Dance Club to Stop Meeting* Until Sept. The Nehalem Valley Squares, ¿ance club at Birkenfeld, will discontinue it’s regular schedule >f danc-s for the remainder of the summer. Members of the ¿roup are slated to resume danc- .ng again in September. Rebekahs Seat More Officers Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge met July 24 with Vice Grand Jane Pace presiding in place of Noble Grand Isabel Anderegg, who is Milk contains more calcium recovering from a recent opera­ than any other food tion. The absentee officers from the last meeting were installed into their respective chairs at this • time. It was learned that the Lodge had given financial aid to June Willis, who recently lost her home by fire. Also that the Re­ bekah Social club had given her a gift of bed linens. a w OLD Lena Stanton thanked the lodge for recommending her for the Degree of Chivalry Jewel, which was conferred upon her at Grand Lodge in May and BBAXD which is a v ry high honor in the Rebekah lodge. After the meeting sandwiches and coffee were enjoyed by all. served by Fay. Davis. Hazel | Cook and Vivian Graven. HERMITAGE uw6t mw anew Past Chiefs Take I Part in Meeting Quilt Tied at July Meeting of Society The July meeting of the Mar­ tha Society was held at the EUB church and a quilt was tied by the ladies. The meeting was TREHARNE — Marion Siedel- call d to order by the president, i man and son, Don. are in Denver, Mrs. Stiff. Mrs. Alice Malmsten 1 Colorado on their way to Chica- had charge of the devotions and I go to visit relatives. after prayer by Mrs. Sisler, Mrs. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride. Rosalie Malmsten brought an inspiring and Jo Ann called on the Cort message about "Laboring with and Marion Siedelman families the Lord." Sh! also read some Saturday evening. beautiful poems on the subject. Mr and Mrs. Robert Reynolds There is still another quilt to and F.arl motored to Buxton Sun­ be tied, which will be done as day evening and visited his moth­ soon as possible. er. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Riggle. The August meeting will be Mrs. Jane Miller, Mrs. Thelma held at the Toothaker home on Weaver. Mrs. Rosia Weaver and Keasey route. Mrs. Sisler dis­ Mrs. Florenz West were Monday missed the meeting with a pray­ callers of Mrs. Dixie Reynolds. er aft'r which Mrs. Stiff and Mr and Mrs Harry Weaver Mrs. Sisler served refreshments. and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Earl were Tuesday evening dinner guests of Altar Group Meets at Mr and Mrs. Dude Weaver and children. Member’s Home Wed. A pot-luck picnic dinner in Mrs. Elizabeth Mullins enter­ honor of Forrest Reynolds was tain 'd th St. Mary’s Altar So­ enjoyed by relatives Sunday at ciety July 23 at her home on Rogers park. Those present A St. were: Mr. and Mrs Albert Rey­ nolds; Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds Those attending were: Mrs. and Mike; Mr. and Mrs. Don VanderZanden, Mrs. Sau rs and Reynolds and children. Mr. and daughter, Mrs. Smejkal and Mrs. Harry Weaver and child­ daughters, Mrs. O'Rourke and ren; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rey­ Mrs Gibson, a visitor from Port­ nolds and Earl; Miss Velma Sny­ land was Mrs. Lovin. After the business me.ting the der; Mrs. Rosie Weaver and hostess served a delicious lunch­ children; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weaver and girls of Timber; Mr. eon assisted by Miss Smejkal and Mrs. Chester Reynolds and and Mrs. Sauer. Cherylee of Portland and Mrs. The next meeting will b” with Lula Chambers, son and daugh­ Mrs. Desmond Laud ter of Dallas. Vernonia Temple No. 61 Py­ thian Sisters, met July 23. The opening and closing ceremonies were conduct'd bv Past Chief’s, with the regular officers conduct­ ing the business session. Tressie Michener who has been awav this summer was prcs'.nt for the meeting. An invitation was received to a picnic at the KP home in Van. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Billy Bas- couver, Washington on August 10 ■ “tt of Gold Beach visited at the and plans made by some mem­ Glen Hawkins home Sunday. bers to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Charli? Biggs Th ? Past Chief s club pre­ and Mrs Rowland Davis are at­ sented a new charter drape and 1 tending the Forty and Eight, the memorial cards to the temple. | Eight and Forty auxiliaries and Th? presentation was made by . the American Legion and Ameri­ Edna Heenan, club president. can Legion Auxiliary conference The Past Chief’s honored MEC at Grants Pass this week. Edith McFarland with an adden­ Thg Rev. and Mrs. Vincent da and gift. Gowen of Port Blakely, Wash­ After adjournment, refresh­ ington are visiting her parents, ments were served by Edith Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin, this Farland and Mary Drips. week. Th ' next meeting will be Aug­ Leonard Perry of Tacoma is ust 13. staying at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mauna Loa in Hawaii is the Huntlev. while working at the O-A mill. largest active volcano. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frost ot Portland spi nt. Sunday visiting Mrs. Jim Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Felton and son and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and son of St. Helens visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hawkins Sunday. Mrs. Frank Slemmons and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vidgel at St. Helens. Mr and Mrs. Rav Buckner of Hillsboro visited his mother, Mrs. Artie Buckner, Sunday, leaving their daughter, Nancy, for a weeks visit. Billy Hawkins celebrated hts first birthday Thursday. Guests of the day were B. B. Hawkins. Mr and Mrs. Frank Serafin and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Serafin and two daughters. Conference of Legion Attended ISIM ï W 86 PROOF • THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY. FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY I THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1»52 Journey to East Partly Completed Many Places of Interest Seen MIST — Mr and Mrs. Walter Mathews and Marion and Mrs. L. P. Mathews returned Sunday from a three-week vacation trip. Some of the interesting places they saw were, Yellowstone Na­ tional park. Salt Lake City, Bryce. Zion and the Grand Can­ yon. Boulder Dam. Los Vegas, and Reno and Crater Lake. They visited Mr. and Mrs. George Carter (Delilah Conditl in Su- sanvill-. California and Mr. and Mrs Art Farnsworth (Margie Mathews) in Chico, California. The Mist Helping Circle met last Thursday with Mrs. Clara Libel at Seaside. A gixxi group of members attended and sev­ eral visitors and also some old members who had dropped out. came. A nice dinner was enjoyed after which the short business meeting was called to order. One n w member was taken in. Mrs. Ellen Devine, to the Circle. The village street lights will soon be up. too, we were told by the light company. The meeting closed with the next meeting scheduled to be with Mrs. Walter Mathews on the fourth Thursday in August. The Smithsonian Institute in Washington was established in 1826. PHONE 853 The Chas Hansens purchased a new deep freeze last week. Irving Knowles sold two cow i and the bull to parties m St Helens last week. Mrs. George Jones is «pending a week in Seaside at this tun with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clae > Libel. Joe left Friday for Uncle Sam'* service, the air corps. Shalmon Libel purchased Irv­ ing Knowles crop of oats and vetch hay. Bobby Mathews spent Thurs­ day visiting his cousin. Lewie Jones, near Birkenfeld. For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products ; Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 8812 ‘Miss Oregon' Program Seen BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. T. Gainer celebrated their wed­ ding anniversary at th- beach at Seaside They stayed to s-e the “Miss Oregon” program. Mrs. Ted Bellingham and Mrs. Arthur Bellingham also attended the “Miss Oregon" program. Little Diana Cahill has been spending a few days with her l Undpaients. Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham were in Portland Saturday. Aileen Johnson was home over the week end. She is working in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott. I » NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Vernonia, Oregon 1 Timber Rt., Box 56 i VACATION TIME IS NEAR! | So. why not bring the old buggy in today for a complete ! inspection before journeying far from home. j car the best of care at prices you can afford. ! but act at once! We'll give your Don't delay. I Geo. JoJuisan I Telephone 311 Vtrnonia Serv. Sta. Corner Rose and Bridge Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXHXHX Try Our Prize-Winning Rainier Maid Ice Cream Judged the Best Trader Fails to Make Yearly Stop MIST — Ernest Coryell’s sister paid him a visit last week. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Knowles at­ tended church at Clatskanie Sun­ day evening. Villagers miss the old horst- trad r. Mr. Wells. He hasn’t made his yearly trip to the vil­ lage as yet. Possibly he is get­ ting too o'd. People miss th? familiar figure who came here for a few day then left again for another year. Ray Garlock was away last week in California for a few days in the interests of timber for the | Garlock-Closner mill. It's the^KW HOMELITE Chain Saw V lb*...4 H P. More Power Por Pound rkoR Any Othor Saw Ask for it from Your Dealer Rainier Creamery QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS SINCE IMS See it in action. Let ui gi»e you a freo demonstration. Thia new taw ., , ' built and backed by Homelite, man» facturert of more than 300,000 gaso­ line engine driven units ... is the beat I that you can buy. ; TED'S SAW SHOP Rivervinw at First Vernonia, Oregon H X H X H X H X H X H rs X H X H X • • X H X H X H X H X H X H X N X H X H X H X H X H X H X H Thursday, Friday and Saturday A ÜGUST ☆ Deer Island Z H 14 -15 -16 4-H, FFA Exhibits Livestock Judging Jalopy Races Talent Shows Farm, Forestry Exhibits DON'T MISS THIS 37TH ANNUAL M Z M Z H Z H Z z H Z H Z H H Z H Z H H X M Z M Z H Z H ALL COUNTY SHOW FXHXHXHXHXHZHZHXMXHMXHZMXNZHZHZMZHZNZIrÊ