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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1953)
■1» THURSDAY, JAN. 8, 1953 THE EAGLE. VKRNONIA, ORE CLASSIFIEDS I i Comparison of Weather in Vernonia, State Contained in Station Summary APRIL State Vernonia max. 90 max. 78 min. 5 min. 24 av. snowfall 0.4 ttl. snowfall 1.5 av. precip. 1.12 ttl. precip. 1.91 » In Oregon April weather was 90 degrees at Richland on the through October, It presents a I comparatively dry and slightly 25th to a low of 5 degree» at comparison of state data with warmer than normal. There were Seneca on the 9th. data assembled at the Vernonia several exceptionally cool nights Every station in the western station. FOR SALE—General FOR RENT during the month, but otherwise division and all but 10 in the east FOR SALE: Grass hay, oat hay. TH r’ i ’C/ i M 1 case par .v 'ur- it was mild with no severe storms had rainfall totals below their Also wheat, oats grain. Also nished. One-room cabin fur average April normal. Individual station and weTl above the I JANUARY wheat and oats straw. J. Cech- nished, sleeping room. Mrs. Alic? Exception monthly totals ranged from a low amount of sunshine, av. precip. 4 02 av. snowfall 20.5 Max. 65 min. —26 Mills, end of 1st St., Riverview. State inanek, Mist, Ore. 2t4c slight losses of no precipitation at Lake Creek ttl. precip. 7.31 airy late frost caused ttl. snowfall 34 8 2t3 Vernonia max. 50 min. 13 and a little bi a high of 4.69 inches at Silver in western orchards f FOR SALE: Hay, wheat straw In the area west of the Cascades inches. Greatest recorded month- FOR RENT ROOMS. Steam early straw- Creek falls. The greatest in arty above normal loss to feed wheat and seed wheat. Fair heat, hot and cold water, inner- an average of 16.6 inches of ly total fall was reached there on 24-hour period was 1.56 inches at berry blooms. pi ices as to quality and quantity. spring mattresses; by the day, or snow fell, In the eastern area the 21st. In Vernonia, greatest 21st which the The state ’ s average April Tem Gold Beach. Heaviest snowfall At farm or delivered. Elmer Ber. special weekly or monthly rates. of the state there were 22 3 inches, amount fell on was 8.5 inches. •state was 20.5 perature of 49.3 was bastd on for the month was 13.5 inches at Average for the A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. geraon, Timber Rt., Vernonia, HY-VAN HOTEL. 113 reports from 160 stations and was Crater Lake, but, 17 other stations Oregon. It3 FEBRUARY Tern. also reported snowfall. 1.4 degrees above normal, FOR RENT: Four-room house. 1940 FORD deluxe, R & H, good av. precip. 3.26 peratuxe ranged from a high of min. —25 av. snowfall 11.6 max. 75 Inquire Vern Sykes at Vernonia State precip. 3.45 ttl. (onzhtion. Leland Pugsley, phon? Auto Co., phone 342. ttl. snowfall 10. min. 21 max. 60 ltfc Vernonia 72. It3 February Rome. The greatest amount in average Oregon's TRAILER SPACE on cement MAY rainfall, based on reports from any 24-hour period was 3.26 at POINTER and Toy Collie pups. slab. Water, lights and sewer Valsetz. The state ’ s average 151 stations showed that the av. snowfall 0.2 Inquire Spofford Kennels, phone connections. Very convenient lo min. 13 max. HR av. precip. 1.28 Stat? 1023 Also dogs boarded. min. 25 ttl. precip. .39 cation one block from shopping greatest amount of fall, 14.00 snowfall of 11.6 inches was more Vernonia max. 15 52t3c center. Inquire Art Gardner, inches, was obtained at Valsetz. than 60% above the normal value Rainfall for the Moderate temperatures through state as a whwfe Hy-Van Hotel. It3 The least amount, 0.39, was at of 7.1 inches. HEMSTITCHING, hand painted I averaged nearly a half inch be out the month resulted in a state MARCH articles, aprons, pillow cases, i 3-ROOM house, furnished, mo av. precip. 2.89 average slightly above normal. A low normal or 55% in western av. snowfall 7.0 max. 78 min. 17 State ■«iiaM'.scts, teatowels. June Willis, dern. Inquire 445 North St. ttl. precip. 4.31 damaging frost accompanied un Oregon, Totals for individuar! 23 max. 68 min. 52t3 Vernonia 891 Rose Ave. Phone 557. 37tfc stations ranged from a low of seasonably low temperatures in The highest temperature re- monthly total was 17.78 inches ALL makes of sewing machines LOST AND FOUND some sections of the Willamette 021 in. at Huntington to the corded tn the state during March measured at Tidewater fish hatch »ipajred Electrification of any ery. The greatest observed 24- valley tfte morning of the 4th. greatest amount of 3.82 at Cone. make machine. Park's New Home FOUND: Rosary in plastic case, was 78 at the Pendleton Round in Riverview. Owner contact up park and the lowest, —17 at hour amount was 3.10 inches at More. 4816 N. Lombard or in James Cox, Mist Rt., Vernonia Austin. The precipitation for the Cascadia ranger station on the quire Eagle office. 38tfc JUNE and pay for this ad. It3c state as a whole was below nor 24th. Report based on reports AUCTION: Cash paid for liva- mal for March. The greatest sent in from T60 stations. av. snowfall 0.3 max. 106 min. 11 av. precip Z’.'Nl State • lock. furniture. tools, machinery WANTED max 81 min. 29 ttl. precip. 1.60 Vernons» >u>y day or consign your property WANT to contact parties with fir LEGAL NOTICE to our weekly Friday auction. Relatively cool temperatures distributed throughout the month stumpage suitable for piling. Plan ALTMAN'S Auc. Mart, phone NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT resulted, in a state average of Z70 and almost twice the normal on setting up dump in Vernonia JE2I5 Walt Altman. Auctioneer. In the construction of the im < Greatest monthly total amount of precipitation charac inches. if enough obtainable, either de Rce. phones: Walt, 4615: Arch provements in Improvement Dis teriz'd Oregon’s June weather. was 7. SI I inches at Sundown livered or standing. Contact Apt 30tfc Fry«. 3464. December 24, 1952 i High temperature of 100 degrees Ranch and th? greatest amount tn 1, Rio Vista Apts. 113 trict No. 22 the City Council of the City of Vernonia hereby con The Vernonia Eagre recorded, at Huntington any 24-hour period was 2.70 at DEAD STOCK PICKED UP I was HIGHEST cash price« paid for siders, ascertains and determines Vernonia and Columbia County and tint lowest of II at Crater Silver Creek. Free of Charge Í .•ream and eggs at your door— that th? following lots, parts of Lake. Frequent. showers, well Citizens: ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE picked up once or twice weekly— lots and pareils of land, standing you to Please might I ask of HORSES BOUGHT. i call or write Forest Grove Cream in the names of the following tune in 1570 on your radio dial. Phone collect, Clatskanie 44R11 ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone parties, are benefitted in the fol Listen carefully: Shop in Wash JULY COLUMBIA RENDERING 126. 14tfr lowing amounts by reason of said ington county, trade in Washing COMPANY average rainfall 67.3 State max. 109 min. 25 improvement, and the same is ton county. Keep your dollars in Sltfc Total rainfall 0 min. 35 max. 38 Vernirma CARD OF THANKS hereby d dared as and for the Washington eourrty. assessment thereof, to-wii: E DON SIMMONSON registered Then please remember you live 166 stations showed the highest This was a very dry month in WE WISH to express our sincere Piano Tuning and Servicing. I thanks and appreciation to our Mrs. Alice Malmsten^ Lot 3, in Columbia county. I. myself, Oregim with over 5®'« of the sta of 109' degrees at The Dalles and Member National Ass’n. Piano dear friends, neighbors and rela and West half of Lot 2, Block 12, approached 1570 management tions recording no measurable the lowest minimum recorded runres. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, was 25 degrees at Seneca. In tives for the kindness and sym Eastsid? Add’n, $166.2«;: Lowell upon the subject of county trade precipitation. The state aver *bone 837 31tfc regards rainfall, the greatest, pathy extended us in our recen? Hieber, West half Lot 2, and Lot barrier. They were very reluc age was about one-third normal. munthly total was 1.96' inches bereavement and also for the 1, Block 12, Eastside Add’n, $72.. tant to think that I would resent Temperatures at several stations 83; W. V. Lindley, Lot 3, Block such advertisement on the air. at Gerber Dam. The greatest in in the Willamette valley rose to FOR SAI.E—Real Estate many beautiful flowers. Yes, 1570 repaired a radio and above 100 degrees for the first CHARLES CEDERBURG AND 2, West’s Add’n, $48.67; A. D. any 24-hour period was- 1.10 at K»R RENT: 3-room house, bache. Lolley, Lot 2, Block Z of West's I assure you my other one will time- since 1946. BILLY Reports from Danner. lor nr couple. $18 per month. MRS. EMILY KING Add’n, $51.35; Mrs. Ollie Roberts, be repaired other than 1570. FOR RENT: Good 2-bedroom Lot 1, Block 2, West’s Add’n, Please, folks of the Vernonia KING MR. AND MRS. EARL modem house, wired for range. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT KING $56.72; Frank Taylor, Lot 6 and area, keep your dollars from 1570 AUGUST Unfurnished. 2tl west half of Lot 5, Block 1, West's area s<» long as they advocate HOMES max. 106 min. 18 Ad’n, $82.40; E. V. Robertson, Lot such tactics, Let’s do the same Slate Average Precipitation .21 Vernonia max. 100 min. 37 Total Precipitation none 3 ROOM house, good location, 4 and East half of Lot 5, Block to them. MISCELLANEOUS single garage. Only $1500, I, West's Add’n, $74-34; Mona have international trade Yes, we August temperatures over the area. The greatest monthly total EXPERT LAUNDRY SERVICE Gordon, Lot 3, Block 1, West’s very easy terms. barriers, State, and now must state averaged slightly above nor- was 2 67 ; 25 stations reported no 4 ROOM mod?rn house, 2 bed- for your convenience! Laundered Add’n, $43.30; Lee Jessee, Lot 2, we have county and community mal but precipitation less than precipitation. The greatest amount Reasonable and dried, 15c lb. looins, plastered throughout. Block 1, West’s Add’n, $43.30; barriers, We arc and have been half the expeet d total. There in any 24-hour period was 1.59 Single garage. Close to schools rates for finishing, Curtain fin- E. M. York, East 35 FL of Lot 20 in three wars over the former was only one storm of any conse. at the Medford Experiment Sta- ishing a specialty. Mrs. E. M. of Broadway Add’n, $30.31; Mrs. mentioned. i nd churches. Price $4500, quenee and that was a hailstorm tion. York, 108 A St., phone 1107. pMid terms. Mullins. West 15 Ft. of Since 1570 has continued to at in Medford and Klamath Falls 12tfc 4 ROOM modern house. 2 lots. Lot 20 and Lot 19. Broadway tempt to cram such advertise Across street from school, Good Add’n, $56.29; R. H. Hanon, Lot ments down our throats, stop to LEGAL NOTICE garage and woodshed. Price 18 of Broadway Add’n, $43.30; think, when you read a full page SEPTEMBER $-i!»00. terms. NOTICE: The County Court of Mrs. Grace Currie. Lot 17. Broad add from out of town and county PARTLY new 2-bedroom home Columbia County, Oregon has way Add’n, $43.30; Columbia i in your local paper. Let tbein State min. 15 max. 105 Average Precipitation .67 on approximately two acres of appoint'd Minnie S. Ratkie as County, Lot 16, , Broadway Add’n, I call for buyers in Washington Vernonia mtn 32 max. 94 Total Precipitation .61 timbered land. Completely mo Administratrix of the Estate of $43.30; W. F. Aldrich, Lot 15 county as they advocate. This was both the warmest and ers with measureable precipita dem: oil, gas kitchen Charles Ratkie, deceased. Add’n, $51.96; I All of Broadway Yes, a great percentag? of my range, electric refrigerator, hot persons having claims against Warne Empey, Lot 14 of Broad- I holdings are in Washington coun. the driest September since 1943 tion occurring on an average of water. Beautiful Congo wall said estate are required to pre way $43.30; William ty. However, as long as Wash and was the third consecutive only three days during the month. Add’n, There were an average of six tile UJtchen and bath. Fully sent them with proper vouchers Bridgers, Lot 13, Broadway- ington county business wishes to month the-state’s temperature av furnished including kitchen to th’1 Administratrix at the of Add’n, $43.30; J. J. Grady, Lot 12, live within themselves, let’s buy eraged above normal and the pre days of temperature of 90 de cipitation well below. At many grees or over in the wester di utensils. Move in and start fice of Neal W Bush, in the Joy Broadway Add’n. and Lot 6 of elsewhere until they awaken. western Oregon stations there vision and five in the eastern. i’ving. Nothing more to buy. Theater Building, Vernonia, Ore Block 7 of Eastside Add’n, $91.10, Signed. r were a near record of days with This was an unseasonably larg" Exc Rent potential building site gon. within six months from Jan J. Edwin Ade, Lot 4 and 5, Block Elmer Bergerson. number for western Oregon. The for trailer park, income Paved uary 1, 1953. 7, Eastside Add’n, $19122; Mrs. Vernonia. Timber route, Ore- temperatures of 90 degrees or more. Precipitation was confined highest temperature for the state street, river one side. Lovely Minnie S. Ratkie, Administratrix Mathilde Bergerson, South half goh. was 105 degrees at Illahe. almost exclusively to light show- < d Maple shade trees, stately Patterson and Bush, Attorneys of Lot 3 of Block 7, Eastside fir*. lairge garage with 4 door It 5c Add’n, $45.72; A. L. Kullander, Th? average person has two .DeSato sedan included in sale North half of Lot 3, Block ' 7, colds each year. « OCTOBER CLASSIFIED RATES price. $6000. E Z. terms Easts id ' Add’n, $46.94; Robert 3 LOTS, very good location for Cline, South half of Lot 1. Block MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 min. 3 Average Precipitation .33 max. 98 State home. Price $600. 9. Eastsid' Add’n, $43.30; Guy TYPEWRITER wordt or less. Words over min 27 min. Total Precipitation 1.12 max 89 Vernonia FARMS Thomas, North half of Lot 1. Block imum. 2c each. Three inser FOR SALE! 2 ACRES, 4-room house on paved 9, Eastside Add’n, $43.30; George Rebuilt and Guaranteed Under have highsr maximum tempera- This was the warmest October tions 'or the price of two. highway close in. River borders Roland, 80 Ft in an unplatted wood Champion. in Oregon since 1907 and the third tures occurred in this state than BLIND ads with answers to be on bat k. Only $3500, very easy tract NW1* of SE1* of Section warmest since the beginning of the 98 degre?s recorded at Illahe handled by the Eagle: Minimum Vernonia Eagle terms. the computation of state averages on the 1st and 2nd and Lake charge 80c. No information 4. Township 4. Range 4. $69.28; Printing — Publishing SEE this modern 4 bedroom Mrs. A. H. Tisdale, 60 Ft. in an in 1890. It was the driest since Creek on the 6th. The lowest given relative to such ads. home, basement, furnace plus unplatted tract in NW1 « of SE>. 1936 and concluded four months temperature to occur was 3 de CARD of Thanks 1c Notices: 80c « ectnc heat. Wired for range. in which temperatures have av grees at Seneca on the 14th. No information on classifieds will of Section 4. Tow'nship 4. Range » I New garage. On paved high- eraged much above normal and Illahe with a monthly mean of i be given out until after paper 4, $51.96. i way 5 mi. out. Price $9000. CITY OF VERNONIA rainfall below. Only once since 62.5 degrees and Seneca with 43 9 is mailed. i Very good terms. Sam L. Hearing, Recorder i 1890 has the state's average total degrees had respectively the POETRY accepted only as paid I NEW unfinished 2-bedroom home 2tlc rainfall for the month of July warmest and coldest averages for i matter. Rate: 5c per type line. i Ail insulated so far and enough through October been les« than the month. NO CLASSIFffcD OR DISPLAY i CALL FOR BIDS insulation on ground to finish. I The state's average total of 1.36 in 1952. ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER Sealed proposals will be re i One acre land, good barn. Price The highest station temperature inches for the four month period WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR ceiv'd at the office of the City i i i as is $3500, easy terms. ever to be recorded in October is second only to 1.29 inches in NEXT WEEKS PAPER. I Recorder of the City of Ver i I DON BAYLEY. BROKER i occurred at several western Ore 1929 for the lowest rainfall THE EAGLE assumes no finan nonia, Oregon, until 8 p m. Jan i MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia gon stations with very long re amount ever to be recorded in a cial responsibility for errors uary 19. 1953. for emptying, clean, 2tlc cords including Portland, dur comparable period This month’s that may appear in ads pub ing and disposal of sludge in Call or Write ing the forepart of the month. highest station total was 2.34 lished in its columns, but in siptic tank approximately 50 ft. FOR SALE Insurance The state average, based on re inches at Astoria, There were 28 case where this paper is at by 20 ft. by 5 ft. 6 in. deep. City ports from 157 stations was 54.7 stations at which no precipita- fault, will reprint that part of also wishes alternate bid for PI'LL HUDSON Insurance, tel' degrees Only twice before since tion was measured and every- Sta fi e 773. We have a reliable an adv. in which the typo cleaning two tanks of above size. I 1890 have higher October values tion in Oregon had below it’s nor- graphical mistake occurs. Co. writing cars for 3, 6. 9 Proposals to be accompanied by I i amount. No measurable been obtained, those of 55.3 de- mal mi nths al low rates. Also fire bid bond of cortifi.d check for i amount of snow fell at any re m 1907 and 55.9 degrees in grees i insurance. Geo Bell, H Hudson. 5 of amount bid. The succes- i cording station in Oregon. 1901. 37tfc I ful bidder shall be required to In only three other Octobers post a performance bond before FOR TRADE Telephone 8812 being authorized to proceed with the work. The right to reject WANT TO TRADE Lang? w . hk I The above is a partial report Weather Bureau at San Francisco, any or all bids is hereby reserved. or < m I range in good condition i Vernonia, Oregon on Oregon month by month California. Data for November NEHALEM VALLEY i CITY OF VERNONIA for small wood heater in good i weather taken from the Clima- and December for the entire state Sam L. Hearing. Recorder i condition Inquire Hy-Van Hotel MOTOR FREIGHT Timber Rt., Box 56 tolgical Data published by the is not yet available. 2tlc t 2tl I U. S. Department of Commerce The following weather report of the year 1952 was released Monday by Mrs. Helen Spofford. Vernonia weather observer, cov- ering the months from January THE PEOPLE SPEÄK . . . For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products I PHONE 853 1 PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY