2 THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1952 THE Ms. and Mrs. Derrel Rose and children moved to Springfield Sunday. Mr. Rose has obtained work at the Batholomew and Buell undertaking parlor there. VERNONIA. ORE. j ! I | i TREHARNE — Mrs. Byron Kirkbride entertained the Tre- hame birthday club Thursday, November 6 in her home in honor of her birthday. Since there were no birthdays in Nov­ ember and so many birthdays in December Mrs. Kirkbride and Mrs. Smith set their parties up in November. Linnie Reynolds, who is staying with her sister and family, Mrs. Claude Weaver, while Mr. Weaver is in the hos­ pital, and Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride were guests. The club is having a rummage sale at Mrs. Midge Reynold's Nov. 13. Sale of cof­ fee to drink with sack lunch and proceeds of rummage sale are to replenish club funds to be used for good cheer and aid where needed in the neighbor­ hood. Mrs. Merle Odam, children, Judy, Jimmy and Darrell, re­ turned home during the week end from their trip back east. Mrs. Merle Odam, Jimmy and Darrell, called on Mrs. Florence Kirkbride Monday afternoon. Official* of the state depart­ ment of veterans’ affairs have expressed their concern over the fact that more than 1000 widows, children and parents of deceased Oregon World War II veterans have neglected to apply for the bonus. The deadline is Decem­ ber 1, less than a month away. H. C. Saalfeld, bonus super­ visor for the state veterans’ de­ partment, which administers the benefit, said an estimated 5,000 veterans who were bona fide residents for one year prior to their World War II service have died in service or since discharge. However, bonus applications have been received from bene­ ficiaries of only 3,978 of these de­ ceased, and Saalfeld said the de­ partment is concerned lest many of the rema.ning neglect to apply for the benefit before the dead­ line. As of October 21 a total of 101,271 bonus payments had been made to living veterans and next of kin in the amount of $40,- 864,200. The average payment per living veteran was $401.75, and in behalf of deceased veter­ ans, $536.89. Roof of Natal Hall Repaired The last Pomona Grange meet­ KNOW-UM SIGNALS WIVES HOUSE­ HOW TO KEEP HUBBY HAPPY ? When a man comes home after • a hard day's work he likes io [ sit down to a really good meal | And your meals can be good • i only when you use good foods. | , Thai's why the chief suggests you trade at Mill Market and RIVERVIEW — Clifton Solo­ mon and Vercie Eaton of Rose­ burg came Wednesday and took the former's father, Tom Solo­ mon, and went to Eastern Oregon elk hunting. They returned Fri­ day night. No' luck. Mrs. Glenn Mitchell visited her husband in the Veteran's hos­ pital in Portland Saturday. She found him rested but his leg had not improved at all. Mrs. Archie Craig and son of Ellensburg spent a week visiting her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Normand, leaving Fri­ day. Sunday visitors at the Ed Buck- nsr home were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rundell and Mrs. Emery George of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Rundell. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harring­ ton of Salem visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Vlcek Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and son, Kenneth, visited her sister, Mrs. Ray Dorland, at Hillsboro Friday. (You and your husband will like the prices too.) ¡MILL MARKET i AND LOCKERS • Remember— j DELIVERIES TWICE • DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p m. PHONE 1391 H-E-A-L-T-H And for the very best in Milk it's the NEHALEM DAIRY. If you wish milk delivered tc your door why not pick up the phone and starting having that convenience at no extra cost TODAY! REMEMBER —Fo! milk at it's best it's th PHONE 471 | j , I Joy Theatre THURS.. FRI. NOV. 13-14 THE DUEL AT SILVER CREEK Injury to Ankle Given Treatment (Color) Audie Murphy - Faith Domerque NOV. 15 SATURDAY TREHARNE — Ted Marlott was in the Portland Sanitarium * several days last week for treat­ ments on his ankle which he broke while hunting. Infection had set in. Mrs. Lin Reynolds slipped and fell on a wet walk Monday morning, bruising her left knee and right arm. She was carry­ ing her infant son, David, at the time, but he luckily was unin­ jured. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller Sunday. RAWHIDE Tyrone Power . Susan Hayward SUN. MON. NOV. 16-17 LURE OF THE WILDERNESS J?an Peters - Jeffrey Hunter TUES.. WED. NOV. 18-19 TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT Humphrey Bogart-Lauren Bacall Walter Brennan A TOUGH THREE MONTHS AHEAD { FOR YOUR CAR I ! First it's cold, then it's warm . . . flush, rain, sleet — the weatherman has lots of tricks for the next three months. I You can avoid motoring trouble though by stopping in at Vernonia Service and letting George give it a check-up. I i | Geo. JoAnaon Telephone 311 Vernonia Sen. Sta. Corner Rose and Bridge Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon THAT GOES ON THE END OF THIS GADGET NEHAL Grade A Pasteurlzod Milk & Cream • Paul. Mr. and Mrs Albert Oakes and son of Salem spent Sunday visit, ing at the home of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. A I WANT A GIMMICK READER ADV. ykdWash -a3wnu DO YOUR Christmas shopping early. Pythian Sister bazaar, and food sale November 22. 461 lc SPELLS RIVERVIEW — Kenneth Lind- i Say left Monday for Portland to enter the service ol the U. S. PYTHIAN SISTER bazaar No­ vember 22. Pillow slips. aprons, etc. Harris building. Bridge St., near Weed Ave. 46t!c ! Lockers — because they carry i nothing but good foods. Oakes. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley, son Bobby, granddaughters Cleo and Kimmie Breedin, and Mrs Jack Fulton spent the week end Army. Mrs. Grace Normand spent Fri- | at Bonny Slope visiting Mr. and day in Portland visiting at the Mrs. Gerald McCool. I home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane , I RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Middleton and children moved from the Smith house near 8th St. to the Kono house. Mrs. George Carl and children of Hillsboro visited at the Olof Jacobson home Friday. Her eld­ est son, Robert Durham, entered the U. S. army Monday, Mrs. Helen Rand of St. Helens visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. P. L. Welter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Wirtz ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Pederson and sons to Portland Sunday where they attended open housj and a benefit tea at the St. Joseph home for the aged. Mrs. Carl Wilson and children left Sunday evening for their home at Missoula, Montana after spending two weeks at the home off her mother, Mrs. Blanche Mil lis. Mrs. P. L. Welter returned home Tuesday after spending ten days at the home of her daugh­ ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gil­ bert Abney, at Wishram, Wash­ ington. Hunters Return Without Luck TREHARNE — George Snyder, LeRoy Thomas, James and Rosa­ lie Kirkbride were in Vernonia Tuesday'helping decorate the old high school gym for the Sadie Hawkins dance which will be held this next Saturday night. Mrs. Jane Miller called on Mrs. Florence Kirkbride Tuesday afternoon. Rosalie, Stephen and Walter Kirkbride spent Saturday in Ver­ nonia helping their grandparents with odd jobs. Mrs. Jack Kells and children of Mist visited Mrs. Snyder and Velma Wednesday. Btrt Tisdale attended the ball game at Forest Grove Saturday evening while Mrs. Tisdale and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck and Sue visited Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Pierce in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and Mrs. Sam Beck and Sue w.-re in Forest Grove on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds and sons motored to Forest Grove Saturday afternoon on business. Mrs. B A. Kirkbride, Jean and Rosalie and Edwina Siedelman attended the show at the Car-Vu Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Siedel- man, Nancy and Donald, Jean Kirkbride and Edwina Siedel­ man drove to Portland Saturday. ing was attended by Mrs. L. Carmichael, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap. Clyde Henderson and Richard Peterson who repre­ sented the Natal Grange. CHIEF ( : | j ‘ Hall Prepared For SH Dance Natal Grangers gathered last Sunday, November 2, for a work day which was devoted to re­ pairing the roof of the hall. An­ other activity of the Natal Grange was a benefit party that took place October 31 for the Wells family. That party also served as a welcome for the Wells. The Natal home tconomics club met Wednesday of last week at the H. H. Anderegg home at which time the hostess box was won by Myrtle Mathews. The next meeting of this group will take place December 3 when Christmas plans will be made. I Army Service Started Monday Residence Place Changed by Family Applications for Bonus Still Out Club Entertained; Plan* Rummage Sale Pomona Grange Names Officers Clatskanie Grange acted as host to Pomona Grange at the Quincy school Saturday, Novem­ ber 1. One of the main activities of the day was the election of officers with results as follows: Master. Walter Tracy, re-elect­ ed; Overseer, Arnold Tarbell, re­ flected; Steward, Joe Englund; A. 6, Jerry Fildes, re-elected; Chaplain, Fannie Mackey, re­ ejected; L.A.S. Faye Tarbell; treasurer, Vilas Shepard; secre- tary. Elsie Tracy, re-elected; G.K., Matt Erickson; Ceres, Florence Tarbell; Pomona, Mary Schwab; Flora, Thelma Thomas, executive committee, Walter Carl, Noble Dunlap and Oscar Weed; Lectur­ er. Lydia Erickson, re-elected. Canning contest winners were: tree fruit — 1st Anna Paavola, Marshland. 2nd Viena Rantala, Marshland, 3rd Elizabeth Parker, Marshland, berries — 1st Bernice Annia. S. Scappoose; 2nd Pearl Becker. Warren, 3rd Ida Nelson, Marshland, jelly — 1st Bernice Anna. 2nd Bernice Luxford, M*shland. 3rd Bertha Lyons, Marshland Pomona will meet next at Beav­ er Homes in February, EAGLE, » I I H ermitage If you were a hardware man you wouldn’t even smile when your custo­ mer makes a request like this. You select the proper item for him, wrap it up and another customer is happy. We are used to and ready to answer questions like: "How much paint do I need for the walls of my kitchen?” or “How many nails do I need for building a henhouse?” BRAMI MAKE THIS YOUR CORNERSTONE FOR BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE We sell most everything you need to maintain your home, farm or shop. Whatever you need, try us first! Builders Hardware Superflame Heaters Paint, Varnish Hand Tools Farm Tools Fishing Tackle Westinghouse Ap­ pliances McCulloch Chain Saws HAHN HARDWARE COMPANY fa fatici $Q60 Pint M SA1J » 5 Qt ’ 86 PROOF • THE OLD HERMITIGE cnuPANV FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY Telephone 181 I Vernonia, Ore. ! j j ! !