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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1952)
« THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1952 THE EAGIÆ, VERNONIA, ORE CLASSIFIEDS Next Regular MHC Meeting Scheduled Trip to Vet Hospital Plan of Post, Auxiliary Enrollment of Injury Results From Woods Work School Raised MIST — The next regular meeting of the MHC will be with Mrs. Chas. Sundland unless other RIVERVIEW — Albert Tun- wise notified and it will be on the 20th this time. I I nell of Oakndg?, who formerly Shalmon Libel was a Pori’and lived here, was injured while visitor last Thursday. FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Rea! Estate business working in the woods last week. Demonstration will b ■ at the He sustained a broken leg, shoul horn- of Mrs. Robert Mathews WALNUTS for sale. You Pick. FOR SALE with option to buy: der and rib. He is recovering on Friday of this week and it 10c lb. Chestnuts also. L. E. Only $25 a month plus interest or will be on holiday decorations. from h;s injuries in the Sacred Ellis, 3 mil.» out on Mist Rt. $500 down, $35 a month. One Mr. and Mrs. Haff and child Heart hospital in Eugene. Mr. 44t2c big bedroom, living, kitchen. ren from Beaverton were guests and Mrs. George Tunnell and Ro of her sister, Mrs. Robert E rg, bert Tunn'11 ar.d daughter, Na M W 8.9 Cu. ft. refrigerator with Bath, utility room, double gar- over the week end. t»0 lb. frozen frxxi locker. $200. age. Lot 75x100 Only 200 ft. I Claud Johnson and Virginia dine, visited him there Wednes $100 cash, rest terms. See it at from city hall. Owner. 701 Weed were movie-goers Sunday even- day night and Thursday. ing. Mrs. C. E. Vlcek of Idleyld • 107 Ruth Av-*., or inquire by Ave., com'.r Maple. 42t3 Snirlcy Wikstrom recently spent Park came V»’ dnesday to spend ■ ailing 1477, 44t3c the week end in Portland with a week at the horn? of her son 4-ROOM house, clean. Nice for her sister, Margie. (RIB mattress, Elridge sewing one or two persons. Furnished. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Myron machine, ironing board, washer, Reasonable. Be sure to see this. DANCE — Birkenfeld. November Vlcek. table 80 gal hot water tank 1295 Rose Ave. 44t3 1. 4ttic Mrs. Louis Huntley and Mrs. Very’cheap. HyVan Hotel. Handley Stubblefield and two LEGAL NOTICE 44t2 HOMES daughters-in-laws, Mrs. Tom ONE ACRE ground in city limits. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Williamson and Mrs. Jim Wil GEIGER COUNTER and mineral Good building site. Price $400 THE STATE OF OREGON FOR liamson, visited Friday night and light with extra batteries for Very good t°rms. Saturday with Mrs. Helen Hunt- COLUMBIA COUNTY each. Lloyd Sessman, box 78, SALE OR RENT: 6-room modern In the matter of the Estate and ley at Tacoma, Washington. Al Vernonia, Ore. 44tlc house Mi block from business Guardianship of Charlotte Huit bert Huntley of Fort Lewis joined district. Wired for range, in- a minor. them there and returned with PRIVATE RUMMAGE SALE: sulated. See this one. them for the week tnd. Used furniture, oil heater, hot I NOICE OF SALE 3 LOTS, very good location for Mrs. Jim Bond of Weott, Cali plate, Mixmaster, steam iron, pos Notice is hereby given that home. Price $600. tal telegraph, electric clock and pursuant to an order of the Coun fornia and Mrs. Earl Newcomb many other articles including 3-ROOM house, 50x100 lot. gar- ty Court of Columbia County, of Fortuna, California visited age, very good location. P1IC3 Oregon, made sh w and us-d dishes and stem and entered herein friends her1 from Wednesday till $1400. $500 will handle. ware, crystal, cut glass, Fostoria, on October 6, 1952, in said Saturday having visited relatives l*one otiina. Would make nice VERY neat 2-bedroom modern guardianship estate matter, au- at Raymond, Washington the fore home, wired for range. Garage, thorizing and directing the guar- part of the week. Mrs. Charles Xmas gifts. All very reasonable. woodshed and storeroom. Good dian thereof to sell all the right, All.n went with them to Ray Afternoons and evenings at 846 business lot in connection just title, and interest of said mmoi mond where she visit d her par N. Weed Ave. 42t3 across street from schools. Price in and to the following describe! ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. ¿abine. TRADE GRAVEL for plowing. only $4500, terms. real estate, the undersignea Also 4 yard pitrun load, $10. Sale ONE block off Bridge St., 6 rms.. guardian will from and aftei «heap: 1G White Leghorns. «Ft wired for range, Full base November 21, 1952, sell at private Jog and pulp hauling. No busi ment. Elec. water heater, 2 sale, for cash, subject to confir ness Saturday, Clint Seibert. 42t3 kitchens. Can be used as du- mation of the court, and continue plex. Price only $5500, $1000 to offer for sale until sold tne HEREFORD steer beef for will handle. following described real estate !t<ker. A. J. Kirk, 3*à mi. on B1RKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. VERY good 6-room house; 3 within Columbia County, Ore *J itnber Rt. 4213 G. W. Parman gave a d’nner bedrooms, dining room and liv gon, to-wit: party Sat urday night for the fol HEM-STITCHING, hand painted ing room. Wired for range. Parcel 1: Southwest quarter of lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Don oi tic les, aprons, pillow cases, Barn and chick house; 1 acre the northwest quarter of Sec J.nstn. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bel i hair sets, teatowels. June Willis, ground. All for $5250. Good tion 7, T. 4N. of R. 4 W. of the lingham, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell P91 Rose Ave. Phone 557. 37tfc Baker Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson terms. W.M. FOR SALE: Hay, wheat straw, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott. Parcel 2: Government Lot 1, ot GOOD 2-bedrm plastered house After dinner they watched tele feed wh at and seed wheat. Fair S ction 7, T 4 N. of R. 4 W close to schools and churches. vision awhile and then went prices as to quality and quantity. dancing. of the W.M. Wired for range, on sewer. At farm or delivered. Elmer Ber- The Eagles dance at Birken- Parcel 3: Northeast quarter of Price only $4500, good terms. gtraon. Timber Rt., Vernonia, i 2 BEDROOM house on 3 lots, the northwest quarter of Sec feld gym scheduled for October 1'regon. 36tfc tion 7, T. 4 N. of R. 4 W. of 25 has been postponed till No- Large fruit room, garage and vember 1 because of the opcning the W.M. woodshed. Wired for range. A LI. makes of sewing machines of the hunting season. Price only $3750. north Very good Parcel 4: North it paired. Electrification of any The Sewing Club met with east quarter 4 , T. Mrs. Buddy Larsen last Tuesday terms. make michine. Park’s New Home with six members present. The 4 N. of R. 4 W. of the W.M. More. 4816 N. Lombard or in FARMS meeting will t? with Mrs. quire Eagle office. 38tfc 60 ACRES, 8-room house, 6-stan- All bids should be directed to I next Fred Larson, November 4. the undersigned attorneys at St. chion barn, garage and chick Mrs. Ted Bellingham spent AUCTION: Cash paid for live house. Full price $7000. Con Helens, Oregon, and be accom Thursday in Vernonia with stock. furniture, tools, machinery panied by ten Der cent of the mother, Mrs Ace Lolly, and sider car or truck in deal. any day or consign your property sister, Mrs. Cloice Hall. amount bid. 250 ACRES, modern 5-rm. house, ta our weekly Friday auction. Mildred Calhoon, Guaidian 2 barns, 30 acres in cultivation. ALTMAN'S Auc. Mart, phone John L. Foote, River borders one side. Some JS21S. Walt Altman. Auctioneer. D. C. Bond, timber. Four miles out of Ver Res. phones: Walt, 4615: Arch Attorneys for Guardian, nonia. Price $20,000, terms. Frye. 3464. 30tfc St. Helens, Oregon. DON BAYLEY, BROKER First publication Oct. 23 1952. UP DEAD STOCK PICKED MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia Last publication Nov. 13, 195?. Free of Charge MIST — The Mist Helping 44tlc Thone collect, Clatskanie 65R3 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Circle met last Thursday at the horn? of Mrs. A. R. Melis. There The cost of making history has If no answer, call Twin Oaks NOTICE is hereby given that A always been terrific—but never the undersigned has filed her were 11 members presen*. 1101, Portland, Oregon. delicious dinner was served and quite what it is now. Columbia Rndering Company Final Account and Report in the afterwards quite a lengthy busi- 15tfc Estate of Jennie Shaver, deceased, nss meeting took up most of the afternoon. Plans and more busi. in the County Court of Columbia ir-ss pertaining to the on-com F. DON S1MMONSON registered County, and that the Court has ing auction sale program and Piano Tuning and Servicing. fixed Saturday, November 29, supper, etc., were worked on. Member National Ass’n. Piano 1952, in the Probate Department The doings will come off on tuners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, of the said Court as th'« time and Nov mber 22 at the Mist gym. Phone 837. 31tfc so better b-> diggin’ up the tin place for the hearing of objec cans for we need your money to CRUS H E I) ROCK FOR tions thereto and the settlement pay the monthly street light bill. 11,ids and driveways. Also have You’ll get your money’s worth. thereof. Aileen Johnson was horn > last Mind and gravel and fill dirt. See MINNIE DASHNEY week end from Portland where D P. Spofford or call 1023 36tfc Administratrix she is working in the bank. Near W. Bush, Attorney FOR SALE—Insurance Oct 30— Nov. 6. 13, 20. and DANCE — 3irkenfeld, November VFLL HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Io, writing cars for 3, 6, 9 z-"— month* at low rates. Also fire i uranic. Geo Bell. H. Hudson. 37tfc TV Watched at Birkenield Home Plans Made for Coming Program BIRKENFELD — There are four more pupils in school, Mr and Mrs. Wells moved on the old Camberg place. Mrs. Anna Hanberg was a cal ler at the Guy Bellingham home Saturday. Mrs. Ted Bellingham and Mrs. Cecil Elliott wer .• in Clatskanie Moaday. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills spent the week end in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Dave La Plante. Bill Carl will be in tne Cowlitz general hospital approximately 3 weeks. X-ray disclosea he had a broken hip. They had to per form a slight operation Wednes day and put a pin in to hold it in place. (H? would appreciate cards). Mrs. Julia Vadnais of Madras is here visiting her sister. Mrs Elsa Richardson, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bellingham. The regular meeting of the VFW Auxiliary held at Vike’s Cafe with 11 members present. Several members of the Post and Auxiliary are pnini to visit the Veteran’s hospital in Port land November 3 at which time cigarettes will be distributed among the veterans. Plans are underway to make the Gold Star Mothers of Ver nonia honorary members of the Auxiliary. Hunters Seek Birds In Eastern Oregon BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jepson went to Vale for a few days of bird hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Art Belbngham and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nord strom left Thursday for Klamath Falls to do some bird hunting. ■ DANCE — Birkenfeld. November 1. 4411c Service Man Here for Visit ROYAL RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. S. E. McCoy and son of Portland visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell, Sunday. Earl Wantland of Whidby Island. Washington spent the wek end at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Want land. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline spent Sunday in Portland visiting a; the home of her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer. The World’s First TRULY MODERN Portable Typewriter THE VERNONIA EAGLE PHONE 853 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT DANCE — Birkenfeld, November 1. 44Í1C MZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ^ H H H OPTOMETRIST X H M Announces with pleasure the opening of his office in the Z H H H M H H H H For Appointment, Call 663 H H EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED ^ hzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh S DR. GEORGE E. COBERN JOY THEATER BUILDING Wednesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Later by Appointment See Streitwieser Buick IN HILLSBORO FOR New Buicks AND Good Used Cars PHONE HILLSBORO 8081 FOR RENT WANTED WANTED Burls also Fit Hem lock and Cedar logs. Nieder- i- • yer Martin Co.. 715 Portland 'Dust Building. Portland. Oregon 44t5c 4.(Oil baby crib. David Tribble. Mist Rt, 2nd house on right, 1st rtrret, Riverview. *313 WANTED Ironing in my home Inquue Mrs. B. A Kirkbride, phone 8811. 42t3c so satisfying For nearly half a century Olimpia has devoted its skill in creating a light, yet satis fying beer. Today, the third generation ol the same family is dedicating this experience and us modern facilities, plus the rare brew mg quality of its famous water, to produce Olvmpia ... .Imrrnai ( l ight lobio Horr. “Its the Water HIGHEST cash prices paid for s ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly eadl o.- write Forest Grove Cream wy. Forest Grove, Oregon, phone IM. 14tfc MISCELLANEOUS I XPERT LAUNDRY SERVICE f< r your convenience! Laundered and dried. 15c lb Reasonable rates for finishing, Curtain fin ishing a specialty. ita. E M York. 108 A St., phone 1107. 12tfc Light Rofreibment Bottrogr *) .Million! of leiKprrjtt Profilo Mtaru Mfwia* et. MWU tasi ili •T..a. a.« u $ oo on In It's Field! A New, 1952 CHEVROLET Delivered in Vernonia for $1853 ONLY $495 DOWN X“- VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY