-4 TMUBSDAY, OCT. 23, 1952 THE EAGLE. MOUND THE FARM VERNONIA. ORE. BY W. G. NIBLER County Extension Agoni and wash if necessary to get soil off them. Tops can also be cut porlant job to do—the system off to make easier handling. Spread bulbs out in a dry place be properly stored. This summer we saw a 5 inch and allow them to become liLiminum mainline that had de- , thoroughly dried before putting loped leaks after only 4 years in boxes to store. Before bulbs are put into stor­ ttse. It had been left outside one age it is well to dust them thoroughly with a 5% DDT dust Pipe that is stored off the ¿round with separator strips be- to control thrips. isneen the layers of pipe should Dahlia bulbs can also be dug Mt • lot longer than four years. Indoor storage is best but if as soon as frost ends their bloom, il js not available stack pipe out- ing. They store best in cool . >de with one end higher than moist conditions. After bulbs are dug and washed it is well to bury the other. them in dry peat moss, sawdust La 1951 the average butterfat or sand to prevent excessive production for all cows under drying out during the winter. .HUA in the U.S. was 370 pounds. Both gladiolus and dahlia bulbs This is the same as it was in will freeze. Severe winters of »90 the past three years have de­ In milk, however, the average stroyed many bulbs that were put ^reduction was 9,172 pounds in into storage but not protected •W50 and 9,195 pounds in 1951 — from freezing. an increase of 23 pounds milk. Late summer and fall sieding Every 15 minutes a farm build- of alfalfa and pasture is becom­ ng burns down somewhere in ing very popular with farmers the United States. No wonder who have irrigation available to stoese fires cause a loss of over start the crop. t: 2,000.000 each year. This system makes it possible Along with these buildings 3,- to harvest a crop from the land :.00 people lose their lives in in June or July and still get the 'arm fires i very year. alfalfa started for next year’s Certain causes stand out as crop. The main reasons for fires. Care. Elmer Loyd, Deer Island, plant­ r.’SK smoking is the leading cause ed alfalfa in July and has an n Oregon. Next comes stoves, excellent stand that is now over turuac. s and chimneys. W ith 12 inches high This field should »•inter on hand, now is the time give him a full crop next year to check, clean and repair heat- and no time will have been lost r’g equipment. in getting the alfalfa started. Don't forget to clean out the For best results seeding such rtiimney. Use a rope and pull as alfalfa or ladino clover should a burlap sack containing som? be plant d and up by September t i x*ks and tin cans up and down 1. Later seedings run a greater •i the chimney. This will knock and greater risk of freezing out. •wr the farmer still has an im- An old timer is a fellow who etnenibers when he could buy t pound of steak for a dime but orgets that he had to work an mur to earn the dime.—Ladies Jotne Journal. That flock of laying hens «tuxild be g tting at least 13 Sours of light or their egg pro­ duction will go into a slump Eight now there are less than 12 hours of natural daylight. For the home flock of just a -'«-w hens a small electric light uxqg right over the roosts can oe used to supply the extra light ..t hotfrs needed to stimulate • gg production. Th» light can either be turned «a early in the morning or it an be Left burning all night. There is no harm from having more than 13 hours of light on the hens. New Approach to Be Followed in Preparing 1953 Conservation A new approach to conserva­ tion of soil and water resources on individual farms has been an­ nounced by USDA for the 1953 agricultural conservation pro- gram. Farm conservation plans will be drawn up by Columbia county farmers with their community committeemen starting soon, ac­ cording to Wm. Armstrong, chairman of th? Columbia Coun­ ty PMA committee. Th? plans will be made and recorded before January 1, 1953, instead of at I any time during the year as in the past. Assistance for conser­ vation practices under the agri­ cultural conservation program for the coming year will b? based on these farm plans. A listing of the practices most ne:de