend a show. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver and Paul. Charlotte and Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Short Weaver, Loretta and Virginia May all at tended the matinee at Forest Grove Saturday. Mrs. Thelma Weaver; Charlotte and Vernon; Mrs. Joe Miller; Mrs. Jim Smith and Mrs. Albert Rey nolds were in Vernonia on busi ness Tuesday afternoon. 1953 - 1954 $2.250.00 $2.250.00 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ITEM Estimated Expenditures for 1953 . 1954 Personal Service (A) District Superintendent Salary (B) Clerical and Legal Supplies, Printing Postage, Telephone and Telegraph Elections and Publicity Board Expenses. Travel, Etc. Office Equipment Other Miscellaneous Expenses Emergency TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES I Always So Acceptable $ 540.00 $ 240 00 $ 1500 1000 $ $ 110.00 $ 300.00 $ 1001)0 $ 40 00 $ 200.00 $1.555 00 . refreshing sparkling • brewed with the water from light Olympia Brilliant . . artesian wells is a beer you'll en|oy- SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND TAX LEVY Total Estimated Expenditures Deduct Total Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances Total Estimated Tax Levy for the Ensuing Fiscal Year $1.554 00 $2,250.00 0 Dated February 7, 1953 Signed Lois D. Kent, Clerk H G Sanden, Chairman Board of Directors It's the Hater Approved by Budget Committee February 7. 1953 Signed Richard Manick. Secretary. Budget Committee Otto H H Petersen. Chairman. Budget Committee 8t2c .......... 11 ... — ■ n—■ - ■ ... —.... ' , — a. OlVMHIA IlfwINC COMPANY, OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON. USA. ’•