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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1953)
1953 Officials Installed Thurs. On Thursday, January 8. at their regular meeting at the IOOF hall the installation of officers for Mt Heart Rebekah Lodge took place. Janes Pace was in stalled as Noble Grand for the year 1953. Other officers installed were: Isabel Anderegg, P.N.G.; Evelyn Thompson, V.G.; Verda C<x>k. Rec. Sec.; Sylvia Turner, Fin. Sec.; Edna Heenan. Treas.; Mary Drips, Marshal; Elizabeth Frye, Conductor; Cora Lange, Chap lin; Evelyn Heath, R.S.N.G.; Mathilde Bcrgerson, L.S.N.G.; Marie Elliott. Color Bearer; Alice Gwin. R.S.V.G.; Vivian Graven. L.S.V.G.; Imogene Brissett, Mu sician; Earline Robertson, I.G.; Irene Minger, O.G.; and Hazel Cook, Frances VanDeBo^art, Marie Shafer and Edith McFar land. Altar Bearers. Conducting the installation cere- rnony were: Noma Callister. Dis trict Deputy President; Beryl Cline, Deputy Marshal; Faye Da vis, Deputy Warden; June Ray, Z«eputy Sec.; Louise Hamnett, Deputy Treas.; Florence Messing, Deputy Musician; Irma Chance, Deputy Chaplain; Myrtle Oakes, D'puty I.G.; and Grace Cantwell, Deputy O.G. Noma Callister presented each of the members of her staff with a beautiful handkerchief corsage. Isabel Ander gg received her P.N.G. pin. After lodge delicious refresh ments of cake, coffee and ice cream were serv:d by the com- "*.tee of Mathilde Bergerson. Rc na Bradv, Lenore Kyser. Su san Fowler, Susie Atkins and Mercedes Proehl. Gifts were dis tributed and names of birthday ft ends were revealed. Isabel A'deregg presented each of her of fe rs of the past year with a ON OUR SHELVES YOU'LL FIND More Teas Given For Library Aid Proxy Stork Party Planned January 16 Lodge Installs New Officials The series of library teas, which started the latter part of last year, have been added to by those THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. More Parents Contract Mumps Mrs. Larry Brady will sponsor I a stork proxy party for Mrs. Don Cline of Pans, France Fri Vernonia Lodge No. 246. day evening. January 16, at 7 I.O.O.F.. held it’s regular me t- o'clock at her home. Friends BIRKENFELD The N.halem ing January 13 with Noble Grand of Mrs. Cline, who would car? Les Galloway in the chair. At Valley Square dance club post to attend, are invited. They are this time installation of officers asked to bring gifts unwrapped poned its regular dance till Jan seated the following uary 30 due to prevalence of and bring wrappings. Noble Grand. Charley Hick mumps among the members. So man; Vice Grand, Bill Horn;' far more parents than children Conductor. Chris Fowler; Chap have them. lain, Henry And:regg; Right The Sewing club met with Scene Supporter. Jim Fluke; Left Scene Supporter. Charles VanDe Phyllis Busch last Tuesday. Only Bogart; Right Support Nobl? five members were present Next Grand Bob Spencer; Left Sup MIST — The old Malenberg m eting will be with Mildred port Noble Grand. Horn.r Gwin; house up the road toward Clats Elliott January 20. Right Support Vice Grand. Carl kanie is being torn down to be A 2c Delmar Jepson left Mon Davis; Left Support Vice Grand, used in the new home of Nor day for Detroit. He 1 -ft by plane. ' James Newton; Inside Guardian, man Hansen. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Elliott were [ Albert Tandy; Outside Guardian. We notice the smelt have mad? in Portland Friday. Otto Cantwell; Musician, Cecil their first appearance on the j Mr and Ml? Richard Thomp Johnson and Past Grand, L's market this season. son and Gary of Portland spent 1 Galloway. Dinner guests at the Walter the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Th? lodge was honored with a Mathews horn? Sunday, a week L. H. Jepson and boys. visit from Charles Holt, form r ago Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Mr. and Mrs. Boon? Johnston Vernonia resident and member Mathews, Mrs. Robert Mathews expect to leave soon for th • East of this lodge, who now resides and son, Bobby, Virginia Mathews after a new car. and David Wright of Portland in Klamath. California. Thy father of Charley Robins and Mr. and Mrs. Art Farns was laid to rest Monday. Funeral worth of Chico, California. The services were in th Mist church. Farnsworths were up to spend Mr. and Mrs. Buck Garman the holidays with her family, were in Portland Sunday. the L. P. Mathews. Tuton Brittner and Zilla Bel Shirley Wikstrom was in As lingham attended the Legion toria last Saturday. Shirlsy Auxiliary meeting in Clatskanie RIVERVIEW — Charles Boyn White went with h r. Monday evening. ton of Carlton is visiting at th? HEC met last Tuesday with home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ethel Larson. Y ar books were Cases of I’lness Cause Krinick. completed. Mary Mills received Mrs. Artie Buckner visited Dance Postponement the hostess gift and Elizabeth from Sunday until Thursday in The N.halem Valley Squares Carl received the prize for the Hillsboro at the horn” of her will not have a dance on Friday game. son and family, Mr. and Mrs. night, January 16. becaus? of so Ray Buckner, who have recently many cases of mumps in the returned from Medford where community. they had lived the past three months. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Normand, TYPEWRITER Rex Jr., and Mrs. Grac ■ Normand for sale visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sampl? Underwood Number 5 Standard in Portland Friday. Typewriter, Reconditioned and New Years dinner guests ot • $37.50 Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Powell were Guaranteed Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Corrigan of The Vernonia Eagle Vernonia. Printing — Office Supplies given in recent weeks and have brought in an amount of approxi mately $64. It is the hop? of the Study club committee that they will be continued now that the holidays are past. Recent teas were given by: Mrs. Cline, Mrs. Grace Currie. Mrs. Marie Frazee. Mrs. Dwight Strong. Mrs. Harry Sandon, Mrs. Ralph Hartman. Mrs. R. D. Eby. Mrs. Fred McDonald. Mrs. Harold McEntire. Mrs. Guy Thomas. Mrs. Tom Batsman, Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Floyd Bush. Lumber to Be Reused in Home Grange Home Ec Club Entertained Wednesday The Natal Grange Hom? Ec club met at the home of Mrs. Nellie Dunlap last Wednesday, January 7. Present were: Laura Carmichael, Ruth Steers, Ruth Kyser. Amy Kyser, Dora Wad dell, Nelli? Dunlap. Nellie East man, Myrtle Mathews, Elsie Peterson and Isabel Anderegg. Lunch was served by the hos tess at a table decorat:d with party favors honoring the birth days of Nellie Eastman and Elsie Peterson. The hostess box was won by Mrs. Peterson. The Feb. ruary me:ting will be held at the home of Mrs. Steers. Home Change Made by Family Shswer Attended at Brady Home Friday A stork shower was held for Mrs. Gordon Cline at th” home of Mrs. Terry Brady Friday evening. She received many beautiful gifts. Those attend ng were: Mes- dames Marvin Meyer, Roger Quirin, Melvin Schwab, Vii Cam- cron, Otto Cantwell, Frances Van DeBogart, Dee Miller, Merle Cline, Catherine Johns, Don McCollister, and th? honor guest, Mrs. Gordon Cline and th? hostesses Mrs. Terry Brady and Mrs. Larry Brady. Mrs. Frances Mullins and Mrs. Homer Gwin sent gifts but were unable to attend. Telephone For Results — EAGLE Want Ads fag THURSDAY, JAN. 15. 1953 3 HEC of Winema Grange spor sored a card party at the Grant • Saturday night. This is the first of the year. STOCK SIGNS AVAILABLE AT THE EAGLE O • 0 □ 3 No Tresspassing For Rent Absolutely No Admittance No Minors Allowed No Peddlers Allowed For Grade A Pasteurized • Dairy Products Call or Write ' PEBBLE i CREEK DAIRY Telephone 8812 Vernonia, Oregon Timber Rt., Box 56 ______ J 191 Ve Û3K Vat aV V& eec/twe/Ve aVeet/ Club Provides Ball For Recreation Program The Young Peoples’ club of Mist met at the home of Esme Closner January 7 with six mem bers present. A short business meeting was held and all bills pertaining to th* Christmas treats for the children of the community were presented and paid. The club also purchased a basketball for the recreation program which is carried on in Mist now. It is ;o be used for the teenagers. Next meeting will be held at B mice Garlock’s February 4. OR Whatever else you desire when baking. The glamorous Bel Air Series for 1953 is truly a new kind of Chevrolet. Four new Bel Air models —4-Door Sedan, 2-Door Sedan, Convertible, Sport Coupe—create a won derful new class of cars. gift in appreication of their co operation. Our products are the best and brought io you for the THE BEL AIR SERIES to be compared only with higher-priced cars! cheapest price possible. An entirely new kind of Chevrolet in an entirely new field all He The Black Forest is a moun tainous wooded region in Würt temberg, Germany. Why not come in today and leek around for all your kitch en needs. THE "TWO-TEN" SERIES You too. will shop sensational advance* from bumper to bumper! Mill Market and Lockers, re ceiving the best for less. The “Two-Ten” Series offers: two new station wagons-the Townsman and "Two-Ten” Handyman —the 4-Door. 2- Door, Convertible, Club Coupe and Sport Coupe. MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 THE "ONE-FIFTY’’ SERIES lowetl priced of all quality car*! Smart new Chevrolet styling and advanced features! Five model* include the 4-Door and 2-Door Sedans, Club Coupe, Business Coupe, “One- Fifty" Handyman. Tonight—join the millions who find it’s... fC^fiwvoT.en •/ ffvitdord •av'P*»»a»*f end tri» fffw- nww it d«a**d*«*f I Itjr W The great new Chevrolet line tor 1953 brings you a car for any purpose. Choose high-compression power with the new 115-h.p. Blue-Flame" engine teamed with new Powerglide* for the finest automatic driving. Or choose the high-compression 108-h.p. “Thrift- I I King" engine for finest standard driv ing. Choose the improved standard steering, or new Power Steering, op tional at extra cost. * Come in and see the most wonder ful selection in the low-price field— and it's your* at lowest cost! •< -mkaaKM y I I p,nt $2.60 4 5 THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY o MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! „••••■Mom «-J IlS-kf "Na». I „ -..-«-I >«,->„• rM, i/voug/) / • //££(/ VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY Standard Oil Products Phone 342 Your Chovrolet and G.M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon ‘ A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE” o