Son of Pastor Delivers Sermon AT THE CHURCHES So Ends This Age VERNONIA EVANGELICAL Paul D. Sister. Minister God’s Great Man — Mr. Xioody used to tell his hearers that right 9:45 am. — Sunday school. Mrs. E. E. Garner, Supt. Courtney Swander, son of Pas. then, before he had finished his tor C. F. Swander, preached at talk, the last soul might be saved 1100 a m. — Morning worship. Sermon, “Christianity — Rem«?, the morning service at the First to fill out God's roll call of the , dy or Opiate?” Christian church last Sunday. He redeemed. As did 8:00 p.m. — Evening service. has just returned from a’ trip Moody, so do the Sermon, "Victory Through Sur through th“ Southwest with Dr. render.” great Biblemen of Griffith, president of the North 1:30 p.m. Wed. — Ruth Society They west Christian college at Eugene. our day. meeting. After the evening service, he can also point to 8 OU pm Wed. — Midweek ser showed motion pictures tak?n vice of Bible study and prayer. Acts 15:14 — God. during previous trips of places has opened the CHRISTIAN CHURCH and people he had seen and also —C. F. Swander, Pastor a short Castle film for children. door to the na 9:45 — Bible school. tions to take out 11:00 — Morning worship of th.m a people 6:30 — Youth groups. Increase Sought by for his name. 7.30 — Evening service. Church Bible School Many Obey God 7:30 — Prayer meeting and Bible Th? Bible school of the First —Thousands of students in Bible Study. Christian church is looking for Institutes and Christ-Centered 2:00 p.m. 2nd and 4th Wed. — ward to Rally Day on October a. colleges and others of th? rank C W F. meets at the church. Each class is working for a 30 and file, are energized by tne CALVARY TABERNACLE per cent increase in regular at truth that God is now calling out (Vernonia Bible Church» tendance by that time. a people for his name. S j it is 9:45 — Bible School; Luther H.r- rin, Sup’t. A tennis court should be laid that they press forward to reach 11:00 — Morning worship: Book the last man with Good News out with service ends ncr'.n and Hebrews. that God's Son died for their south. 6:30 — Youth group: Minor Pro sins. phets. Your Stand: — Your Bible 6:30 — Adults: Isaiah. knowledg? and prayers tell 7:30 — Evening worship; The where you stand. And may you Feasts of the Lord. have the joy and energy of the 8:00 Wedn sday evening — Bible Christians who look for Christ ; study and prayer meeting. near coming. NAZARENE CHURCH This spao? sponsored by a NEHALEM VALLEY —H. L. Russell. Pasror family of the county. Residence — 1208 - Bridge MOTOR FREIGHT 9.4o am. — Sunday school. Henry VIII had six wives. 11:00 — Morning worship. 6:JU p.m.— Yeung Peoples service «30 p in. — Evening service 43,000 OREGON citizens say: Wednesday 7:30 p in. — Prayer meeting. . .30 — r reacting service. . :30 Wed. — Prayer me« ling. Oa November 4 the people of Oregon will vote on a measure that will gite our state a ; hurch of god fair milk law—fair to consumers and producers alike. It will replace the present milk control law which was written by special milk interests for their own benefit. I nder IN CHRIST (Colored) present law it is unlawful to sell milk below prices fixed by the Milk Controller. 1 he -J. C. Foster, Fastor now law will eliminate all price fixing above the farm level. --Chas. E. Kelly, Co-Pastor The measure will appear on your ballot as “Milk Production and Marketing 9:45 — Sunday school. Act”—Number AJ2 \ ES. Here's shut this fair milk law will do—* 11-12 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p m. — Young people s cleanliness of milk and ita minimum quality. LOWFR MILK PRICES FOR CONSUMERS service. These separate laws are enforced by city 332 YES will permit lower retail price* to and state health officers. 8 p in. — Evening worship. consumers. Il will restore competition. Con sumers will get the benefit of modern 7;3u p m. — Tuesday and Eriday THF FAIR MILK BIU WILL BE ON TOUR method* and economies in distributing milk. —Prayer Meetings. The new milk law will atop monopoly by BALLOT IN NOVEMBER -VOTE YES 3M Welcome to all to worship with us re|>ea)ing a law which has primarily l»ene- ST. MARY S CATHOLIC fitted and protected certain middlemen. for a milk law that > fair to you —Rev. J. H. Goodrich RICHER. MORE HEALTHFUL MILK Th« FAIR Milk Bill, «riled rhe MILK —Rev. Crammond 332 YES wdi permit richer milk to lie PRODlCTION AND MARKETINC ACT. m>kl. thus assuring more healthful milk for Mass at 9:30 was put on the November ballot through children and better value for the money the efforts of the Affiliated Milk <x>m- you spend for milk. FIRST BAPTIST mlttees of Oregon in association with ASSURED FAIR PRICES TO DAIRY FARMERS —Rev. Daniel M. Spell your local Milk Committee. It represents 332 YES will assure the dairy farmer a The Church with a Bible Message the work of hundreds of volunteers, minimum fair price which will lie set after some from your own neighborhood, who 9:45 — Sunday school. jmblic hearings. Thia, in turn, will assure circulated the petitions. Although only an adequate supply of milk. 11:00 — Preaching. 26.900 signatures were required, over It will allow all dairymen who meet the Strmon: "Heaven.” standards for Grade A milk to sell such 45.000 citizens actually signed the peti milk on the Grade A market. 7:00 pm. — B.T.U. tions In 28 Oregon counties during a With rnilk production and marketing on short six-weeks period. If approved in the 8:00 p.m. — Preaching. a sound basis (fair to all' the dairy farmer coming election, the proposed MILK wiU not be in constant danger of losing hi* "The Unpardonable Sin.” PRODUCTION AND MARKETING ACT minimum price protection. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer meeting will automatically replace the present DON’T BE FOOiEO SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Milk Control Neither the present Milk Control Law nor —Preston Smith, Pastor the proposed Milk Production and Market AFFILIATED MILK COMMITTEES Services on Satuiday: ing Act regulates sanitation or minimum quality standards. Separate state laws and 10:00 — Sabbath school. OF OREGON city ordinances regulate and control the 11:00 a.m — Preaching, mission Pi Adv.—Affiliated Mdk ('auipsigo ('viuw of Ore , Mrs. Irene Taylor, Churn , 426 Park Bldg. Furila rd ary progiams or Bible study. 7:30 Tues. — Studies in Pro phecy. All are welcome. VERNONIA BRANCH LDS 10:00 a.m. — Sunday school con Knights of Pythias venes under supervision of Hardin* Lodge No. 116 Russell R. Snook. Vernonia, Oregon 11:30-12 — Priesthood meeting. Regular meetings: 7:30 pm. — Sacrament meeting Meeting* Legion 2 & 4 Fri.. 8 p.m. commences undur direction of Hall. Second and Earl P. Genzer. Mike Anderson. Commander Fourth Mondays 7:30 Tuesday — MIA meetings James Cox. Jr.. Adjutant Each Month alternately at Buxton and Ver AUXILIARY nonia. Wilbur E. Wilson. Chancellor Regularly meets: 1st A 3rd Wed Tuesday evenings — Primary Commander 4-52 children group meets under 0*car G. Weed. Secretary supervision of M Erline Olson. A. F. & A. M. Pythian Sisters Vernonia Lodge No. 184 10:00 a.m. Wednesday—Branch Vernonia Temple No. 61 A.F. * AM. meets al Relief society meets. Rhoda Meetings:' I.O.O.F. Hull Masonic Temple Stated J. Woods, president. Visitors Second nnd Fourth Wednesday Communication first cordially welcomed at all meet- of eacu month 2-52 rhursdsy ef each moeth. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Edith McFarland. M.E.C. —Rvv. W. A. McBride, fastor at 7:30 p.m. Faye Davis, Secretary 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. George Johnson. WM. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship 1-53 VERNONIA Paul Gordon. Sec’y. 6:45 p.m. — Young people. 7:45 p.m. — Evening worship. Order of Eastern Star 7:45 LIONS p.m. Wed. — Prayer meeting. PHONE 853 Let’s have a FAIR milk law LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES V. F. W. Nehalem Chapter CLUB aad pie. outers and broth- ers welcome. Letter Galloway. Noble Grand Wm. D. Shafer. Secretary 1-53 O Edna Linn. Worthy Mona Gordon. Sec’y. Order Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Meets 2nd and 4th Tharaday cocaine* of each month la I.O.O.F. Hall. Isabel And*regg. Noble Grand Jane Pace. Vice Grand Edith McFarland. Rec. Sec y. Silvia Turner, Financial Sec’y. Edna Heenan. Treasurer 3 53 EDUCATION Education is the cheap defense of nations. —Burke All education should contrib ute to moral and physical strength and freedom. —Mary Baker Eddy The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil. —Emerson It is only the ignorant who de spise education. : —Publilius Syrus 1 Character development is the great, if not the sole, aim of education. —William O’Shea I*et early education be a sort of amusement; you will then be better able to find out the na tural b.nt. —Plato Work Progresses On Creek Homes j P.OCK CREEK — Herb Counts has a roof over his new wood ( shed now so he can take his time ■ at finishing it. The addition onto the Tooth- aker home is progressing slowly. Tii? IXeVaney home is acquir ing a n w coat of white paint. By the number of big concret > tile near the Keasey place it looks as though there might be sum fixing to that bridge plan ned for the near future. Spikes tire workin-' loose in the Read Bridge and also the on? near ihe Ron McDonald home so that it tak s some skill to drive across them and miss all the spikes. Maltha Brown of Seattle spent a week visiting Ipr brother, Roger, and th ■ DeWitt faimli s. Her lath r, Chas. Brown, came , down Labor Day week end to uike her back for the opening of school. The periods of a polo game are called chukkers. | : Ministers and laymen from Oregon. Washington and British Columbia met in Portland the. week to attend the Crusade f<>< Souls conference held at the First Church of the Nazarenc. Tho» ■ attending from Vernonia were Mr. and Mrs. H L. Russell, Mi and Mrs. D. Helvie, Mr. and Mrs E. Hibbs, Allen Hibbs, Melvin Cox, Erbin Helvie, Clyde and LeRoy Thomas. Men Hold Temporary Lead in Attendance The back to Sunday school contest began last Sunday at th • Nazarer ■ church, men «hall« ng mg the women. Last Sunday the men took the lead and plan to k ep it. Last Spring at F-astei time the men defeated the women by one per cent, but the women don't plan it shall happen again For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 83 i 2 Vernonia, Oregon Timber Rt., Box 56 Oregon-Anteriean LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon z' Laundry and Dry Cleaning IT’S JUST AS OLD-FASHIONED CHECKING ACCOUNT! IN WEDNESDAY BACK WEDNESDAY Same service for Dry Cleaning. Pay your bills by check and you’ll be safe and sure. For the cancelled check is absolute proof that the payment was made. A checking ac count here also helps you to budget, to keep track of your expenses and control them. You’ll find it convenient because we require no mini- mum balance and our monthly charges are low. Bring To— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners | Why not start your children'* school year right by bringing th*m in for a complete eye examination. If the need for glasses is present we will prescribe and fit your ch’ld. Don't forget that bad eyesight is often the cause of low grades — COME IN TODAYI | t | of Vernonia Branch DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phene 445 Hilleboro • 233 E. Baaeliae For Farther Information Inquire at Ko«1*nder'a Jewelry .‘iters SYou Can't Be Optomiatie if You Have Mia'y Op’iea" a THE HOUSEWIFE’S FIRST CHOICE ALWAYS American Legion Order today from— VERNONIA Esch first and nf month. SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Delivery Phone 761 AUXILIAR* First and Third Tuesdays ! IIS Third Mon. ï % Commercial Bank »t Oregon » P. M. Trenton T. Garner. W. P. Rex Normal®, Sec’y 7-5C • Meets ■ S 8- , TO BE WITHOUT A ! ! • Meets Every Friday POST T Crusade Conference Attended in Portland 858 lit At Vernonia Encampment No. 89 s^ll meeVthe 1st and 3rd Friday* of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Alien Ray. Chief Patriarch Wm. >. Shafer. Scribe 1-53 GEMS OF THOUGHT THURSDAY, SEPT. II, 1952 i Eagles) ef ORE ....... -A*L- School! Matron 1-53 Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal VERNONIA, Connie Mack's real name is Cornelius McGillicuddy. Check They're Eye* With the Start l j • visiting All ■ From The Eagle. Sept. 11. 1947 Enrollment in schools here ! opening day decreased slightly I in the high school with a sign-up : of 189 and increased in the j grades with 516. Opening day I a year ago listed 191 in the high I school and 465 in the grades. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cicero reported a cabbage weighing 21 pounds. Previous reports of cab bages list one grown by Harold McEntire weighing 16‘ pounds and one weighing 10*« pounds grown by Mrs. Dennis Davis. American Legion Commander Bill Horn reminded Legionnaires of the annual com feed to be1 I held Friday night at the hall. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagls, Sept. 10. 1942 Neal Bush, city attorney, at tended his last council meeting Monday nifht as he is going into the army air corps. Councilmen took action to secure an attorn 'y to fill ths vacancy. Officials announced that Ver- noma schools would begin clas- ses September 14. First publication of th? column. "Those Who Are In It,” appeared in the S ptember 10 issue of The Eagle. The close of registration for the' November 3 general election was announced for October 3. Registration for th? Vernonia pre cincts may be made at the Ore gon Gas and Electric office with Mrs. I.-atha Tousley. FIFTEEN YE.iF.S AGO Frcm The Eagle. Sept 10, 1937 Joe Hursh and A. 1*1. Cohn are opining a s.cond hand store to be known as the Vernonia Bar gain store, in th? building next to Turk's cafe. i Students totaling 213, about 20 ; more than last year, u 're en- | rolled in the high school up to , Wednesday of this week. Sixty more pupils than at the corres ponding time last war are regis tered in th,? V.rnonia grade schools, the total up to Wednes day being 464. Part of this in crease is due to consolidation with the Rock Creek and Beaver Cr.ek districts. Reports of catch ?s of tuna fish, which appear rarely this far up the Pacific coast, lured Dr. Roland Eby, Lester Sheeley, J ’ss Hurd and George Vosnick to Depo bay last w?ek end. They were successful in catching fish. I at Masonic Tern Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meets Every Tuesday s P. M. month each ef Wed. 3rd ! FIVE YEARS AGO EAGLE, 3. E. Regular com- ansnicatioo first MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Palace Cafe Cecil Johnson. President Don Bayley. Secretary______ 3-53 ¿^oçyo.o.F. O. 153, THE ¡YESTERDAYS ¡ S3 Meat* Product Fine Grocertea H H H