2 1MVRSDAY, AUG. 7. 1952 EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE I home at Vancouver, B.C. Sunday Portland spent Thursday night after spending 10 days here visit at the home of L. L. Wells. They ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. were on a fishing trip and left George Remnant. He is a friend for the coast Friday morning. of the Remnants. Winnifred Shibley of Spring place Monday of last week near Visitors at the Roy Baker home water is visiting at the L. L. Salem. She was riding in an the past week were Mrs. Forrest Wells horn? this week. auto driven by her son, Bob, who Albert and daughters, Susan and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wells and is home on leave from the coast Kathy, of Klamath Falls; also children visited Dr. and Mrs. guard, when an auto in front of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Bracken Wm. N. Shearer at Multnomah their car stopped suddenly, caus of Seattle. Mrs. Bracken is the Saturday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. ing the accident. sister of Mrs. Baker. Shearer are the parents of a boy. Bruce Kerfoot returned to his Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Smith Edward Roy, born July 22. He brought the Junior girls home is their 7th child and the 46th from Christian camp at Wi-ne-ma grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Roy- last Saturday. Billye and Cora E. Beck, par nts of Mrs. Shearer Jean Knoedler and Sharon Mc and Mrs. Wells. Mrs. Silvia Turner, her sister. Kee attended the camp and re Mrs. Helen Plotts, of Portland port a good time there. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Beck of Mrs. Maiie Frazee and Mrs. Below are the winners of the various swimming meet events in Vernonia-St. Helens competi- tion here Wednesday of last week. Girls free style und«-r 12 years: 1. Barbara England, St. Helens; 2 Susan Gill, St. Helens; 3. Judy Bush, Vernonia. Boys free style under 12 years: 1. Jerry Bush. V’-rnonia; 2. John ny Prince, St. Helens; 3. John Bush, Vernoma. Girls free style under 14 years: 1 Sandra Retd, St. Helens; 2. Pat Brissett, Vernonia. Boys free style under 14 years. 1. Joey Coats, St. Helens; 2. Rich ard Schneibel, Vernonia; 3. Butch Cline, St. Helens. Boys free style 12 years and over: 1. Arnold Dingley, Ver nonia; 2. Lee Faulk, Vernonia; 3. Jim England, St. Helens. Boys back stroke under 12 years: 1. Donnie Prince, St. Helens; 2. Steve Bitte, St. Helens; 3 Jim Peters, Vernonia, Girls back stroke 14 y°ars and under: 1. Sand a Reed, St. Hel- ens; 2. Pat Brissett, Vernonia; Linda Olson, St. Helens. Boys back stroke 14 years and under: 1. Kan England. St. Hi : ens; 2. Butch Cline, St. Helens; 3. Richard Schneibel, Vernonia. shelter, food, clothing and fuel. Boys back stroke, 12 and over: 1. Dave Fish, St. Helens; 2. Mike Rees?, Vernonia. Boys relay under 12 years: That's why it is good 1. St. Helens, 72 seconds; 2. Ver nonia. 102 seconds. Boys relay 15 years and over: 1. St. Helens, 63 seconds; business to protect woodlands Vernonia, 64 seconds. THE TOPICS OF THE TOWN H. *. Johnson began work Maarfay at Brunsman Hardware at service man for electrical map nr -?■. Mr. Johnson will be :1 Tmbered by many people as he eras owner of the Cozy sev eral years ago. He came here fresn Corvallis where he was tor- merty employed as service man try a firm selling electrical ap pliances Mrs. W. C. Sanders, sister of Mrs. Ernest East, arrived here Sunday from Leedsville, Louisi ana tor a visit. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Leath spent the past week end in Springfield with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall. Sat urday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ceerge Robbins, his sister, Mrs. B 41 Holbrook, and three child ren from Vernonia dropped in on rbeti way to Cottage Grove for a few days vacation. Mrs. Hall served refreshments in honor of tx-r husband's birthday which was the 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peterson, formerly of Vernonia, also were present. Mrs. Pearl Adams is recuperai- from head injuries suffered m an auto accident which took Swim Meeting Winners Named Ralph Calpiana returned Sunday evening from a nine-day trip to Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. Th? group took the trip in Mrs. Turner’s car and reported good highways, ideal weather all of the time and a most enjoyable holiday. Paige Simmons spent a two weeks vacation at El Segundo, California visiting her grand- mother, Mrs. Mary Aubrep. Re turning with Mi.-s Simmons for a visit here with friends and relatives was Mrs. Lillian Malm- sten and daughter, Jo. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson left here last Friday for the start of his two-week vacation from Millers. They went to North B.nd to spend part of the time with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert New, but plan to return here before the two weeks are over. Guests here at the Claude Noe- ris home since last Sunday haw been his nephew and family, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Boone and four daughters, Mary Etta, Virginia, Lanelie and Jerolyn. They came from BoughChitto, Mississippi and plan to leave next Monday Mrs. Sam Hearing. Jr., returned here Sunday from the Emanuel hospital where she had been for tw’o weeks following a mayor operation. For Buys—Eagle Classifieds! ZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHXHZHZHXHZMXHZIXHXHXHIHXHIHXHXHXHXHJ WHAT’S TREE ? Fresh Fruits And Vegetables AT OUR STORE GALORE You will find a com plete selection of fresh produce on our shelves for those garden-fresh salads. Fresh fruits and vegetables furnish the vitamins needed for the individual. i i « « * 4 « » < * « I I < < » t « I « * S' = c> from fire ond manage them •J oi / Tlwatn’ THURS.. FRI. Dale Robertson - Anne Baxt r SATURDAY DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a m -3 p.m. PHONE 1391 AUG. JUST ACROSS THE STREET Ann Sheridan - John I.und MILL MARKET; AND LOCKERS Ì Remember— wisely AUG. 7 8 OUTCASTS OF POKER FLAT FOR THE BEST IN FOOD VALUES SHOP AT THE— t ih i I j I SUN.. MON. AUG. 10-11 IVORY HUNTER (Color) Anthony Steel - Dinah Sheridan TUES.. WED. AUG 12-13 CARBINE WILLIAMS James Stew ait • Wendell Corev JUDGE’S STA TEMENT We, the undersigned members of the advisory board of Judges, appointed to have supervision of the final count in the Vernonia Cpgle's subscription campaign, concluded this day «.nd date, do hereby deciare that we have this day made a thorough canvass of all votes ui the sealed ballot box for each individual candidate, and have added Uir individual totals of these to the votes and points earned by each candidate up to and including Wednesday's report. From these tabu- UilMtns we have found the prizes won and places earned by i ach of the candidates to be as follows: 537.000 DISTRICT ONE CAPITAL PRIZE Allan Fowler 589.250 DISTRICT TWO CAPITAL PRIZE Craig Davies 5U0.500 THIRD CHOICE OF BIKES Sandra Walker 454.000 FOURTH CHOICE OF BIKES Paul Wikstrom The above four candidates win the four bicycle prizes, Following a- a list of the place's earned by the rest of the candidates who will n-cvive a rush commission of 20'. of all money turned in for sub- «mptions during th? thn— weeks of the compaign. 117.250 Fifth -Steph n Kirkbride, 446.500 Tenth Barbara Cline 96.250 403.000 Eleventh—Dale Fry Sixth lairene Stiff 67.750 Twelfth- Allen Adv Snrriiih C. Chambliss, 308.500 Eighth Hetty Schneibel, 261,250 Thirt enth B. Weidman, 48.250 177.500 I ourti enth—M. Bayley 17.250 Ninth Roy Lucas The first EXTRA prize of $10 in cash given to the' landidate in -rttai district securing the most points on NEW subscriptions from Saturday. July 19 to Wednesday, July 23 was won bj Betty Schniebel of Vernonia with 65 points The two EXTRA prizes of $10 in cash, givtn to the candidate in EACH district securing the most points on either OLD or NEW sub aipt ion« for the last three report days in the campaign were won b\ Distiict ON t’a li I’ ii . i Allen Fowler. 374 Points District Two Cash Prize Sandra Walker. 237 Points It is our belief the campaign was conducted in a fa.r and im partial manner to all interested and concern'd, and w e w ish to com- twvssd the publisher and the campaign management for th*, ir busin« s lAr methods Signed Don Bayley Pete Brunsman Sam L. Hearing Dated at Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon on Saturday. <ugust 2. 1952 E EJP OREGON COLUMBIA COUNTY COMMITTEE <n ¿3