THURSDAY, OCT. 23, 1952 t Son Bom THE For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products « ■ « 4 Call or Write < : 4 4 : « « r A « < « I « PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 8812 I i Vernonia, Oregon « Timber Rt., Box 56 a t a- VERNONIA, Portland are spending a week at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyck­ off. Mrs. Jim Bond of Weott, Cali forma and her daughter, Mrs. Earl Newcomb, of Fortuna, Cali­ fornia visited friends here Sun­ day night and Monday, goin{ on to Washington to visit relatives there. New Owner» of Home Inspect Purchase ROCK CREEK — Mr. and Mrs Frank Morns and the Julius Ene- voldsen family had Sunday din­ ner with the H. A. DeWitt family. Then they all called on Larry DeWitt and his parents and in spected the progress on their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Van Wert, the new owners of the Darrell De Vaney place, came to inspect their new purchase and scout hunting possibilities there, They aren’) planning on moving out for a’ least seven months. Eola DeVaney has been doing the housework for the Dane Brady family. Rainbows are caused by the sun shining through raindrops. XNZHZHZHXHZHZHXHZHXHXHZH7I M Z H lle-Elecl M X X M time getting started for seeds can’t reach the soil to germinate. Cone collectors generally brmg in extra heavy volume during good years and the seeds are stored in cold rooms for several years until needed. At Nisqually, Washington, where the big Forest Industries Tree Nursery has a record crop of 16,000,000 trees growing, seed storage is an im­ portant part of planning. In abundant seed years there is plenty for the birds, squirrels, and other seed-eating animals and ample left over for man’s use in artificial propagation of the for­ ests where nature needs help. It’s different this year. Seed-eat­ ing birds and animals will be fore.-d to look for other food. Provident nurserymen are luckier. ORE Tuesday to Family in Riverview RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mr«. Art Kouva are the parents of a noy born October 21 at the Jones noapital tn Hillsboro. He has new named David Arthur and weighs nine pounds, seven ounc. eg. Varol and Gordon Danielson of I EAGLE. Clyde Hendersoid FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY COMMISSIONER H NO. 33 ON THE BALLOT Z From where I sit... H H A typical card looked like this: Arithmetic...................... II Geography ..................... B- Npelling ............................C Grammer ..................... B I don't know if Mias Gilbert, the principal, actually wrote those «arda, but ahe took full reapon- •ibility. Thia morning I hear she got up in the Assembly Hall — be­ fore all the atudenta—and started writing GRAMMAR with two "a’a” on the blackboard 100 times! Few married couples would mind visits from mother-in-laws if it didn't mean another mouth to feed. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon tn U Z < O MZHXHTMTMTMT VOTE 320 X YES I FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT REORGANIZATION Pv Bv Cui. Coun. PTA Council XHXHZHXHZHXH RIVERVIEW u> RADIO X o •Ü SALES —.SERVICE ADMIRAL LINE Guaranteed Repair ON RADIOS RECORDERS RECORD PLAYERS Full Lin» Raytheon Tubes Phone 774 SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM I 35 X Featuring Near Failure of Douglas Fir Seed Crop Indicated for Current Year Even the birds may go on short lations in the Douglas fir region this winter and cone-storing squir­ rels think the great depression has hit. Reason is a near failur in the Douglas fir seed crop this year. Some areas of west- rn Oregon and Washington report a complet ■ failure of cones on the giant coni­ fers, according to W. D. Hagen- stein, Chief Forester, Industrial Forestry association, while other districts have a very thin crop. Nobody knows completely just why these periodic cone failures occur. the forester said. Some unseasonal weath r during pol- linization may limit cones. Avail­ able supply of stored food in the tr?e also influenc.s seed yield. But, seed goth rers are having slim pickings in 1952 and many of the cones brought in are insect damaged. There is seldom a com­ plete crop failur?, but heavy se d years occur only every five to seven y ars. Average seed years about offset poor s?ed years. Natural reforestation suffers whPn poor se d years occur in succession, for undesirable brush and weeds get a head start and Labv conifers have a difficult Z P3 A X Hudson House ’fa I Olives — String Beans — Corn z; Peas I I X NEHALEM z MARKET AND GROCERY z. For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 o x Vi ks ' ivhsn < iohs — ic-nvuaK . iohs — its ivhiln ft jobs H America's New ACTION CAR is Here Now/ Joe Marsh Wonder How Miss Gilbert Is in "Histery"? By *«v I guvs« you've heard about the «pelting error« in the Aid»’ report card« this week. Tip to motorists: Aren’t your week-end trips planned to have fun? So why try to crowd too many miles into too few hours take it easy and live. From where I «it. I’ll bet this make« her even more popular with the students. It’s nice to see an eipert admit she occasionally makes a mistake. Too many so- ealled “experts” claim they're necer wrong on such subjects as what you or I ought to eat . . . what we should wear . . . whether we should enjoy beer or butter­ milk. A really wise person never rlairus to "know all the answers” all the time. Copyright, 1952,1 nited States Breuers Foundation NEW MO H.P RED RAM V-8 ENGINE towered for CHAIN SAW Weighs illy 25 Ik COMPLETE! 3 k| iisilin tagne* Saws FULL POWER ii iiy pititín! o M c C ulloch une* _ . o . Complete Service on *11 McCullyh prod ure pleasure in driving. You'll discover a new concept of mo. n car enjoyment in tM? action-packed '53 Dodge! ACTION TAILORED TO YOUR DRIVING NEEDS 2 4 GREAT ENGINES ■CO (AM V-IIGHT GtT-AWAY "SIX” GREAT DRIVES NIW GYBO-TOBOUt 0(1 VI* GTBO-MATIC DBIVI* AUTOMATIC OVIBOBIVI* STANDABO DBIVi •Ctpi^nat at nfa cm fipocificattons and Equipment subject to change uUhout not see. o NEW! NEW! Cargo-Carrier NEW! NEW! Gyro-Torque ‘‘Pilot View" curved windshield — up to 244 equare incbee more glaae area all told. Distinctive Jet Air-Flow hood — feed* air to engine, boo*t* performance. NEW ! Travel-Lounge rear deck —up to 11 cubic feet more luggage carrying capacity. Drive — flashing acceleration with nimble change of payf o interior* with chair-high Comfort-Contour seats. o HAWKEN MOTORS Vernonia, Oregon 968 Bridge Street Phone 1131 O