Social Security Holiday Guests I Salary Problems Loaded Lumber Some self-employed people still [Truck Overturns Topic of Meet do not fully understand their Are Entertained rights and obligations under social security, Everell Cummins, field representative of the Portland social security office declared this week. Because of misunderstanding, Cummins said, many returns are being filed by persons in the ex­ cluded group of self-employed people. Certain specified profes­ sions such as doctors, lawyers, dentists, architects, and profes­ sional engineers are not covered by old-age and survivors insur­ ance. "On the other hand, Cum­ mins added, "returns are not being filed by some who are re­ quired to do so." Cummins says that some people do not know the amount of self­ employment income that should be reported for social security purposes. What actually counts towards old-age and survivors insurance are the NET earnings (gross income less allowable busi­ ness deduction) from a covered trade or business. The NET earn­ ings must be at least $400 during the taxable year and no more than $3600 for the year can b credited to a social security ac­ count. In case of a partnership, tach partner will include in his NET earnings his distributive share of the ordinary net income or loss from the partnership en­ terprise. If husband and wife operate a business as a genuine partn.rship enterprise, each will report his or her rasp ctive share of the business profits as net earnings, and each will receive social security credit. But, if only the husband or only the wife is the so' ■ owner of the business, even though the other helps in the business, then the owner alone will tarn social security credits. Another frequent mistake point­ ed out by Cummins, is the in­ clusion of income not directly connected with the trade cr busi­ ness; such as dividends and in­ terest from stocks and bonds, rentals from real estat.1 (where the self-employed person is not a real estate dealer) gains from speculation, etc. By the same tok-n, and pro­ bably more serious, he said, is the failure to take into considera­ tion that certain business ex­ penses must be d.duct’d before arriving at proper net earnings for social security purposes. There are other misunder­ standings Cummins said; but the ones listed are the most frequent and the ones in which most of the errors take place. Cummins urged those in doubt as to their social security status to contact him or the representa­ tive accompanying him in St. Helens on Monday, December 15. Hours will be from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. and the location will be the second floor of the St. Helens Court house. With two repre­ sentations here Monday there should be very little waiting. NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. T. Duggan and girls were Thanks- eiving day dinner guests at the Kenneth Wells home. Other guests were Mrs. Wells brother and family of Mist. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews were Forest Grove visitors last Tuesday. ROCK CREEK — A truckload i of lumber from the Quirin mill Salary problems facing Ore­ gon's schools will be discussed by school board members, adminis­ trators and teachers at a meeting sponsored by the Oregon educa­ tion association, department of classroom teachers, to be held in Salem. Decemb“r 13, 9:00 a m. to 3:30 pm. at Parrish Jr. high Marvlou Fredrickson was a school. Saturday night dinner guest at Keynoting the occasion will be the home of Mrs. Olstead at Dr. W. L. Van Loan, superinten- Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson I dent of schools. Corvallis, who is i scheduled to speak on "The Re­ were Hillsboro visitors Tuesday lationship of High Salaries to Clarence Linsay of Redmond Beter Education.” Paul Collins, visited his parents here Thanks­ research director of the Oregon giving day. education association, will discuss Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Billman recent trends in developing salary were last Friday evening callers schedules for public school em­ at the E. Kysers. ployes. I on Crooked Creek had the mis- | fortune to run too near the edge . of the road and overturned onto the railroad tracks where they parallel the road near the bluff. Lola Fugate ha« been confined to her horn’ for several weeks. Several loads of gravel applied to the western approach to the : bluff have helped the chuck holes there, but the bluff itself is now a strictly one-car road. Many thanks are expressed for the gravel already applied with hope it won't be too long until some of the other bad holes will be filled. Don Claypool and his wife spent a few days visiting his family near Keasey and telling of some of his experiences in Germany, where he was sent soon after his enlistment. The B n Westerbergs with Eola DeVaney drove to Rockaway to visit his brother and family. They miss'd seeing Eola's twin sister. Lola Hackett of Seattle, three of her daughters and husbands and only grandchild. Instead N'ecia D;Witt had the pleasure of meeting her aunt again as well as cousins, most of whom she knew in name only. THURSDAY, DEC I», »952 Marvin Kamhoh Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia. Oregon Entered as second class mai) matter. August 4, 1922 at th»- post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1379. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else­ where $3 50. PHONE 853 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT N AI IO NAL EDITORIAL N * / Il ASSOCIATION rBe sure...shop1 .SAFEWAY Mcv lb. lb. lb lb. lb. Beef Round Steak Beef Rump Roast Sirloin Steak T-Bone Steak Boneless Boe! Slew’ Pure Honey Cheese Food Peaches Apple Juice 2 Str'wbïry Jelly Heinz U. S. Fancy No. 1 Van Zee Brand Freestone Halves or Slices 5-lb. can 35c 89c 2-lb. brick No. 2’i can 32- oz I cans Dude Ranch A l-lb. Jar * 85c 79c 89c 98c 79c u&ite&tne Spaghetti 22-oz. can 19c 124i-oz. can 2/ 25c ZEE BRAND Facial Tissue 400 Count 19c Pkg Now you don't need a water softener? I I NEW SUDS MADE SPECIALLY / FOR -oureraroaMS YOUR LOCAL WATER \ ' awr ‘260 4 5 QUAtT soafi ; PARADE I I 30c 79c 49c 4Qc 72c 19c Pork Chops, center cut lb Halibut Steaks lb. Fillet of Sole lb Whiting, headed- H>. Fresh Oysters ............ Pint 61c 59c 65c 29c 65c lb 20c Karo Syrup Blue Label bottle No. >2 Nu an 33c Mayonnaise Made Tint l-lb. 33c Royal Satin Shortening 3 lb. l-lb. 79c Westag Vanilla 16 oz. i n 85c 2.ib $ 1.69 Sweet Pickles w°hoSbia Deviled Ham Tuna Fish Chunk Dalrich Margarine Shady Lane Butter Nob Hill Coffee Airway Coffee l-lb GRANULATED SOAP Mr*. Wrights Bread 1H lb. 23c Skylark Breads variety l-lb. 20c Playfair Dog Food___ can gc CigaraitM. fam. brands ctn. $1.59 Prince Albert Tobacco l-lb. 95c Sir Walter Raleigh . 14-oz. 95c Velvet Tobacco .... l-lb. can 95c Colored Gift Wrap 4 sheet 15c White Gift Wrap _4 sheets 10c Toilet Tissue. Zee_ 4 roUi 37c Kotex 12'8------ ----- 2 pkgs 77c Zee Whit« Napkin« 2 pkg« 25c Zee Wax Paper, 125' roll _ 27c Scotch Tape, No. 25 ----- 25c Colgate Dental Cream. econ. 63c Ipana Tooth Paata, large __ 63c Pilgrim Aspirin. bot. of 100_ 19c Alka Saltier, large size__ 54c lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. Edwards Coffee 1 u90c 2 ib J1.79Curtsy Fruit Cake 14 Bz. Sunnybank Margarine Ub. 33c Tea Timer Crackers l-lb. Ebony Ripe Olives J£dirn?.n 25c Roxbury Satin Mix 1 lb Ruth Ashbrook Pastries pkg. 30c Roxbury Cherries chocoUKIb. APRICOTS, 21’ can -- ---4 for $1.00 24 can Case - - - --$5.98 FRANCO-AMERICAN • HUES FOR YOU IN CUR MEAT SECTION Standing Rib Roast Corned Beef Ground Beef Lamb Rib Chops Breast o' Lamb ARIZONA MARSH SEEDLESS White M?qic GRAPEFRUIT 22c Baking Needs • Flour. Suzanna Pancaki 40-oz — 33c • Flour. Softasilk Cake 2’» lb 46c • Fleet Mix 40 oz. 4$c • Flour, Kitchen Craft 10-lb............ $102 Nuts-In Shell • • • • Walnuts Brazil Nuts Mixed Nut« Almonds lib 1 lb l-lb l-lb. 43c 59c 49c 49c Fresh Tobaccos COPENHAGEN 3 40 98c Roll PRINCE ALBERT. Valve* 2 for 2$c l-lb Cam 95c GRANGER l-lb Can 89c GEORGE WASHINGTON 1 lb. Can 73c 8 Grapes ärx ». 15c Apples 5>M9 c Oranges csu 5 ^49c Winesaps Broccoli Turnips Parsnips lb. 19c lb. 10c lb. 17c 5 THE VERNONIA EAGLE Fresh Fryers BBAMD 86 PROOF • THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY. FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY VERNONIA. ORE. i Hood River »410 THE EAGLE, Rutabagas _. lb. 8c Potatoes 10-lb. 03c Potatoes 25-lb $1.45 Prices effective thru Saturday, December 13