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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1953)
2 THURSDAY, JAN 15, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. Social Security Donnie, of Cuero, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Caton of Albany If you are one of the millions Mrs. Minnie Hughes and Mrs. of self-employed people who will Mr. and Mrs. Georg« Hahn and Aeppli's mother, Mrs. Cleo Ca file their second annual social Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis left ton, who had previously spent a'| early Tuesday morning for Cali week as the guest of Mrs. Hughes. I security tax report this year, you Week «nd guests in the M. L. I now have insurance protection fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Davis plan Herrin home were Mr. and Mrs. under social security, Everell ned to stop at Oakland where they will visit his son and family Martin Sand from Minneapolis, Cummins, field representative of while Mr. and Mrs. Hahn will Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Sand the Portland social security of drive on to Los Angeles. They were very good friends of the fice announced this week. planned to be away a week or Herrin’s daughter, Beverly, when These are people who made a she was a student of the Bible social security report of their self, JO days. E. W. Peterson received word college of Northwestern Schools employment earnings for 1951, last week of the death of his in Minneapolis and attend d the who ar? filing similar reports foi same church as they did. Last their earnings for 1952, and who brother in Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. George Remnant June, when Mr. and Mrs. Herrin will have paid the social security .attended the Shriner’s third an and their son, Jerry, went back tax for each year. Social security nual inaugural ball at Tillamook I to Minneapolis for the wedding of reports on self-employment earp their daughter to Stanley Ed ings are made on special forms Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Aeppli ward Franklin, th y were enter and ar sent to the director of <>f Rhododendron are the parents tained in the Sand home. Re internal revenue at the time of of a girl bom December 30 at the cently the Sands have been visit federal income tax returns. Emanuel hospital. She weighed ing a daughter in Burlington, Cummins says that self-em nx pounds, 11 ounces and has ; Washington and have been thmk- ployed persons who have be n in been named Christine Susi. Mrs. j ing of making their home on the work that counts toward social Aeppli is the former Mary Pat | west coast. security since 1950 now have in <"aton. Recent visitors at their , Card party. Parish hall. Catholic surance protection at least until home have been Mrs. John T. church. Jan. 17, 8:00. All welcome mid-1955 from that work alone. 2t2 If they reach 65 and retire before Wofford (Shelby Caton) and son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dial of Ken then they will be entitled to newick, Washington were recent monthly old-age benefit pay guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ments; in case of death b.fore Earl King. mid-1955 their families can get Mr. and Mrs. Hale Graves and fnonthly survivors insurance pay family of Portland were Sunday ments. . dinner guests at the home of his Many persons now self-ein THURS.. FRI. JAN. 15-16 I parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. ployed had previously worked IT GROWS ON TREES j Graves. for wages in employm nt co Irene Dunne . Dean Jagger ' Mrs. Larry Sutton (Betty Lou vered by social security. This SATURDAY JAN. 17 Frazee) has gone to Alameda, work is credited, of course, to to be near her husband ward b-ing insured, and the cre I APACHE WAR SMOKE I Caliornia who is stationed there with th • dits may be added to those earn Gilbert Roland - Glenda Farrell ! coast guard. ed in self-employment, Cummins Plus j Guests from Wednesday to Fri- said. MASK OF THE I day of last week at the home of Those who wish to file claims DRAGON • Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thomas were or obtain social security informa, Richard Travis . Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cochran of tion may meet the representative SUN.. MON JAN. 18 19 Coulee Dam. during his regular Columbia and Mrs. Al Hunteman are County visit. Cummins may be EVERYTHING I HAVE th? Mr. parents of a son, Paul An- i contacted on the second floor of IS YOURS thony, born Friday, January S J the St. H lens courthouse, Mon Marge and Gower Champion and weighing six and one-fourth | day, January 17 from 1:00 to 3:00 TUES.. WED. JAN. 20 21 pounds. Mrs. Hunt 'man is stay- I p.m. Local residents may wish ing at the home of her parents, to visit or writ? to the Portland Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Watson. office located in Room 134, Old John Woolsey son of Mr. and Post Office Building, Portland. Mrs. A. A. Woolsey, celebrated ' his 15th birthday January 9. He | TOWN TOPICS dfof/ Théâtre I Arm Operation Set for Thursday Your Telephone Dollar- Fff/i/e Unlimited BIRKENFELD — Darrell (Sam) Baker will enter Columbia hos pital in Astoria Thursday for an operation on his arm. Pamela Lousignont has been staying with Cathy DuPuis. Pete and Chuck Lousignont of Merrill were here visiting rela tives and friends this w ek end. Mrs. Esther Stonefelt was visited Tuesday by a nunjber of h r neighbors, the occasion being a birthday get-to-gether. In a »ingle day, Photographer Snaps Children A Saturday trout season open ing of April 18 m Zone 1 (Coastal waters) and Zone 2 (Willamette RIVERVIEW — Jack Combs, and Hood River systems) was set a photographer for the state, in tentative angling rules for 1953 spent Monday of last week here announced by the game commis taking pictures of children at the sion. All other areas would open grade school. He accompanied Saturday, May 2, and the trout the health nurse and they were season would close state-wide endeavoring to detect any ear j October 11. Bag limits remain defects among the children. unchanged, 19 fish per day not Mr. and Mrs. Eli Howell of more than 5 of which may be 12 Gales Creek visited her sister inches or over. For salmon and and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. steelhead 20 inches or over the limit continues 2 per day and 4 John Krinick, Saturday. Mrs. Ben Barker and son, Lyle, in possession. returned Tuesday from Yakima, Nearly all Cascade mountain Washington where they spent lakes would have a May 30 two weeks visiting relatives. through September 30 season, the Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Young same as last year. A few of the spent New Years at Springfield larger accessible waters including visiting at the homes of Mr. and Odell, Crescint, Suttle, and Fish Mrs. Ed Thinnes and Mr. and (Jackson county) lakes. Lake of Mrs. Lee Hall. the Woods, and Wickiup reservoir Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff would open May 2. spent Saturday at Forest Grove Most of the regulations in ef- visiting their granddaughter, Sharon, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ludwig. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and sons of Portland visited her mother, Mrs. Alice Mills, Sun day. Wilbur and Lynda DeFord of Alsea r?turned to their horn'“ Monday after sp ndihg two weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Mechanics for Shipyard Wanted The Puget Sound Naval Ship yard. Bremerton, Washington is recruiting mechanics through th ■ Oregon state employment service in Hillsboro every Thursday morning during January and Feb ruary. Albert C. Collett, the positive recruiter assign d to this area by the Navy, states mechanics with the following skills are especially desired: Marine Electricians, Ma chinists, Boilermakers. Rubber Workers, Electric W lders. Gas Cutters, and Burners, Sheet Metal Workers, Shipfitt rs and Saw filers. Pay rate ranges'from $1.86 to $2.16 per hour with time and one-half pay for over 40 hours per wiek. Need telephone to run Employers are being reminded by the internal rev.nue depart ment of a requirement which they must meet before January 31. The requirement is that . ach employee be furnished a state ment on form W-2 showing total wages paid and incom? tax with held Issuance of the forms as soon as possibl? is asked by the de partment so that refunds for overpayments can be made quick ly. errands,— make appointments — visit a neighbor — handle business matters — receive an important call from far away. Day and night, around the clock, the telephone serves you. What else can you buy that provides so much service at such small cost? ¡OLEPiiinE twin Triad design change caught gigantic tire merchandiser with huge overstock which must be liquidated at a terrif. ic loss. For Results — EAGLE Want Ads SAFETY get that dead "I Can't do it" feeling what you need is a glass of cool milk. It perks you up right away Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation VERNONIA EAGLE The Friend! v Si orc* where Q eki I ììv Fosts N o More I I General Clearance and White Goods I Hand Towels.................... 25c 40" Bath Towels............... 39c 89x108 Hvy Sheet Blankets $2.98 White Outing Flannel - - Yd. 29c Pequot Sheets 81x108 - - $2.98 Ladies House Coats - - - $3.98 Regularly $5.95 Women's Skirts............... $3.98 Strutter Cloth. Corduroy, Sharkskin and Wool Hi Rubber Used Tires $6.50 Slips and Gowns............ $1.98 T: i State Bai ¿ties $9.45 Men's All Wool Shirts - - $6.95 HANCOCK SUPER SERVICE drink a quart of milk a day Commercial Bank et Oregon I THF Plus Tax without that over-full feeling. Vernonia Branch The World'« First TRULY MODERN Portable Typewriter Entire Stock. $8.95 and $9.50 Values Shadow Plaidsand Checks Exchanged Installed . A good habit to get into is to For Delivery ROYAL 6.0Cxl6 - - $13.38 HURRY! — Quanity is Limited MILK! When yiu | I 80 Sq. Percale, white - - Yd 39c THESE ARE NEW FAMOUS BRAND. FULLY GUARAN TEED TIRES IF YOU ARE WORN OUT DRINK I H i at stroke is a disorder of temperature regulation in the body. THIS DEAL MAY NEVER COME AGAIN Here’s An Example I THE VERY BEST AT POPULAR PRICES Keeping your insurance policies and < ther im portant papers and valuables in a Safety De posit Box guards them against fire, theft, flood and riot, and the cost of this safety is only a few cent- a week. Inquire at this bank TODAY! ONE IN R LIFE TIME DEAL was the winner of prizes offered in 1936 by merchants to the first baby born that year. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES GIVE YOU ADDED l feet for 1952 would contine. The Nehalem river will be closed U» all angling from Nehalem falls down to posted markers at the narrows. The river will also be closed to salmon angling between Roy creek and Fishhawk creek at Jewell from March 17 to Oc tober 12 inclusive; above Fish hawk creek it will be closed to salmon angling the entire year. 70x34 Sheet Blankets - - - $198 Employers Required To Furnish Statements you may use your Tentative Rules Set at Hearing to your home phone 471. Vernonia. I I I Men’s Dress Shirts - - - - $1.98 Nationally Advertised Brand Regularly $3.65 and $3.95 Men’s Dress Slacks - - - - $6.50 Phone 983 for Service J Vv—- —