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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1953)
2 TMUASDAY, JAN. 8, 1853 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE I TOWN TOPICS Family Moves to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange Different House Relative« Seen in Portland at New Year Foundation for Garage Started NATAL — DeeVere Hershey spent New Year’s eve at the home of his sister and family, the Hal Vicors, in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson were Sunday guests at the home of their son and family in Port land, the Norman Hendersons. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Waddell were Portland business visitors Friday. They motored to Hills boro Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Anderson of Sandy called at the Devine home Sunday. •w dinner guests at the home ri! Mr and Mrs. T. L. DeHart and TREHARNE — Paul Lin and Kunay Lee on December 27. Charlotte Weaver, children of Al Ludwig of Portland con Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver, are ducted the evening services at ill in bed with the flu. Calvary Tabernacle as the pas Mr. and Mrs. Turner Daniel tor, Don Darling was in Portland and family moved during the fine to his wife’s illness. Mrs. New Year holiday shutdown into the Bergstrom house, recently Ludwig and two children ac- vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Tru i onspanied Mr. Ludwig. Bab Curl returned here early man Davenport. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and Jo tin* week from Chicago where he and Mrs. Curl and their child Ann visited Mrs. Mike Long and ren «pent the holiday season with children Monday evening. Mrs. Daughter’« Engagement relatives. Mrs. Curl and children iI I Long has been ill in bed since Announced by Parent« remained there for a longer visit. New Year's day. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Miss Edwina Si'dolman motored Mrs. Don Darling underwent an emergency appendectomy to Portland Saturday afternoon Robert Mitcham of Battle Wedneaday evening at the Phy- to visit Mrs. Doris Young and Ground, Washington, formerly of orisni and Surgeons hospital in children, returning home Sun Vernonia, have announced the Fartland. She is recovering nice day night and bringing Jean engagement of their daughter, Kirkbride with her. Miss Kirk Carolle, a student nurse at Eman ly- Cord party. Parish hall. Ca.holic bride returned from visiting rel uel hospital, Portland, to Charles church. Jan. 17, 8:00. All welcome atives and fri nds in Nebraska, A. Downing. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wantland 2t2 Iowa and South Dakota. She Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange en- visited Mr. and Mrs W. J. Kirk served a birthday dinner New ta ria in rd Mr. and Mrs. Ervin bride and children in Omaha, Years honoring their daughter, Guests were Mr. and •freer of San Pablo, California Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sorenson and Doris. •and Mr and Mrs. T. L. DeHart children in Council Bluffs; Mr. Mrs. Arch Kimball and son, Ro rad daughter, Sunny Lee, and and Mrs. Virgil Bridges, son bert. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callister, A. L. DeHart and son David at Kenneth Bridges, daughter dinner on Sunday, December 28. Thelma of Armour, South Da son Ronnie, and Mrs. Clara Hill Mm. A. L. DeHart could not at- kota; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford spent the week end at Siletz Irad. She stayed with the daugh Krumback of Parker and Swede where they visited hi® parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ace Callister. ters of the Meier’s who had colds. Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dimick Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds Denmark appropriated 20 mil and sons of Beaverton visited at «ire the parents of a boy born Derember 24 at the Emanuel hos lion dollars for civil defense in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olof Jacobson Sunday. 1951. pital in Portland. He has been merimed Chris Edward and weighs T pounds 8'/s ounces. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk and children, John, Jr., and Susan, evere guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. £. Archibald over the New Year's holidays and called on a number | •of old friends. Elk Seen Again in Field Near Mi»t MIST — Claude Johnson was ill with some sort of virus last week. The elk are back again in the A. R. Melis field. Jackie Burnham has gone east to bring back a new car for Shalmon Libel. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his brother. Doc Jones, near Castle Rock, Wash ington. BIRKENFELD — Arthur Bel lingham started the cement work for the foundation of his new garage Thursday. Lloyd Beach, Claire and Ted Bellingham were helping him. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brittner had a New Years eve party for sev eral members of the Eagles lodge of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen had a New Years eve party. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Boon Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parman, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil El Hott, Mr. and Mrs. Art Belling- ham and Mr. and Mrs. T d Bel- lingham. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills spent RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. New Years eve m Portland with C. L. Fox from Denver, Colo relatives. rado moved into Agnes Blount's Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Case of house on 5th St. Monday. Portland spent last week end Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyckoff with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bennett. and daughters visited her par Mr. and Mrs. Emerson of Port ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Fraser, land spent last week end with in Portland from Wednesday un Mrs. Emerson’s parents, Mr. and til Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Seibel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turner entertained Mr. and Mrs. Homer spent last week end with Mr. and Gwin and children, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ed St. Clair at Buxton. Everett Wood and Kenny Parker Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and for New Years dinner. Darrell were ia Portland Satur Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Duncan of day. Their daughter, Kathryn Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. and and two friends, Kathryn Robert Duncan of Eugene visited Erickson and Ann Wilburn, re at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al turned home with them for an vin Wantland Sunday. overnight visit. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Vlcek and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomp son spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jepson. Denver Family Occupies Home 1 1 j . children spent the Christmas hole days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Vlcek of Idleyld Par* Mrs. Erlene Snell and Bud Pitt of Portland visited at the home-, of her sisters and families, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rose and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Peterson were called to Junction City la-~t week by the sudden death of his mother, Mrs. Olga Peterson. Oregon is about six and a half flying hours from five known Soviet air bases in Siberia. Joy Theatre THURS.. FRI. JAN. 8 9 AGAINST ALL FLAGS Errol Flynn - Maureen O’Hara JAN. 19 SATURDAY SUNSET TRAIL Hopalong Cassidy Plus DANGER ZONE Tom Neale SUN- MON. JAN. tbit THE RAIDERS Richard Cont? - Viveca Lindfors TUES- WED. JAN. 13-14 MY MAN AND I Shelley Winters ■ Wendell C\>i ■,> Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Meier a©d "three daughters left for their home in California on Friday, January 2, after visiting here for ■nine days with relatives ana friends. An announcement has been re- -vived here by Mrs. P. D. Leath <Jf the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce boy December 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Donoho of Staten i.-land, N.Y., formally of Ver- —noma. Ho has been named Gary Lee. They have one other child, JoAnn, who will b four years «ild m February. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hawken. 'Jr., and Dickie, spent last week rad at Cannon Beach. They were accompanied by Mrs. Hawken's .brother, his wife and small daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roedigev, Jr, and family, visited with relatives al Tillamook last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire agient a few days last week at the coast Mr. and Mrs Frank Lange had a few friends in for New Year's ♦■vr Those present were Mr. and Mrs Carl Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Art Krttleson. Silvia Turner, Bill Wolff and Sunny Lee DeHart who had her little friend, Kathy Weller stay with her. Also pre «ent was Mrs. Etta Foley of Washington. Mr Lange's aunt «■•ho came New Year’s eve and a “ft Friday morning for Medford. Mr and Mrs. L. G. Hawken and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seelye, were aSMtit a group of Shrin rs who saw the New Year in at the Sea side hotel. They reported an «■njoyable time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs Harold Long of fart enr spent Christmas and N w Year's with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peterson. During the week they drove to Kennewick, Washington io visit Mr. Long's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lamping are the proud parents of twin ooys who arrived at 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. on Christmas morning. De ri'mbcr 25. The older twin, Daniel Lynn, weighed in at 5*< pounds. while the younger one, Donald l,ee was an even 5 pounds. The boys have two older brothers -nd a sister. The paternal grand- i.iother. Mrs. Milton Lamping, Sr., <* also a twin. Mr and Mrs John Clark and «wo daughters, Beverly and Nan. ey of Medford were guests at the ■Frank Lange home Thursday turning Mrs. Clark is Mr. Lange's cousin and Mrs. Foley’s daughtet The Clarks visited at the borne of his folks. Mr and Mrs Clark, at Treharne over the Nets Year's holiday. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Sykes from Ashland spent last week »nd at the Ernest East home. BEN S BARBER SHOP Expert Tontorial Work Vernonia, Oregon 4 Entirety New Entirety New Entirety New Entirety New Entirety New Entirety New Entirety New STYLING POWER POWERGLIDE ECONOMY SAFETY DURABILITY POWER STEERING Now 115-h.p. "Hue- Flame" engine with Powerglide.* Ad vanced lOlhp. "Thrift-King" engine in gearshift models. Naw outomollc storting and patting rango givet flashing getaway, greater patting ability in city driving. Ge forth*, an every •«Jon of gas! And, again in 1 9 S 3, Ch.vrol*t it th* low- a«f-pri<*d lino in the low-pric« «eld. Chevrolet's lower in height, with leng. Hewing, smoothly rounded, modern linet to give you the eewett, cmartett look In cart! Heavier, stronger, more rigid construc tion meant oven longer life for a cor elwoyt famous for durability. Entirety NEW through and through I X4i[p"T?l« VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY • Standard Oil Products Phone 342 “A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE” MORE PEOM.E BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CARI » Your Chevrolet and G.M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon i