2 THURSDAY, SEPT 11. 1952 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN 37tlc Mr« Joseph Winston ot Seattle Music by Hal Cook. Mrs. Al Staley returned to her . >d Mr and Mrs Bruce Winston nd family of Portland were home Tuesday due to a phone >nday visitorrs at the M. B. call that her son, Leslie, and family were at her home in Seen home. Mrs. L. L. Wells drove Patricia, Battle Ground, Washington. She •'argaret, and Ruby Wells and came Monday. Sna Cameron to Portland Fri Christian Women's Fellowship I cook book food sale. Home-cooked day. ■ food. Bush Furn. Sat., Sept. 13. ARD PARTY Friday night. St. j 3711c Msrfi Catholic church basement: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves * »'deck p.m. Refreshments to drove to Sheridan to oa aarvad. 3711c recently visit his sist?r Mrs. Teena Bogue, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wells and who accompanied them to Pa ¡amity made a trip to Grand cific City and Gold Beach to see ’oulee dam recently. They stop the Grave's son and family, Mr. ped for visits with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graves and son, and Mrs. Lyle B. Shafer of Gleed, Dennis. Washington and Chas. T. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schray of of Yakima. They also stopped Stoney Point recently attended briefly at the home of Albert the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Welland of Ellensburg and visited G. E. Allen. 72, who resided Dry Falls state park, McNary formerly at Freewater. cam and other points of interest Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hartsell < n the trip. and family, brother of Mrs. Mess, V.F.W, Auxliary dance. Legion ing, and their niece, Mrs. Jack r.alL Saturday. September 13. Ladner and baby, all of Everett, Washington, came to Vernonia last Saturday to visit Mr. and Mr Emil Messing until Tu< day Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brady left Vernonia Sunday morning for a trip to Paradise TUURS. FRI. SEPT. 11-12 Inn. They returned Monday night. Christian Women's Fellowship SAN FRANCISCO cook book food sale. Home-cooked STORY food. Bush Furn. Sat.. Sept 13. Joel McCrea - Yvonne De Carlo 3711c George Thacker was one of the SATURDAY “ SEPT 13 many Scofield and Buxton old SNOW WHITE AND timers enjoying the Hillsboro THE SEVEN DWARFS Shute park picnic last week. Mr. and Mrs. George King of A Walt Disnty Feature Corvallis are here visiting their Plus parents, the George Robertsons PISTOL HARVEST and H. H. Kings. _____ Tim Holt__________ Mr. and Mrs. James H. Burke, SUN.. MON. SEPT. 14-15 Jr., and three sons have moved back to Vernonia from Tillamook. WERE NOT MARRIED Mrs. Burke is the daughter of Ginger Rogers - David Wayne Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rufli. of TUES.. W lu br.Pl. Ib D \ Capitol Hill, Mr. and Mrs. J'm Finnerty and THE LION AND THE family motored to Newport last HORSE week end. Steve Cochran - Black Knight CARD PARTY Friday night. St. "Mary's Cathol'c churcn basement; 8 o'clock p.m. Refreshments to be served. 37tlc Mr. and Mrs. Marion Flaten and his father, I. O. Flaten, Port land, were here to visit Mr. and Mrs. Norris Soden and Mrs. Dor- thea Pi arson last Sunday after noon. 1. O. Flaten and Mrs. So den and Mrs. P.arson are brother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ackers and family motored to Grants Pass recently to visit her father, J. E. lipton, and other relatives. Mrs. Lula Fullerton spent part of a vacation in Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose and Los I Angeles visiting relatives and sightse in«. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Knoedler and daughters hav? mov'd to E. E. WIST Rose Avenue from West River view. SAYS: Mrs. Viola Harlan, former resi “V>tt No on the Racing Bill” dent of Vernonia is now living near her son and family, Mr. and “Here's why we can't af Mrs. Garth Harlan, in Anchorage, ford to lose pari-mutuel rev Alaska. V.F.W. Auxbary dance. Legion enues: hall. Saturday. September 13. “(II Taxes would go up. Music by Hal Cook. 37tlc Next year the State Treas Mr. and Mrs. Don Grable and ury would lose roughly $1,- son. Kenn th. of Los Angeles are 000,000 in pari-mutuel rev visiting the Dant Bradys and Bergerson families. Kenneth enue. We taxpayers would leaves today to visit th« Wally Bergersons and Ervin Smiths of S»Wid and Warr ntofl Ml and Mrs. Claude Grable and baby daughters are now residents of Seaside. Mr. and Mrs J. F. Willis were in Vancouver Sunday to see son J. F. Moore. Mrs. W. O. Porterfield want to Portland Tuesday for a short visit with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Porte rfield. Mrs. Pearl Adams has been visiting in Sweet Home where she saw her new grandson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adams. Mrs. Adam’s brother, Mr Ellis, was also there from California and brought her home. They will leave Saturday for Seattle and Victoria, B.C. Christian Women's Fellowship cook book food sale. Home-cooked Bush Furn. Sai.. Sept 13. 37tic Miss Marjorie Reynolds has returned from her trip to Vic toria. B C. with her grandmother. Mrs. Ethel Hiatt, of Portland Loran Hawitt was iakan to a nursing home at Bridal Veil September 4. He formerly lived with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Weidman. Since then he was taken to Good Samaritan for medical aid. food. LOG SCALE BOOKS • Scribener’s • Waterproof • From 12 to 80 Feet • Only 50c Vernonia Eagle Change Planned At Former Home BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wallace moved to Brandon where he has employment. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Winslow and children moved to Gaston this week end. John Winslow has been spend ing a few days in the valley at their former home. He plans to tear down the buildings this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker and boys drove to Arlington Sat urday and brought his parents home with them for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Williams visited with Mr. and Mrs. Buck Garman Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompr son of Portland spent th»? week end with Mr. and. Mrs. L. H. Jepson. Charles Wicklander of Port land was in the valley last Thurs day. X Anna Hanberg called on Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham Mon day. Walter Larson, brother of Frar,. cis Larson and his son, Dale, of Silverton spent several days here last week visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson, Mr and Mrs. Art Bellingham, Mr and Mrs. G. W. Parman. Mr. and Mrs. ' Cecil Elliott, Lawrence Johnston, Dawn Lousignont, Mel Christian and Marsha Garner at tended the dance at Banks Sat urday evening. For results—Eagle Classifieds: ZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH^ Thpaire SCAPPOOSE MAN JOINS TAXPAYERS' GROUP URGING “NO” VOTE ON I RACING BILL have to make up the loss. • “(2) The fairs will suf fer and may die. Our 3d county fairs depend to a large extent on pari-mutuel funds for existence. They'll eoch lose an estimated $1 2,- 500 annually if toeing is abolished. • “(3| Oregon and its 36 counties receive more than •eghf <81 times as much as Site track stockholders are •»id m dividends. That's not unreasonable. In addition, effkial records and audits skew that over 987. of every wagered dollar that produces this revenue, re- mains here in Oregon. The Very Best: In I I TIMBER AND GAME ARE TWIN CROPS Tree farming means more game and better hunting. Planned timber harvests—the kind that remove ripe trees for use— actually provide more food and living room for game. Take Chances • ** Joining me in this opposi tion are 37 responsible men representing every county in Oregon. Our Taxpayers' Committee to Retain Pari- Mutuel Revenues is compos ed ef ranchers, businessmen, formers and civic leaders who realise pari - mutual funds make a yearly contri bution to the tax ond eco nomic structure of our state.'* VOTE NO on the RACING BILL 327 X NO f<rap«V»rt O I MfS$ • O Mt l/JI. T» Mill Market brings you! the very best meat i available . . . carefully | I selected for quality and J | flavor . . . sold by an! , experienced butcher at} | prices that are right. OREGON COME IN TODAY! | | MILL MARKET i ! AND LOCKERS i i Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE • DAII Y: 10 a m - 3 p.m [ PHONE 1391 COLUMBIA COUNTY COMMITTEE