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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1952)
Dinner Commemorate* Birth Date Friday Circle Selects New Officials A birthday dinner was served I Friday evening at the Dane Hrady home honoring Mrs. The Friendship Circle met on Brady. Guests were: Mr. and Thursday, August 21, at the Mrs. Larry Brady and children, home of Mrs. Mabel Graves. A Mr. and Mrs. Terry Brady and luscious pot-luck dinner was children, Miss Shirley LaFollet- served. This was the club's birth, te anj Mr. and Mrs. Dane Brady day meeting and many lovely and Dane, Jr. • gifts were exchanged, revealing secret pals of the past year. Names were drawn for new secret pals and officers for the coming year were elected as fol- lows: president, Emma McDon- aid; vice-president, Isabel Car- The answers to everyday michael and secretary-treasurer, insurance problems* Margaret Davis. By The club was most happy to BILL AND REATHA HORN welcome Mrs. Nadine Bean as a new member. Guests for the day were Mrs. Hale Graves of Portland. Mrs. Thomas Graves of Tigard and Mr. W. T. Graves husband of the hostess. Mem- bers of the Friendship Circle en joyed having these people as QUESTION: Our next door guests and do hope they will neighbor loaned his car to a visit often. relative who got involved in a Ella Wood, retiring president, slight accident and then expressed appreciation to the punched the other driver in club members for making her the nose. I wondered if our term as president an enjoyable neighbor’s Personal Injury po- one. would cover him if the Pearl Wilkerson thanked the I I other driver sued. i members for their thoughts of i i i her while she was away. The « ANSWER: Ordinarily the po I i Friendship Circle is happy to see < licy would protect your friend i t i h.r at meetings again. • so long as he himself was not I I : involved in the fracas. Members present for this most t f enjoyable "Birthday Party" were. ; 4 M •sdames Freda Biggs, Ruby- ♦ Biggs, Isabel Culbertson and two 4 I children, Laura Carmichael, Ruth I •If you’ll address your own Steers, Gloria Ellis and three ! insurance questions to this of children Emma McDonald and i fice, we’ll try to give you the correct answers and there son, Braulah Slemmons, Ella ; will be no charge or obligation 4 cf Wood, Pearl Wilkerson, Nadine 4 i any kind. Bean and son, Margaret Davis I and the hostess, Mabel Graves. « I • Next meeting, Sep- mber 18, I I ! will be held at the home of Mrs. « I Ruby Biggs. I j I ’ I i ! 1 : JlotL: UGU KlWU>1 | ; ' Vernonia Temple No. 61. Py thian Sisters met August 13 for its regular meeting with M.E.C. F. L. Club held its regular Edith McFarland presiding. m?eting at the home of Herlene Plans were discussed for the Robertson Thursday night. Plans canned fruit and towel shower | for a dance to be held in Septem to be held for the K.P. home at ' ber were discussed and also the Vancouver in November F. L. Girls annual Halloween The charter was draped in lov- , dance in October. ing memoy of Kate Dyer, Past Tins was also a going-away Grand Chief of Oregon. party for Jewell Robinson, one of the charter members of this F. L. After adjournment, delicious Club. Mrs. Robinson received a refreshments were served by Mae Schaunbeckler, Marie Shafer lovely gift of pearl earrings and matching necklace from the club. and Grayce Bundy. A delicious buffet lunch was 9?rved by the hostesses Herlene Robertson and Irene Minger. Circle Plans for Fall Activities i ! I i < 4 I I Bill J. Horn, Agent 905 Bridge Street Phone 231 — Vernonia I I ! i i Geo. Johnson Telephone 311 Vernonia Serv. Sta. Corner Rose and Bridge ! I ! I The Past Chief's club Honor P aro ! Vancouver Rite Monday Unite* Young Couple Miss Ola Jean Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly, was married to Lee Faulk, son of Mrs. Raymond Dowell , at Vancouver, Washington August 25 by Rev. Paul L. Kunzman. At tending the couple were Mrs. Viola Kelly and Mrs. Dowell. The double ring ceremony took place on the date of the bride's mother’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Homsley were host and hostess to a wedding supper Monday evening with the parents of both the bride and groom attending. Mr. and Mrs. Faulk will make their home in Vernonia. Circle Sets Date for First Meeting of Fall Deborah Circle members will convene for their first fall meet ing September 9 at the home of Mrs. Ernest East. Mrs. F. R. Olin will be in charge of the program at that time. riders (Authentic Cowboy Ponts) I Play Safe NOODLE SOUP a Pockets I Sanforized iSAr>nkoge I m « ♦*>«* 1%) Money-Bock Guarantee p«tp*«to sour mix . NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 Trade Tires Today Passenger Car Tire WE WILL ALSO GIVE AN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD TIRES. : Joan Says: Scratch-Proof Hip CONTINENTAL- “400” Low Pressure or Regular Zipper Fly Branded Cowhide label For results—Eagle Classifieds HOOD i H Rugged Cowboy Denim BIRKENFELD — The Nehalem Valley Garden club met at th-- home of Alma and Mary Carlock on Wednesday, August 20th with 17 members present and two vest tors. Mrs. Ellen Lonquist joinee the club as a new member. Mr, Takalo of Astoria was invitrv to attend the meeting and to instruct the club on the arrange ment of flowers. She had a wry interesting program and gave th ■ members many new ideas. Th ■ club is sponsoring a flower she.-/ Thursday evening, August 28 at the Birkenfeld gym. Several members won ribbons at the county fair. After the business meeting the hostesses served a delicious lunch. The next regu lar meeting will be with Myrtl- Matthews as hostess Septembe 17. purchase of each new I I • * i ' ' I "I’m the pertiest gal in 4th { I Grad« An’ the brightest in 4-A, And I’m full of p«p and | I vigor ‘Cause I had my Milk today!” | j t i I I | I | ’ Next time you feel “dead on j your feet." pour yourself a tall ! glass of Nehalem Dairy milk • and notice how quickly it re- I stores your pep and energy. I Milk gives you energy almost I as quickly as candy . . . with- 1 out putting on unwanted I pounds. «■* [ I I DDIRV PRODUCTS (0. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream fMONf 471 | I I ! H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H SOME OF OUR LOW PRICES ARE: 6:C0xl6 6:70x15 7:10x15 7:60x15 $21.22 $23.20 $25.65 $28.00 — — — — TAX TAX TAX TAX INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED REMEMBER • • g One tube FREE with every passenger car tire sold x plus allowance lor your old tires. | Bob’s Union Service “ it Phone 1352 3 Instruction on Flowers Given . . . and get one tube free with the Now With Only Lee Riders Have all these Features I THURSDAY. AUG 28, 19Ö2 LIPTON'S NATAL — Wedding bells have been ringing in th-> neighborhood for George Math.-ws and Lena McCraskey who were married in Rfno, Nevada Monday the 18th. They are visiting with Mrs. Ma thews mother and sister in Ne vada and will visit various places of int -rest on their return trip. THERE’S NONE SO GOOD AS GENUINE ORE. ÏHow Safe Are Your Tires? Couple Takes Vows at Ceremony Last Week SLIM SAYS: VERNONIA, met August 5 at the home of Fern Kullander for a 1:00 o'clock des sert luncheon with nine membeis present. Officers were elected for the coming year and plans made for fall activities. The next meeting will be on September 2. At that time new officers will be installed, a new member initiated and secret pals will be revealed and new pals drawn for the coming year. I lio Friendly •7 Store where Quality Xo More Lee This is fire weather—We are depending on you to help pre vent forest fires. KEEP OREGON GREEN. Past Chiefs to Seat New Officers Soon I EAGLE. When 1 s a worker too old? Charles Adere answers this ques tion in the January publication of the American Academy of So cial Sciences. He says that a floor girl in the needle trades in New York City is old at 40, but that a pattern maker, 55 or 60 in manufacturing industries, is pre ferred to a younger worker. On retail speciality sales, a worker may be too old at 35, but in the wholesale trades may have no difficulty in finding and holding a job at 55 or 60. The new officers installed for the F. L. Club are: president. Isa bel Anderegg; vice-president, Irene Minger; secretary, June Wilson; treasurer, Arvella Ro bertson; chaplain, Rena Brady; scrapbook, Pat Galloway; drill captain, Reva Jo Hughes; assis tant drill captain, June Ray; sun- shine, Mercedes Proehl and pub licity, Fran VanDeBogart. Regular business meeting was held, after which refreshments weft served by the hostesses, Lu cille Fowler and Virginia Walker. i t • i * • ! THE Union Oil Products and Service Bridge and Weed Vernonia, Ore. HZHZMZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHiHZHZHIZHZHZHZNZHZHZMZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZ Lei George get the old buggy in top-top shape for the re- mainder of the summer. George will drain out all old oil . . . flush the crank case . . . put in new oil and thoroughly grease it. Remember for first class service see— J ’ Vernonia and Seaside F. L. Clubs held a joint initiation in Seaside Wednesday, August 13. Those attending from Vernonia were: June Wilson, Jewell Ro binson. June Ray, Oren? Robert son, Herlene Robertson, Beryl Cline. Louise Hamn tt, Elizabeth Serafin, Arvella Robertson and the two candidates Lucille Fowler and Fran VanDeBogart. Refreshments in the home of one of the Seasid? members were enjoyed by all. Officers for Club Installed BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon BE WISE! “SUMMERIZE” Two Candidates Take Initiatory into Club The Ruth Circle met for a , picnic dinner at Weed’s grove on Wednesday, August 20. The j occasion honored the birthdays I of two members, Erie Knapp, whose birthday was that day, and Hittie Peterson, whose birthday was the next day. The beautifully decorated birthday cake was baked by Erma John son and both honor guests re ceived many cards and gifts. The afternoon meeting was opened with devotions led by Jennie StanLy, using the topic, "God in Nature.” In the business session, plans were made for projects to be carried out this fall and commit tees were appointed for various things. The next meeting will be on September 17, the place to b-e announced latí r. ! VERNONIA INSURANCE Two Dances on Roster of Club Benefit Scheduled For K.P. Home in Nov.