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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1952)
time is indicated as the principal reason for not sponsoring the | affair. Only one Vernonia has been determined to be in the draft contingent which is leav BIRKENFELD — The Nehalem ing for Ft. I-ewis today. He is Valley flower show was held in Elgus R. Fran c, who is the 104th the gym last Friday. Man* man to go from Vetn^nu into beautiful flowers were brought the service. and there was a good attendance. C. F. Hieber, locnl chairman T. P. Johnston and Claire Bel of the county salvage committee lingham were among the men announced a county quota of 1500 tons of scrap metal to be who received ribbons on their entries. turned in up to the end of this Winema HEC met with Lora year. Members of his committee are: H. G. Sancton, T. M. Craw Hopkina Tuesday, with seven ford. R. Valpiani, Albert SciirT d- lin. Clyde McDonald. C 1 . Z,n- came Local No. 37 ot the Inter derson, Cass Bergerson, W. G. national Woodworkers ot «Ameri Heath, R. L. Spence.1 , Glen ca. The vote to accept me cbaiter Hawkins and C. M. Johns -n. is estimated at 7 or 8 to 1, out ol approximately FOO pre.-en . FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Miss Ethel Pe’?rsm, principal From The Eagle. Aug 27. 1937 With the installation if th? of the Lincoln ¡trade school and CIO charter last week the local first grade teacher resign ’d last Lumber and Sawmill union be- ' * week to accept anoth r position. YESTERDAYS Office Desk . . . Although the approaching gen eral election is two months away, candidates for offices are beginning to make themselves heard, especially for the presi- dental office. County politics is also beginning to shape up to more of a contest than usual, es pecially as to the candidates seeking the commissioner post for the valley. Flowers Viewed At Club Show FIVE YEARS AGO From Th« Eagle. Aug. 29. 1947 The hottest day so far in Aug ust was on the 25th with the maximum temperature being 86 degrees, according to the co opt rative weather station records of Mrs. Helen Spofford. Darrold Proehl, guard it the city park swimming pool, an nounced that the pool dam would bo removed Monday, September 1 to clos£ almost three months of swimming unmarred by serious accidents. TEN YEARS AGO ------ From The Eagle. Aug. 27, 1942 For the first year in five there will be no Vernonia Host Days. If the usual affair had beca promoted this year, it wo ild have been held on the Labor day holi day under the sponsorship cn the Vernonia firemen. Lack of THE E AG I JI. THURSDAY, SEPT 4, 1952 VERNONIA. ORE members present. A picnic din ner on the lawn was enjoyed by all. Next meeting on October 7 will be at the home of Mrs. Don Jensen. Mr. and M rs. Richard Thomp son and son, Gary, of Portland were out this week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jepson. The Jepson family sp nt Sunday at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham and boys and Mrs. Eola Richard son spent the week end visiting, relatives at Madras. The Trent Garners were clam digging over the week end. Mrs. Pelton of Grand Rapids, Michigan left for her home Mon day. She has been visiting the Trent Garners. Mr. and Mrs. H:i"is Dill of Condon are visiting Mrs. Dill's brother and family. Mi. and Mrs. Darrell Bak r. THE VERNONIA EAGLE Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else- Clyde Henderson, incumbent and candidate for re-ekction, will have two opponents. Ronald McDonald has filed by petition as an independent and County Judge J. W. Hunt filed accep tance Tuesday recognizing his write-in nomination in the primary. This three-way rac • should be the most interesting in county politics in November. Both the judge and th incum bent are already known lor their county office \.< .k while Mc Donald will no doubt rectiv. the concentrated backin. of people on Rock creek and will work hard to have him seated as a member of the court. Hercs a reminder for those voters who may n ec. to check their registration. The registra tion bocks clos 30 days before ths election November 4 which places the dats in Oct'her 4. People who must look into that matter are those who: have changed their name or addies or who have not vot.d in ar election in the last lour years. Requirements r.eci sarv to be a voter are: citizenship; b- at East 21 years eid before ber 4; be a resident of Oregon at least six months btfu’< the election date. The sign-up ; here can be made at the city hail. Two more sidelights to the model railroad excursion trip here August 23 have conn- to light. R. M. Aldrich, retir.d depot agent for the S P.icS. becaus - of his years of employment by th*> railroad, held a wide acquain tance with lailrcad men of tn ■ line. Through thosj friendships he was a passenger on the return to Portland of the excursion. A letter received by Mayor Toy man Hawken shortly after Aug ust 23 indicati-d the pleasure ot the railroaders during th ir vi 't. It said: ‘•Sir: I wish to extend my personal thanks to you and all the people of Vernonia for the fine recep tion you had foi us and especial ly those who helped to feed so excellently all of us of the Na tional Mod-1 Railroad associa tion. Yours truly, Lee S. Parr'’ Mr. Parr is a rendent of Bal timore, Maryland. Visitors Entertained At Homes at Natal NATAL — Sunday and Mon day visitors at the James Stout home were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Akerman and family of Kalama. Washington and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Herrin and family of Ore gon City. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and daughter attended the fair and horse races in Hillsboro last week. Miss Virginia Mathews spent the week end at her home here from Portland where she is em ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pringle ..pent Thursday night in .Astoria the guests of Mrs. Pringle's aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devme and Cheryl attended the jalopy races at Deer Island Monday. Guests at the I. J. Dass home Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Starutch and son. Bobby, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap visited a fri.r.d at the Masonic home in Forest Grove Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley < f Port- land were supper guests at the Nuble Dunlap home Wednesday night. — • This is fire weath = r—Prevent KEEP OREGON forest fires. GREEN. WONDERFUL FOR CANNING Bartlett Pears If you love fresh fruits and who doesn’t) here's good news' Our pi ■du* o stands look like a mammoth fruit bowl —with everything freth frim (he orcliards. It’s the peak of the summer fruit season —and that meaiiS wide variety, wonderful flavor, and money-saving prices. Tieat yourself and your family often. It's a good time to can some too,.for later enjoyment. c"oV Ripe Cantaloupes Nice for salads .......... ...... lb Seedless Grapes Juicy, Thompson ‘ 2-lb. Sweet Corn Tender local crop — ------- 6 Ears Danish Squash Nice for baking lb. Luscious Tomatoes Field ripened 19 19-lb- flat U. S. No. 1 Potatoes s,„ a 25-Ib. U. S. No. 1 Potatoes n «<« i oem< 10-lb. Z* **' Sleepy Hollow Syrup Soap Deal Tender Peas Pineapple Juice Peanut Butter Rik Rak Cleanser White King Soap Powder Blade Cuta A lot of tender juicy meat for your money. Libby or Dole 46-oz. Can Real Roast 15-oz Jar 25c Giant Size Variety Zee Brand Soda Crackers Skylark Bread Wax Paper 125-ft. roll l-lb. loaf O‘)c 2-lb. 2-lb. 2-lb. $1.99 $1.93 $1.79 2-lb. 99c 95c 65c 95c 13c 39c $1 1$ Nob Hill Coffee Airway Coffee Edwards Coffee Strawberry Preserves Empress Peach Jam. Empress Raspberry Jam. Empress Apricot Jam. Empress----- --- Puffed Wheat. Quaker — 2-lb. 2-lb. 2 lb. 4-os. Lemon Pie Filling. Kr-m«4 _ 4 on. 29c 4Sc 14c 35c 22c 39c 38c 14c Ic Tea Timer Crackers l-lb. Salad Dressing. Duchess--------- PL 31c Pancake Flour. Suzanna. 10-lb. pkg. Grapefruit Juic« Town House -....... — 49-oa Lunch Meat. Rath ----- >»••* Potted Meal. Libby — No. can Lunch Tongue Libby • caB Vienna Sausage. Libby — 4-oa. Corn Beef Hash. Libby — No. 2 can Dry Milk. Lac Mix - Mb- pkg- Canned Milk. Cherub ------- can - Round Steak Pie Crusi Mix. Krusteaz, 17-os pkg 39c Y.llow Corn Meal Mammy Lou ........ Shortening. Royal Satin Vinegar. Cider Kool Aid Cragmont Beverages 2^-lb. 3 lb. Gal. 6 pkgs. 2-qts. 29c 79c 95c 2$c 27c Spaghetti. w/Beans 19-01. 31c Libby Mason Jars. Kerr Regular 12-pis. 99c Mason Jars. K' rr Régulai 12 qts. $125 lb. 82c V r * ■ * a. ' , . J PIECE BACON 82c $1.03 lb. 56 29c 65c 73c SMOKED PICNICS 65c 75c lb. 53 59c 75c 12 pts $1.23 Kerr Jars. Wide Mouth 12 qts. $4.4* Kerr Jars. Wide Mouth l-doa. 30c Kerr Caps. Economy l-dos. 20c Kerr Lids. Wide Mouth 2 dos 25c Aero Coffee Lids 3 ba ‘ h barí 25c Palmolive Soap 4 bars 25c Ivory Soap. Personal 23-oz. pkgs. 39c White Magic Seap 2 2 rolla 9c Toilet Tissue. Silk pkg of 40 10c Sandwich Bags. Silk pkg. of 20 10c Lunch Bags. Silk Prices in this ad effective thru Saturday, September 6 SAFEWAY 69c Beef ita. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. Beef Rump Roasi Boneless Beef Stew Tender Cube Steak Beef Short Ribs Pure Ground Beef Smoked Hams Half or whole Long Island Duckling Frozen Fryers Cut-Up Fowl Pan-Ready Young Rabbits cant Oven G!o on OU «ps 75' 58-oz. No. 303 Can Gardenside 2-ib pkg 7 25 29 J 23-oz. pkgs. White Magic SPEP.RY BRAND FAMOUS BRANDS PANCAKE FLOUR CANDY BABS 4'b pkg. 4Q ” 10-lb. pkg. $9 09 1 5 5c r size ° for or Box nr of 24