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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1952)
« THURSDAY, DEC 18, 1952 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE, FOR SALE—General Four Couples Start Dancing I FOR SALE—Real Estate ALL kinds of potted plants for ■ FOR RENT: 3-room house, bach?, lor or couple. $18 per month. <7hnaU»as. Lindsl?y’s Riverview (Larderi: 51tlc i FOR RENT: Good 2-bedroom | modern house, wired for range. CHRISTMAS potted plants. Poin. ! Unfurnished. «ttia>, cherries, cyclamen. Mrs. HOMES K. A. Schedwin, on highway mid i IT’S NEW! 2-bedroom home, liv- | The holiday season decorations way b.'tween Vernonia and Bux- that have been prepared for te. 51tl • inb room and kitchen. Con- many Vernonia stores this year ! crete foundation. Extra large NEW daveno for sale. Call 613, lot. Price only $5000. Can get rate higher from the standpoint of time and energy devoted to Mrs. George Wells. 51 tl vets loan on this. them than has been true for quite 36-INCH. 4-bumer butane range; i VERY NEAT 3-bedroom modern I a few past years. The excel home wired for range. One 3 gal. teutan- water heater. In acne ground, barn and chick lence of the displays brings to r«*<d condition, very reasonably : house. Just out of city limits. mind a contest that was, con piirxd Second house on 4th St., ducted h ’re some 10 or 12 years Riverview, W. E. Barger. 51t3 I Only $5250, good terms. I VERY GOOD 2-bedroom modern ago by the Business and Profes sional Worn n’s club. EDR SALE: Canned fruits, blue- home wired for range. Full At that time this club con ferrrie:,, raspberries, Cascades, lo. cement basement. One block gamtM-rries. Strained honey. Wild from business district. Priced ducted a holiday window deco rating contest, the winner of turkeys and geese. A. F. Scha- J at $5500 fcirt. Third St., Riverview. 50t3 EXTRA: This very neat 2-bedrm. which was awarded a plaque house, electric heat, wired for which was retained for the fol THREE singer canaries for sale. range. Concrete foundation, 3 lowing year until another win Mrs Kofr Sutton, last house on lots. Only $3750, easy terms. ner was chosen. •eft, Rrvcrside Dl i 5Ot2c This contest was carried on for See this one. IWK Oalenum oil heater, 55,000 ONE ACRE ground in city limits. several years, but gradually was BTtJ. almost new. Price $35.00. Good building site. Price $400. forgotten. We would like to see the contest revived again and (■an tee seen at 867 Second Ave., Very good terms. A. L DeHart 50t2 3 LOTS, very good location for conducted each year at this sea son because it has considerable home. Price $600. • SPINET PIANO 3-ROOM house, 50x100 lot, gar- m.rit and because more and more age, very good location. Pete J attention is being devoted to win Will sacrifice for quick sale. 1 dow preparation. • $1400. $500 will handle Cash or tgrms. May be seen in The contest, when conducted FARMS 'Vaenuaia. Oregon. Write: Cre- in the past, drew the attention 2 ACRES. 4-room house on paved iff Department. highway close in. River borders of many people in this area to SALEM MUSIC CO on back. Only $3530, very easy the stores such displays Salem. Oregon were prepared. This would be a terms. 50t2c SEE this modern 4-bed room worthwhil? project for some local home, basement, furnace plus club to sponsor next yeir. KP1TOET PIANO. Will sacrifice electric heat. Wired for range. hr quick sale. Cash or terms. Next week's issu • of The Eagl? New garage. On paved high 4'un be «sen in Vernonia. Write way 5 mi. out. Price $9000. is scheduled to go into the post Tallman Piano Stores, Inc., Salem, office for distribution to sub Very good terms. Orrgun. 49t3c NEW unfinished 2*bedroom home. scribers one day ahead of the FOR SALE AFTER 30 DAYS: All insulated so far and enough usual time and because of this 4J»e etd fire escape on May insulation on ground to finish. advance in mailing tim?, the Horrte'a property, brown house One acre land, good barn. Price usual deadline will be advanced one day. Ordinarily the final »wit to Masonic hall. 49t3 as is $3500, easy terms. time for the insertion of items i DON BAYLEY. BROKER ■MBRTC1UNG. hand paian.'l is Wednesday noon, but next •’ MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia aztarVs. aprons, pillow cases, week the last n ws will be ac- ’ 51tlc <tav sets, teatowels. June Willis, cepted at noon Tuesday. , <W1 Res.? Ave. Phone 557. 37tfc WANTED______________ By advancing th? publication , AUL makes of sewing muchines HIGHEST cash prices paid for time for the Christmas week, the rrpaTtd Electrification 'Of any .-ream and eggs at your door— annual Christmas messages from make machín?. Park’s New Home picked up once or twice weekly— merchants will be placed in the Sb»re, 4816 N. Lombard or in call o.' write Forest Grove Cream hands of readers just ahead of quire Eagle office. 38tfc ery. Forest Grove, Oregon, phone the holiday. ________ 126. 14tfc AUCTION: Cash paid for live- Have you mailed in your re •Sock, furniture, tools, machinery TYPIN^j done in my home. Rea mittance for the Christmas Seals «»vy day or consign your property sonable rates. Mrs. William you received a few weeks ago? to our weekly Friday auction. Pringle, Mist Route, Vernonia. For 17 years the Seals have been ALTMANS Auc. Mart, phone 50t3 sold in Columbia county and IK215 Walt Altman. Auctioneer. funds from th'1 sales have been : Steu. phones: Walt, 4615; Arch used to better health standards LOST AND FOUND___ i’rye. 3164. 30tfc and further the work of tuber I LOST Lined brown leather jack culosis control. The money re DEAD STOCK PICKED UP et, size 44. Lost after Warren ceived from this source is used Free of Charge ton football game at high school. for a highly worthwhile cause ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE Inquire at the Vernonia Eagle and one that deserves your at HORSES BOUGHT. offic?. 51tl tention. Don’t fail to pay for Phene collect, Clatskanie 44R11 them. CLASSIFIED RATES COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 In the diary of a U.S. embassy 51tfc word: or less. Words over min man 18 months in Russia in the 15tfc imum. 2c each. Three inser November 28 issue of the U.S. tions for the price of two. News and World Report it comes F. DON SIMMONSON registered 4 wn.> Tuning and Servicing. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY to light that in Russia it is for- ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER biden to talk when you operat? Msmbei National Ass'n. Piano WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR an automobile. rvwrs. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, NEXT WEEKS PAPER. As the embassy attache was . bam tOT 3itfc THE EAGLE assumes no finan driving near the Kremlin in Mos r BUS HE I) ROCK FOR cial responsibility for errors cow, the car was abruptly stop eneds and driveways. Also have that may appear in ads pub ped by a militiaman who was Mind and gravel and fill dirt. See lished in its columns, but in directing traffic at quite a dis J» P Spofford or call 1023. 36tfc case where this paper is at tance from the car. fault, will reprint that part of The car. an American make, FOR SALE Livestock an adv. in which the typo was whistled down wildly and WWNKR PIGS $10 and $12 graphical mistake occurs. when it drew to the curb the of cai h Ralph McKee, 10th St., ficer said: “don't you know it R»vrrv»ew. 5lt3c is forbidden to talk when you 80-Sq. Print operate an automobile? Never FOR SALE—Insurance 1 1 * ■■ 'f do it again. Is that clear?" HE1 L HUDSON Insurance, tele- What kind of a handicap would fduvm 773. We have a reliable that be in this country’ A driver C«v, writing cars for 3, 6, 9 couldn't "cuss’’ th? jaywalker. ■Ninths at h>w ratee. Also fire »iv »nance. Geo. Bell, H Hudson. i 37tfc : I I OR RENT I I I FURNISHED home for rent to I r» ¿»ble couple, for period of five While They Last I cncnths. Se owner. Mrs. Charles » R» t k le.________________ 5771 House Dresses $2.79 FOR RENT Four-room house. In <w e Vein Sykes at Vernonia A,.’ > Co ph.MM Ml ■> 111« 3 HsX'M house for rent Also rook stove, circulating heater in uwd condition for sale. Inquire J ■fvhmedding. Timber Rt., Ver- MISCELLANEOUS ».XPERT LAUNDRY SERVICE for your convenience' Laundered and dued. 15c lb. Reasonable sates for finishing Curtain fin- timg a specialty Mrs. E. M. York. 10« A St, phone 1107. I2tfc $5.98 Skirts $3.98 AROUND HOME... BIRKENFELD — There are i One of the major "catastrophes” four couples from here who have in the family circle usually starts entered th? n?w square dance i class in Vernonia. They are: like this, says Frances Gallatin, home agent: Junior takes some Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jepson, Mr. pennies from the dresser. Bill and Mrs. Howard Jones, Mr. and comes home with a cand^ bar Mrs. Francis Nordstrom, and Mr that he didn't pay for. Mary brings home a toy from the and Mrs. Everett Johnston. Jones ’s without having asked Mrs. Laurence Jepson and Mrs. permission. Dad and Mom very G. P. Wanstrom were in Port likely don't spare the rod in land Saturday. those cases, but is it really steal, The Nhssionary ladies met with ing? Mrs. Dugan Thursday. Tom Poffenberger, family life Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larson specialist, gives the following ad wsr? in Portland Tuesday. vice: It is important to remember Vic Berg presented two dances that children have to learn how by his young square dancers at to do things. The right way to the Episcopal Bazaar. The young act doesn’t come naturally. It’s dancers were well trained. They easy to recognize that youngsters STOCK SIGNS were Nellie and Judy Berg, Kathy have to learn the multiplication DuPuis, Marjorie Jones, Clinton tables, and don’t get too ex- | AVAILABLE AT THE and Sammy Baker and Edgar cited if they make a few mistakes I and Walter Berg. in the process. In just the same | EAGLE way they have to learn what be- ' “Compos mentis" means of SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHAl.EM sound mind. X » the truck driver or the driver of the other car when the occasion demanded In fact, it would be almost impossible to drive! While Walter Norblad, U. S. congressman, was her'' for a few hours recently he said something that makes sense to this column. He said the national budget should be balanced and to do so ther? should be no big income tax cut at this time as long as incomes rema;n generally. high. Instead, by pretty much main taining the present tax rate the budget should be brought into balance and the indebtedness of the U.S. should be reduced and eventually paid off. The congressman was pleased at having polled as a winner in the four Vernonia precincts last election for the first time since he has been in office. x » a. e X ta Riverview Featuring... r. e "5 Z rn Hudson House Olives — String Beans — Com Peas X I X o •e z M X > r- s* I i NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 ar c •e ■Z x t- M KS1VH3N <IOHS — Ka’IVHSN dOHS — K31VH3N dOHS /SC-OGCX on those long distance Christmas tails i ww OLD H ermitage BRAND We know that long distance calls add much to Christmas happiness. And we’ll do everything possible to complete your calls. It’s a good idea to place your long distance calls earl) and to call b) number. That way, your telephone team speeds your "Merry Christmas" messages more quickly. i i I i i t___ oisphoh mii'in 3ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZ% h TREATS FOR EVERY 5 MEAL 86 PROOF . THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY. FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY Annual Christmas i TURKEY SHOOT Turkeys — Chickens All Nylon Slips $1.98 ; POLLY'S I : VARIETY i longs to them and what to others. Unfortunately, we get very up set when they make mistakes about taking things, instead of quietly seeing to it that they understand that we don’t take things which don’t belong to us We punish instead of teach. Instead of spanking Junior, he should have a small allowance of his own so that he begins to know what is his and what is someone else's. Bill, instead of being severly scolded and made to feel as though he were a criminal, can be helped to see that he must tak? the candy bar back to the store and tell the store keeper that he made a mistake. Mary can learn that one doesn't “borrow" things without asking the owner. It all should be a matter of learning, not punish ment, in the beginning stages. H 0-A Ball Park 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. — Sun., Dec. 21 i Every meal you serve will be a treat if the foods going into the preparation of that meal are ordered from KING’S. Al ways shop this complete, modern grocery for food satisfac tion. H 5 KING’S Grocery - Market H Phone 91 Riverview H H “Where Your Money Buy» More' At the Mile Bridge 7 HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHS