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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1952)
Jailer Trembled | Preacher to Fill BY GEO. N. TAYLOR I Pulpit Sunday Portland. Oregon Only God could shake that heavy-walled jail in the old city of Philippi. But with a great earthquak“ at mid-night, God did it. Then the hard-boiled jailtr knew there was the one and true God and a Judgement Day. So it was the jailer threw himself at the feet of th? Apostle Paul with—"What must I do <u be saved?” The Apostle told him —"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.” — Acts 16:31. Only whin we know we are heU-bound s i n - ners and lost, do we a ns w e r to God’s lov.>. Then we are ready to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. A family of the county that sponsors this space wants you to Know. Laundry and Dry Cleaning IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Same service for Dry Cleaning. Bring To— BEN BRICKELS BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry I | I i | | ’ ' ! ‘ SKY WONDERS FURTHER PROOF OF GODS WORD—ARCTURUS. PLEIADES AND ORION. i You will recall that in 1632 the astronomer Galileo was con- : demed to death because he taught I that the earth was round. The | Bible 2500 years ago, delcared | that truth, for in Isaiah 40:22 we j read: "It is He that sitteth upon ’ the CIRCLE of the earth.” Y’es, I God to'.d us that the world is ■ “round.” Moffatt's translation i reads: "He sits over the round earth.” Men of science couldn’t believe it then. Does not that prove to you that the Bible is a • scientific book, that it is a guide I on astronomy far in advance of the days in which it was written? Further proof of that assertion is found in Job 38:31-33; “Canst thou bind the sweet influences ("cluster,” R.V.) of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season or canst thou guide Arc turus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinanses of heaven? . Canst thou set the dominion | thereof in the earth?” These I statements of Holy Writ reveal facts known today, but unkown to individuals three thousand years ago. Only God knew these truths in the days of Job. He who made th.? starry heavens ask'd Job if he could do what God was doing every day— to "bind the sweet influ« nces of Pleiades,” thus holdinc them to gether as a unit, and "loose the I bands of Orion," and "guid? Arc turus," the runaway. The significance of these as tronomical statements made 2500 years ago is tremendous in light of recent discoveries. Let us consider first thhe reference to the runaway, Arcturus. Here is a giant sun rushing through our densely populated Milky Way system at the speed of 257 miles a second, or almost 1,000,003 miles an hour. Garrett P. Serviss in his book CURIOSITIES OF THE SKY wrote: "Arcturus, one of the greatest suns in the universe, is a runaway whose speed of flight is 257 miles per second. Arctur us, we have every reason to believe, possesses thousands of times the mass of our sun. Think of it! Our sun is travelling only 12milgs a second, but Arctur us is travelling 257 miles a second. In speaking of its enor mous mass and verocity, Serviss i concludes:” Think then of the prodigious momentum this mo tion impli Again he says of it: “It could be- turned into a new course by close approach to a groat sun, but it could only be stopp d by collision head on with a body of enormous mass. Bar ring such accidents, it must, as far as we can see, keep on until it has traversed our stellar sys tem, whence it may escape and pass out into space beyond to join perhaps one of those other island universes of which we have spokVn.” A projectile from a great sixteen-inch gun travels 25 miles a minute, but Arcturus travels 15,420 miles a minute. Charles Burckha: .er of ine Cha. bot Observatory added an inter esting note regarding this great sun: "This high velocity places Arcturus in that very small class of stars that apparently are a law unto themselves. He is an outsider, a visitor, a stranger within the gates; to speak p'ain. ly, Arcturus is a runaway. New ton gives the velocity of a star under control as not more than 25 miles a second, Arcturus is going 257 miles a second. There- . fore, the combined attraction of all the stars we know cannot stop him or even turn him in his path. When Mr. Burckhalter had his attention called to this text in the book of Job, he studied it in the light of modern discovery, and made a statement that has attracted world-wide attention. Sajd he: "The study of the book of Job and its comparison with the latest scientific discoveries has brought me to the matured The speaker at the Nazarene church Sunday, July 6. will me Rev. Ralph Myrick of Molalla, Rev. Myrick has been doing good work preaching in the Clacka- mas county jail at Oregon City and has seen over 190 conversions within the past year among the prisoners. Also present on Sunday will be a girls’ trio, to bring special music. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Russell will return from their trip East some time next week and will b? present for services Sundav, July 13. — GEMS OF THOUGHT . POETRY Poetry is the music of thought, | conveyed to us in the music of language. —Paul Chatfield Mmd is not nec?ssarily de pendent upon educational pro cesses. It possesses of itself all beauty and poetry, and the power of expressing them. —Mary Baker Eddy You will find poetry nowhere, i unless you bring some w ith you. —Joseph Joubert Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history. —Plato He who in an « and literary society, aspires to be a great poet, must first become a little child. —Thomas Macauly The office of poetry is not to make us think accurately, but feel truly. —Frederick W. Robertson Fine salt should be used to clean p arl-handkd articles, which then should be polished with a chamois. Standard Typewriter for Rent $1.00 per Week VERNONIA EAGLE and Dry Cleaners GLASSES OF STYLE Glasses won't hurl your ap pearance in the least. A largr assortment of frames doesn't take away, but will add to your appearance. Come in today for a fitting. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Ku.lander’s Jewelry Stor» "You Can't Be Optomistic if You Have Mis’y Optica” LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES Knights of Pythiaa Harding Lodge No. V. F. W. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Regular Meeting« Legion Hall, Secund and Fourth Mondays Each Month Wilbur E. Wilson. Chancellor meeting» 2 & 4 FrL. 8 p.m. Mike Anderson. Commander James Cox. Jr.. Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meet»: 1 »t & 3rd Wed. Commander Oscar G. Weed. Secretary 4-52 A. F. & A. M. Pythian Sitter* Meeting»: Sec ->nd and LO O F. Fourth A.F. Hall 2-52 Thursday of each month, George Johnson. W.M. Paul Gordon. Sec'y. 153 Order of Ea»tern Star LIONS CLUB Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S Regular com munication first 3rd and each of Wad. month at Masonic pls. 3-53 * P. M. Robert G. New. Ncble Grand Wm. D. Shafer. Secretary 1-53 Columbia Encampment No. 89 welcome. ers Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge and 4th Thursday each month ia Irene Minger. Noble Grand Isabel Anderegg. Vice Grand Evelyn Thompson. Secretary Annetta Pearl. Financial Sec y. Edna Heenan. Treasurer 3 53 Matron 1-53 Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal of Order Eogle») 858 1st Ave Vernonia I .’ P. M. Trenton T. Garner. W. P. Rex Normand, Sec’y 7 6r American Legion VERNONIA POST Meet, 11* firat and Third Mon. Eoch nf month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays I-SI THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1952 7 7:45 p.m. Wed. — Prayer me«‘'in^. CALVARY TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Luraby Building) —Don Darling. Pastor j Rev. Daniel M. Spell will be- —C. F. Swander, Paiior 9:45 — Bible School • gin his official duties at the 9:45 — Bible School. 1100 — Morning worship. 11 00 — Morning worship, "Our 6:30 — Young People i First Baptist church Sunday, July 7:30 — Evening service State Convention” 6 to fill the vanacy there since | 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting. the departure of Rev. West re 6:30 — Young People’s worship SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 7:30 — Evening worship. cently, 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting and —Preston Smith, Pastor R v. Spell comes here from Services on Saturday: Bible study. North Carolina where he attend 10:00 a m. — Sabbath school. 2:00 p.m. 2nd and 4th Wed. — • ed the Southeastern Baptist 11:00 a.m. — Preaching, mission C. W. F. meets at the church. Theological Seminary at Wake ary programs or Bible study. 2:00, Sun., July 13 — Annual Forest. He and his family are 7:30 Tues. — Studies in Pro business meeting. living at the Porterfield apart phecy. All are welcome. VERNONIA EVANGELICAL ments at present. VERNONIA BRANCH LDS Paul D. Siller. Minister 10 00 a.m. — Sunday school con 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. Mrs. venes under supervision of E. E. Garner, Sup’t. Russell R. Snook. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 11:30-12 — Priesthood meeting. Sermon, "A Glorious Church." j 8:00 p.m. — Evening service. 7:30 p.m. — Sacrament meeting commences under direction of Sermon, “Giving God a Bad Earl p Goner. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Time.” Jimmie Briggs and childr.n have 8:00 p.m. Wed. — Midweek ser 7:30 Tuesday — MIA meeting» alternately at Buxton and Ver moved into the Violette house vice. nonia. bet wet n 5th and 6th streets, from NAZARENE CHURCH Tuesday evenings — Primary Dtpee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Briggs —H. L. Russell. Pastor children group meets under lived at Vernonia before moving Residence — 1208 — Bridge supervision of M. Erline Olson. to Depoe Bay. 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. 10:00 am. Wednesday—Branch Mr. and Mrs. Claud? Shaw and 11:00 a m. — Morning worship. Relief society meets. Rhod.i son, Johnny, spent last week at 6:30 p.m.—Yeung Peoples service J. Woods, president. Visitors East Lake fishing. They report 7:30 p.m. — Evening service cordially welcomed at all meet- that the weather was terribl and Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer the fishing fair. meeting. About 66,000 tons of tung nuts 7:30 — Preaching service. Sunday visitors at the horn • of were harvested in the U. S in . 30 Wed. —• Prayer meeting. Mrs. Alic.- Mi ls were Mr. and 1949. Mrs. Bert Mills and son of Port CHURCH OF GOD I land and Mrs. Ethel Ray of IN CHRIST (Colored) I Willamina. —J. C. Foster, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith of —Chas. E. Kelly, Co-Pastor Biadwood visited at th? Jewell 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. I 11-12 a.m. — Morning worship. Lloyd and E. L. Lloyd homes 6:30 p.m. — Young people’s Saturday. service. Ronald and Billy Th inn ‘s are 8 p.m. — Evening worship. I staying at th ■ home of Mr. and 7:30 p.m. — Tuesday and Friday — Prayer Meetings. Mrs. Ervin Young while their Welcome to all to worship with us parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thin- ST. MARYS CATHOLIC nes, are at Springfield looking —Rev. J. H. Goodrich for a place to live. Call or Write —Rev. Crammond Mass at 9:30 conviction that the Bible is an FIRST BAPTIST inspired book and was written —Rev. Daniel M. Spell I v the One who made the stars.” The Church with a Bible Message For it is only with the precision 9:45 — Sunday school. instruments of today that these 11:00 — Preaching. discoveries can be made. At 7:00 p.m. — B.T.U. modern observatories there arc 8:00 p.m. — Preaching. Telephone 8812 instruments so accurate that they 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer meeting I can measure the angle subtended ASSEMBLY OF GOD by the head of a pin a thousand Vernonia, Oregon — Rev. W. A. McBride, rasior miles away. Thus, only with the 9:4S am - Sunday sellout development of modern astrono 11:00 a.m — Morning worship. Timber Rt., Box 56 mical instruments has the science 6:45 p.m. — Young people. of -scripture been verified, reveal 7:45 p.m. — Evening worship. ing that the God of the Bible is also the God of the universe. Let me invite you to look at Arcturus tonight. It is readily located. The two stars at th«* handle of the Big Dipper point almost directly at Arcturus. It is the only star of first magni tude in that portion of the sky. and shines with a dull red glow. The distance from Arcturus to the end of the handle is about the same as it is from that point to Polaris, the North Star. It i- interesting to note the recent publicity that this star of the Scripture has received. In 1933 the lights at Chicago’s Century ot Progress Exposition were turned on by a ray of light that left cago’s previous world’s fair were locked. A ray of light leaving that day in 1393, traveled for I forty years, arriving to enter the barrel of the great 40-inch tele scope at Yerkes Observatory, then pass through the photo-el ?c- tric cells and set in motion ener gy that pulled the switch and flood-lighted the 1933 world's fair. Millions listened as the radio flashed this amazing feat to the world—a fitting tribute to i this great stellar wonder. Submitted by G. F. Brown AT THE CHUR(JHES Former Residents Take Home Here For GradeA Pasteurized Dairy Products PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon IF YOU LIKE : • ; • !• ! • GOOD FOOD LOW PRICES QUICK SERVICE ! CLEANLINESS THEN TRY THE— } I I PALACE CAFE Mrs. Carrie Smith ' ! I I I Meets 1 I er. Friday EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. ! H X H X H X H X H X H X H SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER ' THE HOUSEWIFE'S FIRST PURCHASE CHOICE ALWAYS PRICK fLAPJACK Buckwheat Mix n.i ««pee <• «oed »•« 10« •* pv'<K«e P«ae at •)«• Aiken Tlepfeck w »va-KW **•» M «1 >• »»d p»».«"’ «*H« «evpon •« ».< M®<» KAMI------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- — adomss ----------------------------------------------- Order today from— -------------- ------------------- ZOHt_______STATI cm— _____ O*»> <1«*| A.fl».« JO 1»52 »«• to a cvOomer SAM'S FOOD STORE Free Deli^'ry Phone 781 Meats Produce Fine Groc-tie» * XHXHXHXHXHXHX will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the LO.O.F. hall. Allen Ray. Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, 1-53 sisiting All Edna Linn. Worthy Mona Gordon. Sec'y. Meet* Every Tue«day Ten» sisters and broth Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meet» 2nd evening» nf LO.O.F. Hall. a: Stated fir»t at 7:30 p.m. VERNONIA MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Palace Cafe Cecil Johnson, President Don Bayley, Secretary 1*4 meet» A.M. 4 Maaonic Templo Communication Wednesday of each month Edith McFarland. M E C. Faye Davis, Secretary No. Vernonia Lodge Vernonia Temple No. 61 I THE New Minister to Commence Work